Karmic connection?

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Oct 8, 2009

I dont know what information I should put first so I will post the karmic 'assumtions' looking for some clarity and if anyone wants to know the back ground they can read the whole thing. I have read that north nodes indicate other lives. I was looking at my chart and my ex BF synastry and

My north node is trine his moon.

I read that conjunctions are indications but are trines? on another site it said that when someones northnode is conjunct someone elses moon, the northnode person pretty much invited them back into their new life as a lover, and the moon person(in that case) felt the strong karmic connection and was scared by it. Does anyone else have any information regarding the north node and it's connection with certain planets. Just some more info

His north node squares my mars

I dont know if that is of any signfigance.

This is my first thread. Just some back ground I met a boy when I was 12 years old, immediatly felt connected, something about him that I couldnt explain, we dated in middle school for a year, broke up, ended up in class together in highschool and got back together and we were together since then for the past 6 years. This summer we broke up, an ex girlfriend of his came back into his life all of a sudden, and they got together, then quickly fell apart. All this time we were trying to be friends and we still talk everyday. He says that he feels like he is fated to be with her, and they always run into each other. At the same time, they are very volitle towards each other(my new found synastry studies has found alot of Uranus in their synastry and that might explain the suddenly getting together and the suddenly breaking apart and the anger) He says that he loves me still, and still loves her, he feels drawn to me and her.

We are not together but we still talk every day about everything and I have always feel like it was meant to be, I'm just looking for anything I can learn about the reltionship through synastry. I have also looked at his synastry with his ex and the only thing that stops me there is I dont have her birth time.

He and I have
Sun trine Mars
Sun conjunct saturn
Moon Conjunct Sun
Moon square Jupiter
moon square pluto
moon trine north node
moon trine lilith
Venus trine Sun
venus trine lilith
Mars square venus
mars square sun
mars trine moon
mars trine chiron

I can go on if anyone is interested let me know, I am just trying to get an understand of this so any suggestions of what to study or look into is appreciated

Sticky: Attaching Chart as a Thumbnail!

Cancerinlove, could you please put up both charts or maybe a comparison chart (synastry, not composite). Then it will be easier for others to comment. thank you.

If you want to understand clearly the Karmic connection, go only by the vedic astrology method that has been time tested and father of all astrology in this world since its existing from 6000 BC or even earlier (quote from Baghavath purana on planetary positions on the birth date of Lord Krishna and for Lord Rama), besides a well defined explanation on reincarnation in scriptures.
Dont consider Juno, chiron, lillith, and all nonsensical ones that were recently introduced primarily with the object of commercialization to differentiate themselves from different websites..

Also as how most of you discussing, it is not sufficient to look only for the broader planetary position. One need to look for the disposition of the star lord. In vedic system, the constellations are divided into 27 groups and the houses For example, if Sun is disposed in constellation called Rohini ( IN mid portion of taurus), then you should look for where the star lord of rohini is disposed which is moon. for eg. if the moon is disposed in midportion of Leo, eg in the star Poorvabhadra, then sun will give the effect of being in Leo mostly and for karmic connection, one should consider both the aspects.

For karmic connection on love and romance and related events, there will be some or more of the following.
Ascendant of one person conjunct in 6 to 9 degrees with the other person's north node and this north node for person two could be mostly in 5th house or 11 house. ALso look for star lord disposition.
Mars and venus in synastry either opposite to each other or conjunct and disposition of their star lord.
Mars conjuction with Jupiter, or South node.
Venus conjunct with Jupiter or south node. (look for star lord disposition too even if there is no conjunction in broader synastry)
Saturn is an important karmic indicator besides rahu(north node) and ketu (south node).

Above all, whether two people will get along well or not is determined by the presence and absence of planets in their respective 12th house from their ascendant in synastry. This is regardless of sexual attraction and go well even for sibs, parent-child, friends, guru-disciple, couples, etc etc..

When Mars or Rahu is present in 12th it is meant to break potentially with Mars / Rahu person torturing the other person with words and or rude actions.

Sun or saturn means, harsh words.
Venus means, pleasant and not necessarily break up, provided other aspects exists.
Moon ditto as venus.

Its a very big topic that cannot be discussed in one forum.
What about Pluto being in strong conjunction with Saturn? Does that mean karmic relationship? And/or deep issues that need sorting out in this life?