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California’s homeless population

grew again this year 2024

Emboldened by Supreme Court

California turns to police in homeless crisis

PALM SPRINGS, California, Sept 5 (Reuters)
- Palm Springs, long known as a desert playground for the rich :)
and famous of Los Angeles
has enacted a number of progressive measures
to address homelessness.
July, the all-Democratic city council passed a ban
on sleeping on public property that will expand police authority
to arrest the unhoused, underscoring how even liberal cities
have lost patience as the homeless crisis persists.
Other cities have grown even more emboldened
by a June 28 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court
that camping bans are constitutional






Grants Pass, Oregon, a picturesque city of about 40,000 residents
is now at the forefront of a significant legal battle :)
with nationwide implications.
SCOTUS The U.S. Supreme Court is set to deliberate
on the pressing issue of homelessness
& the criminalization of public camping

At stake is whether local governments like Grants Pass
can enforce bans on sleeping in public spaces at all times.

This decision could potentially affect the lives
of approximately 600 homeless individuals living in Grants Pass alone
including 55-year-old Laura
who was forced into homelessness
following the death of her husband
& Amber, who has received over 30 tickets for just existing :)

Our investigation dives deep into the daily struggles
of homeless people trying to survive in the rain & cold.

The documentary covers the impending Supreme Court case
Grants Pass v. Johnson
which challenges the city’s public camping ban
under the Eighth Amendment's clause
against "..cruel and unusual punishments.."

This historic case
questions whether it's constitutional to penalize the homeless
for sleeping outdoors when they have no other shelter options.

Grants Pass officials argue for the need to reclaim public spaces
while advocates for the homeless warn
of the dire consequences of criminalizing homelessness.

This video highlights the personal stories of affected individuals
& explores the broader societal & legal implications.

We shed light on this critical issue
examining the intersection of law, policy & human rights
in a community divided
on how to treat its most vulnerable residents.
Watch as we unfold the layers of this complex issue
leading up to a landmark decision
that could reshape the landscape of homelessness across America.


When a tech billionaire walks into a homeless shelter :)

Elon Musk's surprise visit to Hope Haven
wasn't just a photo op - it was the spark
that ignited a social revolution.

It's not just the shelter that's transformed.
Musk himself leaves forever changed
his views on innovation turned upside down
by the very people he came to help.

Welcome to a world where high-tech meets high need
& the results are nothing short of jaw-dropping.
How one unexpected visit can redefine what's possible
when innovation meets compassion :)


NYC's living costs are so high
average every day people
are being forced to choose
between living in apartments & going broke :)
moving into a vehicle like an abandoned van
or an RV to save money.
Some have been there for years. It is a public street in an industrial zone.

More homeless, they did receive notice, finding an affordable place to RV, is probably a problem, especially one that is in a handy location.

But, they were living rent free for a long time, but got too big, and too visible, right beside the farmer’s market.
Some have been there for years. It is a public street in an industrial zone. More homeless, they did receive notice, finding an affordable place to RV, is probably a problem, especially one that is in a handy location.
But, they were living rent free for a long time, but got too big, and too visible, right beside the farmer’s market.
NYC has a controversial new plan :)
to move the homeless out of the subway
sometimes against their will.

Activists say the tactics used by the city
to accomplish this amount to harassment
& are inhumane

The homeless, are not always, who we think they would be.

At the end, it shows that sometimes, there can be a silver lining.

May it remain that way.

Atlanta, Georgia :)

Bulldozers Flatten Homeless Camp
With Man Sleeping In Tent
Cornelius Taylor was killed when bulldozers
tore down a homeless encampment
Outrage Erupts
