Hey there! Happy Saturn return, BTW! No wonder you’re looking into changing a career. I had mine a few years back and it resulted in me becoming a teacher (strong 9th house) which I always knew I would be good at, but up until last year never really considered seriously. Goes to show you never can tell

Anyway, so I definitely see a lot of pointers to medicine in your chart BUT you do have plenty of indications of writing skills (Mercury, the ASC ruler and is conjunct it, in the sign it rules – Gemini. That’s one well-placed Mercury!!) Do you write for TV shows that’s about relationships and feelings, or is it a different direction (comedy, detective stories, etc)?
As for the medicinal/healing side – Pluto is on the cusp of the 6th house in Placidus. It’s very strong in its own sign, giving you that power, ability to transform and heal. Your 2nd and 6th houses start in water signs and 10th while initially is in Aquarius (remember – I’m using Placidus here), it’s only the last 3 or 4 degrees and then it’s all Pisces. A lot of water gives a lot of compassion and empathy. The 12th house is also the busiest one, emphasizing the Water element, but also it has an affinity with hospitals. 10th house ruler and co-ruler are both in the 7th – work through close contact with others, be it business partners, clients, patients…
Jupiter (ruler of 7th) is opposing Pluto, giving you that push (or pull) to go in that direction and Neptune is an exact sextile Pluto, working together with it. A generational aspect, but still, considering the house placement, I would say it gives you the talent for both comforting others and also seeing very well the weak spots that need to be worked on.
Your Asc/Moon/Merc conjunction is also squaring your nodal axis, which goes from Virgo in 4th to Pisces in 10th, south node showing that, what you have already mastered in past life (service and care for others is one of Virgo’s sides) so it should come easy to you, while north node shows the direction you should be moving towards – with Pisces great love for the whole world, they can truly make the best care givers.