jupiter as a sig help

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Well-known member
May 15, 2009
ok so right now asking a horary is difficult since sun is combusting everyone haha anyway, so from what i've read if the ascendant ruler is combust it will bring negative answers. my question is, does this apply even if your sig is jupiter? because jupiter is the 'greater benefic' and right now jupiter is dignified in pisces...

ok thanks :)
It is said that the inferior planet like Mercury-Venus is more weakened when combusted while Jupiter-Saturn-Mars is less weakened.(Therefore it will not be the most important consideration).

As combusted, jupiter is unseen and nervous, but as he is in pisce so he still got his resources, while Sun is peregrine, then it may harm Jupiter that much. But Jupiter is still hurting by the Sun, so the jupiter couldn't control itself well and is prone to make rash decision. Because whatever resources you have, being combusted is a kind of losing your light and giving it all to the sun, and it means a closure to a matter and move into a new perios.

If the overall indication of the chart is positive, then we get a positive ansewer, vice versa.