Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

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flea said:
you intrigue me FL.... who are the prophets......
This is the main website that I read from time to time. It has a large archives of prophecies over the past several years.


One of the most interesting is a man by the name of Kim Clement - originally from South Africa. He plays the piano and gives his prophecies as he plays.

He was recorded live on TBN several years before 9-11 giving a prophecy about airplanes hitting the twin towers. Some of the prophecies are kind of nebulous (but, hey, so were some of Nostradamus) I think the timing has been off on a few - people thought ( and Kim probably did, too ) that it was for the upcoming year, but is really for a future year in the same month. But he has a pretty impressive record. He also often describes the "signs of the times" - what "season" we're in.


As I've followed "the prophets" in "the church" for the past several years, while simultaneously studying astrology, I've found the synchronicities very interesting.

If you think about it, the very heart of astrology is linked with "times and seasons" and predictive things - so is very akin to prophecy. So it would stand to reason that those who are "in tune" with the Spirit would also naturally be "in tune" with the current astrological transits. It's amazing how I've watched the two go hand in hand, although probably 99% of "the prophets" would call astrology "the devil".:p

Who knows why astrology is seen as anti-god if you like. Maybe because knowledge is power tis all I kind think. The links are probably not my cup of tea.... maybe it is that rhetorical style, the booming voice of the preacher. Memories from childhood...... I mcuh prefer the quiet voice now... the ones that can change your life with a sentence or phrase. Some of these guys give you so much information.... there is no space to digest it or make it your own.... let alone have the time to wade throught the pre-amble... I'm rambling maybe it hit a nerve somewhere. Hmmm spirit and ego interesting dilema.

freedomlover said:
Slightly off-topic, but as a quick aside (been mulling over the idea of starting a thread about this, but I digress:rolleyes:)...... The August 6th eclipse will fall on his natal Sun, as well.:eek: I think Mars crosses this eclipse point around December, and may have more than one hit, as Mars will retrograde in Leo.

I still keep up with "the Prophets" in "the Church". Many of them have some interesting prophecies. One particular prophecy a few years ago was that the next president would undergo a dramatic spiritual conversion while in office. Should be interesting ........the transits sure do point to something along those lines.......


I didn't know that. It will be interesting to see what comes about at this time for Obama.
flea said:
Who knows why astrology is seen as anti-god if you like. Maybe because knowledge is power tis all I kind think. The links are probably not my cup of tea.... maybe it is that rhetorical style, the booming voice of the preacher. Memories from childhood...... I mcuh prefer the quiet voice now... the ones that can change your life with a sentence or phrase. Some of these guys give you so much information.... there is no space to digest it or make it your own.... let alone have the time to wade throught the pre-amble... I'm rambling maybe it hit a nerve somewhere. Hmmm spirit and ego interesting dilema.

Well, I certainly understand where you're coming from, having been terribly wounded by "the Church" myself. However, I've learned not to throw out the baby with the bath water. There are indeed many quiet soothing "voices" emanating from this site. Many of them are really New Agers, but haven't figured it out yet.:D Did you read the article by Kim Clement on the home page of the Elijah List? ( not a Prophecy, really, but it described the subject of this thread very well - and echoed something I posted at the beginning of this.) It has a little "Bible-ese" lingo to it, but still very pertinent and helpful to navigate the times at hand. The title was: "Be in Your Element: Discover your purpose and your destiny"

Kim Clement is a very unusual bird, too. I remember when I first saw him, about 10 years ago on Trinity Broadcasting Network, which was then VERY conservative and "churchy." He had the audacity:eek: to appear on the network with hair long enough to hang below his shoulders! But you know what? they loved him! He actually, I think, was responsible for shaking alot of the "churchiness" off of TBN. It's much more open today than it was then. I even heard a preacher a while back talk about the "pre-existence of souls" on there. That subject would never have been tolerated a few years ago.

If you've already "sampled", and it's not for you, then I'll be quiet. But if you have not yet tried a sample or two, I encourage you to do so before you decide to write it off. Just a suggestion though...

an example of teaching from this site:


They also have great teaching cd's on sound/music healing and quantum physics.



I'll be quiet about it now, don't want to completely rabbit trail this thread. It is relevant to the topic, though - although not astrological. Sorry.
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I was seriously considering not participating in the election and then on the night before I had a dream about Obama. I was with him on an airplane and he just leaned over to me and gave me a look like everything was going to be ok and that he was on our side, but you wouldn't know this at first. The dream was very impressionable. So then I ended up voting for him. I don't know if it was merely symbolic or more than that,but it felt so real. You could definitely feel a strong Leo presence. Warm and humble,but very confident in his mission. I hope my feelings are right.
4leaf.... abeautiful story thankyou for sharing. It connects with FL's info on the spiritual enlightenment while in office. So many people have a really good gut feeling about him yet not too much to go on.

FL....I read quiet a bit and I was not getting much from loads of stuff I read. Though the bit about being in your element on the home page was nice succinct, and worth thinking through more. I have a few people I read such as Thomas Merton or even Philip Yancy at times, Henry Nouwen. There are some beautiful writers that came out of the church system, even therese of avila come to think of it and Juan de la Cruz. They are my quiet voices...

Re: Obama and May 23rd, I heard on the news this morning that a row is developing over whether or not he should be allowed to speak at Notre Dame University on May 17th at this most Catholic of Catholic institutions in the US. Many Catholics are opposed to this visit because of Obama's support for a woman's right to choose abortion in certain circumstances. Might be worth watching how this situation develops and how it might relate to the May 23rd conjunction opposite Obama's north node uranus conjunction.
flea said:
FL....I read quiet a bit and I was not getting much from loads of stuff I read. Though the bit about being in your element on the home page was nice succinct, and worth thinking through more. I have a few people I read such as Thomas Merton or even Philip Yancy at times, Henry Nouwen. There are some beautiful writers that came out of the church system, even therese of avila come to think of it and Juan de la Cruz. They are my quiet voices...

Hey, Flea... well, that's all I can ask. I guess my point was not to prove how enlightened they are - as there is an obvious level of difference in people who are under religious brainwashing and those that are not. I didn't really know why I was writing all that to you in the last post - but as I mused on it, I realized it is to show you that some people in "the Church" are trying to "break out of the box".

I sensed that you, as I, had some kind of pain ( this or past life) regarding abuse by traditional religion/"the Church". It has been tremendously healing for me to take a conscious step backwards and realize that not ALL of them are like that. There are some that are truly open-minded and looking for the truth, as evidenced by some of the more progressive thinkers in "the Church", such as Kim Clement and Cindy Trimm. After all, 10 years ago, it was I who was in "the Church", and thought astrology was "the devil" - and look where I am in consciousness today.:D I'm sure there are many others on this forum who have some kind of background in "the Church", and beliefs they've formed about the people still in "the Church". Just trying to bring a little Neptune conjunct Chiron in Aquarius healing on the subject.:)
I really do think this is going to be a big theme during the Chiron in Aquarius conjunction with Neptune and Jupiter.

And of none of this applies to you, Flea, maybe I was still trying to prove it to myself.;)

wow, I didn't think this forum would open again! So much has happened I don't think I can remember all of it so all I will say is that I have definitely been feeling a "change" going on. All I want to do is be alone and I seem to be a lot more sensitive to the people around me. I have been very irritable lately.
woohoo! I am so happy. I missed our little blue forum. I have too been irritable and I have learned a lot personally and astrologically.
Good to be here.
Ihave been thinking about this swine flu pandemic and wonder what folks thought. My first thought was Pluto retrograde in Cardinal sign square venus direct and in shadow and mars then I thought neptune=infection, jupiter=expansion, chiron=wound in Aquarius...the collective....hmmmm any ones thoughts....we thought warm and cozy enlightment thoughts but I wonder...I just wonder....
cassanra said:
Ihave been thinking about this swine flu pandemic and wonder what folks thought. My first thought was Pluto retrograde in Cardinal sign square venus direct and in shadow and mars then I thought neptune=infection, jupiter=expansion, chiron=wound in Aquarius...the collective....hmmmm any ones thoughts....we thought warm and cozy enlightment thoughts but I wonder...I just wonder....
Yes, I also have missed my many friends on this forum. I feel as though I have been crawling through a very tight and dark tunnel alone, and can now see a bit of light. It has been such a journey - but good all the same.

cassanra, I reckon it's the triple conjunction in Aquarius. Air-borne, so Aquarius involved, definitely. When the influenza pandemic struck the world after WW1, Uranus was in Aquarius. Perhaps it's the triple conjunction - requiring co-operation from us all, and across all boundaries of nation and ethnicity - combined with Uranus in Pisces - suffering within the collective.
I was checking this configuration,

They all gonna sextile my natal Chiron in 4th house and merc retro gonna make direct station right at the top of natal Jupiter in my 5th house trining natal Mercury in Capricorn. Saturn is also squaring my AC at 16:00.
What can you say for that?

Tora, It's so awful how many animals have been needlessly killed over this Virus. I feel ashamed to be human! Every time it turns into a blame game instead of people taking responsibility and making a change. This is what we get for disregarding mother earth and our fellow creatures..not a surprise!:mad: Something interesting coming up that I will be keeping an eye out for is this rocket launch.
Tora said:
Your observation has been quite descriptive of what's happening now in the world.

Like Cassandra and R4VEN, I was thinking along the line of Swine flu virus (Neptune) spread (Jupiter) which is sudden (Uranus/Aquarius) and airborne.


In terms of the pandemic, I was hoping that Jupiter's influence would mean that we would be protected overall, and it would not be as deadly or severe as it could have been. Hopefully...:rolleyes:
....if this is a good reading of the stars it makes me wonder what will come together on the 23rd. Fears are often spoken of with Neptune, especially those unknown unnamed fears. This seems to be a medium through which to spread fear. I take the point about the number of animals killed..... in a small way it raising the issue of what humans do to animals on a day to day basis.

I am not sure what it all means.... I look to see what it will bring to myself with the stellium in my 10th house trine my natal jupiterR in the first. I do know that I will take some time to meditate on the energies of that day and how I am feeling inside rather than try to interpret it through news reports. I am very interested in how I will feel for some reason, so thinking it is a great day for a meditation workshop, to explore your own space, your feelings your intuition your state of mind. Chiron Neptune and Jupiter are pointing me in that direction.

if this is a good reading of the stars it makes me wonder what will come together on the 23rd. Fears are often spoken of with Neptune, especially those unknown unnamed fears. This seems to be a medium through which to spread fear. I take the point about the number of animals killed..... in a small way it raising the issue of what humans do to animals on a day to day basis. Yes, I agree with you. Also,the whole immigration debate is heating up again. This flu is raising all sorts of issues.
Sadly enough, it can even be debated if this flu, which is somehow a combination of Avian and Swine? LMAO. Which has killed exactly 1 American child(and even that's debatable as to where the child could've possibly came from(Read:Mexico). Neptune is also about dillusions and Jupiter is about expansions.

Whether it is to decieve the public about it's deadliness or whether or not it's a creation of the scientists, I hope people don't accept any **** just because of fear.

It's even amusing to the point where there are no symptoms as it pertains to this flu that's different from any other flu. It is far more likely infact then, that it's a regular flu that they are hyping up as some kind of new flu in order to judge public perception and deception.

I for one, will no longer stand for such manipulation. Untill I see exactly for myself, someone with Swine Flu holding onto dear life.

It should be noted, the company handing out Tamiflus is exactly in the middle of a scientific scandal, releasing LIVE containments of Avian Flu.