I recently had a mini reading on if I could be an actress. Essentially she said not likely/no because I have chiron in the 11th and Venus in 12th, but there are other positive indicators in my chart.
I have a packed fifth house, with my part of fortune at 5° (fame degree, not that I'm focused on fame) conjunct my moon, my north node is in Leo, my mid heaven is that 17° (Leo/fame degree) in Pisces.
Even my sabian symbol (if you believe in sabian symbols) for my mid-heaven is a gigantic tent (performance in public).
She said I'm meant to be behind the scenes, like in production, but that just doesn't feel right to me.
Is she right??
I have a packed fifth house, with my part of fortune at 5° (fame degree, not that I'm focused on fame) conjunct my moon, my north node is in Leo, my mid heaven is that 17° (Leo/fame degree) in Pisces.
Even my sabian symbol (if you believe in sabian symbols) for my mid-heaven is a gigantic tent (performance in public).
She said I'm meant to be behind the scenes, like in production, but that just doesn't feel right to me.
Is she right??