Is this astrologer correct?

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Apr 20, 2024
I recently had a mini reading on if I could be an actress. Essentially she said not likely/no because I have chiron in the 11th and Venus in 12th, but there are other positive indicators in my chart.
I have a packed fifth house, with my part of fortune at 5° (fame degree, not that I'm focused on fame) conjunct my moon, my north node is in Leo, my mid heaven is that 17° (Leo/fame degree) in Pisces.
Even my sabian symbol (if you believe in sabian symbols) for my mid-heaven is a gigantic tent (performance in public).

She said I'm meant to be behind the scenes, like in production, but that just doesn't feel right to me.

Is she right??


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I would also say your becoming an actress may not be likely for a couple of other reason. Your MC is in a mute sign, along with your Sun, Moon, Asc and Merc. That is a lot of muted energy, which is of great value for certain pursuits, but I am not so sure for acting?
Also, the ruler of the MC, Jup, is in its detriment and ruled by mute Merc in Cancer, so not able to express itself well.
Venus in Gemini might give you the true gift of gab, but it, too, is ruled by Merc, and is ruler of the12th and located in the 12th which points to acting behind the scenes and not to a life in the spotlight.

I do think you may feel called to perform with NN in Leo and it may be something you may live into on some level. But we typically we live into our NN, if at all, later in life. To my mind, the sabian symbol of your Pisces midheaven may be pointing more to the vast boundless 12th house than to performance on stage or screen...
Anyone can become an actor. Basically we all are. We go out onto world stage and pretend to be fine and cheery when life has ripped us apart. So you are right in that you feel you are one. We all are naturally.

There is a very helpful mini triangle with sun moon and jupiter. That grants you generosity of natural balance in moods, wellbeing and outlook. There is another with mercury mars uranus which gives you brillant speech and thought, given to creative pursuits and can think out the box, technical leaning and good co ordination. Venus also has thorough support for depth of feelings.

On the other hand you are quite deceptive, and tend towards uncertainty, rather undermining your result with bad preparation and rather bad timing, even though mentally you know what to do, the actual plan that really happens is just rubbish. So prep is goo, result is badly timed and out of step. Rather like preparing for making an entrance and just getting the timing so bad everyone has left the party when you step in.

So its all unimportant how good you are when the result depends on how you actually perform…which is a let down.

So yes you can. But as to succeeding? Another story.
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I don't know who the astrologer was you consulted, or what their experience or orientation was. Far be it from me to pass judgment on another astrologer's expertise. I will however say this:

Absolutely do NOT let what anyone says stop you from following a desire you feel deeply about. These deeply felt desires lead us to our destinies.

In this chart I see Sun trine Moon in 5th and Sun and Moon both sextile Jupiter, co-ruler of the 10th. This indicates a positive emotional nature (water signs) and possibly popularity. 5th is entertainments and 10th career or social standing.
Sun on the Ascendant can also indicate performing (ordinarily we look to Leo for that, but not necessarily, or all actors and performers would be Leos or Leo rising -- which they obviously are not).
There is also Mercury trine Uranus in 5th, and both sextile Mars and Saturn. This gives articulate insight into the emotional nature (water) and energy and concentration, focus on a practical level (earth). Intelligence and the ability to focus work.

If you have an intuition to pursue acting, I say do it.
BTW how somebody could base a reading on an asteroid and miss Sun on the Asc trine Moon in the 5th beats me...
Hello kabes123,

I think your strengths are the naturalness that you express in what you love and your commitment to accomplishing yourself through involvement in what you do, etc.

In 2026, you will want to commit to the consideration you want to receive by being absolutely up for what you like and what you love. Something interesting can start there. The following year, you should evolve by communicating with a goal...

Ecliptique. :)