Jealousy - a dangerous passion.

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Oct 7, 2007
I wonder if anyone read this book. ( jealousy - a dangerous passion. )

The books tells alot about human jealousy , the reason and causes (more focusing on sexual and emotion betrayal ) that trigger its, causing violence and other negative behavoirs as well as pathological jealousy stuffs.

I wonder which sign and aspect of people would more get stuck in this jealously circle and negative behavoirs like what stated in the book.

I believe many would say to do with the sign of scorpio. As a scorpio myself, i would say jealousy is something we would feel strongly but for some reasons i personally feel that despite scorpios have strong tendacies to be at under mercy of this emotion, they won't do undesirable things out of it.

I wish to look forward to more views and opinions , thanks. =)
I had this ex-boyfriend whom was so very jealous. He would cut my skirts up so that I would not wear them, so that way guys would not look at me. He would call me several times a day to see where I was at, and accuse me of being with other guys when I was at school. It was a jealous, abusive and controlling relationship.
Here is his chart if you want to take a look. I have not had time to look at it myself.


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smilingsteph said:
I had this ex-boyfriend whom was so very jealous. He would cut my skirts up so that I would not wear them, so that way guys would not look at me. He would call me several times a day to see where I was at, and accuse me of being with other guys when I was at school. It was a jealous, abusive and controlling relationship.
Here is his chart if you want to take a look. I have not had time to look at it myself.

Ewww, thats creepy!:mad:
Yeah a highschool boyfriend! I have never since then been with a controlling man, I seem to attract those that I control, however nothing like my ex was!
He almost killed me one night...we were driving down a slick road, and he was pounding my head into the window, thinking I was cheating on him and we spun out of control, then we were over a ravine with only one tire to the ground. The car was teetering over the edge, the police and fire department showed up and said that an angel was watching over us because many have died on that road. I am lucky!
I have been lucky in my life...
Some women stay in a jealous relationship, a cyclic thing. I was lucky that I would never do that again!

what a nightmare Steph.

I'm so glad you are rid of him!

Serial nutter...
Can't believe a Sun Libra would actually do that.
Cant' believe people can actually physically hurt the ones they claim to love.

Love ... had all gone haywire
Sun sign Libra, to dylan


You said:
Can't believe a Sun Libra would actually do that

That's why basing your opinion of a person only on the Sun sign is not that useful. Not all Libras are "nice" and not all Scorpios are "evil". Only by looking at all the planets in the chart and seeing what they are doing can we start to get a sense of a person's point of view.

Looking at the whole chart,

From my experience Libra is not just all sweet nice and looking for harmony and culture
Throw in some outer planets and you have a scary mix.
My gran is a Libran and the poor old dear did lots of manipulation and ruthless operating to try to control the family back a long time before I was born & when my aunt & mom were young married women. Her manipulation & interference broke apart families for starters.
She has a Pluto Jupiter Sun T-Square in the cardinals
There was huge jealousy between she and her sister which lasted to this day.
She was jealous of her daughters if they achieved more than her but at the same time wanted success for them to make her look good
This is the paradox of Libra it wants it both ways.
In her power days (before I was born & my aunt / mom were young wives) gran ensured that all resolved around her
This is the Venus archetype meets Hades. Aphrodite was a very jealous goddess who undertook any means to get her way. The hand mirror represents her glyph.

Oh I forgot to ask - what about you Dylan - to help you. Perhaps it could be helpful for you to look at what images in your chart may be drawing in this relationship.
How do you see your mother’s relationship with your father and your father’s relationship with you?
You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but you could explore that for yourself
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thanks for all the insights.

i met many libras and most of them seems ok, like those easy going libras. There is one i didn't really like though. He tot i was flirting with his gf and he starts to act like a gangster and get his hands on me. I tried to explain to him but he refuse to listen and continue his bloody ways until he finally cool down. To be honest i kind of regret for been nice to him that time. I wish i could have give him a punch then, but his gf was my long time good friend. I dislike him ever since. He better not let me see him again i sure won't spare him any face.

Well i'm the kind of guy who never wants to admit i am jealous even when i am. I hate that feeling kinda lots. When my love ones does things that make me jealous, i won't flare up or show any sights of them ( i hid them well ) but i would feel disappointed. Sometimes i feel that it is an emotion for the weak, and so i refuse to admit i would feel jealous too. And then if been strong means you were never afraid of losing your love ones, then you would really behave in this way when you were actually not, in another words, putting up a strong damn front.
Thus, for this, i lost a love one after 4 years plus together.

As for my parents and thus, they were seperated when i was 15. My mum was an aquaris and my dad an aries. He got a really bad temper and would get violent. I lived with my mum , seldom seen my dad.

I was filled with envy when i see others with a happy family. I felt i missed out lots of things in life. Others had wonderful parents to give them lots abd guide them, while i kind of struggled to be able to catch up with them.
I hope i could had a true great love in life, one that is not stained by jealousy and harsh practical reality of life, jus one that is purely emotional love.

I don't have the knowledge to read a chart well too. I would be glad if someone could help me interprete it and see what it tells about me and my life.

thanks alot.
here is my chart.

i actually do have a mars sq pluto.


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There is a big statement for you about learning to be personally empowered in relationship.
you have
- Sun conjunct your descendant
- Three planets in the 7th house of relationship and two in the 8th house which is amongst other things about intimate relationship
- Pluto on your descendant
- Mars square pluto

its good that you acknowledge the various parts of yourself including the not so perfect parts as that is an important part of your journey - to accept and integrate those 7th & 8th house planets & the Pluto Mars as a part of the potentially powerful person you can be.

The challange with the above four items in your chart is that there is a tendency for us to project these placements / aspects as they are localed on the 'other' side of the chart. The tendency is to see others as having these powerful signatures towards us when we have the above placements.

Its important to learn to integrate them into you so they dont manifest as events happening TO you and one does not draw in Pluto or Pluto Mars as the 'other'.
This is challanging but can be done with the growing consciousness you have
It is a life work also and we go two steps forward and one step back in our astrological challanges so do not be disheartened if you feel you have a set back in your life goal to integrate these parts on your chart into you as I am sure you will do it.
Didnt enjoy reading this but I have to admit. This seems to be my problem. In a sense, I can act somewhat like what smilingsteph mentioned. Although I'm not abusive and won't hit anybody... I won't cut up anybody clothes either.. I jsut get verbally abusive. Sad to admit it but i can. I am a jealous person. insecure and have trust issues.
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Thanks Nats.

I felt i do have relations and trust issues in my life and really got lots to learn.
heart of scorpio, preharps been verbally abusive may temporary take away your insercurity to make you feel better.

Direct your energies in improving yourselve and making yourselve a better person. At the same time take a step back and see the world. Every individual is unqiue, no comparisons that who is better who is not. That might help u deal with your insecurity.
dylan said:
Thanks Nats. I felt i do have relations and trust issues in my life and really got lots to learn.
Well done - when we start to own our own shadow we find the gold
Have been working on this also - its a part of the journey I think
That seems to be an important part of the Pluto and the Saturn in our charts
sometimes i get so jealous i am to the point of tears & rage. i wish i could change...its so immature and petty. just thinking of something that can make me jealous...i go into a fit. I am a scorpio...but i thought my moon in acqua would calm me down a bit & with my venus in saggitarius too:confused: .
Interesting chart smilingsteff.

The Mec Pluto is the obsessive, "can't let it go", thinking probing device.

Venus sq Neptune is the dependant nature of relationships "can't do without other" which is also attached to the obsessive thinking device This Merc Pluto Neptune Venus pattern says it all

Moon sq Mars Moon trine Saturn is the repressed anger device that becomes explosive.

And the Sun opp Chiron Jupiter is the wound and presents the ego (Sun) with a great need to find balance from the rejection. The emotional swings from kind to hurtful.

The chart is a noon chart and not sure whether the houses are accurate however I am sure if the accurate data would emphaize some of the points above.

Probably 8th house amd third house connections.

Wow thanks all for your help into this chart. I know Dylan started the thread, however since this relationship with this person was so obsessive and laden with jealousy I thought it would be a good chart to add. It was a terrible relationship, I am glad to be alive.
I think that being jealous can be a good thing, it drives us to want more, if used in a positive way.
My mother is a scorpio and did not finish highschool, she told me that she was very jealous that I was able to go to school and she was not, and that is the reason why she never said she was proud of me. She was born on Halloween!
I think that we all are jealous of the things that we lack self-esteem about. Whether it be education, money or a loving family we all have feelings of inadequacy. Scorpio belongs in the 8th house, so it is of no wonder why the deeper issues of life are so intense for the scorpio person.

The chart is semi-correct, as I once saw the birth certificate and it was noonish, but could not remember the exact minute.
hi there just wanted to throw my 2 cents in
i have known many libra sun or moon men and women
they all have one thing in common, relationship issues.
my mother libra moon turns into the man she is with, (forgets her own likes and dislikes to be a better fit to him)
a libra sun female went behind my daughters back telling our family everything pluss more (of what we didnt say) to them and doing the same to us. all the time needing our emotional help with her life.
a few boyfirends ago a libra sun man, manipulates and goes to extrodianry lengths to get the object of his desire.
my libra sister gets inbetween my relationship with my mum and me so she can be the one my mum favours (life time issue for my mum and her)
so childish and unfounded.
just seems to all have relationship issues to me and being cardinal they must get what they want, and there way. hey to there defence we all have good and bad things within us.
deffinatly look to the pluto aspects as they dont have to have it in there natal, but if they have harsh aspects with your plannets look out..
run at the first sign of jealousy. (says my aquarius sun/venus/mercury) lol