Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

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Jan 10, 2007
There is a tight conjunction of these planets happening soon...... Wondered if anyone had any ideas about healing the spirit and religion rift?? Oh it is at 26 deg Aquarius, all three.

flea said:
Wondered if anyone had any ideas about healing the spirit and religion rift?

That's a nice idea, flea, and perhaps this conjunction might start that process. My own feeling about this rift is a tad cynical - spirituality is a personal pathway to the divine whereas religion eventually subverts this desire into a political and financial framework - and I don't think we're likely to see compatibility any time soon. The opposite of spirituality must surely be the urge to kill anyone who doesn't believe in the same pathway to the divine. Maybe I'll just go hug a rock!

This triple conjunction is conjunct my natal Moon by less than 1° in the 3rd, so I'm looking forward to making contact with someone or something which fills my emotional arena with an excess of divine healing. Can't wait - although it's quite possible that it will be either my brother or sister! May 23rd is definitely in my diary as a day to be super-aware emotionally, however.

hmmmm, I do think it is a rare moment of super sensitivity.... maybe too much I dont know.

I think the opposite of spirituality is the denial of the true self. In its highest aspects religion is a community of souls that support each others growth towards self actualisation, self realisation enlightenment, ultimate balance with the cosmos and physical world. Maybe it is our subconscious denial of self that gets in the way and starts projecting as judgment, often against the path of highest good.

There is a line in a song I remember about losing religion to find my soul, there is also the REM song too. It is all in aquarius the home of the unique soul, so I think it will support spiritual development over religious dogma.

Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree, but it seems an opportunity of immense spiritual understanding. Uncovering the core wound and not overacting could be an issue, too little self love. Could be a really hard one for some people.

NN is conj my venus on the same day which I hope will soften the process into something more gentle, otherwise the is the tendency to become evasive.

AMID RARE BOOKS, AN OLD POTTERY BOWL HOLDS FRESH VIOLETS Reality of spiritual or esthetic values, linking generations of seekers for the highest. Addition or commitment to value.
___*When positive, the degree is a high realization of values and a real gift for using them, and when negative, a loss of self in conventionality and its meaningless trappings.

this is the sabian symbol for the degree of conjunction
AMID RARE BOOKS, AN OLD POTTERY BOWL HOLDS FRESH VIOLETS Reality of spiritual or esthetic values, linking generations of seekers for the highest. Addition or commitment to value.
___*When positive, the degree is a high realization of values and a real gift for using them, and when negative, a loss of self in conventionality and its meaningless trappings.

this is the sabian symbol for the degree of conjunction

Hey Flea,

Just popped in for a minute and saw this.

FYI: Violets are associated with Saint Germain, and of course the Violet Flame

Violets sometimes appear as a symbol to me concerning "new beginnings".

All that seems very appropriate for the Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Aquarius. I believe Saint Germain is supposed to be the hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, if my memory serves me correctly.

Hi freedomlover,

so cool you spotted the significance... signified as it is with healing and transmuting pain.

New beginings......we can only hope, and get ourselves in a position where we can truely make new beginings.

flea said:
Hi freedomlover,

so cool you spotted the significance... signified as it is with healing and transmuting pain.

New beginings......we can only hope, and get ourselves in a position where we can truely make new beginings.

I also notice that at the time of this conjunction tr Uranus and tr Saturn are way out of direct opposition (phew!!), so perhaps something gentler and more personal can be healed during this energy. I'm supposing it will be very personal - and even potentially transforming - for those who are open to it.
flea said:
..this is the sabian symbol for the degree of conjunction

Also, Chiron is at Aquarius 28 and Uranus semi-sextiles from Pisces 27 :-

Aquarius 28.....A tree felled and sawed.......symbolising "the employment of a lesser reality for the development and sustainment of a greater".

Pisces 27.........A harvest moon..................symbolising that "the highly concentrated resources of the world are at the immediate service of anyone who will put them to use and so facilitate their replacement".

Looks like there is indeed a potential for some kind of "spiritual breakthrough".......unless we get a negative manifestation of the symbols...in which case conventionality and lack of imagination will result in a missed opportunity.

Around this time, our financial wounds as expected to recover as we will inherit big time rewards. So it does look like the gods of the globe want us to use this as a last-resort chance.
Following your mention of St Germain, freedomlover, I googled his name and then emailed [email protected] with a question concerning an appropriate meditation for May 23rd. This was her reply:

"Actually, St. Germain is stepping into the role of World Teacher for the
Aquarian Age. The Master Jesus is stepping aside as He was the primary
teacher for the Piscean Age. Jesus and St. Germain will continue to work
together to bring about a major shift in consciousness for the collective

"On February 14, the Moon was in Libra (the seventh house) and Jupiter
aligned with Mars. The Sun was conjunct Neptune, higher octave of Venus,
and an electrical shift occurred that influenced everyone on the planet as we
entered, fully, into the Age of Aquarius.

"St. Germain calls the bridging process the Rainbow Bridge, a weaving of all
races, creeds, cultures, young and old, rich and poor, male and female. As
we walk the Rainbow Bridge, the first half is about our surrender of old
outmoded belief systems and things that no longer serve our lives. As we
reach the middle of the bridge, the Masters meet us and take us into the
higher levels of consciousness. It is a celebration. St. Germain says that
this is not death or leaving Earth to go somewhere else, but a raising of
our vibrations so that we become aware of the beauty that has always
existed. We have chosen to separate ourselves in order to play the Earth
game and now the home coming is returning to those higher realms of
consciousness that we have denied for so long. This in and of itself makes a
lovely meditation. Hope this helps. Molly"

All I need now is some rare books, an old pottery bowl (probably have one somewhere) and some fresh violets for my sacred space, then I'm all set!

Incidentally, I remember seeing a film featuring Jimi Hendrix called Rainbow Bridge at a pop festival many years ago. The critics panned it, but I thought it was a beautiful piece of work although I was about a field away from the screen and, I have to confess, chemically-enhanced at the time. I'm not sure if it has any relevance to this topic but I would like to see it again - sober this time. :D

This is occuring in my natal 12th house, and that will be during the time while we are in the Hawaiian jungle on a house-swap(we've been to this particular island before). It will loosely trine my natal Sun in 4th. Maybe something good? I'm hoping for quiet time and communing in the jungle...and being open for illuminations...
There is a tight conjunction of these planets happening soon...... Wondered if anyone had any ideas about healing the spirit and religion rift?? Oh it is at 26 deg Aquarius, all three.

May I just say, this is a lovely thread! Thanks, Flea.

I was really hoping that this conjunction would impact something on my natal chart, but I only have Jupiter in Aquarius (at 7 degrees). I do have my Moon at 21 Sag, however, and my Mars at 25 Aries, which are both sextiles away. Maybe that means I'll have the opportunity to experience this energy, or it will bring me opportunities for spirituality in my life. Funnily enough, I was starting to think of going to church again (I happen to choose the aspects of Catholicism I want to adhere to, and negate the bits I don't feel are right for me). Your relationship with God can be a very personal thing.

Also, my Dad (who died 19 months ago) was born on 26th Jan and was therefore an Aquarius. Maybe he'll send me a sign, or tell me that I have been neglecting myself! (Have been. Pestered by too many people at work and on the romantic front.).

I have also just started reading a book called "Where Rainbows End" by Cecelia Ahearne. It's about a couple who met as children and straightaway formed a very strong bond, but who were always kept away from each other by fate/other partners/circumstances etc. I'm only on the 2nd Chapter, but apparently towards the end they have to decide whether they are going to risk their friendship and try to be together romantically. Thought that may be relevant! Maybe that book will give me the opportunity for spiritual healing!

Just my 2 penneth!

Confusedpisces said:
Around this time, our financial wounds as expected to recover as we will inherit big time rewards. So it does look like the gods of the globe want us to use this as a last-resort chance.

the jupiter/neptune conjunction falls on the new York Stock Stock Exchange pluto and squares its merucry. lost of (jupiter) dissolutionment (neptune) with the economic restructuring.

NYSE 17 may 1792 08:52am New York
ALST123 said:
May I just say, this is a lovely thread! Thanks, Flea.

Yes, indeed. Flea is a consummate threadstarter.

I thought Rick Levine of tarot.com made an interesting point in today's horoscope (2009 March 1).

"... A creative biquintile between buoyant Jupiter and somber Saturn encourages us to use the power of imagination to solve our problems, no matter how limiting our choices appear. This long-lasting aspect emphasizes spiritual resolutions to material issues ..."

As this biquintile will no longer be within orb on May 23rd, perhaps we are viewing possible outcomes for the triple conjunction from today's astrological perspective.

I like the idea of using spiritual wisdom and creativity to sove our more physical, security, relationship and living issues.

Interesting note about the NYSE having its Pluto here.

EJ, just wondered where you got the 28th degree of Aquarius.... I am using astro.com, and get the 27th degree for all three planets/oids.

One of my biggest drives in live is to find out how to live in balance, first with myself and then with every thing else. I suppose I do have a liking for Ahisma and no harm attitudes, though not at present able to be vegetarian. I take notice of animals, birds, plants, and yes even insects! I wonder that we do an awful lot of projecting negetive stuff onto insects, yet without them our planet would die. As you can imagine I dont adhere to pesticides, and live with creatures..... though as long as I am practicing balance they are not a problem.

Thanks SOA fro posting the piece from rick levine... indeed inspiring.

I am a little nervous as my natal Chiron is at 27'35 Aquarius so this is quite close to its exact return. Chiron is in my natal 12th. I am hoping for a major epiphany? In addition, my solar return is June 14th and all three plus the moon sit in my 10th house. I laugh....a public emotional breakdown:) :(
We shall see...hopefully it will be beneficial. I am hoping for enlightenment but enlightenment comes with a price does it not?
flea said:
EJ, just wondered where you got the 28th degree of Aquarius.... I am using astro.com, and get the 27th degree for all three planets/oids.

I use a software program from Astrocalc (UK), Flea.

For Noon on 23rd May 2009, this gives Jup at 26.12 Aquarius : Nep at 26.28 Aquarius : Chiron at 27.09 Aquarius and Uranus at 26.01 Pisces.

Astro.com gives Jup 26.12 Aquarius : Neptune 26.28 Aquarius : Chiron 26.12 Aquarius and Uranus 26.01 Pisces.

Both Astro.com and Astrocalc are very exact in their calculations, so the difference here may be due to not yet being able to accurately plot Chiron's orbit.

I use Astrology for Windows from halloran.com and the readings it gives for noon in London on May 23 (British Summer Time) are the same as the results from astro.com. It's possible both programs are based on the same initial input data. The triple conjunction is near exact whatever the actual position of Chiron.

My personal view is that the midpoint between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius (0° 0' Pisces/29° 60' Aquarius) is represented by the end of the Mayan calendar at the Winter Solstice 2012. From that point on, the Aquarian influence will be greater than the gradually diminishing effects of Pisces and we will more truly experience the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The price of enlightenment, Cassandra, is the loss of unenlightenment (unaware or unthinking behaviour) and is, I believe, a gift rather than a purchase. In such circumstances, it's said that one should not look too closely at the horse's teeth - providing you have been given a horse, of course, and not a white elephant. Having once been given this gift, it's almost impossible to give it away entirely.
I've been very nervous of this transit, it will occur exactly opposite my Moon/Mars/NorthNode conjunction all at 27 Leo in the 5th. With Neptune hovering over it the past few months I've been in severe spiritual crisis as well as experiencing difficult family issues, I was worried when I saw Chiron and then Jup approach, (Ive known Jup to exacerbate situations) but thanks for the hopeful perspectives, it's made me look at it in a new way.