Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

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Jupiter is a tricky one I think.... I look at saturn and jupiter as the great teachers. Jupiter teaches through excess and Satrun teaches through limitation. Both can have not so nice impacts.... Yet together they teach us about balance, not too much not too little, to be in complete tune with the world and cosmos around us.

We only get taught the lessons we need to learn.... and when we are ready to learn them. With a conjunction on the south node I suppose it is safe to say that there are old patterns that will emphasise themselves. So you already know what they are somewhere in your consciousness. The conjunction will happen in your 11th.

Love yourself enough to release the stuff that you are afraid to. Most of the time we just need to acknowledge it is there and then allow the universe to disperse transmute, release. And then know that is a lesson you will never have to learn again. This is a precious opportunity to grow in many ways, and come closer to our true selves. Be strong and keep contact with that still small centre within us.... and give yourself the time and space to contact this space on a regular basis.

No guilt no judging....just being and allowing.
flea said:
We only get taught the lessons we need to learn.... and when we are ready to learn them. ..
Love yourself enough to release the stuff that you are afraid to. Most of the time we just need to acknowledge it is there and then allow the universe to disperse transmute, release. And then know that is a lesson you will never have to learn again. This is a precious opportunity to grow in many ways, and come closer to our true selves. Be strong and keep contact with that still small centre within us.... and give yourself the time and space to contact this space on a regular basis.

No guilt no judging....just being and allowing.
Excellent advice, flea.

One we all need to keep in mind.
Thank you for that post Flea, it's very much appreciated!

Remembering the meaning of a Neptune transit can be difficult at times when you're struggling to see through the fog of despair and you can't muster up the energy to learn the lessons being asked of you. I get glimpses of it every now and then, but that post was very helpful, I think i'll print it out as a reminder when I need a bit of hope.

Thanks again.x
astropsychologist said:
Remembering the meaning of a Neptune transit can be difficult at times when you're struggling to see through the fog of despair ... I get glimpses of it every now and then

Don't be too hard on yourself. Glimpses are often all we ever receive where Neptune is concerned. If we saw the whole picture we would be in Heaven or Nirvana - and most likely it would still be an illusion.
flea said:
There is a tight conjunction of these planets happening soon...... Wondered if anyone had any ideas about healing the spirit and religion rift?? Oh it is at 26 deg Aquarius, all three. FleaXXX
Hey Flea!!!! Not to digress... but I thought you might find this interesting. The Magi call this fruitful conjunction a "Cinderella period" and they define it as follows: [SIZE=-1]The key to Cinderella is CHIRON! Whenever Chiron makes a MAGICAL ANGLE to your Venus, Jupiter or Neptune, you are at the peak of your Romance Cycle. The same is true when Venus, Jupiter or Neptune makes a Magical Angle to your Chiron. It is at these times that you are most charming, most fascinating and most attractive. During your Cinderella Time, people forgive you for everything, they overlook your faults, you possess your maximum amount of charisma and you are at the peak of your popularity. It is during your Cinderella Time that you are as irresistible as you can possibly be[/SIZE]... Sounds like if you have any personal planets involved[SIZE=-1], [/SIZE] then this conjunction would be excellent for new beginnings!
Okay this conjunction..this Cinderella theme....would it apply to Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron conjoining natal Chiron? I hope so....
cassanra said:
Okay this conjunction..this Cinderella theme....would it apply to Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron conjoining natal Chiron? I hope so....
How funny--I just got done reading your Venus retrograde story, so you will be pleased to know that it DOES apply, so start something new that day--it has an excellent chance of lasting... according to the Magi...
I would like to be as optimistic as some fellow posters here, but I don't believe the economic crisis will be solved before the final conjunction of Neptune-Chiron, and that won't happen this year...........

I hope I'm wrong. I've read Neptune rules stock markets, and Chiron on top of him is like a oozing............ And to make matters worse, both are slow as turtles.... :(
RockFish said:
I would like to be as optimistic as some fellow posters here, but I don't believe the economic crisis will be solved before the final conjunction of Neptune-Chiron, and that won't happen this year...........

I hope I'm wrong. I've read Neptune rules stock markets, and Chiron on top of him is like a oozing............ And to make matters worse, both are slow as turtles.... :(

Regretfully, I'll have to agree with you, RockFish.:( However, I do believe that the May23rd conjunction will show significant positive change starting somewhere - and change in the right direction is a good thing.:) Possibly some kind of "grass-roots" movement of some sort?:rolleyes: maybe an alternative to the current economic system?:rolleyes: a great injection of humanitarian gifts from billionaires to stimulate the economy?:rolleyes:

I really do believe that the good side of the hippie "ideals" will begin to shoot forth, after being buried underground for so long - what with all that Aquarian energy throughout this year. Not to mention all the people born with the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo in the 60's are getting their Uranus opposition - and with a nice Saturn in Virgo opposition, to boot!
( like me:D) Chiron was in Pisces for most of the time Uranus/Pluto were conjunct in the 60's, as well - so their Chiron's are being aspected by the Saturn/Uranus opposition, as well.

Peace, man.:cool:

btw, RockFish, when is the final conjunction of Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius?
Also, of note:

There is a second conjunction of Chiron,Neptune, and Jupiter in Aquarius (all direct), along with the Moon, on the day of the Winter Solstice this year: December 21st. All these planets will be in a septile aspect to Pluto in Capricorn at that time.

Within this same 24 hour period (about half a day before), Mars will go retrograde at 19'42"Leo, which is within 1 degree of the February 9, 2009 eclipse. (But that's another story - and another thread. :p)

An interesting quote that I thought fit the theme: (At least maybe something to look forward to that will be initiated during this time)

One day the people of the world will want peace so much that the governments will have to get out of their way and give it to them.

-- Dwight D. Eisenhower
freedomlover said:
Possibly some kind of "grass-roots" movement of some sort?:rolleyes: maybe an alternative to the current economic system?:rolleyes: a great injection of humanitarian gifts from billionaires to stimulate the economy?:rolleyes:

I really do believe that the good side of the hippie "ideals" will begin to shoot forth, after being buried underground for so long - what with all that Aquarian energy throughout this year.
I also am at once skeptical and positive about the future. I believe that we have nowhere reached the bottom of the trough. Many need to suffer - and badly - before change is brought about.

Last week some time I saw something on TV about the bloated medical funds in the US, and how people with standard cover are not covered for pretty straight-forward procedures, and have to fork out thousands for something as simple as chemotherapy. In parts of the country people who are either unfunded or underfunded are receiving free medical care from clinics which are springing up in community centres and such. Most recipients are those who have lost their jobs and no longer have medical cover. Michael Moore was considered a whacko when he made `Sicko', but he was right. The suffering of many is bringing about a huge surge of Aquarian relief. I see this as the power of these times.
I agree... and I am learning to life on glimpses.... it grows my trust and faith in life......and it gets rewarded, as I open up my fears....

Sometimes I sound wise but it is also borne out of so much confusion and tears..... but deep in my heart I know I am wise if I can just reach out and trust the universe to kind forgiving and benevolent. Then I find it is the plants and the animals that start teaching me about trust in the universe. I think they are the teachers of "man'.

I had missed so many postss.....last post was in reply to previous page. Thx for the magi heads up. Chiron is of great interest to me, has been for a long while.

Will look out for 21 Dec... important to have two in one year I imagine.

The cosmos can only give us the opportunites.... we have free will to take it or not. My guess is many will many wont... and I pray that many are blessed by this astrological energy aspect.

Will be interesting to follow this thread throughout the year and see who starts things on May 23 and get an update 21 dec.

Peace and Blessings Flea
Hi Freedom,

December 2010, Chiron and Neptune will be in the last perfect conjunction, 26 Aquarius. Maybe it will be the final blow on this crisis, and afterwards we'll have just a gradual recovery of the markets (if they are still alive till then :D).

Veeeeery gradual, since Chiron and Neptune will still be conjunct in 2013. :mad:

2011 will be an interesting year because the pair will dance back and forth between the final degrees of Aquarius and the first ones of Pisces.

February 2012, both Neptune and Chiron will be into Pisces for good. And God bless us all.:rolleyes:

I am reading this Aquarius shock we are receiving right now as "equality at all costs". Some billionaires are getting poorer or bankrupt; the "bloated" money, or fake money created in transactions in the stock marlets, is now dwindling or simply vanishing; and governments will be forced to protect the middle class and the masses' ability to support themselves, otherwise all the giants will crumble. We might get out of this crisis and this Neptune-Chiron trial with a renewed sense of social conscience in the world. The very positive note on Neptune's "financial tsunami". ;)
RockFish said:
Hi Freedom,

December 2010, Chiron and Neptune will be in the last perfect conjunction, 26 Aquarius. Maybe it will be the final blow on this crisis, and afterwards we'll have just a gradual recovery of the markets (if they are still alive till then :D).

Veeeeery gradual, since Chiron and Neptune will still be conjunct in 2013. :mad:

2011 will be an interesting year because the pair will dance back and forth between the final degrees of Aquarius and the first ones of Pisces.

February 2012, both Neptune and Chiron will be into Pisces for good. And God bless us all.:rolleyes:

I am reading this Aquarius shock we are receiving right now as "equality at all costs". Some billionaires are getting poorer or bankrupt; the "bloated" money, or fake money created in transactions in the stock marlets, is now dwindling or simply vanishing; and governments will be forced to protect the middle class and the masses' ability to support themselves, otherwise all the giants will crumble. We might get out of this crisis and this Neptune-Chiron trial with a renewed sense of social conscience in the world. The very positive note on Neptune's "financial tsunami". ;)

Thanks for getting the info, RockFish. I'll keep an eye out for it.;)
thanks Rockfish....

The conjunction is more important than I thought initially.

To be honest, I didn't know which could be the transit that was fomenting the crisis till recently.

At first I thought it could be Saturn-Uranus opposition, but the crisis began long before they were opposed.

So, checking the chronology of the crisis, I found that the first huge, public blow was when New Century Financial filed for bankrupcy (April 2nd). It seems this was the first bankrupcy to raise red flags and bring the crisis to collective consciousness.

In April 2nd 2007, Neptune and Saturn were opposed, but the transit is gone and the crisis remained, so Saturn may have been the trigger, but not the motor. After a while, I realized Neptune and Chiron were first conjunct in march-april 2007, considering an orb of around 7 degrees. After that they kept approaching each other and money started to vanish from the stock markets all over the world in order to cover positions elsewhere.

A lot of transits came, a lot of them are gone, and the crisis remain. The only transit that is still here, since the whole thing began, is Neptune conjunct Chiron.
RockFish said:
To be honest, I didn't know which could be the transit that was fomenting the crisis till recently.

A lot of transits came, a lot of them are gone, and the crisis remain. The only transit that is still here, since the whole thing began, is Neptune conjunct Chiron.
Thank you RockFish for doing the research on this. It makes sense, really.

A Neptune-Chiron conjunction in a natal chart is about transcending ego requirements by letting go of attachments - generally to `things' in the material realm. In people with this placement it can confer a remarkable ability to reach Higher spiritual realms - or it can just as easily lead to `checking out' behaviour through drugs and/or alcohol. The recent devastating fires in Australia were a classic example of this; people in whole communities lost everything they had in the world materially, but they still had the love and support of others in the community (Aquarius), and these events strengthened the bonds of community - something that money can't buy.

And despite what the economic pundits are saying about `the worst of this is over', I don't think we've seen anything yet.