Jupiter-Time, 400 day calendar, approaching the Scorpioyear!

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Oct 22, 2009
red storm
We've been living in the year where Jupiter ives in Libra. Trump has Jupiter in Libra. It is his Jupiter year. He also has Neptune there, if I am not mistaken.

The next exact Sun-Jupiter conjunction is at the time below. It happens on 03'31 degrees Scorpio.

Thursday, October 26 2017, 01:58:41 PM
New York (New York), New York
74.00W ; 40.42N / 4W00, 05:58 PM UT

There is this method where you measure periods of development in the stretches between two Jupiter-Sun conjunction, roughly, but really quite exactly actually, 13 months of a solar year. So thats nice, you get a progression of one sign each "year".

Ive tis thing n my signature but whatever - I wish to recommend y'all participate in this, its pretty powerful. And you know how Jupiter rattles the bones of Saturn, Its exciting. (Uranus is happy to see change in orders - Saturns own existential order no less - time, Kronos, itself.)

So yes, I am Aquarius, I invent things. Jupiter is my friend, he's in my first house, with Lilith and Chiron. I feel great gratitude to be able to honour Jupiter with a new invention of time-mapping.

- I started living by it in 2015, at the Virgo conjunction. It was a true autumn spring.

The next exact conjunction:

Thursday, October 26 2017, 01:58:41 PM
New York (New York), New York
74.00W ; 40.42N / 4W00, 05:58 PM UT

Just formulate your goals in that moment, and thank Jupiter for listening.
If you can say it directly to him/her (Jupiter has a feminine aspect, its well hidden, I believe it relates to Vesta)

I am very sure he will listen.
Jupiter is the boss of all the gods always.
His calendar must have been known to the Assyrians. All this is is the unearthing of an available resource of value-bestowing.

It is your thirst to become sacrifices and gifts yourselves: and therefore have ye the thirst to accumulate all riches in your soul.

Insatiably striveth your soul for treasures and jewels, because your virtue is insatiable in desiring to bestow.
Ye constrain all things to flow towards you and into you, so that they shall flow back again out of your fountain as the gifts of your love.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, thus spoke Zarathustra, the Bestowing Virtue

Now cometh the Scorpio-Year.

We can easily overcome sadness and overbearing powers if we man up and overcome the passivity in ourselves before our gods.
Jim asked where are the feasts we were promised?
You gave em to us friend.
Beyond that?
Is it just me, myself I and the shadow of the dragonfly?
Or is it more, and are we gaining ground?

As chaos in politics prevails, the order in the stars becomes... crystal clear.

If you are not, you should be preparing for Uranus into Taurus, mid 2018. That is one head from 1933, the invention of the atomic bomb and a rather unfortunate political transition. This can not apply to Trump, as he is firmly rooted in the Aries-Uranus spirit of anarchy. Uranus in Taurus is the invention and discoveries of new forms of order and dominion. And on a higher arc, of the power to create higher values. After all, what came out of WWII was a time of great prosperity. But are we going down that path?

Jupiter can tell, can direct, can even dictate if he wishes to. And believe or not, but Jupiter is that od that cares for prayer. Though prayer comes in many forms.

"Truth be told, my heart has gotten cold
for the suffering of those that tried to fit me in the mold"

GO your own way proudly -
just, more proudly than before. There is a god now. His name is Jupiter, he's back.
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The next exact conjunction:

Thursday, October 26 2017, 01:58:41 PM
New York (New York), New York
74.00W ; 40.42N / 4W00, 05:58 PM UT

Just formulate your goals in that moment, and thank Jupiter for listening.
If you can say it directly to him/her (Jupiter has a feminine aspect, its well hidden, I believe it relates to Vesta)
. Edit: what about Juno? In mythology, Juno is Jupiter's or Zeus' daughter. It may be related to Athena (another Greek goddess figure) or Pallas too.

A Jovial year has to be 4,800 days, about 400 in a single sign, almost one per year. On my birth year 1980, Jupiter was in Virgo. The last time it was in Virgo was 2015-16, as well 1991-92 and 2003-04, transits into Libra the middle of the astrological zodiac year. Jupiter was in Scorpio in 1981-82, 1993-94 (Comet Levy-Shoemaker collided into the solar system's largest planet) and 2005-06. Jupiter in Virgo and Scorpio aren't the best of luck, this heralds difficult, trying times for both personal natal charts and horoscopes.
The next exact conjunction:

Thursday, October 26 2017, 01:58:41 PM
New York (New York), New York
74.00W ; 40.42N / 4W00, 05:58 PM UT

Just formulate your goals in that moment, and thank Jupiter for listening.
If you can say it directly to him/her (Jupiter has a feminine aspect, its well hidden, I believe it relates to Vesta)
. Edit: what about Juno? In mythology, Juno is Jupiter's or Zeus' daughter. It may be related to Athena (another Greek goddess figure) or Pallas too.

A Jovial year has to be 4,800 days, about 400 in a single sign, almost one per year. On my birth year 1980, Jupiter was in Virgo. The last time it was in Virgo was 2015-16, as well 1991-92 and 2003-04, transits into Libra the middle of the astrological zodiac year. Jupiter was in Scorpio in 1981-82, 1993-94 (Comet Levy-Shoemaker collided into the solar system's largest planet) and 2005-06. Jupiter in Virgo and Scorpio aren't the best of luck, this heralds difficult, trying times for both personal natal charts and horoscopes.

There is no such thing as a bad sign for Jupiter. Its actually exalted in Virgo according to esoteric astrology, and in Scorpio it can work with Mars and Pluto - which means that it is definitely, definitely not for the scairt and meek - but Jupiter in Scorpio can do mighty things.

A few people with Jupiter in Scorpio.

Britney Spears
Justin Bieber
Sharon Stone
Elvis Presley
Uma Thurman
David Bowie
14th Dalai Lama
Mariah Carey
Napoleon I
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
Nicki Minaj
Tupac Shakur
Charles Manson
Matt Damon
Ellen DeGeneres
Steven Spielberg
Melania Trump
Lil Wayne
Viggo Mortensen
Elton John
Louis XIV of France

Not easy but Scorpio hates easy. Definitely proud and powerful.
I really enjoyed reading this thread. Thank you for your invention, Blacksun.

(What's not to love about finding CAP and Blacksun in the same place? Only good things are bound to happen.)
thanks Sadge.

Reward yourself. Observe this calendar.

Jupiter is a powerful ally. And you can be damned sure he is gratified with each and every bit of acknowledgement he gets.

Jupiter is as he makes his children.

And yes, I am his priest.
Sacrifices were made.

"When mourning is over, Morning arrives."

- Sander vd Horst
Btw, in my own, very personal, VERY modern configuration, I have Jupiter "in service to" Aquarius under Uranian "native-rulership". And, Venus in service to Pisces under Neptunian native-rulership. I use the term "native-rulership" to mean the Influence that creates the "Sign-program" itself, but there's also a "regulatory-rulership" and an "in-service" rulership for each Sign. Pluto is the regulatory-ruler of Aquarius, and the Asc/Jupiter combination is regulatory for Pisces. Just sharing. Oh, should add, the Moon is the in-service ruler of Aquarius, and the Sun is the in-service ruler of Pisces.
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Jupiter is in my life for sure. My only ally at times, but that best one to have on your team if you ask me. Perhaps that's why I identified with the message of this thread. And I agree -- giving thanks for our bounty is part of the power.

I can tell he is and I tell you the more I get people to feed into this 13 month incremental calendar of bounty, the more Jupiter will come to take power from Saturn, who doesn't mind, just tests us, and bring lightness and possibility; free will in the air. Free will isn't possible without faith.

Thanks for taking the time to offer a unique and exhilarating contribution to this site. This is what I meant when I said you were "born liberated." Keep riding that raw energy.

I will, this is very vindicating. I must preach on - Jupiter rewards those that follow his path. Its just his cornucopian slipstream. Theres a certain surfer mentality to it. Unlike the Sun, Jupiter retrogrades, so it is a wobbly calendar, with really interesting quarter and mid-year events, Ive seen that quickly in these two years Ive watched the cardinal points for Jupiter-Sun time. This years opposition was Trumps Tomahawk strike, which signalled the paradigm of military reorganization of the globe that Uranus in Taurus is going to further play out. Uranus and Jupiter are now opposed, we should keep our ears open for them these days - and not try to understand, they are two powers of genius, its not possible to grasp rationally, in one human thought, what they say in high strung concert; just let them whisper directly to our deeper lying grey mass, the form of Binah which lies between them, that absorbs so much that we will later be aware of.

I have Jupiter in late Scorpio Trine Sun in late Pisces. In Placidus, it's in H8; but, in Whole-sign, it's in H9--that's where it works best for me.

that seems to work better for me as well.

I have Juno in late Scorpio at the cusp of 8 (whole house Scorpio is 8) and Venus late Pisces deep in 12. Virgo is the only sign that is empty in my chart, intercepted in the sixth. Thats where the mystery lies, for me. My "hero" Nietzsche has his Mars on 27 Virgo directly opposed to my Venus. Very many significant events take place when planets are around that point, and people with planets there usually have a clean yet ruthless, Shivaic quality to them. The last degrees of the first half of the Zodiac, at the culmination point of the individual, the last point of resistance before it breaks up into Libra where the necessity to transcend the individual is recognized - this 27th and 28th degrees of Virgo are far prouder than any degree in Leo - far prouder than can be put on display without its displayer being completely ostracized, unless big favour is indicated otherwise. Lyrical musicians are the group that seems to know best what to do with it.

Btw, in my own, very personal, VERY modern configuration, I have Jupiter "in service to" Aquarius under Uranian "native-rulership". And, Venus in service to Pisces under Neptunian native-rulership. I use the term "native-rulership" to mean the Influence that creates the "Sign-program" itself, but there's also a "regulatory-rulership" and an "in-service" rulership for each Sign. Pluto is the regulatory-ruler of Aquarius, and the Asc/Jupiter combination is regulatory for Pisces. Just sharing. Oh, should add, the Moon is the in-service ruler of Aquarius, and the Sun is the in-service ruler of Pisces.

Ive been increasingly aware of the need of something like that. Can you list those rulerships? Or at least tell me about the Fixed signs?
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I started by using a Heliocentric "cipher" to explain the reasoning for pre-Ptolemy Sign-rulerships. Ptolemy didn't invent them, but he did come up with a very attractive reason for them, which I nevertheless find lacking. Easy start: Aristarchus of Samos came up with the Heliocentric model (now attributed to Copernicus) around 200 B.C.E. So, the new Tropical Astrologers, using the Hipparchian starting point of 0 degrees Aries located at the Sun's position at the Vernal Equinox, had access to that Heliocentric model. Right away, Heliocentric, fiery, Fixed Sun, rules the Fixed-fire Sign; and, with only 7 rulers for 12 Signs, the Moon and Sun, moving in only one direction, will rule one Sign each; whereas the Planets move in both directions, and will rule two. Venus and Mars are equivalently located, adjacent to Earth's orbit around the Sun, and therefore rule the two Equinoctial-signs, with color and brightness determining Elements--Fire for Mars, Air for Venus. Earth's orbit is the Heliocentric reference-orbit, so the Moon is at the reference point, and Saturn is the farthest Planet away, within the limit (the Solstisces are at the limits of axial tilt), where the limiting factor is Naked-eye-vision. In the Northern Hemisphere, where Tropical-astrology developed, the Tropic of Cancer was closest, Tropic of Capricorn farthest away, so close Moon and far away Saturn get their rulerships. With those five in place, the rest follow. All right I won't bore anyone with how it unfolds from there, except to say that I've given both the Ascendant, and, the Age "tuning-fork", which resonates with the Earth's vibratory frequency, native-rulership status. The Ascendant, which is the visible point of Sunrise, rules Sagittarius. [Interesting sidenote: When you use a horizontal line to represent the Eastern horizon, and an arrow beginning below the line, signifying Sunrise, and pointing upward to the right (which is the direction the travels across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere), you get the symbol for Sagittarius.]
The "Earth" is Geocentically fixed in place in the center of the Zodiac, which corresponds to the Earth ruling Fixed-sign, Earth-sign Taurus. The pattern I'm using, which is about what I call the "Coefficient of Change", sets the native-rulerships for the Fixed and Mutable Signs, which are about willingness and unwillingness to change. The Cardinal-signs retain the native-rulerships from Heliocentric cipher, and are about positionality, separate and apart from the Coefficient of Change. Everything falls into place pretty much as expected, except for one glaring exception, and the Ancient-Greek religion explained that. So, I trust the configuration.
****************************Finally, to answer about the Fixed-signs: Taurus--native-ruler the Earth, through the agency of the Earth's Age tuning-fork (Gaia's Trident, when the center-point is included); regulating-ruler, the Planet I have totally feminized, Urania :uranus:; motivational-ruler, Jupiter; and, in-service ruler Venus, which has the greatest immediate effect on Taurus.
Leo--native-ruler the Sun; regulating, is the combination of Earth's tuning-fork (so the Age environment has a great effect on Leo, and on Sun-sign characteristics in general) and Urania:uranus:; motivational-ruler, the Ascendant/Jupiter combination; and (in a great departure from traditional), in-service ruler Saturn. No question the Sun has the greatest influence over Leo of the group.
For Scorpio, native-ruler Pluto; regulating-ruler the Sun; motivational-ruler, Neptune; and, in-service ruler Mars. Pluto, then Mars have the greatest immediate influence of the four. (They ALL have influence over the Signs, but some are more subtle than others, depending on the Sign itself.)
Aquarius--native-ruler Urania:uranus:; regulating-ruler Pluto; motivational-ruler Mercury; and, in-service ruler, the Moon. (Notice the complete absence here of Saturn regarding the rulership of Aquarius; which is, of course another major departure from tradition.)
The means for determining the regulating, motivating, and in-service rulerships is from a pattern using Modalities and Elements, running in Direct motion, with each Sign in transition to the next.
Btw, I do use these in Chart-readings, with good results.
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If you are not, you should be preparing for Uranus into Taurus, mid 2018. That is one head from 1933, the invention of the atomic bomb and a rather unfortunate political transition. This can not apply to Trump, as he is firmly rooted in the Aries-Uranus spirit of anarchy. Uranus in Taurus is the invention and discoveries of new forms of order and dominion. And on a higher arc, of the power to create higher values. After all, what came out of WWII was a time of great prosperity. But are we going down that path?

Uranus didn't enter taurus until mid 1934, when uranus was at critical degrees of aries, just like it has been currently events began getting set in motion. When uranus entered taurus there was so much activity in cancer, alongside pluto and lilith being in cancer. Which definitely aided the political climate and the nationalistic sentiments. It's concerning, that when uranus enters taurus again, in 2018, pluto and lilith will be conjunct in capricorn and saturn will also be in capricorn!!. Mars will be in capricorn also at that time temporarily. :unsure: I agree people should be preparing for that period, things are definitely going to take a turn toward the negative for some time.
Uranus didn't enter taurus until mid 1934, when uranus was at critical degrees of aries, just like it has been currently events began getting set in motion. When uranus entered taurus there was so much activity in cancer, alongside pluto and lilith being in cancer. Which definitely aided the political climate and the nationalistic sentiments. It's concerning, that when uranus enters taurus again, in 2018, pluto and lilith will be conjunct in capricorn and saturn will also be in capricorn!!. Mars will be in capricorn also at that time temporarily. :unsure: I agree people should be preparing for that period, things are definitely going to take a turn toward the negative for some time.

Neptune in Pisces will be keeping things as mellow as possible, under the circumstances. In the 1930s, Neptune was in Virgo, which was a cause for depression and despair.
Sometimes I done that in a number of forums I been on for years, must be a dominant sign Virgo thing...and I don't really have Virgo Denial syndrome. :lol:

Mercury, Venus and Mars are in Virgo. I have no Virgoan placements except for the Descendant, which I see as being about one's personal attitude concerning traditions (Astrology included). That's why [IMO] I look for regular patterns and analyze traditions instead of just accepting them as they're usually presented. Virgo, like Gemini, isn't tied to only one thought structure, so it can play with the possibilities.
David - thanks very much. I can relate to these attributions - for example, the tie of Pluto to Aquarius, Ive long sensed. Its a plausible system with these different functions, more plausible than "this planet rules this sign, period", which Franky doesn't make a whole lot of ontological sense.

Yes. Neptune in Pisces guarantees that the outcome here will potentially be very positive. That is why I am stressing that we all prepare. We can quite literally count on a take-over of world-idealism by truer minds than have hitherto held rulership of global efforts.

ashriia - Note taken about the date, '34.

I don't think things will turn for the more negative, I think things have been in the bleakest pit of hell since the late 90's when the US started bombing Central Europe and the western military alliance unveiled its nature as a continuation of nazi politics.

Trumps victory brought an end to the security of this apparatus, he has thrown a wrench in the wheels. So what we will see is an unraveling of the global order of Neomarxist idealism (by means of the absurdities of identity-politics, totalitarian victim-ideology, race- and gender-based ideologies, ochlocracy) and the rise of all sorts of new power structures competing for a place in the vacuum that has been torn open by the fall of the media-driven system of satisfying the laziest and dumbest of our species with nice fat big lies, so that the lazy and dumb will oppress the more human beings, as is the case in all mob-regulated social structures.

To my mind the world could not have been darker at any moment in time than it was in 2014 and 'early '15. It was so evil that I don't want to talk about it - but I am pretty sure we came through the eye of the needle there. I was ready to kill myself because of the seeming success of a Nato coup in Russia, which for me would have meant the loss of all that is good.

Trumps victory is the acknowledgement that our species is in fact human, so pretty messy, so that we can start looking at ourselves. Most post WWII American presidents have been quite monstrous, but somehow maintained the aura of sanctimony. Trump has no such aura, which feels to me like the bubonic plague has been lifted. If there is one thing I find to be evil it is killing with a morally self-satisfied grin, which was Obamas speciality. I supported him fanatically from 2004 when he published his book, to 2008 when he was elected, but I saw his cold heart the very moment he took the stage that very november night. All his magnetic, personable humanity was gone in an instant, and what remained was an abstract shell of phraseology and cool mannerisms.

Trump may not be very good, but he is most certainly not evil. He is far too clumsy a persona to be evil.
He is "human, all-too-human" and ostensibly so; That is a big, big step forward for the US. The nation had come a long way since it elected a veritable monkey, GW Bush, for leadership.

Behind the Donalds clumsiness is a very reliable determination to work on behalf of the US, look at his cardinal placements.

His Bannonian agenda has been usurped by all the forces that were deeper behind him - such as Israeli security - but all of this is a glorious, narrow escape from being ruled by a proven pedophile-ringleader, which would really have meant the end of western civilization, either nuclear or civil war was absolutely guaranteed, and first nuclear, then civil war was a more than likely outcome. After all she caused the collapse of several nations, plunged them into literal hell, just to be noticed by the apparatus. Humans do not get more evil. I resent the idea that she, simply by being technically a woman, represents woman-kind. If that were the case I most assuredly would not have been born. She is the most degrading example to womankind.

Im perfectly sure that many voters sensed this threat in their hearts when they entered the voting booths. Jupiter was victorious that night; this is Trumps Jupiter-year.

Pluto has been hovering directly opposed the US natal sun for years, all this breaking down of the nation so as for it to build itself somewhat anew has been explicitly predicted by Dutch astrologers (a school largely oriented on the black lights, dark moon, black sun, the nodes) some decades ago. Of course in 6 years or so, Pluto will be entering Aquarius, where it entered last in 1776. Preparing for that time, which will be a time of new legislation, is wise.

Disclaimer: politics is always wicked, treacherous, dishonest and unfair. That is what it is. So therefore I like Trump; he does not manage to fool people into thinking he is some kind of saint. That theater, of which Clinton and Obama were aspiring champions, is the most dangerous thing in this world. This paradigm shift is a matter of lowering expectations about politicians, and raising expectations about civilians. It is a time of growing up.

"The time is coming when politics will have a different meaning." - Nietzsche

This does not mean anything against female leadership, and all suggestions to that effect are absurd - the idea that a genocidal pedophile champion would be the only option for womankind to lead is very insulting to womankind. Is it not?

Right now Merkel is arguably the most influential leader in the world. She has made of Germany the leader of Europe, entirely without military means. This trend will likely continue; stoic, non-ideological, pragmatic, unemotional female leaders managing the worlds great economies without desire for muscle flexing.
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Blacksun?, what's your take on the 15th card of the Major Arcana? I'm asking in relation to the Tropical Age of Capricorn, which is slowly shifting into Aquarius, but is also culminating at the very end.
Thats a good question - Ive been thinking about that card for the past years.
In the Tree, it connects the sphere of Mercury (Hod, Splendour) to the Sun center of Tipharet. Suggesting thus that Tipharet ("Beauty") is, from the rational perspective, beyond good and evil. The card that connects the opposite pole, Netzach (Venus) to Tipharet is Arcanum XIII, Death. This means that whichever basic human position we use to approach the "Christ-center" as Tipharet is also referred to, it'll bring a cataclysmic change in our standards of life. We have to transcend boundaries, and, per XV, own up to our bondage, our humanity, and per XIII, own up to our mortality, our potential arbitrariness. To transcend the arbitrariness is to attain to Soul, to leave behind petty personal interests and live for ones legacy.

From Tipharet upward to Binah, we have Trump VI, the Lovers, which evidently is XV on a higher arc.

I could argue that Obama (came to power as Pluto entered Cap) and Trump together kind of amount to Trump XV. Note, by the way, the "Trump: Tower" is Arcanum XVI, '16...

Great movements of power always are accompanied by sublime and terrifying symbolism.
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You raise a tremendous issue.

This notion of Capricorn culminating in the end, yes, very manifestly so now that you mention it. I like your direction more, in any case, than the suggestion of coming out of Pisces.

So Capricorn culminates, and we are thrown back onto our Saturnian nature, Saturn naturally the old Devil, Satan the Adversary; he who makes it clear what needs to be overcome to attain to true being; he who manifests for us all our potential forms of slavery, so that we can work through them so that, in the end, we have earned mastery, rather than that we just pay a therapist or vote someone in office to tell us how entitled we are.

So what do we do with this information? How to act on this... I suppose it would work to address the trickster-Gods, to begin with: for me that means Odin - and Loki

I wish to mention to the violently anti-Trump that I am in no way racist or intolerant - my friends and lovers include of all kinds of races and religions. Ive en considered turning to Islam just to be able to be with someone I love. That is my Aquarian nature, I really do not give a flying -- for these things. I just hate shows like "dear white people", which is as blatantly racist as the Klu Klux Klan.
I wish to mention to the violently anti-Trump that I am in no way racist or intolerant - my friends and lovers include of all kinds of races and religions. Ive en considered turning to Islam just to be able to be with someone I love. That is my Aquarian nature, I really do not give a flying -- for these things. I just hate shows like "dear white people", which is as blatantly racist as the Klu Klux Klan.

Yeah, but not any recorded cases I know of, where Kurt Klux Klan members were lynched, burned, or driven out of their homes and businesses. I've stopped using color-coding to describe race, because it's too broad-brush to be of real descriptive value. It helped get away from the "n-word", but we can now do without the blatantly divisive and misleading terms, "black people" and "white people".