There was a time when the Theosophical Society wanted Jiddu Krishnamurti to become a world mystical leader, but in the end Krishnamurti rejected the implications. Carpenter did tutor at the Theosophical Society.
Quote from link below:-
A significant figure in the Fabian Society, he was in 1893 a founder member of the Independent Labour Party. He died in 1929 and was buried with Merrill at Mount Cemetery in Guildford, Surrey. below from link:- Edward Carpenter was doing a bit of Harry Potter astrology magic, ancient Greek day marker at location, being sunset on 13th January1893, with Alnilam rising....
However Edward Carpenter did make a big mistake in working out Osiris's Birthday
Now this should be approx. 361th day of the year, so Edward Carpenter thought of this in December, but the Egyptian Calendar started and finished in the Summer!
Quote and link below:-
Osiris was born (Plutarch tells us) on the 361st day of the year, say the 27th December. He too, like Mithra and Dionysus, was a great traveler. As King of Egypt he taught men civil arts, and "tamed them by music and gentleness, not by force of arms"; (Footnote 3) he was the discoverer of corn and wine. But he was betrayed by Typhon, the power of darkness, and slain and dismembered. "This happened," says Plutarch, "on the 17th of the month Athyr, when the sun enters into the Scorpion" (the sign of the Zodiac which indicates the oncoming of Winter). His body was placed in a box, but afterwards, on the 19th, came again to life, and, as in the cults of Mithra, Dionysus, Adonis and others, so in the cult of Osiris, an image placed in a coffin was brought out before the worshipers and saluted with glad cries of "Osiris is risen." (Footnote 3) "His sufferings, his death and his resurrection were enacted year by year in a great mystery-play at Abydos." (Footnote 4) this followed through to the Theosophical Society making a mistake with Osiris's birthday which cannot be in December.
If Osiris existed then his birthday must be in the summer, link below:- and link below:-
On 28 December 1911, during a ceremony officiated by Krishnamurti at the close of the annual Theosophical Convention (held that year at Benares), those present were said to be suddenly overwhelmed by a strange feeling of "tremendous power", which seemed to be flowing through Krishnamurti. In Leadbeater's description, "it reminded one irresistibly of the rushing, mighty wind, and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The tension was enormous, and every one in the room was most powerfully affected." The next day, at a meeting of the Esoteric Section, Besant for the first time stated that it was clear Krishnamurti was the required vehicle. Thereafter, 28 December became a "sacred day" for the Order.[46]
Approx, Osiris's Birthday according to Edward Carpenter who was wrong. for the day below, i will continue with birth charts tomorrow:- Carpenter did tutor at the Theosophical Society.
Quote from link below:-
A significant figure in the Fabian Society, he was in 1893 a founder member of the Independent Labour Party. He died in 1929 and was buried with Merrill at Mount Cemetery in Guildford, Surrey. below from link:-
Founding conference
At a TUC meeting in September 1892, a call was issued for a meeting of advocates of an independent labour organisation. An arrangements committee was established and a conference called for the following January. This conference was chaired by William Henry Drew and was held in Bradford 14–16 January 1893 at the Bradford Labour Institute, operated by the Labour Church.[2] It proved to be the foundation conference of the Independent Labour Party and MP Keir Hardie was elected as its first chairman.[3] Edward Carpenter was doing a bit of Harry Potter astrology magic, ancient Greek day marker at location, being sunset on 13th January1893, with Alnilam rising....
However Edward Carpenter did make a big mistake in working out Osiris's Birthday
Now this should be approx. 361th day of the year, so Edward Carpenter thought of this in December, but the Egyptian Calendar started and finished in the Summer!
Quote and link below:-
Osiris was born (Plutarch tells us) on the 361st day of the year, say the 27th December. He too, like Mithra and Dionysus, was a great traveler. As King of Egypt he taught men civil arts, and "tamed them by music and gentleness, not by force of arms"; (Footnote 3) he was the discoverer of corn and wine. But he was betrayed by Typhon, the power of darkness, and slain and dismembered. "This happened," says Plutarch, "on the 17th of the month Athyr, when the sun enters into the Scorpion" (the sign of the Zodiac which indicates the oncoming of Winter). His body was placed in a box, but afterwards, on the 19th, came again to life, and, as in the cults of Mithra, Dionysus, Adonis and others, so in the cult of Osiris, an image placed in a coffin was brought out before the worshipers and saluted with glad cries of "Osiris is risen." (Footnote 3) "His sufferings, his death and his resurrection were enacted year by year in a great mystery-play at Abydos." (Footnote 4) this followed through to the Theosophical Society making a mistake with Osiris's birthday which cannot be in December.
If Osiris existed then his birthday must be in the summer, link below:- and link below:-
On 28 December 1911, during a ceremony officiated by Krishnamurti at the close of the annual Theosophical Convention (held that year at Benares), those present were said to be suddenly overwhelmed by a strange feeling of "tremendous power", which seemed to be flowing through Krishnamurti. In Leadbeater's description, "it reminded one irresistibly of the rushing, mighty wind, and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The tension was enormous, and every one in the room was most powerfully affected." The next day, at a meeting of the Esoteric Section, Besant for the first time stated that it was clear Krishnamurti was the required vehicle. Thereafter, 28 December became a "sacred day" for the Order.[46]
Approx, Osiris's Birthday according to Edward Carpenter who was wrong. for the day below, i will continue with birth charts tomorrow:-