Kamala Harris Natal Astrological Parts Of Note

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
Greetings. Well, I finally succumbed to my own curiosity and cast a chart using the data given for Kamal's time and place of birth according to "astrodata" available at the astrodienst website.
I spent hours at this last night and had a post ready to be finalized and then lost the work due to some kind of glitch. As I'm presently limited in what I can use to write because all I have is a Chromebook, I have no "WordPad", or any app at all, that I can write separately upon and then copy and paste so as to post. I was very upset and disappointed last night but when I woke up late this afternoon, I realized that it all may have been for the best because I had some different takes on what I found.
What I found is rather revealing, and quite possibly very, very, revealing. You should all, hopefully, see just what I mean by the end of this post.
I'm using the Sabian Symbols to analyze the Astrological Parts I derived from Kamala's natal chart. That Astrological Parts are symbolically relevant to the chart individual as to the precept of the Part is one of the greatest findings produced from the natal birth chart of Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth. For those of you unfamiliar with that chart, or may not have even heard that a chart for the birth of the Nazarene has been produced, you can find that out and what all has been derived from it to date in the thread I initiated about 16 years ago here in this forum. It is in the degree symbolism sub-forum and titled, "The Birth Chart of Jesus?".
I am, at least initially, addressing eleven Astrological Parts in this thread. I am also presenting the Sabian Symbols found for the chart axis and that of the 12th House Cusp. The chart axis, I.e. the meridian and the horizon of the chart, i.e. the Asc., Desc., I.C., and M.C., are to be interpreted as the "WHO", "WHERE-TO", "HOW", and "WHY", of the chart individual as regarding their life as it concerns the mundane. As to how the chart axis concerns the spiritual development, the "spiritual evolution" of the individual, then the roles of the I.C. and the M.C. are switched. That is to say that the M.C. then becomes the "HOW" of the chart axis and the I.C. then becomes the "WHY". The 12th House Cusp symbolically represents what the individuals answer is to what they perceive is the greatest question facing the world.

The eleven Astrological Parts I'm focusing on here are, The Part of Hidden Identity, aka, the Part of Oration, the Part of Catastrophe, the Part of Fortune, the Part of Soul, the Part of Service, the Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances and the reverse Part. The former symbolically represents those that the individual deems worthy of that designation, the latter symbolically represents those that deem the individual as such. The Hermetic Lot of Eros and the reverse Lot. The former symbolically represents those that the individual seeks as to be their close cadre, ones' true companions on their spiritual path, or the mundane path for those not spiritually inclined. The reverse formula for the Lot of Eros symbolically represents those that are inclined to seek someone as the individual for the same path of their own. I'm also going to cover the Part of Intelligence & Skill and it's reverse formula which produce a Part of Innocence, as the former symbolically reveals what the individuals is most skilled at applying their intelligence, while the latter symbolically reveals that which the individual doesn't have a clue as to have anything to do with. Lastly, I am going to present the Astrological Part of Imprisonment, which symbolically reveals that which the individual isn't allowed to embrace, or implement, in that by the term "Imprisonment" it is that which is kept "imprisoned" from ones influence, utilization, etc.

It is from all the above that I'm presenting here that will reveal the most important key points to understanding the character, the motivation, the goals, and the capabilities of Kamala. The planetary aspects, House placements, and other such matters of Astrological analysis I will leave to you all to determine for your satisfactions. It's this technique of analysis using the Sabian Symbols in interpreting Astrological Parts, the chart axis, and other House cusps, that I find to be the most fascinating and the most useful in understanding and individual. I found some very surprising results from this exercise. Some confirm what I had already suspected although, while some of you might agree with my own conclusions, I realize that there may be those of you that might interpret these differently.
For those of you unfamiliar with any of these Astrological Parts, I recommend finding previous threads here in this sub-forum that specifically address the Astrological Part in question. I'm not going to be able to cover them all in this post. Those that I don't address in this post I will try my best to cover in a future post and, hopefully, I will have them all covered well before the time of the election in November.

As I am using a Chromebook and haven't yet figured out if there is a way to download and then post an image, [I've only found that I can take a screenshot of a page and post that, but the image doesn't blow up well enough to see clearly] I'll leave that to some member that might do us the service by posting a natal chart for Kamala. The data as given is October 20, 1964 at 9:28 p.m. in Oakland, Calif.
The Asc. for the chart is at 24* :gemini: 25' 21"
The M.C. is at 02* :pisces: 24' 26"
The 12th House Cusp is at 15* :taurus: 44' 13"
The Part of Fortune is at 24* :sagittarius: 15' 54"
The Part of Soul/Spirit is at 24* :sagittarius: 34' 48" [amazingly it is in the same Sign and degree as the Po Fortune, and both are conjunct the natal Descendant. This is something I have never encountered before nor have I ever read of anyone else having encountered such.]
The Part of Catastrophe is at 09* :taurus: 52' 17"
The Part of Hidden Identity, aka, Part of Oration, is at 25* :aries: 13' 52"
The Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances [those that She deems as such] is at 27* :aries: 57' 53"
The reverse formula for the Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances [those that deem Her as such] is at 20* :leo: 52' 49"
The Hermetic Lot of Eros [those that She seeks for her close, and personal, cadre] is at 17* :pisces: 44' 15" [the exact same Sign and degree as that of the USA's natal Part of Intelligence and Skill and that of the Part of Catastrophe. This is a very interesting revelation and a, potentially, disturbing one too.]
The reverse formula for the Lot of Eros [those that would seek someone just as Her for their personal cadre] is at 01* :libra: 06' 27"
The Part of Intelligence & Skill is at 14* :aries: 15' 12"
The Part of Innocence is at 04* :virgo: 35' 50"
The Part of Imprisonment is at 05* :gemini: 23' 48"
I may yet decide to include other Astrological Parts such as the Part of Service and I really should delve into the Part of Hyleg, but I would include both prenatal Moons and the Post natal Moons, I.e. the New and Full Moons, and that takes a bit of time, and I'm not going to commit myself to guaranteeing that much of my time at present.

For some reason, right at this point while I was writing this post, my Chromebook suddenly decided to post this without my intent to do so. I'm going to let it stand mostly for the reason that I lost hours of work writing an initial post last night.
I'll get to the rest of this endeavor a.s.a.p., and I'm anxious to get into Kamal's Part of Eros for the very fact noted above...and that I find it to be potentially very disturbing. The reason being that to seek those that might epitomize what entails to be the USA"s Part of Intelligence & Skill is one thing, but the other being that it also epitomizes what is the catastrophe of the nation is why I find it to be so disturbing. The question is as to which of the two are those that she seeks... and it could be both.... depending on her abilities at discernment. If we have to rely on her ability of discernment then we may discover that in the other Astrological Parts to be discussed, and there are other ways, other techniques, of Astrological analysis that may reveal that too. What I have seen, so far, from a preliminary analysis of the other Astrological Parts I'm covering here i, however, is not very encouraging.

...to be continued.
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Well, as the initial post above wasn't entirely what I had in mind when I sat down to begin this thread and I then went and got a head of myself by writing about Kamala's Hermetic Lot of Eros, and that I find good reason for it to be potentially a rather disturbing revelation, I might as well go ahead and begin with that Lot of Eros.
As I already have mentioned, it is in the same Sign and degree as that of the USA's natal Part of Intelligence & Skill, and that of the USA's natal Part of Catastrophe. All of which are in the 18th degree of Pisces. From Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala", the Sabian Symbol for the 18th deg. of Pisces...


The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory.

At first, Marc Jones interpreted the 'gigantic tent' as the locale for a revivalist's meeting; later he suggested a circus tent instead. In a sense, the basic meaning is the same whether it is the traditional performance of skilled clowns, acrobats or animal trainers, or that of a religious fundamentalist dramatizing an old religious imagery, what takes place is the use of personal achievement and conviction to bring a crowd to a state of enthusiasm sufficient to make it forget its boredom with everyday routine or its familiar sins of commission or omission.

At this third stage of the seventieth five-fold sequence, the individual person and the collectivity are brought together in a significant performance which subtly strengthens the communal spirit directly or indirectly. The implication of the symbol, whenever it is found operating, is that the time has come for the individual to dare to present himself and his works to his community for applause, or for the purpose of attracting a following. What is suggested is

I think it's easy to see why this symbolically represents that precept of which the USA can adequately demonstrate to be the most skillful application of its collective intelligence. ...and I think it can be easily discerned as to why this is potentially the source of its greatest catastrophe.
Sometimes the public at large is duped by a candidate for office that has the "gift of gab", the stage presence and oratory skills to delude as many to vote for him, or her, as is enough to get them self elected.

Kamala has yet to demonstrate any such abilities herself. Most people have described her public speeches as like that of a kindergarten teacher talking to a class of five year olds.

She is making campaign promises of such things that I don't think she has the slightest idea of how to even begin to initiate much less actually accomplish. She's promising three million new homes built for the middle class, yet what about the poor, and what about the fact that so many that were considered to be among the middle class until recently, are now no longer considered to be one among. Where will these homes be built, and who is going to build them? Like most any other gov't financed public works on a massive scale I don't need to consult the stars to figure out how that will end up. Massive cost overruns, graft, corruption, and then, eventually, a final bill of expenditures given over to the Treasury for your tax dollars to pay. If you believe Kamala is capable of the oversight that will be required to "keep it all on the up and up", not to mention a capability to see to adequate, sensible and realistic, planning to begin with, then you have little, if anything, to worry about.
Her record of accomplishments as the "Border Czar" should be given consideration as to how capable she truly is.

I could bring up Her Part of Intelligence & Skill here at this point to give all an idea of what she is most adept at in applying her intelligence to, but I think that it will gravely disappoint her supporters and add fuel to the fire for her detractors. It validates precisely what my late friend, and longtime apartment mate, Rick, told me about her a few years ago, and was a cause for his own disdain of the woman. That is she always flies first class when doing so at the public's expense, always resides at the finest of hotels, and doesn't spare any expense when dining either. At least that is one manner in which the symbolism for her Part of Intell. & Skill might be interpreted.
I suppose that I should reveal here what that Sabian Symbol is so as to get that out in the open and let all decide for themselves.
It is in the 15th deg. of Aries. [ibid]

Projecting into everyday living the realization of wholeness and fulfillment.

In Christian tradition one hears of Jesus' 'seamless robe'. In Asia one is told of the 'spiritual vesture' of the Perfect Ones. The man who has attained the spiritual state is figuratively robed in the universe — and more precisely, in the Milky Way, the Great White Robe of interwoven stars. This is the ultimate kind of weaving. There was also Penelope's weaving and unweaving, waiting for the return of her polarizing mate. The mind of the American woman in which these symbols took concrete form could think only of 'Indian weavers'. For the white man who is hungering for symbols of a state of living in total harmony with the universe, the traditional Indian can be glamorized as the answer to the inner emptiness of the city-dweller surfeited with artificial values. At any rate, we may thus prefigure a future state of fulfillment in conscious harmony and unpossessive love.

If this symbol comes to the consciousness of the inquirer after meaning, deliberately or through an aleatory act of revelation (like the act of throwing sticks to obtain an I Ching symbol), implied is the profound fact that every individual has as his ultimate conscious task the weaving of his 'immortal body', his Gnostic Robe of Glory. It may sound very mystical and 'far out', but there is a moment in every cycle when, in however small a degree, every individual may be confronted with the potentiality of a fulfilling act of self-realization and may, ever so relatively, find himself 'clothed in light' for an instant.

This fifth stage of the third five-fold sequence of symbols ends the first of the twenty-four 'scenes'. We are told by it that the FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE is a possibility, at whatever level and in however incomplete a manner it may be experienced."

Dane's "keywords", i.e., "FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE", are what I find to be so disappointing here. The question remains as to whose fulfillment of desire does she apply her intelligence so skillfully as to achieve?
If anyone can provide an example of any accomplishment, public, or private, that demonstrates her fulfillment as to anyone elses desire than of her own, please do so.

...next up, the reverse formula and a few tentative conclusions...
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The reverse formula which provides a Part of Innocence, I.e. that which one is entirely devoid of the intelligence and, or, the skill to implement, derived from Kamala's natal chart is in the 5th deg. of Virgo. [ibid.]



The opening of new levels of consciousness.

In the first of this sequence of five symbols we saw the individual seeking to bring out of everyday contacts a consciousness of significant form and meaning. Now, as the sequence ends, a further stage of realization is shown in its initial and relatively primitive character. The consciousness is gradually reaching beyond physical characteristics and becoming aware of energy processes, i.e. of the dynamism of forces which externalize themselves as life forms.

This is the last stage of the thirty-first five-fold sequence of phases of the cyclic process of consciousness. The mind in its objectivizing and analytical character always tends to give "name and form" (nama and rupa in Sanskrit) to that which it contacts as energy process. It 'images forth' energy or feeling, relating it to more or less familiar sense experience. We call this

This is a bit of a "tough one" to interpret in this context. Kamala has shown little, if any, degree of spiritual awareness... at least not to the public. She seems to avoid the issue of religion, and especially that of her own, if she has one? She has been noted to ignore the faith of her own mother, the Sanatan Dharm, [Hinduism, to the Occidental world, but so politically insensitive.] I don't recall much about her fathers' orientation spiritually but I seem to recall that I was left with the impression of agnosticism. That's pretty much what I sense are her own religious sensibilities are.
So, I can't "see" where the symbolism literally applies to her...and yet, how could it not?
I think that it might be best just to focus on Dane's "keyword", here... i.e. "IMAGINATION", and then realize that is what the woman has no clue as how to apply with skillful intelligence... she just doesn't have any. That is to say, in other words, "the Muse eludes her".
There are other Astrological Parts in Kamala's chart that demonstrate a lack of substance, at the least such a lack in areas of concern to a constituent public. At this point in time, and in consideration of the fact that she has been "fast tracked" into the role of Democratic candidate for the office of president, I seriously doubt that any campaign ad, or speech, given are in her own words but are the carefully chosen words she was told to say. She hasn't the talent for public speaking, and little experience at it, and she hasn't the substance from which to even draw upon.

Is it that she finds herself just so enamored by grandiose demonstrations of public oratory that she desires to be among such people, be such a person herself? ...and yet lack the substance and ability to do so.

Her Part of Intelligence & Skill symbolized by, what can be interpreted to mean, the fulfillment of desire, leaves us hanging with the question of, as to whose desire? That's a very significant question and what I found in the symbolism for Her Part of Catastrophe does make me think that she truly does have the publics' interests at heart... or that she did at first, and has since become compromised?

That will have to wait for another day. It's now 3 a.m. here and I have to be up before noon as management is inspecting the rooms in this hotel later today. I don't want to be caught in bed and there's much to tidy up.
Till later on, then...
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Well, I can't seem to fall asleep despite the fact that it is almost 5 a.m. here in Reno, Nevada.
As I was trying to slumber I thought about how I left this thread "hanging" as to what is the symbolism of Kamala's Part of Catastrophe, and how easy it would be for me to just copy and paste Dane's own words... as it needs no further commentary by me, only what I already wrote of.
Although I could try to speculate as to whether she has yet experienced such, or did she already? If she did does that mean that she avoids such as that?
From my experience and in study, I've found that this isn't about some "disappointment" in life at some time, it is quite about a catastrophe, in the sense it somehow, in some way, profoundly alters ones life, or perception of it. It can be a real sudden personal realignment, like a sudden geological polar shift. It can even cost one their life, as it did in the life of the Nazarene. Mine led me to getting a 9 month intensive study in the basics of astrology, a lot of Rudhyarian technique and philosophy, and the Sabian Symbols as presented by Dane, but it was a emotionally painful, and socially and somewhat physically destructive means of getting there. Mine had the potential of costing me my life.. and that's not to say that it won't eventually, either.

Kamala's Part of Catastrophe is in the 10th deg. of Taurus [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: The compassionate linking of all men.

This symbol reveals the feeling of human cooperation at the stage of pure altruism and service to the social Whole. On that foundation of Christ love (agape, or true companionship), man can reach a still higher level of experience made possible by the refinement of the substance of his being, his consciousness and his will. This goes beyond imagination and faith in the future - beyond Christmas tree celebrations - for it implies going into the dark to bring life and love to the tormented and the deprived.

At this final stage of the five-fold sequence we see what is finally open as new potentiality to the 'widow before an open grave' — the closing symbol of the preceding sequence. Personal attachment in love to a husband or wife has changed level becoming a CONSECRATION TO HUMANITY."
It's late afternoon here and the maintenance crew just left my hotel room, after fixing the sink and the annual inspection of this God forsaken dump, and while I finish my last cigarette I figure that I have a few minutes to spare, so I'm going to post the Sabian Symbol for Kamala's Po Fortune and Po Soul/Spirit, which, I already mentioned, share the same degree as the Desc. But what I forgot to mention is that the South Node of the Moon also shares that same degree [and, thus, the North Node is obviously conjunct the Asc.]

The anticipatory enjoyment of powers one can only as yet dream of utilizing.

The horse has always been a symbol of power and, in many instances, of sexual energy. Until very recently the horse gave people a greater possibility of conquering more space and what that space contained. Mounted on his hobby horse and experiencing the to-and-frow rhythm of its motion, the well-fed boy unconsciously, and perhaps nowadays half-consciously, may anticipate the rhythm of the sexual act. In a sense it is also a kind of make-believe and growth through the imagination, but here – in contrast to what was shown in the symbol for Phase 261 – the imagination is active at the organic body level. There is something of an initiation in the play.

This is the last symbol of the fifty-third sequence of five. It ends in a mood of play, but it is a play filled with cultural expectation, unconscious though this expectation may be. We see here the FORSHADOWING of the mature experience of man/womanhood."

Yeah, well, She can dream on....
Kamala's Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances is in the 28th deg. of Aries.
I find that to be both interesting and a tad upsetting as it is in the same Sign and degree as my natal Mercury.
As to what it symbolizes concerning my natal Mercury and all things Mercury related has been a bit of a vexing effort to understand. In a way it can explain why despite high degrees of intelligence in all things math and science related my verbal skills, for reading and writing are in the average range, and is a bane to me as for all the writing I have found myself doing, and I've given three radio interviews, one was an hour long. I had to write a book, that got published, but is a terrible mess of writing. The data and analysis of the chart is all correct but the narrative I wrote, my terrible use of the English language... the two subjects I hated in school were biology and English grammar... is all a mess.
I've written a revised edition. New info, additional info, and all the grammar cleaned up thanks to forum member Phoenix Venus, who hasn't been writing here for sometime now. But, the publisher has new owners and they haven't done anything with it.
Anyways, that's what the following Sabian Symbol has meant to me via my natal Mercury.
What it means to Kamala, as being those kind of people she deems as such...?

The necessity for mature preparation and self-criticism.

We see here the tangible results of the situation evoked by the two preceding symbols. Great hopes, excited expectations cannot be sustained. The last symbol reveals the performer's state of consciousness; in this one he is actually made fully aware of having promised - to the many elements of his own personality as well as perhaps to other human beings - more than he was able to deliver. The issue is how to handle this situation. In one form or another, it is an often recurring situation in the life of an individual person. The manner in which it is met determines the individual's future possibilities of development and achievement.

This is the third stage of this five-fold sequence. What is implied here is the need to be more than 'obsessed by potentiality' and subjectively involved in the use of the new powers. The objective results have to be considered, i.e. what this use will do. The individual is not alone concerned, for in a sense mankind as a whole will be affected. What is required, therefore, is an objective inclusiveness of the whole environment; thus a sense of RESPONSIBILITY for what one's actions will produce in people who have been made to expect significant results."

Maybe this symbolism can be taken to mean that there is a tendency for repression of communication, as for how it affected me. I never did like being in the limelight and tried to avoid those situations that would put me there. ... hmmm...?

As for Kamala, though. Looking back to her Lot of Eros and the Sabian for those she seeks to be in her inner cadre, i.e., great orators and dazzling stage personas, et al,and now this as being the type of people she sees as "Noble and Illustrious"....?

...next up... the reverse formula Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances, i.e. those that deem Kamala as such... and this one is conjunct my natal Pluto.... hoo boy.....

...as promised...
The reverse Part of... oh, you know what it is.... symbolizing those that deem Kamala as such...
It's in the 21st degree of Leo...

The often-negative and at times ludicrous first experience with spiritual teachings.

In Near Eastern symbolism wine, intoxication, and vineyards always refer to ecstatic experiences and to the contact with mystical or occult schools. 'Chickens' here suggest that we are dealing with human beings who are the standardized products of their culture, and more or less undifferentiated specimens of a social norm. Brought accidentally or prematurely to mystical or occult experiences, they usually react to them in a highly confused and 'dizzy' manner. What reacts in them is the ego, and the ego can never 'fly' (i.e. experience spiritually transcendental realities in an effectual manner).

This first symbol of the twenty-ninth five-fold sequence presents to us a picture of the unsatisfactory way many people today — especially young people — approach what purports to be spiritual reality. The 'food' may be intoxicating, consciousness-expanding, but the inner openings lack depth and constructiveness, whether or not they produce what appears to be wonderful feelings. One may speak here of the danger of PREMATURE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS."

Yeah it seems like they are a "dizzy" bunch...
What I think disturbs me most about Kamala Harris is just how much she reminds me of myself. Like, I don't like a lot of the people around her, who would probably be in charge if she won, but the feeling I have towards her personally is oddly more one of pity, like a part of me is thinking, "Oh my God, that could have been me, and I'm so glad it wasn't," and I'm not sure why. Like I am just grateful I am not in the situation she is in, as many problems as I have in my life, because some part of me feels like if I were not living my life, I would be living hers, and I would suffer a lot more in very different ways.

The feeling I get about her is that she's not a happy person, and is actually very dissociated, does things mechanically as she has been taught to do them from a young age, and has no real concept of where she is or what role she is playing, but in a different way from Biden. I just see someone who is, at core, a child trying to please teachers or parents, and who is unable to think for herself and examine critically the morality of the authority figures she depends on to guide her. I suspect she may have some kind of unusual psychological issue, and thus similarly to Biden due to his age, relies on others to tell her what to do and doesn't really understand the significance of the role she is playing.

What I'm noticing is that her Part of Trickery (Asc + Mars - Moon) and her Part of Praise [Sentiment] (Asc + Venus - Jupiter) are both on the same degree... Libra 19.


Protest against disharmonic social privilege.

It is questionable whether the formulation of the symbol at this place is adequate, but it is kept on general principle. One might rather think of Robin Hood and his band, or early Bolsheviks in Russia robbing banks to finance the revolution. The protest against an unbalanced society with its rigid stratification into classes can be seen as a positive factor, even if it challenges the principle of order, for it reveals dynamic qualities in individuals and the will to transformation. In another sense, it is the dark shadow of the ideal of "nonpossessiveness." The question is: How valid and effectual is this kind of protest?

The fourth stage in a five-fold sequence of symbols and phases usually presents us with at least a hint of technique. What can this mean at this level? Perhaps the fact that any effective resistance to the momentum of crystallized institutions should be organized if it is to be effective. Individuals alone are impotent in producing actual changes in social consciousness. A "group" must be formed. The Keywords are GROUP PROTEST.

I mean, if you add all this up... maybe she's been praised her whole life for talking about philosophical notions of "what can be, unburdened by what has been," and regurgitating a specific perspective on life, and when she does so this simple, appealing idea deceives others into seeking to discard the past in the name of idealism without understanding what that sacrifice entails... because she herself may well not understand anything other than she is praised for saying such things and that others react well to them. If that makes sense?
What I think disturbs me most about Kamala Harris is just how much she reminds me of myself. Like, I don't like a lot of the people around her, who would probably be in charge if she won, but the feeling I have towards her personally is oddly more one of pity, like a part of me is thinking, "Oh my God, that could have been me, and I'm so glad it wasn't," and I'm not sure why. Like I am just grateful I am not in the situation she is in, as many problems as I have in my life, because some part of me feels like if I were not living my life, I would be living hers, and I would suffer a lot more in very different ways.

The feeling I get about her is that she's not a happy person, and is actually very dissociated, does things mechanically as she has been taught to do them from a young age, and has no real concept of where she is or what role she is playing, but in a different way from Biden. I just see someone who is, at core, a child trying to please teachers or parents, and who is unable to think for herself and examine critically the morality of the authority figures she depends on to guide her. I suspect she may have some kind of unusual psychological issue, and thus similarly to Biden due to his age, relies on others to tell her what to do and doesn't really understand the significance of the role she is playing.

What I'm noticing is that her Part of Trickery (Asc + Mars - Moon) and her Part of Praise [Sentiment] (Asc + Venus - Jupiter) are both on the same degree... Libra 19.

I mean, if you add all this up... maybe she's been praised her whole life for talking about philosophical notions of "what can be, unburdened by what has been," and regurgitating a specific perspective on life, and when she does so this simple, appealing idea deceives others into seeking to discard the past in the name of idealism without understanding what that sacrifice entails... because she herself may well not understand anything other than she is praised for saying such things and that others react well to them. If that makes sense?
Very astute and nicely put. I was getting around to the indications that she is all too ready to discard past practice without any suggestions to replace them with.
She would make for a wonderful campaign worker... and hopefully for the right candidate, but she was never the right material, the right stuff, to hold public office, at least nothing more important to the public trust than dogcatcher.
Kamala has, basically, been a civil service worker moving up the ranks in pay grade.
I was in such a position for more than 13 years and the acknowledged adage was that, 'in civil service people rise to the level of their own incompetence'.
She's facing a candidate that became wealthy and powerful from rising to his own level of greatest competence, and mastering it.
She's been fast tracked into becoming a U.S. Senator, and now she's being fast tracked to president.
In polls as recent as early last June she was given a 2% chance of defeating Trump in a general election. Currently "they're" giving Kamala a 1% advantage, I.e. 49% to 48%, that's got to be a record low number of "undecided" voters... doesn't leave much "wiggle room" if accurate.
Let's look at Kamala's Part of Hidden Identity, , Part of Oration. This is the Astrological Part derived from Donald Trump's birth chart that convinced me that He would get both the partys' nomination but would take the White House in November of 2016.
With Donald it was immediately clear to me, as he was being touted as one that spoke to the people and told them just what they wanted to hear, what they needed to hear. The people heard the country speak for itself when they heard Trump and all the pundits were talking about how the candidates all seemed distant from the people and that a candidate that could speak to them on their level, actually recognized their concerns and desires could walk away with the election... and walk away He did.
For review, and to help put Kamala's own part in perspective, let's take a look at Trump's Part of Hidden Identity, aka, Part of Oration. It's in the 3rd degree of Aries. [ibid.]

The sustaining power of the Whole, as the individual identifies themselves with It’s life.

Having become objectively aware of their nature and basic humanity, the individualizing person finds power and inner security in realizing their essential identity with the section of the universe in which they operate. They and it seem to the consciousness united in a cosmic-planetary process - in a 'participation mystique'. Metaphysically expressed, this is the concept of the identity of Atman and Brahman. In another sense, through the ability to identify themselves with the complex of life activities surrounding them, the individual person can become truly, not only an image and representation of the Whole of their natal environment (local, planetary and perhaps eventually cosmic), but an agent through whom the Whole may express itself in an act of creative resonance and outpouring. This is the avatar ideal — the ideal of a 'transpersonal' life and consciousness totally consecrated to and directed by a divine Power. This Power can also be conceived as the archetypal Self, the Christ-principle as it operates in and through an individual person and destiny who have become its outward manifestation in order to meet a collective human need.

The concept of the formal-structural identity of the universal macrocosm and the human microcosm is a very important one, as it manifests itself at many levels. It provided an inner sense of security and harmonic strength to archaic man. To the modern individual assailed by surface evidence of meaninglessness and futility it gives a feeling of participation in the vast tide of evolution. It is the answer to the tragic sense of alienation so prevalent today.

This symbol characterizes the third stage of the first five-fold sequence of phases: the stage of PARTICIPATION IN A GREATER LIFE."
Because when He speaks the people see the United States personified. Hiding nothing, all the faults as well as the strengths... A bit pompous, grandiose, big talk but has been good to his word. He is the perfect pitchman for the "Go Big or Go Home" school of philosophy for business and home.
Kamala's Part of Hidden Identity, aka, Part of Oration is in the 26th degree of Aries. When I saw the Sabian Symbol for it I had to shake my head, and say to myself, "this woman should not be president".... [ibid.]


KEYNOTE: Obsession by potentiality.

The mind which finds itself confronted with a totally unfamiliar and as yet unexperienced type of potency finds it difficult at first to adjust to its new world of perception and possibilities of action. He may rush ahead excitedly and lose his bearings. He should try to reach a state of calm watchfulness, and to learn that at this level too there are limits and restrictions, i.e. laws expressing this new type of 'order'.

This is the first stage of the sixth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. This entire sequence of symbols shows us that man at this evolutionary station has to move carefully in his new realm, for his consciousness is not yet fully able to operate in it, except with closely defined limits. It is a symbol of
WARNING a warning against undertaking more than it is as yet safe and sound to attempt."

As I wrote in an earlier post, she is making a lot of promises for big projects. The question is does she have what it takes to plan, oversee, delegate responsibility, and see it through?

There's the answer....

Next, I'll cover the reverse Lot of Eros. I probably should have presented it at the same time with the Lot of Eros, but I thought that I'd hold off as it is a difficult symbolism to put in such a context.It's in the 2nd degree of Libra.
Or maybe I should mention the Part of Imprisonment, and I can just give it a brief mention, the Symbol itself and Dane's "keynote" say all that need to be said. It is that which she is imprisoned from. That which she cannot approach, embrace, possess, utilize, etc.


KEYNOTE: The avidity for that knowledge which ensures wealth and power."

Well, she certainly isn't anything as like Donald Trump.
A classic "paper" candidate, IMHO.
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So then let's take a look at Kamala's reverse Hermetic Lot of Eros. Is is derived by reversing the positions of the "Significator" and the "Trigger" [Personal Point + Significator - Trigger, and as to the Hermetic Lot of Eros those three "integers" of that formula, that "equation", are the Asc. + :venus: - Part of Soul/Spirit. Thus the reverse Lot is found by the formula Asc. + Part of Soul/Spirit - :venus:. What it produces symbolically represents, describes, defines, what-have-you, those that would seek someone as yourself [the chart individual] as to be among their closest cadre of "spiritual compadres" [if you'll excuse my use of a term in Spanish. It's the best description I can come up with.] As most politicians aren't really what most of us consider to be spiritual aspirants, then take this Lot to be symbolic of those that individual seeks in a mundane way. As fellow aspirants towards the same goals in life.
Kamala's reverse Hermetic Lot of Eros is in the 2nd degree of Libra. [ibid.]

A repolarization of inner energies leading to a creative centralization of consciousness.

The original formulation of this symbol was both 'occult' and, I believe, confusing; 'The light of the sixth Race transmuted to the seventh'. It could be interpreted in terms of the process of mankind's development through the seven great Races (or evolutionary periods) outlined in the second volume of H. P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, but there are no other symbols in the series having such a frame of reference. What seems more likely to be implied in the revealed image is a reference to the numerological and occult meaning of Number 6 and Number 7, especially geometrically expressed in the diagram (on page 32) in which seven circles, contiguous and of the same size, fill a larger circle whose diameter is three times that of the smaller one. The six circles touching the circumference of the larger one represent the six basic approaches to Truth and Reality possible to man's developing intelligence — thus the well-known Six Schools of Hindu philosophy, and at the level of energy the six fundamental colors, or 'Rays'. But central to this six-fold system is the hidden or occult 'Seventh', the Atma Vidya of Hinduism, the unformulatable Truth of the Self which both includes and transcends the six approaches. Schools or Rays.

Number 6 (also Solomon's Seal) represents the synthesis of descending spirit and ascending matter. It represents the fruition of all past efforts; within the six-fold fruition the seed may be found, the seventh. Outer activity is fulfilled (the Six Days of Creation in the first chapter of Genesis); and the Supreme Actor can be seen in His changelessness and therefore his transcending all-inclusiveness.

All that was manifested in the plant is gathered in the hidden seed, which in due time becomes the foundation of a new cycle of existence. The fruit decays. For a brief moment the released seed may be seen; this is the 'seventh' period that becomes the creative power fathering a new cycle. This symbol for Libra 2° refers to the process of centralization in the Self (the creative Reality) after the experience of fulfillment in the perfect Form of manifestation.

This is the second stage of the thirty-seventh five-fold sequence of symbols and phases. It refers to a dynamic process in contrast to the picture representing the first stage — a picture of maintained and immortalized, thus static, perfection of form. Formal perfection is now transcended through a process of CREATIVE CENTRALIZATION."

A difficult symbol to interpret in the provenance of the reverse Lot of Eros.
I take it to mean that these people are those that see some sort of new beginning in Kamala, or that she is among those that believe new beginnings can be wrought from all that remains of the past. That is a very admirable, and spiritually evolutionary outlook. If Kamala is capable of being a leader in such a belief, in such a "movement, then, perhaps, she could be a good president, maybe even a great one. But, I don't see that in Her, and from what I've presented here in this thread there is much the opposite indicated...too much of the opposite, in fact.

She has been fast tracked by the Saro's gang, the wealthy [very wealthy] Jew that became a Nazi collaborator during W.W. II, even though He was a child at the time and we shouldn't hold that against him, he has been far too interested, at at great expense, in the effort of being manipulative, of the politics of the nation... of which He isn't even a citizen. He's been the money and the power behind the Clinton's, Obama, Biden, and now Kamala. Soro's actions and influence in California has caused great headache and political/societal problems there. He backs the governor, Newsome, backed Kamala when she was attorney general, surely promoted her into that fast track as U.S. Senator, and has funded candidates for the office of District Attorney of Los Angeles, causing much controversy and contention in Southern California as a result of it. He's surely behind this present attitude of the Democratic Party to exempt illegal aliens from legal prosecution, not to mention the very policy now in effect, that of allowing millions of the undocumented to enter the U.S. in addition to the current movement to allow non citizen residents the right to vote.
It's admirable to be regarded as a part of that cadre that hopes for new beginnings, to discard the past, and build a better tomorrow, but the question is, "whose vision for tomorrow", and what is that "vision"? We've already discovered that she lacks "imagination" as revealed by Her Part of Innocence, she is "imprisoned" from that knowledge that ensures wealth and power, her "Hidden Identity", aka, "Oration", is that of a person that is at a loss as how to utilize that which they hold in their hands, that they have the reins to. Her Lot of Eros and her Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances symbolically reveal her to be someone that is just enamored by those that manage to get on stage, get to be in the spotlight, whether they are deserving or not, and that is also the very symbolic nature of the Part of Catastrophe for the body politic of the United States.

What if she were to get the office and then tried to be her own woman, implement what she wanted to see done and ignore anything told her, suggested to her, by Saros? What do you think would happen?

...to be continued... as I've exceeded the limit on size for this post...
...continued from the above post... as follows >>>

I've yet to get into the symbolism found in her chart axis and that of the 12th House Cusp. Although I did cover the Desc. as for the reason it is also the Sign and the degree of both Her Part of Fortune and her Part of Soul/Spirit, as well as being that of the location of the Moons' South Node at the time of her birth. The symbolism of one that but dreams of what a future may hold for them... and that of a person that lacks imagination. She not only dreams of the powers she might achieve but is also trying to dream of what she might be able to do with it.
Her reverse Part of Noble & Illustrious Acquaintances reveals her to be the darling of those who have experienced a "premature expansion of consciousness", pie eyed optimists that, while able to see that there is potential and a possible greater destiny for mankind, haven't the experience, knowledge, or the intellectual tools to even illustrate what that goal should be, much less the ability to actually attain such.

Well, all the above is IMHO, of course. That's the manner in which I find that I have to come to a conclusion about the capabilities of Kamala to be the president.
This is "thin ice" we're treading on here in the United States. "They", I'm convinced, will do everything in their power, and beyond, to keep Trump from regaining the office. Even to go so far as to initiate more assassination attempts, or at the very least, to be the underlying cause for more of them. The aspects of Pluto's natal return, for the USA, for the third and final time this year, in late December, the time period when the Electoral college votes for president, can be taken to indicate as the transiting N. Node of the Moon will be conjunct Donald Trump's Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration from the 16th of December, this year, until the 26th, the day after Christmas. How it will be so very timely that the N.Node, which takes 18.5 years to transit the entire Zodiac will be conjunct that very same Sign and degree...!! [ibid., "ARIES 3°: THE CAMEO PROFILE OF A MAN, SUGGESTING THE SHAPE OF HIS COUNTRY.KEYNOTE: The sustaining power of the Whole, as the individual identifies themselves with It’s life."] How do we interpret that?

One way is to consider that the sway of public opinion will be with Trump at the time. Just when the Electoral College is voting... just like last time [yeah, tell me who the "genuine" deniers really are? Those that deny Biden won the election or those that deny the election was fraudulent? That has been a most effective tactic of the Democratic Party the last 20 years, I.e. to get the jump on the opposition and accuse them of the very crime you are guilty of your self.] If there is the slightest bit of the same kind of controversy this coming election and the Electoral College conforms again, without questioning the results of the returns, then January 6th, 2021, might just be the precursor to next January. Pluto's natal return, for the third time this year, the final natal return in direct motion, will occur this December 30-31st, and not to make another return for 248 plus years. As this nation approaches its 250th anniversary, its 250th birthday, July 4, 2026. The United States is the first nation, with a verifiable birth date and working natal chart, to demonstrate to the world what a natal return of Pluto, the Planet [Yes it is, danm-it] of Death and, or, Transformation amounts to regarding a nation and its body politic.

If I'm correct in assuming that Kamala will get the office "by hook or by crook", and Edgar Cayce's prophecy, will come true, that there will be another civil war in this nation , early this century, between the "Have's and the Have-too-little's", which is certainly indicated by the coming third natal return of Uranus in 2027-8, and that the prophecies of many clairvoyants that were polled at the turn of this century and asked to provide what they saw in the future of the United States by the turn of the next century, as to regarding which most of them "saw" this nation divided into numerous smaller nations... then, that is what I think a Kamala presidency is going to amount to. Probably her greatest catastrophe, and greatly contributing, in turn, to the greatest catastrophe this nation will ever suffer, i.e. its eventual dissolution.

Terrible choice, Kamala, to become the first woman elected, or appointed, president of the United States.
Tulsi Gabbard would have made for an excellent choice and a, I believe, a magnificent president. Perhaps one of our greatest presidents ever. But, Tulsi, left the Democrat Party, denouncing it as she left. Saros and his cadre surely don't like that. Perhaps Tulsi will run in 2028 and if elected will be able to save this nation, set it on the right track into the 22nd century?

I'd like to see Trump get his second term and follow through on those projects, and promises, and see were that leaves the nation in four years. I'm rather sure it will be far better than anything Kamala will leave us with, but I'm also being a realist and admit that I just don't see that being allowed to happen.
'Nuff said, for now. I'll try to get back to this thread before too much more time passes and address those chart axis points, and her 12th House Cusp, but there's nothing in that which will sway my opinion, or that of anyone else either... because... "Haters will be Haters, no matter what", and those that have already made up their minds that they absolutely will not vote for Donald Trump, from what has been demonstrated to me, will vote for Kamala even if she were to convincingly reveal that she is the Devil incarnate.

Keep the Faith, pray for the nation, pray for world peace... that's about all we can do... that and vote, that is if you still believe that your vote is actually counted? I'm not so certain that is is, or even has been for some time now.
🕉️ Shanti 🕉️🕉️🕉️, ptv
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Greetings, again.
I've decided to not get into the symbolism of Kamala's chart axis.
Charts axes are, for the greater part of humanity, difficult to interpret and even for the individual themselves, as I even still have difficulty understanding my own, despite my many years of working with the Sabian Symbols. As it is about personal transformation I don't consider it to be all that important to gauging the capabilities of a candidate to be successful if elected to the office they seek.
Instead, let's look at the Part of Perspicuity, [Asc. + :neptune: - :jupiter: ]. It came to mind this morning as an Astrological Part that may work in Kamala's favor considering the dismal accounting revealed so far regarding her abilities to envision solutions and discern veracity.
Sadly, it doesn't bode well. Kamala's Part of Perspicacity is derived to be at 17* :sagittarius: 15' 04", the 18th degree of Sagittarius...and, yet, another Astrological Part in the Sign of Sagittarius.

The protection society affords to as yet immature individuals as they begin to deal with the powerful energies of their unconscious nature.

What we call 'culture' is an attempt to limit and define the areas of consciousness and interpersonal or group behavior within which growth and exploration into super-physical realms can be considered safe and sound. Sun and sea are powerful forces; they can kill as well as illumine and inspire, as can various kinds of forces within man's unconscious. The cultural and religious institutions of society aim to act as protective agencies, especially for the youth. Overprotection and hypocritical behavior by supposed grownups defeat this purpose, and today we are witnessing an at least partially healthy rebellion against the protective paternalism of social institutions. This, however, does lead to many a symbolic 'sunstroke'.

This is the third symbol in the fifty-second five-fold sequence. It brings to us a realization of the value of PROTECTIVENESS, yet also evokes the negative possibility that too much protection may be unhealthy and defeat its purpose."
The manner in which I find I have to interpret this regarding a Part of Perspicuity is that She has been insulated from seeing the world as it really is. She apparently has lived some sort of "sheltered life" which would help explain the rather cavalier attitude she has demonstrated when confronted by the media, by the public, about her actions, her accomplishments, and her opinion of the present administration.

If anyone is able to interpret this symbolism in Her favor, please, share it with us all.
I just can't see it any other way... and I'm more convinced now, than before, that a Kamala presidency will be a catastrophe for the nation... and one so severe that it may never fully recover from.

Unfortunately, I think that it will be seen to that she does get the office... May God save the Union, save the Republic.