Jupiter Chiron Neptune conj 23rd May

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Thank you for adding a link to my site and a kind word. Hugs.

B. H. Clow put up her Gemini New Moon report which talks more about the current "Triple Conjunction". I added it to the thread in Astrology In The Aquarian Age for any interested in what she has to say. Thanks again. :)
It is always a pleasure Lapis.....I enjoy my visit's to your blog, enjoyable information....and gets you thinking AND feeling.

Also switched on the news and it had obama going head to head with cheney...... As said Obama has NNuranus opposite the triple conjunction. Is there a connection SOA?

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Lapis said:
B. H. Clow put up her Gemini New Moon report which talks more about the current "Triple Conjunction". I added it to the thread in Astrology In The Aquarian Age for any interested in what she has to say. Thanks again. :)
Something weird going down here..............

I have tried the Hand Clow site all morning, and even used the link from the thread you posted on Astrology In The Aquarian Age, and all I get is the Taurus New Moon - over and over.

Am I perhaps living in a Black Hole?
Thanks for that link, FL. That is a really good overview of this triple conjunction.

I also feel the need to emphasis the role Jupiter plays in representing our existence here in this realm in symbolic terms - which is where the religious connection comes in. I'm finding that Jupiter's presence in this conjunction is so enhancing of the symbols available to us for our reading - if we see them as such, of course. Dream symbols are pretty obvious ones, but the everyday symbols are there for us all if we only notice them as such.
As I see this conjunction it is still near enough to exact, even with Chiron & Neptune now retrograde, and so Jupiter will soon move on. The energy created by this triple conjunction will resonate for some time to come. Think of it as being like a giant cosmic slap in the face :confused: - where your face stings for hours afterwards.

For me this triple conjunction is in the 2nd house, in opposition to my natal Saturn in the 8th. It's like all the Big Guns are firing at my Saturn, and those enormous boundaries I have spent years in constructing up are crumbling. I am being shown how much of what I cart around inside me either originally belongs to others, or at the very least, belongs to decisions I made as long ago as 35 years!! :eek:
Time to update the hard-drive....................
Hi, R4Ven!
This conjunction is what does me intrigue, too . Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter on the same degree (26° in aquarius) and opposite to Saturn, actually what kind of implication could it make?
First, in your case, R4Ven, (conjonction in your second and saturn opposites in the 8th) there can be an idication to care for your possession or to be careful in front of swindle?

Secondly, I want to show what happened to me. Because I had to travel for business I made a diurnal chart. Asc in 26° of Gemini, Mc in 28° of aquarius; Sun at15° (Gemini) in the 12th doing a quarter aspect to Saturn (15° Virgo) and that famous triple-conjunction (Chiron, Neptun, Jupiter 26°) in aquarius in the 9th, the whole in conjunction to the MC. So what could happen? It concerns my job? Will it be a failure or indicates it only bad weather with too much watering? It was raining hot and dogs, yes.
Those have been my first questions in the hope that the best decision could be taken on. Going around and around, but nothing that I could see. [blindness due to Neptune?] But on the background there were too much annoyances with difficult communications even they were absent. Finally I recognized that the whole situation was too much like a chaos [Neptun once more?] and suddenly I meant to understand and preferred to refrain from the project. And what did I at home? Astrology .....! :) Neptune together with Jupiter in the house of Jupiter and sign of aquarius - what could be more spiritual, philosophical than such a position?
Now, R4Ven, coming back to your chart, perhaps there is only shown to you, that your talent and qualities as an astrologer are increased [Jupiter] or waking up in this period and make a great distance [opposition] to others? Could that be?

So, what would you see in this case of the triple conjunction? It would be very interesting to me to hear other opinions. Thank you very much in advance.
Hello all,
I have Sun conj. AC Aquarius at 28 ° so the stellium of Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron is at my sun and the Ascendant now. Neptune is wandering to my 12.house in Aquarius for the last decade. So I am in this experience for longer, but now it feels like as everything is "floating away".

I have a lot of Aquarian friends and what I have noticed is that all of them lost during this contacts ( neptune /Sun contact) either their home, job or parents/father/ husband, health.
greetings A29
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Hi, Aquarius 29!
If you will hear my opinion I don't think that your vision is too negative, but only that you feel now this time in that way.
In the same time I cannot believe that just one single conjunction like the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptun actually will over-dominate your whole chart. And even I suppose that, when this conjunction happens in your ASC, then you will not be so much passive, because yourselve you are implicated in the events. So, if you look in another sense, for example that in your mind the meeting of these planets will be the result of a certain maturity and which will come in action now. Perhaps - I don't know - you have to take a look at your whole chart and to bring it in connexion with your life, not only what happens in the outside world but also in your own world. Can this give you another point of view?
And when you feel "like as everything is floating away" isn't it the same feeling as to be alone? this eternel or typical feeling of aquarius? :) If you realize this perhaps all other events can appear to your eyes, those which was excluded by the point of view through this mysterious conjunction of Jupiter-Chiron and Neptune.
Neptune in the 12th is not bad at all! There he is in his own house and he cannot be better than there. I think you will be prepared by this conjunction to go more into yourselve, that you have to live spiritual experiences that you will keep for yourselve. These experiences so individual for us all they have to get their right, too, and that will be normal in life.
Take it easy and don't be afraid of changes - Neptune can also mean changes in the orientation.
Will this have a sense for you?
"Actually, St. Germain is stepping into the role of World Teacher for the
Aquarian Age. The Master Jesus is stepping aside as He was the primary
teacher for the Piscean Age. Jesus and St. Germain will continue to work
together to bring about a major shift in consciousness for the collective

"On February 14, the Moon was in Libra (the seventh house) and Jupiter
aligned with Mars. The Sun was conjunct Neptune, higher octave of Venus,
and an electrical shift occurred that influenced everyone on the planet as we
entered, fully, into the Age of Aquarius.

"St. Germain calls the bridging process the Rainbow Bridge, a weaving of all
races, creeds, cultures, young and old, rich and poor, male and female. As
we walk the Rainbow Bridge, the first half is about our surrender of old
outmoded belief systems and things that no longer serve our lives. As we
reach the middle of the bridge, the Masters meet us and take us into the
higher levels of consciousness. It is a celebration. St. Germain says that
this is not death or leaving Earth to go somewhere else, but a raising of
our vibrations so that we become aware of the beauty that has always
existed. We have chosen to separate ourselves in order to play the Earth
game and now the home coming is returning to those higher realms of
consciousness that we have denied for so long. This in and of itself makes a
lovely meditation. Hope this helps. Molly"


I know I'm a bit "behind" in this discussion, but I've only just joined this forum, and I find all of this so very inspiring. And the whole discussion around the Chi/Jup/Nep conjunction, with Ura in close semisextile. And it's going on for a long time, I've been noticing all this month it is being triggered by Venus, then Mercury, and the Moon on June 20th.

Raising of collective consciousness - Eckhart Tolle talks about this in A New Earth, Richard Tarnas talks about it in Psyche and Cosmos. We can be so focused on the details of our own lives, we may not see the larger significance. Look at the huge changes that are happening politically in the USA that have affected the whole planet. Look at the intensity with which the car industry is being obliged to be more environmentally conscious, who would have ever believed smoking in public places would be banned, or that you would have to pay for plastic grocery bags?

Personally, if there is a choice between maintaining old patterns or embracing new ways of being, it seems we are obliged to embrace the new. The threshold struggle is in how hard it is sometimes to let go of the old and venture into the unknown.

Raising consciousness begins with becoming self-aware. "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me."
(chiron and jupiter are conjunct in aries for me) the triple conjunction is happeneing between my natal venus and mercury. i've thought alot about it, and and today in particular (june 12th) the moon moved through it. its also the day the fcc shut down analogue TV signal, and companies are vying for the freed up airspace. it seems neptune, child of pisces, increases the chasm within IRONY. so while the promise of healing the spiritual gap is laid bare, the gap between spirit and materia WIDENS as that healing energy is applied. for example, as the moon passed through, iran held presidential elections, and the progressives have taken to the streets. basically, what I'm seeing is as the material urge tightens its grip over social control, it enlivens and liberates the spirit to flare in defiance.

anybody ever thought that the moon embodies the transcendental light of the sun? IE, the sun is too too bright to look at directly, and the moon is only visible because the suns light bounces off of it. so like classical astrology says, the moon is more than emotion, but primal behavioural urge. literally the embodiment of the will of the spirit making its impression through the actions of the body.

I noticed alot of talk about spiritual transumation, like this triple conjunction is one of the events leading to the age of aquarius... won't all this get worse AND better? kind of like the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?
This is conjuncting my natal sun and my natal jupiter ooooo Look...

today i made a rock garden for on my desk, i bought the wood and tools and stuff the stain.. cut the wood, stained it measured it etc. Got the sands and stones that i've had for a long time and even made a platform in the middle for my budda... its 17inches square

and i Remember saying as im getting the materials "Now I have everything I need, this was too easy.. If I mess up I know its because its my fault.."

This project i just got the urge to do around noon, and i had been wanting one for a few weeks now..

im ususaly not this patient... I've been waiting watching it dry literaly so antsy to hurry up to do the next thing.. its like TORTURE but i know if i rush it it will turn out ******.. And its really really nice right now.. Twitch...

natal jupiter is at 29*4min Natal sun 27*52min


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This is conjuncting my natal sun and my natal jupiter ooooo Look...

today i made a rock garden for on my desk, i bought the wood and tools and stuff the stain.. cut the wood, stained it measured it etc. Got the sands and stones that i've had for a long time and even made a platform in the middle for my budda... its 17inches square

natal jupiter is at 29*4min Natal sun 27*52min

Niplan, this is such a beautiful image of manifesting a divine/sacred vision. and learning to be patient and allow your creativity to unfold rather than forcing it. Very meditative.

I have deepened my own spiritual practice considerably over the past two months. hmmmm
thanks now im waiting for the gloss to dry... la la la la FOREVER...

The funny thing is i have no skill in carpentry or anything and i'm just going with the flow, Or sucking knowledge from the unconsious. Either way, I still even wrote an enochian inscription that will go on the bottom facing the sand.
This is what i accomplished.. i also maked a rake i forgot to take a picture of, and i mixed the sand with sandlewood so when i play with it it smells :D

Another thing, Before i even had the wood to make the box, i got the sand off my friend who has a 5lb bag of sand conveniently, And none the less aside from that alone, I Took the perfect amount of sand first try before i even knew how big the box would be..


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Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron is in full effect. The deaths of big celebrities= death of the collective illusion.
Wow, this is powerful. At first I didn't feel it, but when the planets started to square that stellium things started to heat up. Yep, things are happening. There is a lot of pain involved, and especially now with Mars doing the square I feel like I am going to explode. Everything is really magnified,like I am being squeezed. Definitely feeling Chiron, ugh... wow, this is pretty much what I thought it would be like. Beautiful things are on their way, but we have to get through some nasty stuff.
There have been an awful lot of high profile plane crashes in the news lately....something to do with this conjunction in Aquarius maybe??? I have noticed in the past that when :mercury: is :retrograde: in :aquarius: or when :mars: passes through this sign, there seems to be a lot of air disasters in the news.

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