Jesus' Birth Chart

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According to the Gemstone File (and other sources) The Vatican had known Jesus' birthday from the very beginning, but he was an Arab and they didn't want that information out and still don't.

His birthday was, supposedly: 16 April 6 BC (-5 greg) at dawn --- Triple Aries.

You can see how most of the planets are shoved together and might create the relative alignment needed to create The Star of Bethlehem.


The Aries Rising would make some sense, too, as there is a YinYang dynamic between Aries & Scorpio -- especially Aries Rising & Scorpio Rising (and Scorpio Rising/Moon in Capricorn is apparently the combo of The AntiChrist, according to Nostradamus at least).

Turns out astronomer Michael R. Molnar came up with this exact chart years before I did.
I learned from an astrologer that the real birth time of Jesus Christ is March 28, 28 at 5:40am. Would anyone be interested in doing a chart analysis on this?

Thanks in advance

[please attach a chart - Moderator]
Yeah, I saw that youtube video too. The one by the fellow name Gino Carlo, or something as like that... kept going on about how he found "The Holy Grail of Astrology", with an affected Italian American accent while wearing something that looks like a priests frock? Did you notice the thousands of views he has and the hundred praises yet all posted on the very first day the video was posted? Do a little critical thinking here for yourself...and besides, the year 28 A.D., seriously?
...aside from all that the chart made no sense anyways.
Turns out astronomer Michael R. Molnar came up with this exact chart years before I did.
Although he has a college degree or two, and is an astronomer, Molnar is obtuse as to any understanding about astrology. He and I corresponded some years ago when I produced a chart for the birth. I invited him to read my book but he wouldn't hear of it, and kept insisting that I read his instead. When I told him that a birth at any time that day wouldn't have produced such a person as Jesus/Yeshu'a of Nazareth he retorted that I knew nothing about "historiography". To be honest I had to look that up as to be sure I knew what He was referring to. Basically it is understanding the symbolic nature of any given society at some point in time historically. So I wrote back that I had the understanding of something far greater, that is the universal, and timeless, symbolism of astrology. He didn't reply after that.
I don't think that this got posted in this particular thread before. It is a video in which I do the narration and which member Phoenix Venus did the all the hard work of putting together a slice show to match and the actual making of the video.
It is based on my findings and the book I wrote and got published. It is based heavily in Sabian degree symbolism as interpreted and presented by the late Dane Rudhyar.
I thought it was agreed upon that the Birth was in 4 B.C. or earlier.

But, 28 A.D. is out of line with known historical facts.
Agreed upon by whom? I certainly don't agree, not did Edgar Cayce source [The Ascended Masters, aka The Great White Brotherhood, aka The White Lodge and the entire angelic realm and all aka those that are messengers from The Throne of Grace itself.] Frankly, David, I'm rather surprised and somewhat disappointed in you in that you still haven't come to understand and or believe in the validity of the degree symbols know as the Sabian Symbols. The chart I produced for the date Edgar gave was a complete surprise to me to find that Pluto just so happened to be in the 1st degree of Libra at that time, as it takes Pluto about 248 years to get to that degree since the last time it did so, coupled with the probability that the Sidereal and the Tropical were also aligned at that time. I never expected to find Pluto in that degree of the Zodiac on that day Edgar gave as the true birth date, all I wanted to do was see what kind of a chart was produced for that day when Pluto was on the Ascendant. That it also produced a chart with the angular House cusps in the 1st degree of all the Cardinal Signs, just as Dane Rudhyar had suspected we find, that every Astrological/Arabic Part so far derived from the chart just so happens to result with the most appropriate symbolism out of all the 360 possible for that particular area/concern/endeavor/attribute relevant to the "Prince of Peace" , e.g. the Part of Fortune in the 19th degree of Pisces, which according to Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala", is given as "A MASTER INSTRUCTS HIS DISCIPLE", and when you calculate the odds of just that particular chart axis coming up, with either Aries 01° or Libra °01° for the Asc. and a M.C/I.C. at a 90° angle [which I'm not sure if it is a year round thing at that degree latitude, although it might be... I've never checked that to find out] but as such it's at least 180 to 1, and a Part of Fortune that just so happens to be in the 19th of Pisces, and that's 360 to 1, add the Part of Catastrophe, another 360 to 1, add the Part of Increase and Benefits. another 360 to 1, add another dozen or so Arabic Parts we are assured of as having been correctly identified as to what they represent and that what has been derived from that chart for April 2, in the year 3 A.D. gregorian, every one of those resulted in the most appropriate symbolism out of the 360 possibilities, 360 to 1 another dozen times...and what that amounts to in odds is kind of like getting every right number on the Powerball lottery correct for a month of Sundays.
Got a problem with the birth being in the year 3 A.D. because Harod was supposed to be dead? Edgar had the answer to that dilemma too, i.e. He wasn't, he didn't die until late in the year 6 A.D. or sometime during the year 7 A.D. We should ever keep in mind what Mdm Blavatsky warned everyone of, i.e. "Never trust written history where the Romans had a hand in writing it."
Keep in mind that Dr. Molnar, and a number of other astronomers make some pretty good bank when ever then publish a book with their theory about when the birth occurred. Not just in book sales but from speaking engagements, guest appearances on programs produced by the likes of PBS and the History Channel, to name just a few.
I find it rather interesting that only Dr. Molnar has found a coin the likes of the one that He claims to have found. I also pointed out to Dr. Molnar that the lamb [or was it a ram?] on his coin is looking back over its shoulder towards a star... that, to me, implies that the star was opposite the Sign of Aries, and was rather in the Sign of Libra... otherwise the lamb should have been looking straight up or at least forward if it was meant to be of symbolic indication. When you stand upon the Earth, the local gps is in the influence of one of the 12 signs but you would face towards what was rising at the moment to convey that info symbolically .. the lamb on that coin is depicted in a gait, I would even go so far to say it is depicted as running towards the viewer. I interpret that to mean it was running towards the sign of Aries, not away from it. The "Star of Bethlehem" appeared in the Sign of Libra, as to what was the Star? I don't think that the world is quite ready for that explanation as of yet? that is to say the hypothesis I have at this time... The Magi knew where it would appear. What might they have know that is still a very occult piece of knowledge to this date? From what ancient civilization did that information come from?
Might an Angel have the ability to make w light appear in the sky that could appear convincingly to appear as if it is a star, where none had been just the night before? Does anyone know what Angels are limited to as to be able to produce? If you read about the Tzimtzum you will learn from the mysticism of the Hebrews that God cannot enter the physical universe without negating it all. It's like a controlled lab experiment in a sealed chamber in which a scientist cannot enter into to alter, or affect, anything. So what would a scientist do before creating such a chamber?
If I were that scientist I would have some sort of robotics inside that could carry out different procedures on command. A robot just to handle any lighting issues, for one example... another to handle the sound system, one for the climate, etc.
When you read about the Tzimtzum then you might even come to the same conclusion I have. That God is all around us, We, that is this entire universe, is but a bubble inside of God. It's of a predetermined amount of cubic footage and as thus it cannot expand... that scientists believe it is expanding is an illusion. The cubic footage doesn't change. How is that possible? Read about how black holes are ever appearing and ever growing larger and as they do they shrink the space around them...they are constantly doing so at an ever increasing number, just as the borders of our universe appear to be increasing at an ever unrelenting pace.... yet, the cubic footage never changes... what a "trip" huh?
I thought it was agreed upon that the Birth was in 4 B.C. or earlier.

But, 28 A.D. is out of line with known historical facts.

[Correction]: "I thought it was [generally agreed upon by conventional historians] that the Birth was in 4 B.C. or earlier."

Although some conventional historians I've read do believe that Herod''s date of death was very likely backdated for legal reasons involving inheritance.
[Correction]: "I thought it was [generally agreed upon by conventional historians] that the Birth was in 4 B.C. or earlier."

Although some conventional historians I've read do believe that Herod''s date of death was very likely backdated for legal reasons involving inheritance.
Conventional historians? I might suppose so. Not having taken a conventional survey myself, I figure that the majority of those that consider themselves to be historians continue to support whatever lies they have been taught.
Much as like scientists generally agree as to continue to believe that all life, flora and fauna, past and present, on earth evolved out from a chemical slimepool one day when a bolt of lightning struck it. :lol:
Wow! This is an ooold thread! I read through it from the beginning, and I'm going with ptv's choice of birth chart for Jesus. But, SO many different opinions!
I am amazed to see that even Astrotheme has actually weighed in with an alleged chart!
I'm rather stunned, as you are one of the very few that has ever come out and given support for my effort here at this forum... or at any of the many forums I've written at in the last, nearly, fourteen years. In fact other than member Phoenix Venus, I think that makes you the secondth.
I figure that I've reached some non members but there's no way of telling for sure, and if so, as to how many?
I've come to the resolution that I was only meant to provide some of the tools to understanding, all based in, or derived from, an understanding of the Sabian Symbols and a belief in their legitimacy.
What needs to be rectified [erroneous practices and beliefs] of Classic Astrology, I've been able to show just a little, but showing that there is some opens that door to inquiry, and enough inquiry after a time will lead to eventual rectification. Edgar Cayce said that Classic Astrological beliefs and practices are flawed, flawed enough to make the practice of it of more harm than good when used for natal analysis. In fact he said that at one time it was one of the noblest studies one could possibly undertake, but the knowledge had become partially lost and of what was left some has become corrupted.
What I know I've given evidence of [proof, even, depending on how many examples one requires to accept it?], for one thing, is that Rudhyar's estimation of what the chart axis represents symbolically is correct. In addition, that Astrological Parts are symbolically relevant, as to the natal chart individual, and that house cusps are symbolically relevant to the affairs of that house as they concern the individual, when the Placidus system is the one least this holds true for natal charts. I've given evidence that the belief that the septile aspect has something to do with fatality, as Marc Edmond Jones claimed it to be, and it certainly can be found in this natal chart that I contend is that of Yeshu'a/Jesus. The manner in which a Grand Septile Matrix, incomplete at birth, but fulfilled at the time of death, being such a rarity, of such extreme odds that I can only wonder if the potential of one or two in an entire century might occur that involve the same astrological forces [Asc. Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto... with the possibility that Pluto had to be conj. the Asc. at birth?] and if it is just as such a rarity then how, or where, in the world did Marc Edmond Jones learn of it? Yet there is more to the septile aspect as to what it confers, how it affects us.
From what I have come to understand from my spiritual guides, I was not given the destiny of rectifying astrology, but rather rectifying the understanding of whom the man truly was... it's just that this being the best method of getting people a means by which to see and understand.
He was born a man, of human flesh and blood, subject to the influences of astrological forces, just as we all are...although some of us are affected by more of those influences than others, it still proves that He was given at birth what anyone might be given at birth, and as He said, "These things I do, so shall you, and more." is all anyone needs to know and believe, along with conducting their life in a spiritually conscious manner. "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." being the prime directive... and according to the readings of Edgar Cayce, that is what we are judged on at lifes end. It matters not if one were a member of any particular faith, only how you treated your fellow man.

Thank you, David, for believing in the chart. Your words couldn't have come at a more needed time. I have been despondent all weekend as for one of the people I mention in my book, as being so essential to the work, was hit by a car this past Friday, while crossing a street on foot, and was knocked some twenty feet straight up into the air. He has numerous injuries but that's all I know at this time. I haven't been able to find out anything more, and only immediate family is allowed to visit. We were unable to contact any of them until late Saturday.
I thought it was agreed upon that the Birth was in 4 B.C. or earlier.

But, 28 A.D. is out of line with known historical facts.
I wouldn't say that it's agreed upon by a majority vote, or whatever. But, it is a very realistic, probable, and interesting, birth year (4 B.C.). I do agree that 4 B.C. sounds very realistic, and I agree with it.
jesus born 6 jan 6BC, midnight, bethlehem, full moon, jupiter conjunct saturn + gonggong. and IC1101 rising


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I bet Jesus had Neptune either rising or culminating. He got strong Pisces vibes. Hard for me to believe that he was actually a Capricorn.