Jupiter Chiron Neptune conjunction 26 Aquaruis

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Neptune Rising

Well-known member
Feb 22, 2007
Hi :)

Does anyone else have this affecting their natal planets, and how are the energies manifesting? They conjunct at 26 Aquarius in May, and at 22 Aqua in December 2009.

I have this conjunction aproaching my 27 degree Aquarius Lilith. I might include the sextile to my 25 degree 1st house Mars too. The conjunction happens in my 2nd house. Not sure what to expect, but I guess its manifesting now. Juptier expanding and merging with Lilith energies, Neptune disolving and spiritualising Lilith and Chiron wounding/healing and teaching merging with Lilith.

I've read that Lilith in Aquarius can lead to extreme detatchment with friendships, or disillusionment, its a hidden energy, hidden emotions and in Aqua blended in with friendships.

I have experienced this kind of energy lately, being very hurt by someone I considered a long term close friend. She showed me a different side to her character that threw me and made me question my idea about what friendship is.

So maybe, Chiron conjuncting Lilith here brought the pain, opening a wound, Neptune gives the oppertunity to see beyond the immediate situation and look for a more spiritual meaning to the circumstance. Neptune could also have added a sense of illusionment and deception to Lilith and Chiron - I feel I have been duped, lied to and wounded by this, and Jupiter just expanded all those. But I have also been given the chance to transform my Lilith energies, hopefully to evolve them somehow by disolving (Neptune) my ego. Even better, using the knowledge of going beyond ego pain and helping others in the future.

NR :)
Neptune Rising said:
Hi :)

I've read that Lilith in Aquarius can lead to extreme detatchment with friendships, or disillusionment, its a hidden energy, hidden emotions and in Aqua blended in with friendships.

I have experienced this kind of energy lately, being very hurt by someone I considered a long term close friend. She showed me a different side to her character that threw me and made me question my idea about what friendship is.

So maybe, Chiron conjuncting Lilith here brought the pain, opening a wound, Neptune gives the oppertunity to see beyond the immediate situation and look for a more spiritual meaning to the circumstance. Neptune could also have added a sense of illusionment and deception to Lilith and Chiron - I feel I have been duped, lied to and wounded by this, and Jupiter just expanded all those. But I have also been given the chance to transform my Lilith energies, hopefully to evolve them somehow by disolving (Neptune) my ego. Even better, using the knowledge of going beyond ego pain and helping others in the future.

NR :)

Hiya NR,

Good thread!

I am experiencing this too! (See thread "How do I fix this?"). My best friend/colleague has Saturn at 0:43 degrees Pisces. After trying to help her out at work this week - to my detriment which I did resent and she didn't seem to appreciate - she is now not talking to me, and has cut me off her Facebook. It seems no matter what I do, I am misunderstood (Merc rx) and she can't seem to see what I was really about. I thought we would be able to talk this through and appreciate where each other were coming from in a professional way, but we seem unable to do that especially as I can't now email her about it. I'm in shock. The bottom line is even though it went against my career, I still helped her out when she should have been more professional in the first place. She just doesn't get why I was annoyed with that. Oh well, you win some, you lose some...

The triple conjunction will be in a 3 degree orb of my Mars in Aquarius. The whole conjunction is moving through my 6th house natally. Anyone with planets in late degrees in fixed signs, will be affected, what the impact will be, is not certain. A lot of hype surrounds the whole conjunction, it has undoubtedly been interesting discussing this combination. Hopefully, in the long run, it leads to further understanding of Chiron. I guess, the whole conjunction will be seen in my work, health, service activities. I might become more idealistic concerning my contributions on the work front. With Mars-Jupiter conjunct in 6th I was hoping (using a Jupiter word) for an opportunity to do work that is more interesting. It's not that I have a low tolerance for boredom, but I do need to do work that I feel, is more progressive.

It's good to have a thread started on this topic, as we can write back here, with our experiences of the whole transit.
In Fixed signs:

Pluto(Retrograde) at 22 Scorpio

Venus at 21 Aquarius

That's it :).

It's too bad this conjunction isn't exactly conjuncting my Natal Venus, would've been nice if something fun had happened.
Confusedpisces said:
In Fixed signs:

Pluto(Retrograde) at 22 Scorpio

Venus at 21 Aquarius

That's it :).

It's too bad this conjunction isn't exactly conjuncting my Natal Venus, would've been nice if something fun had happened.


Does anyone else have this affecting their natal planets, and how are the energies manifesting? They conjunct at 26 Aquarius in May, and at 22 Aqua in December 2009.

It sounds like you'll be getting some "fun" in December. It will be conjuncting your Venus within 1 degree, and exactly squaring your Pluto.:D

Natal chiron at 27 degrees Aquarius....on the inner cusp of my 12th... I have not idea what that means...maybe because it is in the 12th I won't know about it :)
natal sun at 20Aquarius with his buddy the true node at 23Aquarius in the 11th. i have been feeling an intense desire to do volunteer work.
freedomlover said:

It sounds like you'll be getting some "fun" in December. It will be conjuncting your Venus within 1 degree, and exactly squaring your Pluto.:D


Theory has it, that retrograde planets, planets going back to the past refer to past karma to be dealt with. I'm thinking, with Natal Venus squaring Retro Pluto and with the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune squaring it as well

I've probably done some negative things in the past that must be dealt with, my soul yearns to learn more about these sins. And to correct them. A possible understanding and relevation with those I may have accidently or worse intentionally hurt.
Neptune Rising said:
....maybe, Chiron conjuncting Lilith here brought the pain, opening a wound, Neptune gives the oppertunity to see beyond the immediate situation and look for a more spiritual meaning to the circumstance. Neptune could also have added a sense of illusionment and deception to Lilith and Chiron - I feel I have been duped, lied to and wounded by this, and Jupiter just expanded all those. But I have also been given the chance to transform my Lilith energies, hopefully to evolve them somehow by disolving (Neptune) my ego. Even better, using the knowledge of going beyond ego pain and helping others in the future.

Hi NR,

I have the following configuration in my natal chart :-

Natally, Uranus is 29+ degrees Gemini; Sun is 27+ degrees Scorpio; Chiron is 29+degrees Scorpio and Jupiter is 1 degree Capricorn......with progressed Uranus currently at 27+degrees of Gemini and progressed Sun at 28+ degrees of Capricorn (creating a temporay Yod/boomerang lasting for 3 years).....So, this natal configuration is now being activated both by transit (Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius/5th) and progression.

I am aware that the transit is making me feel extremely disillusioned (Neptune); re-opening my Chiron wound (a fear of manipulation) and agitating my core Jupiter beliefs of honesty and integrity......Mainfesting at this point in time as an exceptionally strong sense of outrage about the apparent overclaiming of expenses by UK Members of Parliament.

However, what I actually learn from this transit will (as always) be determined by the progressed and natal factors involved.

Great replies :)
The conjunction in my 2nd house.

I've also been getting help from another friend, we are helping each other out financially by me moving in with her. We are also helping each other spiritually. Through this, I've had a chance to re-assess my own values, self value which reflects in my finances and views of finances. These all seem to be gradually improving from the state they were in before where I could see no way clear. :)
EJ53 said:
Hi NR,

I have the following configuration in my natal chart :-

Natally, Uranus is 29+ degrees Gemini; Sun is 27+ degrees Scorpio; Chiron is 29+degrees Scorpio and Jupiter is 1 degree Capricorn......with progressed Uranus currently at 27+degrees of Gemini and progressed Sun at 28+ degrees of Capricorn (creating a temporay Yod/boomerang lasting for 3 years).....So, this natal configuration is now being activated both by transit (Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius/5th) and progression.

I am aware that the transit is making me feel extremely disillusioned (Neptune); re-opening my Chiron wound (a fear of manipulation) and agitating my core Jupiter beliefs of honesty and integrity......Mainfesting at this point in time as an exceptionally strong sense of outrage about the apparent overclaiming of expenses by UK Members of Parliament.

However, what I actually learn from this transit will (as always) be determined by the progressed and natal factors involved.


Hi EJ :)
Thats quite a configuration.
So the transit square from Uranus to your natal Sun/Chiron would through challenges your way?.. with Scorpionic themes - the way the government manipulated their funding methods? I must say, that was incredible to read about, I had some faith that they might be honest people.
Do you think the solar eclipse in July at 29 degrees Cancer provide some gift by giving a trine to your natal Sun/Chiron?
cassanra said:
Natal chiron at 27 degrees Aquarius....on the inner cusp of my 12th... I have not idea what that means...maybe because it is in the 12th I won't know about it :)
Could that give alot of healing, and a chiron return. I'm not sure what Chiron returns mean, a chance to re-assess what healing has been done up to that date?
The conjunctions are rolling right over my Mars in the 8th. I am not having a good time with this.
misskitty said:
The conjunctions are rolling right over my Mars in the 8th. I am not having a good time with this.

why do u say that?

its conjucting my mars too who came from 8th house to 6th,so its similar
Neptune Rising said:
...Do you think the solar eclipse in July at 29 degrees Cancer provide some gift by giving a trine to your natal Sun/Chiron?

Hadn't noticed this, NR........Thanks for pointing it out.

This eclipse pair fall in Capricorn/Cancer and my 10/4 axis........perhaps with the trine providing an opportunity to sort out communication issues/misunderstandings (with my family/4th and outside world contacts/10th).......And, I guess my ever-increasing disillusion with the "Establishment/Government/Financial Institutions/Authorities" might be a factor here.

Thanks EJ, its always fascinating to hear how other people view the transits. And helps me to understand how they can influence the houses.

Ah yes Neptune will also be involved with that eclipse, within 4 degrees so maybe mildly. And Uranus too within 3 degrees but by trine, so hopefully a nice surprise!

The eclipses fall in my 1st/7th houses, aspecting 7th house Cancerian Saturn and trining 3rd house Piscean Juno. I just realised it will inconjunct my natal 27 Aqua Lilith too, so will form a mild yod with natal 25 Sag Mars, natal 27 Aqua Lilith and 29 degree Cancerian Solar Eclipse! Oh I'm not so sure I like the look of that now, though fascinated to see how it plays out. :D

NR :)
misskitty said:
The conjunctions are rolling right over my Mars in the 8th. I am not having a good time with this.

Sorry to hear that. I know it can be tough. I find Chiron/Mars contacts tough, mainly the conjunctions and squares. Mars was conjunct natal 4th house Chiron yesterday, it wasn't too bad, had a headache and decided it might be better to move to a different part of the country, to the sea to escape the constant damage from city pollution, but that was all.

A friend and I ended our friendship when we had a double hit of Mars conjunct Chiron, and, Chiron square Mars in our composite. I guess it just showed that perhaps we didn't have as solid a friendship as I thought we did. It taught me alot though it was quite painful at first.
Gemini JupiterR trine the conjunction here. My emotions have been all over the place this week, really good really bad nothing consistent. Maybe I am resolving some past life stuff with JupR here. Appropriate communication she says as she loses herv voice... not kidding.....laryngitis!too

flea said:
Gemini JupiterR trine the conjunction here. My emotions have been all over the place this week, really good really bad nothing consistent. Maybe I am resolving some past life stuff with JupR here. Appropriate communication she says as she loses herv voice... not kidding.....laryngitis!too


Wow the trio are trining your ascendant too! It looks like alot of healing involved with the Chiron and Neptune. I've found Chiron transits to be a bit magical, and quite interesting and a bit up and down but somewhat poetic. During those times I've been able to see the beauty in every little thing, maybe that was the healing I found through whatever hardship might have been manifesting also.

I hope your laryngitis clears up soon, some Chironic healing with some Neptunian magic. :)