Jupiter is a tricky one I think.... I look at saturn and jupiter as the great teachers. Jupiter teaches through excess and Satrun teaches through limitation. Both can have not so nice impacts.... Yet together they teach us about balance, not too much not too little, to be in complete tune with the world and cosmos around us.
We only get taught the lessons we need to learn.... and when we are ready to learn them. With a conjunction on the south node I suppose it is safe to say that there are old patterns that will emphasise themselves. So you already know what they are somewhere in your consciousness. The conjunction will happen in your 11th.
Love yourself enough to release the stuff that you are afraid to. Most of the time we just need to acknowledge it is there and then allow the universe to disperse transmute, release. And then know that is a lesson you will never have to learn again. This is a precious opportunity to grow in many ways, and come closer to our true selves. Be strong and keep contact with that still small centre within us.... and give yourself the time and space to contact this space on a regular basis.
No guilt no judging....just being and allowing.
Jupiter is a tricky one I think.... I look at saturn and jupiter as the great teachers. Jupiter teaches through excess and Satrun teaches through limitation. Both can have not so nice impacts.... Yet together they teach us about balance, not too much not too little, to be in complete tune with the world and cosmos around us.
We only get taught the lessons we need to learn.... and when we are ready to learn them. With a conjunction on the south node I suppose it is safe to say that there are old patterns that will emphasise themselves. So you already know what they are somewhere in your consciousness. The conjunction will happen in your 11th.
Love yourself enough to release the stuff that you are afraid to. Most of the time we just need to acknowledge it is there and then allow the universe to disperse transmute, release. And then know that is a lesson you will never have to learn again. This is a precious opportunity to grow in many ways, and come closer to our true selves. Be strong and keep contact with that still small centre within us.... and give yourself the time and space to contact this space on a regular basis.
No guilt no judging....just being and allowing.