January 2025 Astro

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Not really sure what planet or sign rules the ass?

Snowing here in the UK. Got out of my car, slipped on some black ice, flipped upwards and crashed right on my bum 🤦‍♀️🤣 my lower back/coccyx is killing me

I can't see any transit that would suggest this, only one is transit Venus square Moon 🤔 ???

Or maybe its karma, I've obviously angered the Gods today, literally had my ass handed to me!
Hope you feel better. Arnica can help for sore muscles or maybe just some hot baths, too. Ice is dangerous. It's snowing here, too, in NC, which is rare. 1 inch, plus some sleet. I call it Operation Snowflake Lockdown because it's always a big event when any snowflakes appear.❄️ :D
Jupiter is with the Moon. All hips and butt and thighs. Yoga is good after arnica. Foam roller could be nice.
Nancy, my friends in the southeast said people's vehicles are in ditches though there's only an inch or two on the roads and temps are relatively high. stay safe out there.
Maybe try some Yaktrax or similar PT? Great for walking on packed ice and snow. I have been out, with walking pole, to the doctors, to the hospital for X-rays (both hips and right knee) and to more normal places such as supermarkets :LOL:
We've just had the Venus-Saturn conjunction at 16° Pisces, and I've now come to suspect that this may be a bit of foreshadowing.

Reason being, there will be two more Venus-Saturn conjunctions, due to Venus retrograde:

19th Jan - Venus conjunct Saturn at 16°05' Pisces​
7th Apr - Venus retrograde conjunct Saturn at 25°15' Pisces - conjunct North Node at 27°19' Pisces
25th Apr - Venus direct conjunct Saturn at 27°14' Pisces - conjunct North Node at 26°55' Pisces

Not much happened externally, but I have had some crazy vivid dreams about a couple of exes, over the past two days as the transit was building.

Not in contact with any of them (okay I ghosted lol), nor have they even been on my mind either 🤔 but Pisces does rule sleep, dreams, slumber, etc. Feels more eerie than anything else.
I hate Mars being in Cancer. It's especially difficult in Capricorn season as I have 3 Aries placements and this affects my 2/8/11 houses.

I'm not even enjoying Venus in Pisces much as that is squaring Jupiter in Gemini in my 1H. I suppose the Venus / Saturn conjunction energy gives my creative endeavors...staying power? Follow through? 🫠

I did not know Uranus in Taurus has been retrograding either.

For the past month my division has generally felt disorganized, there's been inconsistent behavior from myself + my coworkers. Lack of resources as well. However. I've adopted a new sense of responsibility for my future as far as reorienting my money, so that's good. No longer an ostrich with my head in the sand I'm excited to prepare for my future through investing. I've also learned new tech skills and if I keep practicing those could help me leave my division if it doesn't stabilize.
It's my Venus AND Mars Return, and so far, it's going terribly!

Was dating someone but ended it yesterday as I'm sick of being an emotional punchbag for his temper tantrums 😡 I plan on staying single now for a full year/until Neptune leaves Pisces permanently in 2026. It's square my DC so it's best to wait it out and be alone, so I can preserve my sanity.

I will have Pluto Aquarius in my 7th house in my upcoming Solar Return. Uranus will re-enter my natal 5th house in a couple months. Even MORE reason to stay single!
Neptune/Pisces square the Descendant doesn't sound like much fun to me.

It's definitely not fun at all. And also classic Neptune too (other person being alcohol dependent)

I get the last pass of Neptune square DC on 2nd February (which hideously, will be a triple conjunction of Venus in its shadow/Neptune/North node all at 28° 😲)

It will return within 1° orb from October when it re-enters Pisces and stays at 29°. So I'm definitely laying well low until Neptune is, a) well out of orb, and b) fully in my 3rd house.

Neptune whilst in Pisces has been dreadful for relationships, ever since the transit begun! I will be so glad when it's left Pisces for good.
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Reconnected again with the guy who I ended things with, had a good talk and decided to work through things, give it a second chance. It was a wake up call that was needed for both.

Bit tricky when we have a mutual double whammy Moon-Mars square in our synastry! 😬 It is a last shot though.
Reconnected again with the guy who I ended things with, had a good talk and decided to work through things, give it a second chance. It was a wake up call that was needed for both.

Bit tricky when we have a mutual double whammy Moon-Mars square in our synastry! 😬 It is a last shot though.
Good luck! Moon-Mars I could see being challenging for sure
Reconnected again with the guy who I ended things with, had a good talk and decided to work through things, give it a second chance. It was a wake up call that was needed for both.

Bit tricky when we have a mutual double whammy Moon-Mars square in our synastry! 😬 It is a last shot though.
All I can say is to tread carefully, maybe a highly volatile relationship. A good relationship is the one that brings out the best in oneself - does this one achieve that?
I hope you can work out your problems and air out the differences. Maybe other synastry that's easier and can ease the load of the Moon/Mars.
I'll wait and see, will definitely tread carefully, especially with Mars transit my 7th house since last September, and currently retrograde 😲 I've not reached a point of wanting to commit yet (lol what's new? 🙄)

My Solar return and 2025 transits are heavily relationship focused. Venus goes retrograde and Mercury (ruler of 7th) enters shadow, both on my birthday. Solar Return Asc in natal 7th exactly conjunct natal Mars, Solar Return Pluto in 7th. Uranus enters my 5th house for good.

Mercury retrograde, Venus retrograde, Neptune, Saturn, North Node transits all square my DC. Then Mercury and Venus retrogrades conjunct my South Node.

The Cosmos is really spoiling me! 🌹🤦‍♀️🤪 with Ferrero Rochers, if they were laced with arsenic
Venus is now about to enter shadow, at 24°37' Pisces, should be in the next few hours.

Additionally, Uranus is now stationed, and will finally go direct in two days! It will then start it's final journey out of Taurus for the next 5 months. Entering Gemini on July 7th.

Venus is currently making a sextile to Uranus, being in Taurus which is ruled by Venus. As the Venus shadow/Uranus direct are so close together, and both still in orb of a sextile, maybe it will set the tone for the upcoming retrograde?
Transit Mercury is conjunct transit Pluto today, so maybe there will be some clarity. I am certainly feeling this as both are conjunct my Jupiter.
Just as Uranus was about to turn direct, he played an absolute blinder with China releasing artificial intelligence app DeepSeek. The app works better and - wait for it! - is free, throwing the stock market in turmoil, as investors realise what a bad bet was to invest 46% in their capital in what it may turn to be a giant, inflated bubble.
Just as Uranus was about to turn direct, he played an absolute blinder with China releasing artificial intelligence app DeepSeek. The app works better and - wait for it! - is free, throwing the stock market in turmoil, as investors realise what a bad bet was to invest 46% in their capital in what it may turn to be a giant, inflated bubble.

I think this may be one of many "who saw that coming?" scenarios as Uranus stations direct and makes its last final journey out of Taurus.