Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

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Over the past few months I have had friends lose lugguage get pick pocketed.... just generally being deprived of stuff...hmmm.

Anyway back to Neptune Chiron.... does seem strange to have neptune chiron in aquarius messing around with crisis of a financial nature..... but maybe that is just an outward expression of something deeper going on.

If 2012 is really a shift in consciousness then astrological transits would express this. Neptune Chiron in Aquarius..... moving into the Aquarian age..... allowing a higher consciousess for which you need Neptune to fuel the spiritual awareness.... and this cant be done without being honest about your wounds and all the ways we all cheat ourselves about what is happening in our lives.

Maybe the teachers are here preparing us all, if we listen for an opportunity that will not be around for quite a while.

It has to be significant all this aquarius energy as the procession of equinoxes occurs.

I dont think the economic aspect is the most important just the one most people identify with. Money is where we in the west take the hurts immediately... There is also a big rise in immune disorders, which maybe another aspect of this energy.

Maybe worth listing some aquarian issues..... humanitarian..... countries having to work together to solve the money system collapse. Friendships are being altered by the use of the internet with facebook twitter etc. And there has been a strong growth of interest in astrology.... often to find out how to solve problems heal wounds, find life purpose.

flea said:
Anyway back to Neptune Chiron.... does seem strange to have neptune chiron in aquarius messing around with crisis of a financial nature..... but maybe that is just an outward expression of something deeper going on.

I've seen in some books and websites that Neptune rules the stock markets.

At first it sounds weird, but it makes sense if you think of these markets as a constant flow of an illusory thing, which means, a constant flow of money, and a certain kind of money that is not even physical money.
flea said:
It has to be significant all this aquarius energy as the procession of equinoxes occurs.

I dont think the economic aspect is the most important just the one most people identify with. Money is where we in the west take the hurts immediately... There is also a big rise in immune disorders, which maybe another aspect of this energy.

Maybe worth listing some aquarian issues..... humanitarian..... countries having to work together to solve the money system collapse. Friendships are being altered by the use of the internet with facebook twitter etc. And there has been a strong growth of interest in astrology.... often to find out how to solve problems heal wounds, find life purpose.

I agree with what you say, flea.

I saw on some TV program on the ABC - I think it was Foreign Correspondent - where an economist from Africa had written a book saying something like sending billions of dollars in foreign aid to Africa may make westerners feel all warm and fuzzy, but it has a negative impact on African countries.
Why? Because when in trouble the African countries sit back and rely upon foreign aid - the whole theory about teaching someone to fish rather than giving them buckets of fish - and more obviously, the money gets misused by corrupt regimes, such as Mogabe in Zimbabwe.
This is an example of westerners using western values to attempt to solve 3rd world problems.

Neptune and Chiron in conjunction in Aquarius must firstly name these issues, and then search for practical - and healing - solutions.
I've been reading on this thread for a few days and only now realized this conjunction will be squaring my natal Chiron:eek: and at the same time quincunx my natal Venus, should this scare me?

It does indeed seem like a very powerful conjunction, in Aquarius no less, but for me, no matter of the nature of planets involved, I am affraid it will be painful and will require lots of adjusments in order for any kind of healing to happen.
My experience of the squares is that there is an internal change going on and not so necessarily of anything outward. Though events do happen around it. It is just a deep questioning. My Chiron is in Aquarius on the 11/12 cusp (depending on what house system you use it will change) and the internal questioning revolves around feeling abandoned and cut off from the collective. This feeling of having to forge ahead on my own ...alone. And as Chiron trines natal neptune and square natal jupiter I also question faith and have a spiritual epiphany of some kind.
Look closely at your chiron aspects and the house that Chiron resides. I think that will tell the tale.
hermetic said:
I've been reading on this thread for a few days and only now realized this conjunction will be squaring my natal Chiron:eek: and at the same time quincunx my natal Venus, should this scare me?

It does indeed seem like a very powerful conjunction, in Aquarius no less, but for me, no matter of the nature of planets involved, I am affraid it will be painful and will require lots of adjusments in order for any kind of healing to happen.
hermetic, your natal moon in Aquarius certainly forms a lot of aspects to other planets - particularly the trines with your 4th house cluster. This seems to signify a desire for predictability and `safety'.
You have also just begun your Chiron square - the first one of several, depending upon how long you live. This happens from Feb`09 for approx 3 years. During this time you can expect the wounds you came here for the purpose of healing to make themselves known to you. 11th house wounds are related to fitting in, being included/excluded, being rejected/accepted, and Taurus wounds relate to feeling safe and secure and looked after.
Your words, should this scare me? so smacks of Chiron in Taurus!! This is the Chiron square at work! Perhaps what you need to dig deep to get to is the real reason behind your fear of the future. i.e. what are you afraid of and why?

And in closing, all healing is painful on some level. All change brings a degree of pain, but it would not be happening were it not necessary.
RockFish said:
Hi Freedom,

December 2010, Chiron and Neptune will be in the last perfect conjunction, 26 Aquarius. Maybe it will be the final blow on this crisis, and afterwards we'll have just a gradual recovery of the markets (if they are still alive till then :D).

Veeeeery gradual, since Chiron and Neptune will still be conjunct in 2013. :mad:

2011 will be an interesting year because the pair will dance back and forth between the final degrees of Aquarius and the first ones of Pisces.

February 2012, both Neptune and Chiron will be into Pisces for good. And God bless us all.:rolleyes:

I am reading this Aquarius shock we are receiving right now as "equality at all costs". Some billionaires are getting poorer or bankrupt; the "bloated" money, or fake money created in transactions in the stock marlets, is now dwindling or simply vanishing; and governments will be forced to protect the middle class and the masses' ability to support themselves, otherwise all the giants will crumble. We might get out of this crisis and this Neptune-Chiron trial with a renewed sense of social conscience in the world. The very positive note on Neptune's "financial tsunami". ;)
the jupiter/neptune conjunction falls on the new York Stock Stock Exchange pluto and squares its mercury. lost of (jupiter) dissolutionment (neptune) with the economic restructuring.

I was thinking about this thread, and I suddenly saw how it fits in with the song that has been going through my head the past several days:

CAFE ON THE CORNER by Sawyer Brown



At the cafe down on the corner
With a lost look on his face
There ain't no fields to plow
No reason to now

He's just a little out of place

They say crime don't pay
But neither does farmin' these days
And the coffee is cold
And he's fifty years old
And he's got to learn to live some other way

At the cafe down on the corner
With a lost look on his face
There ain't no fields to plow
He's busin' tables now
He's just a little out of place

And the meek shall inherit the earth
And the bank shall repossess it

This job don't pay half what it's worth
But it's a thankful man that gets it

At the cafe down on the corner
With a lost look on his face
There ain't no fields to plow
He's wishin' for one now
He's just a little out of place

All these soldiers without wars
And hometown boys without a home
Farmers without fields
Dealers without deals
And they sit here drinking coffee all alone

At the cafe down on the corner
With a lost look on their face
There ain't no fields to plow
They're wishin' for one now
They're just a little out of place
Yes, this song is very relevant to the time we are living in - and the current status quo. But it is also very relevant to the changes to come, if we look at some deeper meanings in the lyrics.

The Aquarian energies are all about the "new". Aquarius/11th house also has much to do with one's unique individuality, one's personal dreams, and one's sense of "their place in this world".

What is wrong with the world in the expression of Aquarian energies is that the vast majority are "just a little out of place" ( or a lot out of place, as the case may be). Too many of us have given up our person dreams for a fat paycheck. I think these energies are here to "realign us with our dreams".

The stanza about the people separated from what they do best is particularly important. Some are doing what they do best, but it is still not thier own personal dreams - it is rather what society has encouraged them to do. But also, if you follow your dream, you will feel "connected" with other people following their dreams - that seems to be much of the message of the Age of Aquarius. And if you don't follow your dream - you'll "sit here drinking coffee all alone" .... Well, I think you get my meaning.:rolleyes:

Connecting to your own dreams your true self, I think it helps you develop a truely authentic personality, and helps you relate to work in groups as you are fulfilled in being yourself... less of the internal dilemas. Yet it is brave path to travel as it means giving up those things we think we need or are persuaded by society family goverment or the retail industry.

Takes a few years in the wilderness before you can come back to the tribe whole and healed.... and who has the time or inclination to do that these days???

Echoeing your sentiments
This important Jupiter-Neptune reunion (in 26º Aquarius) strikes me totally:
My natal chart shows Jupiter 26º04 Leo and Neptune 26º04 Scorpio ........

But there is more.
1 The presence of Chiron, bringing the reunion in a spiritual light: it's going to penetrate deep into the heart of human kind.
2 The 'presence' of midpoint Mars/Pluto ! Will there be a BOOM ?
3 The Sun in 26º Taurus
4 A retro Mercury in 27º Taurus

(5) My progressed Lilith in 26º Taurus (and Priapus in 26º Scorpio)
(6) My progressed Sun in 29º Taurus
(7) My progressed Venus has been knocking at the door of (progressed) descendant for a long time and right now (these months) she enters in the 7th

At this very moment the television 'says' oil crisis, and that is exactly where I was wanting to go. Could this be the beginning of a world crisis (no more oil) that lasts till the second reunion in December of this year ?

Here is a picture showing the Jupiter Neptune Chiron Moon Transits of 17 May (projected in my natal chart):
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I dont know about oil or know how to draw that into the interpretations, I kind of look at it as an opportunity for understanding the pain the confusion the misunderstanding from my personal position.....so I would imagine they are great days for meditation and getting in touch with the inner self, of really being aware of you and how you are with life.

I have some interesting progressed events on that day..... progressed sun touches my natal venus while transiting north node conjuncts natal venus. My progressed mars is at 24 deg Aquarius, and prog moon and venus are also in aquarius. Suppose that makes sense of why I am drawn to this aspect.

You have a lots of squares to this conjunction so it will be interesting to see how this impacts us all individually and what happens on a more global scale.

This conjunction happens in my 12th. Tr. Neptune and Chiron have been there for a number of years now. I've sought a great deal of privacy during those years, both in the remote rural area where I was living for a number of years, and even here in a large city(San Francisco). For a time(3 years), I was engaged in an intense shamanic energy healing process with a gifted practitioner in Santa Fe. With tr. Jupiter entering the mix, will this emphasize the tendency to privacy(which my natal chart shows anyway with the Sun in 4th, for one thing), or further healing? I am an artist of a visionary sort and have been pretty much working in obscurity and privacy for a long time now. I did have a few good years of public exposure and sales but I have pulled back from marketing pretty much as I have felt the strong need to just regroup on a personal level. Any thoughts? I've attached my May transits chart for anyone who cares to take a peek - thanks!


  • Cara-May2009 transits chart.gif
    Cara-May2009 transits chart.gif
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I just wonder cara, that you are able to be more proactive in your life and can chose to work the energy of this transit how you wish.... so it will become evident in the way your actions fold out.

Astrology can tempt people into being too passive, thinking that events just happen to them, in stead of working with the feild of life, that reacts to our presence, teaching through reactions. Approaching all decisions about what we want to have and do, with joy and gratitude, lessens the judgmental nature of how we can habitually approach life. Maybe look to loosen up and play with the forces of life.... as you sound like you have realy worked to bring about a deep understanding of your essential life. Be more co-creative perhaps?

to flea - I am NOT tempted to be "too passive" - nothing could be further from the truth - was merely putting the question out there out of curiosity. I have CHOSEN my path of simplicity and privacy(there were things that happened a few years ago that contributed to that, along with a fortunate relocation). As far as being "co-creative", aside from some online groups that I belong to across the web, and a few geographically-distant friends, I am pretty much of an introvert/highly-sensitive, which fact it has taken me virtually my whole life to come into my own about. It's also taken me a long time to get past the "shoulds" in life and more in touch with the heart of life. Anyhow, so as not to take up too much space here, what I AM doing during this transit is that my dear husband and I are going to be in a jungle retreat for the last two weeks in May, at a very beautiful house owned by an energy healer. We are swapping places for the duration. I have the very strong sense that I will have another "download" of sorts while there, not unlike when I was in Hawaii before. I noted that this transit makes a square to my natal Mars(very end of 2nd house) as well.

I use pro-active in the sense of chosing whatever is chosen, and not in the sense of being active or passive, but the choice to choose either and both. Co-creative I use in the sense of working creative energies with the cognisence of all the universe around.

Both of which you are doing anyway it seems from your post. My reply, was more in terms of working with destiny rather than just letting it happen, and this what I feel from this aspect. There is a responsibility to work more actively with the universe, in the sense of awareness, rather than just physcial activity. To honour our experiences of the divine, the subtle, the intuitive.

Hope this makes sense, as I was not trying to imply any kind of judgement or qualification of your description of your life. The Jungle retreat sounds like a beautiful place to be, to be aware of what is during the transit without distractions.

"To honour our experiences of the divine, the subtle, the intuitive.

Hope this makes sense, as I was not trying to imply any kind of judgement or qualification of your description of your life. The Jungle retreat sounds like a beautiful place to be, to be aware of what is during the transit without distractions."

Right on! I'm especially resonating with the "honoring of our experiences of the divine, the subtle, the intuitive." This is what I live for anyway, and it seems that I have arranged my life over the years to get further in touch with that, as that does really inform my art, and my life. Looking forward to time in the big-leafed green world. Over the last year, I have also gotten onto a predominantly raw food diet, which also sensitizes one to the subtle, and increases the natural connection as well. It agrees with me!
Here are my thoughts- Considering a few things,this trio at 26 Aquarius is located near the stars Gienah(soar to great heights,sudden downfalls) and Sador(glittering wings, a hidden god,figured by stars), Mercury rx in Taurus sextile Uranus/Pisces and square the Aquarius trio, north node near stars Altair(Sudden but ephemeral fortune) and Algedi (fortune, peculiar events), maybe we will see or hear something rare and awe inspiring that lasts for a brief period. Mercury rx will conjunct Algol, so maybe through unfortunate events or violence in the cosmos there will be something healing that comes from it. Interesting that Mercury rx station(1*44* Gemini-coincidence?) is near the star Mirak(Indicative of events effecting large numbers of people, especially those caused by major meteorological phenomena) and the Pleaides. A release of collective emotion could also be beautiful and rarely experienced. Acknowledging the femine spirit in all of us. Venus will have just passed its rx station degree, so is this when we recieve our little"gift" for our introspection during the rx period? Of course sometimes the universe's idea of a gift is quite different than our idea of a gift. There's my analysis and OMG it's 5: 38 a.m!!!!!
thanks for the fixed star info 4leaf. I get the differences between the gift we want and the gift we get lol..... Will look to some brief apex moments both individual and humanity wide.

I glad my meanderings caught something for you cara..... I too love those ephemeral things in life.


Posted on another thread...many thanks

This article by Pam Younghams got me thinking.... this conj is opp Obama's north node uranus conjunction. Will be interesting to watch him especially closely during the month of May. I personally have the conj trine my natal Jupiter, so it might seem an easy ride for me, yet I have been forwarned to be consciously active theroughout.

flea said:

Posted on another thread...many thanks

This article by Pam Younghams got me thinking.... this conj is opp Obama's north node uranus conjunction. Will be interesting to watch him especially closely during the month of May. I personally have the conj trine my natal Jupiter, so it might seem an easy ride for me, yet I have been forwarned to be consciously active theroughout.

Slightly off-topic, but as a quick aside (been mulling over the idea of starting a thread about this, but I digress:rolleyes:)...... The August 6th eclipse will fall on his natal Sun, as well.:eek: I think Mars crosses this eclipse point around December, and may have more than one hit, as Mars will retrograde in Leo.

I still keep up with "the Prophets" in "the Church". Many of them have some interesting prophecies. One particular prophecy a few years ago was that the next president would undergo a dramatic spiritual conversion while in office. Should be interesting ........the transits sure do point to something along those lines.......

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