jupiter/chiron/neptune combo sextile MC

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Hey Cutesag,

I am also having Jupiter and Neptune currently sextiling my MC in Sag (and natal Sun in 10th). After a period of boredom and doubt at work I have noticed a sudden boost of energy as well as interesting projects coming my way which I am delivering effortlessly. I should maybe attribute this to tr Mars/Uranus in my 1st house conjunct my natal Mars but I am convinced that tr Jupiter is the reason why work is feeling so good right now. I also have Jupiter (ruler of ASC) conj Sun/MC natally.

I am very suspicious of Neptune though, with its 'it's all illusion' type of energy. So I am very careful and I am not taking my current work situation for granted.

Indeed, I am using the traditional ruler of Pisces as most books I am reading at the moment are telling me to do. I am so influenced by Jupiter and I don't feel anything Neptunian about me at all.

Thanks for the advice re the conjunction in my 12th, I think I should watch out for everyone right now! Uranus has also been part of the mix (squaring MC/Sun/Jup) so needless to say, all very chaotic at the moment...

I posted over in another thread about this, but the conjunction for me happens in the 12th house too. I don't necessarily think of the 12th house as being only hidden enemies - there are other things there that include seclusion, delving into the unconscious, etc. So the possibility for breakthroughs in this department are strong, and with Chiron in the mix, the potential for great healing too. With Neptune, great inspiration, and Jupiter can amplify all of these, at least IMO. So that's the way I'm choosing to look at it. Of course, it depends on what else is going in transits and the natal chart. In my case, it will be trining my natal Uranus in 4th. Like a couple of others here, I have transiting Mars and Uranus in 1st(and that conjunction is upon us shortly). Tr. Uranus in 1st has actually been good for me as I have relocated back to a place where my countercultural aspects bloom once more. Since Mars has been in my 1st, I have had a boost of energy, which I am using at the gym. Mindful these days of looking where I'm going, to avoid being accident-prone. I did have a nasty spill last fall, but got past it just fine. At the time of this transit, my husband and I will be in a quiet jungle retreat(house swap) in Moloka'i Hawaii, a magical place that we have visited before although under different circumstances. Looking forward to this voyage!