Here's your chart in Whole Sign.
To look for relationships and marriage, we look to Venus and the 7th house and its ruler.
You have a packed 7th house and Mercury/Mars/Uranus closely conjunct the descendant degree. I think this could give you a propensity for lots of ups and downs when it comes to relationships. Combine the changeability of Mercury with the passionate fiery Mars and the eccentricity of Uranus, then throw them all into the airy, idealistic and lofty sign of Aquarius with the ruler, Saturn in the 8th in Pisces; with all of that I get a picture of someone who will go through a number of karmic relationships in their life, all not necessarily romantic.
I think you could end up attracting a few "weirdos" into your orbit, and here "weirdo" is not meant in a negative sense, just people who are somehow outside "the norm". That trio of Mars/Mercury/Uranus are also just entering the beams of the Sun, making them invisible, but they're still highly angular; this suggests to me potential misunderstandings or assumptions in relationships which could end up being difficult. Mars/Mercury can be quite argumentative and in Aquarius kind of distant. Maybe you end up with people who are hard to reach emotionally and are more mental/intellectual.
With your own Sun in the 6th conjunct Neptune maybe you sometimes put yourself down? Think that you must do what the partner expects of you? Also with the Moon in Libra you're a natural diplomat but if you always give in to others it will end up hurting yourself. With Saturn ruling that 7th house stellium the theme of "personal boundaries" is highlighted more. You may need to learn to say "no" more often if you see red flags and not try to power through on the power of wishful thinking. Your Lot of Eros is trined by Neptune, reinforcing this idea of maybe lacking realistic boundaries when it comes to romance.
Uranus is finishing up in your 10th house and will give one last dynamic square to your Venus in
May of this year so keep your eyes open.
For the
next 2½ years or so Pluto will be going hard on Mercury/Mars/Descendant in your 7th; this will surely bring up all the patterning of the past for you to take a cold hard look at. Where have you let others decide for you? How have the conflicts in the past shaped who you are? How much of that trauma are you willing to work through and release? Pluto is like a volcano that slowly terraforms whatever it touches, I would expect old beliefs, old ways of thinking and acting and old ways of communicating with partners to become a theme in the coming years. You might very well meet someone who will embody all of your past romantic life and they will serve as a mirror for you to understand how much of your entanglements with others end up shaping you.
September this year Jupiter will trine your natal Saturn, while Venus is transiting your 1st house, one indicator for a possible relationship development.
Then in
January 2026 Jupiter trines Saturn again in retrograde motion, this time Venus together with the Sun in your 6th house.
Last trine from Jupiter to Saturn in
May 2026, while Venus is trining herself in your chart from your 11th (house of friends and support).
Apart from these 3 passes to your Saturn, in
June 2026, Jupiter and Venus will conjoin in your 12th house, exactly opposing your natal Neptune in the 6th. This doesn't necessarily need to be love related, but if it is, I'm just giving a heads up that it could be something completely delusional. Make sure to take care of yourself around this time and channel the Capricornian qualities of responsibility and planning into your daily life.
Eclipses are happening on your 2nd/8th axis, so money and resources could be an important topic in the
coming 1½ years, but since the 8th has a lot to do with what we share with others, both materially but also emotionally, the themes of karmic lessons I was talking about earlier could be important when the eclipse season is active -
March and September the coming 2 years. Also, on
February 17th 2026 there's a solar eclipse on your natal Venus in Aquarius. This could be an indicator of a major new beginning when it comes to love/relationships. Then in August of that year, the nodes move into the Aquarius/Leo axis and you can definitely expect relationships to be an active topic in your life.
It's hard to say something very specific and I'm not so experienced with this technique, but this coming year has Mars in 12th trining Neptune in 8th with Moon in 11th also squaring that Neptune; echoing the themes I've talked about above about personal boundaries with others, understanding when to get involved with others and when it's best to just stay out of it for your own good. Where's the line between martyrdom and healthy self-sacrifice? And who is worthy of it?
You entered a L1 peak period in November last year, which will last all the way to 2038.
January 2028 until July 2030 will be a "focus period" and a "minor peak" period; it's an activation of your 7th house so I expect that time to be especially potent. Also all of October 2024 was a major peak on L3. Was there something happening?
I'm seeing some interesting stuff in that October-November period of 2024 when it comes to Zodiacal Releasing. Something definitely was going on there as there were overlapping period changes. When releasing from Lot of Spirit there was a foreshadowing period mixed in there which will get activated again from
May 27th 2025 to June 26th 2025 when you have a loosening of the bond on L3 from Lot of Spirit. It's a Pisces period so 8th house and Saturn themes; karmic entanglements, money you share with others, investments, debts, inheritances. Something that was being defined in that area in October-November last year will be redefined and re-examined under the Saturnian influence of gravity and gravitas, finality and rigidity. Let me know how it goes.
Hope there's something interesting to ponder for you in here.