Jiddu Krishnamurti + Connections to Theosophical Society & Edward Carpenter.

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Jan 22, 2007
There was a time when the Theosophical Society wanted Jiddu Krishnamurti to become a world mystical leader, but in the end Krishnamurti rejected the implications.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_KrishnamurtiEdward Carpenter did tutor at the Theosophical Society.
Quote from link below:-
A significant figure in the Fabian Society, he was in 1893 a founder member of the Independent Labour Party. He died in 1929 and was buried with Merrill at Mount Cemetery in Guildford, Surrey.
https://www5.open.ac.uk/research-projects/making-britain/content/edward-carpenterhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_BesantQuote below from link:-

Founding conference​

At a TUC meeting in September 1892, a call was issued for a meeting of advocates of an independent labour organisation. An arrangements committee was established and a conference called for the following January. This conference was chaired by William Henry Drew and was held in Bradford 14–16 January 1893 at the Bradford Labour Institute, operated by the Labour Church.[2] It proved to be the foundation conference of the Independent Labour Party and MP Keir Hardie was elected as its first chairman.[3]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Labour_PartyPerhaps Edward Carpenter was doing a bit of Harry Potter astrology magic, ancient Greek day marker at location, being sunset on 13th January1893, with Alnilam rising....

picture 658 50% (2).png

However Edward Carpenter did make a big mistake in working out Osiris's Birthday
Now this should be approx. 361th day of the year, so Edward Carpenter thought of this in December, but the Egyptian Calendar started and finished in the Summer!
Quote and link below:-
Osiris was born (Plutarch tells us) on the 361st day of the year, say the 27th December. He too, like Mithra and Dionysus, was a great traveler. As King of Egypt he taught men civil arts, and "tamed them by music and gentleness, not by force of arms"; (Footnote 3) he was the discoverer of corn and wine. But he was betrayed by Typhon, the power of darkness, and slain and dismembered. "This happened," says Plutarch, "on the 17th of the month Athyr, when the sun enters into the Scorpion" (the sign of the Zodiac which indicates the oncoming of Winter). His body was placed in a box, but afterwards, on the 19th, came again to life, and, as in the cults of Mithra, Dionysus, Adonis and others, so in the cult of Osiris, an image placed in a coffin was brought out before the worshipers and saluted with glad cries of "Osiris is risen." (Footnote 3) "His sufferings, his death and his resurrection were enacted year by year in a great mystery-play at Abydos." (Footnote 4)
https://edwardcarpenter.net/ecpcc2.htmAll this followed through to the Theosophical Society making a mistake with Osiris's birthday which cannot be in December.
If Osiris existed then his birthday must be in the summer, link below:-
https://templeofwitchcraft.org/celebrating-the-birthdays-of-the-gods/Ouote and link below:-

On 28 December 1911, during a ceremony officiated by Krishnamurti at the close of the annual Theosophical Convention (held that year at Benares), those present were said to be suddenly overwhelmed by a strange feeling of "tremendous power", which seemed to be flowing through Krishnamurti. In Leadbeater's description, "it reminded one irresistibly of the rushing, mighty wind, and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The tension was enormous, and every one in the room was most powerfully affected." The next day, at a meeting of the Esoteric Section, Besant for the first time stated that it was clear Krishnamurti was the required vehicle. Thereafter, 28 December became a "sacred day" for the Order.[46]
Approx, Osiris's Birthday according to Edward Carpenter who was wrong.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Star_in_the_East#Order_of_the_Rising_SunParans for the day below, i will continue with birth charts tomorrow:-
I can't see anything in Krishnamurti's birth chart that would have made him a Messiah, do you?, however there is dispute regarding this date:-
Date of birth of Krishnamurti is a matter of dispute. Mary Lutyens determines it to be 11 May 1895,[2] but Christine Williams notes the unreliability of birth registrations in that period and that statements claiming dates ranging from 4 May 1895 to 25 May 1896 exist.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_KrishnamurtiI have put chart to noon as time isn't given.
I can't see anything in Krishnamurti's birth chart that would have made him a Messiah, do you?, however there is dispute regarding this date:-
Date of birth of Krishnamurti is a matter of dispute. Mary Lutyens determines it to be 11 May 1895,[2] but Christine Williams notes the unreliability of birth registrations in that period and that statements claiming dates ranging from 4 May 1895 to 25 May 1896 exist
That's significant :)

I can't see anything in Krishnamurti's birth chart that would have made him a Messiah, do you?, however there is dispute regarding this date:-
Date of birth of Krishnamurti is a matter of dispute. Mary Lutyens determines it to be 11 May 1895,[2] but Christine Williams notes the unreliability of birth registrations in that period and that statements claiming dates ranging from 4 May 1895 to 25 May 1896 exist.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_KrishnamurtiI have put chart to noon as time isn't given.
View attachment 113316
Hi Jup,
It is very difficult to find an accurate chart for many so called "Light Worker's" or spiritual leaders.
I'm highly suspicious of "Rectification Charts", it depends if the astrologer is esoteric or hermetic, and how much they bend the rules to get a Sirius or Alnilam alignment.
Example being Blavatsky who wrote Isis Unveiled, the Isis star being Sirius:-

Isis Unveiled (1886 Edition) by H.P. Blavatsky

A lot of astrologers wanted her to have a Sirius alignment including Rudhyar?

Source Notes​

Wemyss FN No.018, "Sepharial says that HPB herself informed him that it was between midnight of July 31 OS and sunrise of the next day." Same time in Sabian Symbols No.103.

H. Whyte, "H.P. Blavatsky," gives, "the night of July 30/31."

Davison rectifies to 2:33 AM in AQ, Summer/1956.

Leo stated, "Madame B. gave her time of birth to an astrologer in New York on her last visit there. According to her own account, August 12, 40 minutes before sunrise." (4:38 AM LMT)

Modern Astrp;pgu, 12/1899, gives 1:42 AM LMT. Cranston, "The Extraordinary Life and Influence of HPB" gives 00:10 AM LMT, p.8

Rudhyar preferred a time that gave her Sirius rising: "probably around 2 AM, bringing the 13th or 14th degree of Cancer and the great star Sirius to the

Eastern horizon of her birth-chart..." [Occult Preparations for a New Age, 1976, p 29.]

(LMR would give a time of shortly after midnight to put Gemini on the ASC (she talked incessantly) and the MC in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter, trine ASC.)

Biography: Peter Washington, "Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon: A History of the Mystics, Mediums, and Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism to America," Schocken Books, New York, 1995.

She was born in a town which was part of the Russian Empire, now, since the split up of the Soviet Union, part of Ukraine.

Starkman rectified to 2.34.56 LMT Asc 22Can59'

https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Blavatsky,_HelenaFor the casual reader, you may be confused by two dates given, this is due to Russia following the Julian Calendar at the time, and to get the right chart you need to adjust to Gregorian Calendar.
The Faculty of astrological Studies did originate being connected.
Astrodienst has hermetic origins.
With all the debate, she was GIVEN a paran Alnilam rising birth chart in the end which is highly dubious!!!!
Paran Graph below showing Alnilam rising!

picture 52 40% (2).png
I don't know what Rudhyar was thinking with the statement in source notes about rectified chart to Sirius:-
Rudhyar preferred a time that gave her Sirius rising: "probably around 2 AM, bringing the 13th or 14th degree of Cancer and the great star Sirius to the Eastern horizon of her birth-chart..." [Occult Preparations for a New Age, 1976, p 29.]

Sirius, when Madame Blavatsky was born, by projected measure was 11* Cancer 45'??????

"After meeting Blavatsky and Besant while studying law in the U.K., Gandhi became a member of the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society. Later he would go on to lead a successful resistance to the British rule of India"​

On day and location of birth, Mohandas Gandhi had an auspicious alignment using ancient Egyptian day marker being Sunrise, Sirius was culminating.

It would seem that that assassins don't show respect, which is true, but they sometimes try to align to the stars, on the day of Gandhi's death he was late.
"On January 30, 1948, Reiner reached Birla House after work, arriving fifteen minutes before the scheduled start of the prayer meeting at 5 p.m."
"As Gandhi was walking briskly up the steps leading to the lawn, an unidentified man in the crowd spoke up, somewhat insolently in Reiner's recollection, "Gandhiji, you are late".[9] Gandhi slowed down his pace, turned toward the man, and gave him an annoyed look," ??
Memorial at the former Birla House, New Delhi, India where Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated at 5:17 p.m. on 30 January 1948 on his way to a prayer meeting. Stylized footsteps are shown leading to the memorial.
He would have been assassinated several minutes earlier if he had been on time' i wonder if electional?
Sirius rising between 17:03pm and 17:11pm on date.
Henry Steel Olcott's chart is interesting for location and parans. It depends what orb you use for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky being first magnitude.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-magnitude_starFor Olcott his Heliacal rising Star is Sirius, and 4 minutes of time = one degree, as you can see below it is out by 8 minutes 55 seconds, so the orb is just over 2 degree's.
Some astrologers would say Sirius deserves more than one degree orb.

Even in the beginning the Theosophical Society were wary of splits in policy, all internal politics rules were set down on 8th September 1875,
although the official opening was 17 November 1875.
It would seem the earlier date was marked by electional astrology, quotes and links below:-
"Notes of the meeting proposing the formation of the Theosophical Society, New York City, 8 September 1875."
https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/37072https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/St-1ata.jpgPlease use previous thread section for links.
This was an evening meeting in New York on 8th September 1875, so ancient Greek day Marker applies, however meeting was after sunset, graph aligned to Alnilam (Osiris Star) within orb of Nadir as Sun sets:-
  1. Any Fellow who shall in any way attempt to involve the Society in political disputes shall be immediately expelled.
  2. No Fellow, Officer, or Council of the Theosophical Society, or of any Section or Branch thereof, shall promulgate or maintain any doctrin[e ]as being that advanced, or advocated by the Society.[9]
The Society reformulated this view in a resolution passed by the General Council of the Theosophical Society on December 23, 1924.
This Chart in Adyar is one of the most powerful fixed stars electional date i have seen.
Parans start at Midnight, ancient Greek day marker, being previous Sunset, and Egyptian day marker being sunrise, can you imagine how difficult it is to find a location where Sirius or Alnilam is on an angle by all day markers?
Not only that, on this date Jupiter rose and set with the Sun within one degree orb, that hadn't happened before since 1841, i will explain this complicated chart tomorrow.
I'll start with showing Egyptian sunrise day marker, The Sun rises with Jupiter while Sirius is setting, Jupiter would expand the power of Sirius:-

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Near the winter Solstice the angles don't change much, so we can look at Adyar on ancient Greek day marker being previous sunset to date, the Sun set within one degree of Jupiter, while Alnilam was rising, Jupiter would expand the power of Alnilam, Osiris star:-

The Theosophical Society had many splits, one of the was The London based society, a leading light of this movement was Alan Leo:-
Gender: M​
BirthnameWilliam Frederick Allan
born on7 August 1860 at 05:49 (= 05:49 AM )
PlaceWestminster, England, 51n30, 0w09
TimezoneGMT h0e (is standard time)
Data source
Astrology data