Is this supplement making me sick?

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May 14, 2017
I got a Cold, which I rarely get, at the same time as I started takig this supplement which is supposed to aid in fat loss. So I stopped taking it while I analize it.

The Horary Question is: Is this supplement making me sick? Panama, Panama, 13.57 hrs. ASC is 22 Taurus, which coincicdes with my natal Venjus.

Here its the chart. Both me and my health (rulers of the ASC and the 6th house) are shown here by exalted Venus in Pisces. My health is great. The supplement is shown here as the second from the 6th, that is, Saggitarius, ruled by Jupiter, currently debilitated in Gemini and making a square aspect to Venus. But Venus in Pisces loves Jupiter. However, Jupiter in Gemini doesnt do much for Venus. Venus squares Jupiter before conjoining Saturn, who exalts Venus, ruler of the Mc of public image. Then the Moon in Cancer exalts Jupiter and strongly trines both Venus and Saturn before conjoiningh JUpiter by antiscia. So it looks like its not this supplement what got me sick and there is no harm in continue to take it.

Your opinions, please?
It is still on on this side. In any case, I attach it. Thanks for looking at it.
The chart may show up for you, but not for others? Thanks for attaching it.

I'm not very experienced in this kind of question, so please read my comments in that spirit. :)

My thinking would be that the supplement is a remedy or hoped for cure/treatment, which I see signified by the 10th and ruled by Saturn.
So you are Venus, which fits with your seeking remedy and being domiciled in the 10th. And you initially have high hope for the remedy [Venus both in exaltation and also exalting the supplement/Saturn].
But Saturn has little power either to help or harm, being peregrine.
So I am going to say that the supplement likely did not make you ill, but rather that something else may have? If read correctly, you/Venus has not aspected any body since entering Pisces, so it is hard to connect anything there. It does looks like Moon's last aspect was an opposition with Merc ruler of your 5th. Maybe you caught a cold while out romantically?
I hope you are feeling better.
Now, since the supplement is already in my hands, it can also be represented by Mercury, ruler of the second house. The Moon leaving the opposition to Mercury shows I recently stopped taking it. But the overall reading doeesnt change much since Me3cury in Cappricorn is peregrine and making a nice sextile aspect both to Saturn and Venus.
I got a Cold, which I rarely get, at the same time as I started takig this supplement which is supposed to aid in fat loss. So I stopped taking it while I analize it.

The Horary Question is: Is this supplement making me sick? Panama, Panama, 13.57 hrs. ASC is 22 Taurus, which coincicdes with my natal Venjus.

Here its the chart. Both me and my health (rulers of the ASC and the 6th house) are shown here by exalted Venus in Pisces. My health is great. The supplement is shown here as the second from the 6th, that is, Saggitarius, ruled by Jupiter, currently debilitated in Gemini and making a square aspect to Venus. But Venus in Pisces loves Jupiter. However, Jupiter in Gemini doesnt do much for Venus. Venus squares Jupiter before conjoining Saturn, who exalts Venus, ruler of the Mc of public image. Then the Moon in Cancer exalts Jupiter and strongly trines both Venus and Saturn before conjoiningh JUpiter by antiscia. So it looks like its not this supplement what got me sick and there is no harm in continue to take it.

Your opinions, please?

Best ask a doctor, pharmacist perhaps, they're the professionals.
That said. An opinion:

Your health is great? No, you have a cold.
Second from the sixth is Scorpio not Sagittarius.
Venus in Pisces is loved by Jupiter: as far as I know the 'very old' notion is that a guest is loved by the host. Venus being a guest in Jupiter's home.

Any family members or housemates that are sick? Sun aspects the asc.

For a cold the 2nd and 3rd house can be involved, throat, airways and possibly lungs.
In the deeper parts, 3rd house we see Mars, in aspect to Neptune, viruses. A possibility.
Mercury opposite Moon shows a similar tension.

Your body and health are signified by Venus. Exaltation can be good on the surface but also somewhat puffed up in nature. Influenced by opinion, not objectively good.

You noted the Sagittarius. I would say that's the eight of your worries. He also has to do with growth, in your first house possibly he is involved with the loss of too much (Jupiter) fat. The retrograde points towards reduction perhaps.
Mercury there, peregrine lost can be your airways not doing great.
All in all it adds up to what you're worried about. Cold and supplement.

Jupiter is in detriment within your body. Mars is in fall. Mercury peregrine. Saturn is peregrine.
Point being, whatever you take as ruling the supplement it has no power to act. It won't do much.

Peptide, Mars, in aspect to Neptune can be illusionary.

Horary wise that would be enough to not take it, it won't do much. In reality a professional can tell you what is what?

In the meanwhile very interested in @Frisiangal 's opinion of the chart.
In the meanwhile very interested in @Frisiangal 's opinion of the chart.
I am not an horary astrologer who follows its rules, just an observer of explanations to queries in the medical section. That doesn't mean that I don't attempt to form a view of planetary positions regarding what is asked :unsure::)!

My thought regarding O.P's query, who seems to be practised in horary techniques, was whether (s)he was enquiring whether the supplement taken is causing sickness, or whether it caused the cold seen as 'sickness'.

For me that presented an either/or/and query ...the influence of mutable signs. I thought it co-incidental that ruler Asc. is Venus in Pisces ( the 'cold' sign influence) in an applying aspect to Jupiter(r), ruler Pisces, in Gemini in the 1st house.
Jupiter is THE planet relating to good health.
Venus is applying to Saturn, ruler of the 9th house (in the medical astrology I was taught, affiliated to pill and potion health rather than sickness ...the 6th house). Venus also rules the 6th house.

The supplement (pill =9th house) is to aid weight/excess fat loss. A Harsh Venus-Jupiter is renowned for excess 'weight' complaints, often as a result of those medical issues associated with 'the sweet tooth' (Venus) that can lead to metabolism, thyroid, (Taurus), cholesterol, diabetes ,bladder issues (Jupiter related). Any excess alcohol influence can lead to Jupiter ruled liver issues.

Venus, as ruler Ascendant and also Libra on 6th house cusp, would involve the kidneys. Is the supplenent to aid fat loss through the adrenal system's release of water? Venus to Saturn would imply a 'blockage' ... retention rather than quick release, which could cause a health issue to become a medical one.

My very humble ( and hypothetical) view would therefore think suggestively of the cold being just a cold not influenced by the supplement. Yet the horary chart digs deeper, informing of a medical issue which a 'supplement' would not help.
A true horary reading might suggest otherwise.:)
I am not an horary astrologer who follows its rules, just an observer of explanations to queries in the medical section. That doesn't mean that I don't attempt to form a view of planetary positions regarding what is asked :unsure::)!

My interest comes from reading several interpretations you did of horary charts in the past, usually being well informed and spot on.
Always very interesting to get to read from your (medical) astrological insights!
Thank you for the reply 🙂👍
Now, since the supplement is already in my hands, it can also be represented by Mercury, ruler of the second house. The Moon leaving the opposition to Mercury shows I recently stopped taking it. But the overall reading doeesnt change much since Me3cury in Cappricorn is peregrine and making a nice sextile aspect both to Saturn and Venus.
I will agree with you and it is also something you eat and swallow (2nd)
the supplement is already in my hands, it can also be represented by Mercury, ruler of the second house.

Also Venus is in the fall and weakness of this Mercury (i.e. your body that shows us that it does not want this Mercury = the supplement
Also Venus is the ruler of the 6th house (illness)
The Almighty Moon) has just left Mercury (in the weakness of the Moon) and in the 2nd house again, goes to find Venus with a Trine. So it is good not to continue taking them.
Jupiter (fat,) is in weakness and is ruled by this Mercury again.
My interpretation was right. The Cold and taking the supplement were coincidental but not causal. I finished my Cold, waited a few days, and began taking it and it did not make me sick.