Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn: T-Square on its way

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Night Sky

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
Looking at the transits of 2010, I am surprised that no-one is interested in the forming T-Square at zero degrees Cardinal.

Today Venus is T-square with Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn.

This lovely mutable combination is activating my natal Neptune-Mars square.

I am on antihisamines for my eczma, and they are making me drowsy and more disorganised than usual. That's how I interpret this little transit.

How is the T-square right now affecting you?

Planets at 28 mutable to 1 Cardinal?
The reason being, all transits ACT as background influences so until it aspects something within your chart (mars/nep square) or Angles it won't do that much