job and career change!

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Feb 23, 2018
job and career=!

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Hey there! Happy Saturn return, BTW! No wonder you’re looking into changing a career. I had mine a few years back and it resulted in me becoming a teacher (strong 9th house) which I always knew I would be good at, but up until last year never really considered seriously. Goes to show you never can tell :cool:))

Anyway, so I definitely see a lot of pointers to medicine in your chart BUT you do have plenty of indications of writing skills (Mercury, the ASC ruler and is conjunct it, in the sign it rules – Gemini. That’s one well-placed Mercury!!) Do you write for TV shows that’s about relationships and feelings, or is it a different direction (comedy, detective stories, etc)?

As for the medicinal/healing side – Pluto is on the cusp of the 6th house in Placidus. It’s very strong in its own sign, giving you that power, ability to transform and heal. Your 2nd and 6th houses start in water signs and 10th while initially is in Aquarius (remember – I’m using Placidus here), it’s only the last 3 or 4 degrees and then it’s all Pisces. A lot of water gives a lot of compassion and empathy. The 12th house is also the busiest one, emphasizing the Water element, but also it has an affinity with hospitals. 10th house ruler and co-ruler are both in the 7th – work through close contact with others, be it business partners, clients, patients…

Jupiter (ruler of 7th) is opposing Pluto, giving you that push (or pull) to go in that direction and Neptune is an exact sextile Pluto, working together with it. A generational aspect, but still, considering the house placement, I would say it gives you the talent for both comforting others and also seeing very well the weak spots that need to be worked on.

Your Asc/Moon/Merc conjunction is also squaring your nodal axis, which goes from Virgo in 4th to Pisces in 10th, south node showing that, what you have already mastered in past life (service and care for others is one of Virgo’s sides) so it should come easy to you, while north node shows the direction you should be moving towards – with Pisces great love for the whole world, they can truly make the best care givers.
I would say that Phisical tharapy is a good option. With retro Uranus with Saturn in Capricorn you could go more for using eletricity and electostimulation for breaking imobilitis and stiffnes. Using advanced technolgy in that field. Moon are clients and patients and your is gemini indicating that those people need mercurian energy-wanting to feel more light, movable.
Hey there! Happy Saturn return, BTW! No wonder you’re looking into changing a career. I had mine a few years back and it resulted in me becoming a teacher (strong 9th house) which I always knew I would be good at, but up until last year never really considered seriously. Goes to show you never can tell :cool:))

Anyway, so I definitely see a lot of pointers to medicine in your chart BUT you do have plenty of indications of writing skills (Mercury, the ASC ruler and is conjunct it, in the sign it rules – Gemini. That’s one well-placed Mercury!!) Do you write for TV shows that’s about relationships and feelings, or is it a different direction (comedy, detective stories, etc)?

As for the medicinal/healing side – Pluto is on the cusp of the 6th house in Placidus. It’s very strong in its own sign, giving you that power, ability to transform and heal. Your 2nd and 6th houses start in water signs and 10th while initially is in Aquarius (remember – I’m using Placidus here), it’s only the last 3 or 4 degrees and then it’s all Pisces. A lot of water gives a lot of compassion and empathy. The 12th house is also the busiest one, emphasizing the Water element, but also it has an affinity with hospitals. 10th house ruler and co-ruler are both in the 7th – work through close contact with others, be it business partners, clients, patients…

Jupiter (ruler of 7th) is opposing Pluto, giving you that push (or pull) to go in that direction and Neptune is an exact sextile Pluto, working together with it. A generational aspect, but still, considering the house placement, I would say it gives you the talent for both comforting others and also seeing very well the weak spots that need to be worked on.

Your Asc/Moon/Merc conjunction is also squaring your nodal axis, which goes from Virgo in 4th to Pisces in 10th, south node showing that, what you have already mastered in past life (service and care for others is one of Virgo’s sides) so it should come easy to you, while north node shows the direction you should be moving towards – with Pisces great love for the whole world, they can truly make the best care givers.

Thank You so much for you reply YC88! it has been very helpful. Sorry for the late reply, I've been dealing with this 8 weeks flu or Bronquitis! :pinched:

I do research for different shows. Most of them Sci-Fi, Engineering.

I'm thinking about switching to Medicine, either Physiotherapy, dentistry, even EMS!!!

I have a little BIG internal conflict. Because I want to continue in the area of entertainment, but I'm also tired of it - or maybe do something with medicine and sports.

I had an accident a few years ago and physiotherapy helped me a lot. My grandmother was a dentist and I understand almost everything. :ninja: The difference between a career and medicine is the gratitude and the satisfaction you feel.

In other words! I need a break! I guess....:w00t::love:

I'm lost.


Hope to hear from you soon!
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I would say that Phisical tharapy is a good option. With retro Uranus with Saturn in Capricorn you could go more for using eletricity and electostimulation for breaking imobilitis and stiffnes. Using advanced technolgy in that field. Moon are clients and patients and your is gemini indicating that those people need mercurian energy-wanting to feel more light, movable.

WOW! :smile::smile::smile: Thank you for your reply!

As you can see Im a Taurus sun who is Gemini Dominant and Gemini isn't always very good at knowing what direction to move in (always see all sides to something, and take way too much time thinking about it! lol) :sleeping::innocent:

but North Node-MC conjunction in Pisces - what I should consciously learn to develop in this lifetime???

Chiron on my AC, the 12th house sun, Neptune in the 7th- indicates a personality that naturally radiates healing abilities?

As Physiotherapist, Dentistry or Psychology?


Keep Posting!
Stay Blessed
How about a wedding planner? Your 10th house (house of career) is ruled by Neptune, which is found in the 7th house of partnership. Maybe it is your calling to combine the romantic-ness of Neptune with uniting people in nuptials.
Chiron on my AC, the 12th house sun, Neptune in the 7th- indicates a personality that naturally radiates healing abilities?

As Physiotherapist, Dentistry or Psychology?


Keep Posting!
Stay Blessed

So I think dentistry is out. You see, Virgo, among other things indicates working with tools, like hand tools (dentist). With your SOUTH node there, it shows something you have already mastered in past life, something you feel very confident going that way does not bring any evolution or development. you're very likely to learn it in no time, but there will be no progress for your soul. I do think that your grandma being one was to place that interest in medicine in your life (because some of our relatives are our soul family as well, we all help each other to evolve and learn lessons in this incarnation)...

Psychology or physical therapy? Hmmm.... that's a tough one, since you seem to have talent for both. I will side with Scorpio87 and say physical therapy. First of all, you still need knowledge of psychology and can use it effectively to achieve better results iin any field, be it medicine, TV, sales or astrology:lol:

And secondly, Mars (physical activity) is conjunct 10th house cusp in Whole signs (and Placidus, if I remember right) and is also trine Chiron, the healer!
So I think dentistry is out.

Psychology or physical therapy? Hmmm.... that's a tough one, since you seem to have talent for both. I will side with Scorpio87 and say physical therapy. First of all, you still need knowledge of psychology and can use it effectively to achieve better results iin any field, be it medicine, TV, sales or astrology:lol:

And secondly, Mars (physical activity) is conjunct 10th house cusp in Whole signs (and Placidus, if I remember right) and is also trine Chiron, the healer!

Hey Thanks YC88,

Yes, I grew up with this amazing wonder woman, I use to call her "grandma", she died a year ago. (I don't know my parents). She was an amazing, lovely, strong, words of wisdom, healer, counselor - amazing woman! :love:

I will be honest with you. While I was studying engineering, it was very difficult for me. It was not a profession that I enjoyed. That's why I used what I studied to do research and help in the area of entertainment.

However, when it comes to medicine, you can help a person improve or at least try to make his soul be happy - help to stop in a certain % of an amount of suffering and for that reason make it get better faster.

I spent one year in physical therapy and it was very rewarding to feel the patient's side (me). No one knows the value of health until it is in the midst of the whirlwind.

I want to learn about medicine. :ninja: That's why I want to know if PT is the right career, to start looking for a university where I can go back to school. :alien::andy::andy::andy::andy:

and with my notion about engineering, mix them together and do something positive with that :bandit::ninja::w00t:.... in the future.

Currently, I am again in physical therapy but this time for bronchitis something happened to my rib :surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised: got swollen for coughing 9 weeks in a row! :pinched::pinched::pinched::pinched:

but ... as you know I have Gemini in AC --- Gemini isn't always very good at knowing what direction to move in (we always see all sides to something, and take way too much time thinking about it! lol) :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:

Hope to hear back from you!

Stay Blessed!
How about a wedding planner? Your 10th house (house of career) is ruled by Neptune, which is found in the 7th house of partnership. Maybe it is your calling to combine the romantic-ness of Neptune with uniting people in nuptials.

Wan, thank you for your kind reply.
Currently I do research for the entertainment industry, sometimes involves writing.

I have been thinking to change my career or go back to school maybe to start a Med career. But I don't know if my mind is just wondering everywhere looking for a new challenge.

Since you mention wedding planner and romantic-ness , I thought switching from sci-fi research and writing to romantic or romantic comedy writing.

But what about chiron 1st and pisces nn? isnt that involves medical career?
or sun in taurus and venus 1st involving something in art? music?

Im so confused , do you understand this signals???:rightful::pouty:
You are welcome Danix.

I am too sure what those mean though. Haven't looked into them too much.