It's eclipse time again! 29 Cancer

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I have experienced a kind of revolution becoming elected joint leader for a group that is challeging unethical behaviour and we expect it to culminate legally around July 21. We made a significant inroads near the lunar eclipse. This has brought to a close a source of income for me (July 7 eclipse landed in my 2nd house)

July 21 Solar Eclipse in 8th house trine natal Chiron, a bit astrologer said someone could be eclipsed out of my life, I hope that is a metaphor :crying:
29:26 Cancer : A Daughter of the American Revolution ...The eclipse is at a critical degree in Cancer so it could get very emotional, but if we choose to be brave like the lion ( Leo) instead of letting fear keep us prisoner we can experience life more authentically. Those are my thoughts:)
Transpiring at a critical anaretic degree, endings are definitely indicated in the house the eclipse occurs, (or rather, the 'beginning of the end' since it is a solar eclipse which focuses on beginnings) as well as things having to do with Cancer in general--Cancers, the residence, women, the mother, babies etc... And with Venus squaring Saturn exactly, endings may be pricier than previously anticipated; and belts will be tightened even further.
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Humm, the eclipse will conjunct my N Node in the 5th H and Sextile my Vertex on my 7th Cusp located in the 6th, and Trine Venus in the 8th H. A little romance and money would be nice. I also interviewed recently for a new job, perhaps this could be that coming through.
Anyone have anything similar? Also, how wide of an orb is allowed?
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to this board, and so excited to find you. The eclipse is conjunct my ascendant within 1 degree, so I'm wondering what could happen. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to this board, and so excited to find you. The eclipse is conjunct my ascendant within 1 degree, so I'm wondering what could happen. Any ideas? Thanks!

.... a new coat of shiny attractive paint on your "cover" ... youre the book, what people see is the cover .
... let go. let in.
and enjoy
Thanks, WeAre - love the book cover analogy. That's a great positive way to look at it.
Hopefully, you'll have something amazing happen since your Jupiter is involved. So far, just a typical day for me... We'll see
I just joined for some insight. Feel free to use me as a guinea pig and dissect. Every time there's been an eclipse the last two years, it's been on a personal planet or cusp. This time, it's opposite my natal Saturn, almost to the minute, sextile my MC/trine IC also almost to the minute. What does all this eclipse activity mean, and specifically this newest one?
Hi, I recently learned of the Progressed Asc, & this eclipse is trining my Prog Asc (29 Pisces) & Natal Neptune (29 Scorpio)..

Could someone offer an interpretation? I'm not really sure what to make of it, but could this grand trine of sorts help my life??

I've been struggling a lot this year..

I hope things get easier for me from now with this eclipse.. What a challenging year..
Hi, I recently learned of the Progressed Asc, & this eclipse is trining my Prog Asc (29 Pisces) & Natal Neptune (29 Scorpio)..

Could someone offer an interpretation? I'm not really sure what to make of it, but could this grand trine of sorts help my life??

I've been struggling a lot this year..

I hope things get easier for me from now with this eclipse.. What a challenging year..

Oh, I noticed this falls in my 6th house.. Is it a chance that in the next 6 months I can find a more rewarding way to make money?? Ruler of the 6th is in the 10th.. Not sure how to interpret this.
Wondering how everyone feels about this eclipse also being also at the point of a moon void.............
So to me I think --oh its a new moon good time to start new projects right, but in this case its also a void of course moon so then I really don't think I should plan anything of real importance.. wondering (besides all the craziness in my life now)
Wondering how everyone feels about this eclipse also being also at the point of a moon void.............
So to me I think --oh its a new moon good time to start new projects right, but in this case its also a void of course moon so then I really don't think I should plan anything of real importance.. wondering (besides all the craziness in my life now)

BUT the new moon is at 29 degrees already, so it is VOC for a very short time. IME , it is much more debilitating for the Moon to be VOC for a long time, like when it is 21 degrees and nothing else is that late in the sign.
Hmmm...the eclipse will perfectly trine my natal Mars in Scorpio at 29 degrees. Seems to be a positive aspect, no?
Well on that day... I did make a decision to let someone go (he had 29° Cancer Sun) and it looks like we completed a Saturn return cycle having been friends for many many years. To forgive someone (He has a cancer moon), our huge tree in the front yard cracked and was hanging over the wires and 475 police and firemen came to the house :lol: when I was not here, not that many but a lot!

Most importantly I was at a Baseball Stadium in NY watching Paul McCartney sing for 3 hours, his show ending on the eclipse. It was quite the day for my 4th house node in Cancer. There are no words for the Awe I felt that evening. It was wonderful! :love:

Except the letting the 29° Cancer "friend" go. :unsure: I hope it was the right decison. I think it was.
Oh! AquariusT! that was very dramatical for you! Hope you are coming over! :)
My experiences began already two days before. I found old things and papers what I thought that they were lost.
Then in an other turn the pass came back, very powerful, never I felt it like this. This eclipse was just operating like a destiny, because for this same reason of the pass I run away from adresses picking up another - and there, without any suspicion I meet from what I was running away!:crying:
Conclusion? this powerful eclipse in my natal 10th conjuncting Jupiter and Pluton is perhaps the beginning of a time to have a look for passed things.

I saw an old friend whom I have not seen in months :smile: the solar eclipse affected my 11th house of friends !
my jupiter is 29 degrees cancer, in my second house.

anyone ever have an eclipse conjunct their jupiter ?

The eclipse of 1990 conjoined Jupiter in my 7th House. Relationships were a major issue from 1990-1991, all of which involved the proverbial "blasts from the past." (Jupiter rules my 12th House.)
"Julian was the last non-Christian ruler of the Roman Empire and it was his desire to bring the empire back to its ancient Roman values in order to save it from "dissolution". He purged the top-heavy state bureaucracy and attempted to revive traditional Roman religious practices at the cost of Christianity." [Julian the Apostate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

Julian died on 26 June 363, the day before the longest total solar eclipse for nearly 3000 years. It lasted 7m 24s. The longest between 744 BC and 2186 AD. That eclipse was on the fixed star alpha MONOCEROS

"The two major interpretations of the unicorn symbol hinge on pagan and Catholic symbolism. The pagan interpretation focuses on the medieval lore of beguiled lovers, whereas some Catholic writings interpret the unicorn and its death as the Passion of Christ." [Unicorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

This latest total solar eclipse at 29can27 lasted 6m 39s making it the longest total solar eclipse till 2132 AD. This eclipse was also on the fixed star alpha Monoceros. These two times, 363 AD and now, are brought together by these very long total solar eclipses on the same star. Also back then, Neptune and Lilith were each within 3 degrees in the constellations from where they are now. The Julian eclipse was quincunx retrograde Neptune. This latest eclipse is quincunx retrograde Pluto. The quincunx is an aspect of karmic readjustment. Neptune is religion and spirituality. Pluto is death and rebirth, evolution. Now we also have the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune conjunction making the religious/spiritual theme even stronger.

In july 1991 there was another very long total solar eclipse lasting 6m 53s which was on the fixed star delta Monoceros. apparently the revival of Hellenistic astrology really got going aroung that time.

At the mundane level, Monoceros may rule Germany, Ireland, Israel, equality, communications and aviation. [unicorn eclipse]

At the personal level, "Monoceros is said to give a pioneering, persistent, enterprising, ambitious and pushing nature, together with a love of travel and change." [Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].

I think the lenght of this eclipse is significant and also the fact that this is the second New moon in Cancer which kinda makes it a Blue new Moon. But what I picked up on was the religious theme. The Patriarchal Solar religions V the Goddess Lunar ones.

So there is a very Leo/Cancer theme here being that the south node of the moon falls in Leo at this eclipse (Sun ruled) while the moon is in Cancer (moon ruled) So the theme is very Solar/Luna. Male/female. A sacred Marriage. The south node all about releasing the old outmoded thinking, shedding old karma before starting anew.

Could this eclipse be about rebalancing male and female energies? Reassurgence of Pagan/Goddess based religions? A more organic, cyclical way of thinking rather than Linear? Blend of mysticism with science? If the effects of this Solar eclipse last for another year it could also be a kinda preview for the cardinal climax in 2010. Interestingly Astrologer Dena DeCastro was discussing this on her podcast today.

So in this Cardinal Climax we have Pluto in early Cap, Uranus in early Aries and Saturn in early Libra. Forms a T square at the initiatory degrees of the signs. The empty leg would be Cancer. So if as they say, a way of balancing or defusing this energy is focusing on that empty leg then that would be cancer themes, nurturing energy. Emphasis on family, not necessarily blood family, but common interest groups, soul families, clans. Also nutrition, the right food. Our homes. Keeping safe?


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:confused: WTH is all that snip?

I read that it was similar to the transits of July 1990. What was everyone doing then, and were you doing that again this time around? I was! I was trying to decide about my Taurus/Cancer Moon and if I wanted to stay with him. I WAS doing the same thing this time..:lol: and I stayed this time too. It was in my 4th house, the transit.