Is this the right job for me?

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Jul 29, 2011
I read about an opening at a company that is needing someone in their production department. I have a LOT of experience in producing for voice and radio programming.

To be honest, the pay may not be so great, but it's more than likely better than what I'm making right now. Is this job the right fit for me?

Thank you!


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As your co-ruler Moon is in mutual reception by exaltation with Su, ruler of job, that job is perfectly for you, you will enjoy doing it!
As your co-ruler Moon is in mutual reception by exaltation with Su, ruler of job, that job is perfectly for you, you will enjoy doing it!

Thank you! I do know it's a one person job for 4 radio stations. That does seem daunting, but what the heck? I feel that I won't know if I don't apply. I'll let you know how it goes. :)
Late ascendant which makes the chart unsafe to judge.

--> you're desperate.
--> you've asked the same question before.
--> you already know the answer.
--> It's too late to do anything about the job.

IMO, you're at the end of the rope(Venus in the 8th, ascendant in via combusta)

This job is right for you but I think you'll change your mind about something after Venus turns direct.
Late ascendant which makes the chart unsafe to judge.

--> you're desperate.
--> you've asked the same question before.
--> you already know the answer.
--> It's too late to do anything about the job.

IMO, you're at the end of the rope(Venus in the 8th, ascendant in via combusta)

This job is right for you but I think you'll change your mind about something after Venus turns direct.

Whoa. You did put a spin on it that has made me think.

1: A tiny bit desperate.
2: The question about "this" job has never been asked. Though I've asked if there was a new job on the horizon for me a few months ago.
3: While I feel good things about the job, one thing that does bother me is, it's for 4 stations, not one or two. That is a LOT of work.
4: Not too late, I just applied for it. I suppose I'll see what comes of it.

Thank you for your thoughts. Your comments do give me pause. I will keep you and fensi88 updated. :)
Yes, the late ASC and Saturn on the ASC tells me you may not be able to apply or it is too late or you are not qualified in some way to be able to apply. Very odd. But, yes, I'd also like to hear how this goes in light of the situation you described.

Generally, Saturn on the ASC disappoints, prevents intiation of action or just ruins the question altogether. In other words, the question is no longer relevant to reality or opportunity to act.

Late ASC show a matter gone beyond acting upon or in a state of flux and so changing that the question also is no longer relvant in it's present form.

In any case, best wishes and apply anyway.
Yes, the late ASC and Saturn on the ASC tells me you may not be able to apply or it is too late or you are not qualified in some way to be able to apply. Very odd. But, yes, I'd also like to hear how this goes in light of the situation you described.

Generally, Saturn on the ASC disappoints, prevents intiation of action or just ruins the question altogether. In other words, the question is no longer relevant to reality or opportunity to act.

Late ASC show a matter gone beyond acting upon or in a state of flux and so changing that the question also is no longer relvant in it's present form.

In any case, best wishes and apply anyway.

I applied today and spoke to my former supervisor who now works for them, plus another former co-worker, also working there. They both said they would give me a good recommendation, though you never know how much that's worth.

I was also told by my former boss to apply today rather than wait since the person making the decision is going on vacation tomorrow. Maybe I am too late. Now I'm really beginning to wonder. :lol: At this point, if it's mine, I can't lose it. If not, then something else is on the way.
Re: Is this the right job for me? UPDATE

I didn't get the job, let alone an interview. I was a bit surprised, but that's the way it is.

To be honest, I was a bit relieved when I heard that the pay wasn't worth the work being put into the position.

Thank you again for looking at my chart. Here's hoping the right situation with better pay comes along. :)