that being said, what are the common aspects that are being connected with narcissism?jealousy is a mixed feeling of hurt self confidence, desire to fully poses your partner, madness, doubt, and self torture. Fully noting the diference between normal jealousy from projected and pathologic jealousy Freud wrote that in normal jealousy analyticly there's not much to say and that it is made out of sadness and pain from imaginary loss of object and narcisissistic injury.
this makes me wonder which is the least jalous sign. My superficial astrological knowledge would say Aquarius or GEmini maybe?if jealousy is absent from the character it is considered to be powerfull repressing of this feeling and in a more unconceous level it plays a huge role
Projected jealousy in both men and women comes , according to Freud, from their own actual infidelity that is reperssed.
Melanie Clein takes another approachIn insane jealousy tendency to infidelity is also repressed, but the object is same sex as the subject, according to formula: i don't love him, she is the one that does
Jealousy is lust stimulated by fear. Jealous person is afraid to lose what she posseses...
here's something that connects this subject with the subject of SM that Shining Ray wrote so skillfully onjones, similar to Freud, claims jealousy to be conjoined 3 emotions: sadness, hate and narcissism.
this makes me wonder should we see imbalance between parental representatives in ones chart.Riviere considers that the origin of jealousy is in the oral erotic phase and oral-sadistic phase of child's development and Seidenberg sees jealousy asa repercussion from edipal struggle with castration fear.
desire to posses. Adler rightfully defined jealousy as degradation of other , that is, as a special form of lust for power [domination]. Most jealous people are tied to the feeling of inferiority and a constant desire to make up for these emotiones. Therefor we cab say it's not just a sexual feeling but majorly for will for power, desire to dominate and master others.
I am always appreciative of a nicely sweeping statementCharm said:Mars square Pluto (even though orb is 9 degr) is always an indicator of temper or abuse.
Reinhold Ebertin from *The Influence of Pluto on Human Love Life* said:The connection of Mars and Pluto in love life and marriage is of importance only if other stellar bodies conjoin. Such a connection denotes violence which, in the life together, does not exactly contribute to harmony. The horrifying example of this is the mass-murderer Dr. PETIOT, born 17.1.1897. In his cosmogram, Dr. PETIOT had an exact square of Venus to Mars conjunct Pluto.
4leafclovah said:Ewww, thats creepy!![]()
Thanks for the info, but have to say that I've never heard of Taurus as a jealous sign. I know quite a few Taureans, and they come across to me as very realxed and unbiased, anything but not jealous, when compared to the other zodiacs.NeptuneAscendant said:Scorpio and Taurus are very jealous signs. Pluto is the planet of jealousy.
aquarius7000 said:Thanks for the info, but have to say that I've never heard of Taurus as a jealous sign. I know quite a few Taureans, and they come across to me as very realxed and unbiased, anything but not jealous, when compared to the other zodiacs.![]()
Erickaf said:what do you guys feel about Aires people? They seem very jealous!
sometimes i get so jealous i am to the point of tears & rage. i wish i could change...its so immature and petty. just thinking of something that can make me jealous...i go into a fit. I am a scorpio...but i thought my moon in acqua would calm me down a bit & with my venus in saggitarius too.
I have Venus in Pisces, so I should be least jealous. But that is not the case always. Why? Because you should always look at all personal planets. I have Moon-Mars.Dangerous in love - i have sag Venus and I’m not jealous. Depends on aspects.
I have met Taurus who are jealous. I know ppl say Scorpio are jealous but I know a few scorpios and haven’t seen them get jealous. Taurus are
Possessive too but not in a nasty way. They are naturally unintentionally possessive.
I have Venus in Pisces, so I should be least jealous. But that is not the case always. Why? Because you should always look at all personal planets. I have Moon-Mars.