Ketu in 11th nullify the good effects of Moon ?

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Feb 13, 2010
Ketu in 11th house would nullify the good effects of Moon ?

I am undergoing the sub dasha of Ketu...

If the KETU and Moon in Libra 11th house ,is it true that it will nullify the good effects of moon? As moon is the natal 8th house ruler, with Jupiter in the 3rd house and no other planet in the 5th house.

As for the 11th house represent money and gain, and ketu is the enemy of the moon till now. And someone told me that moon conjuct Ketu is not good and always represent the psychic ability which could bring delicate health to the person and unstable emotion and easy to go extremes.....

Is it so bad?:sad:
i didnt see any good effects on 8th lord moon which can be nullified
resting this aside
dont try to mix western astrology or general vedic books rules into K.P

its different

The 8th house is often said to be the most evi housel in a chart and indeed it can bring the most undesirable results into life when activated. One should check its lord in a given chart and a thorough analysis must always be made to fully determine the outcome.

Now I am worrying about two things....How to determine the strength of each planet in a chart? I searched for some related information, they said:

There are six kinds of potency in the Sixfold Method. They are

1) Positional Strength - Sthana Bala
2) Directional Strength - Dikbala
3) Temporal Strength - Kalabala
4) Motional Strength - Cheshtabala
5) Natural Strength - Naisargikabala
6) Aspectual Strength - Drik Bala

The planet with the strongest shadbala is the 8th house ruler Moon with 413.
and 12th house ruler Mars with 412, ( The planet with the strongest shadbala is like a group leader who acts on the group behalf.)

The evil house ruler is the learder....

If there is detailed brochour for Jagannath hora? I have read the Help document it attached, but haven't get an idea with it. Or a vocabulary references?
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unfortunately i tried a lot and forgot all my knowledge that many old vedic books stuffed into me
so now those 6 points are alien words for me

also J Hora doesnt have any manual or book online.
i use it only to cast basic rasi, navamsa, bhava charts, ashtakavarga and KP tab.
also check Dasas.
nothing more is useful there in 'real'.

one thing i can suggest is learn KP and then use J Hora
to learn KP and thats not enough though but its good for beginers
This is a great website, I have made all the website into many pdf books and I find many KP horary examples. I planed to study KP and Dasha System.

I'd prefer theories which could be applied practical in real, like you said.(ASC CAP). Thank you !
Krishnamoorthi never wrote books based on few set of rules
he advised few methods and wrote case studies as examples for people to study and apply.
i'm trying to bring in few of his works into PDF and publish soon
well i wont be writing it myself
i'll just collect all case studies and some from KP books and try to make a PDF

one rule about shadow planets like rahu, ketu (which are actually not planets) is that they take away the power of conjunct planets and act like them.
they're like parasites
I am eager to learn KP Horary, I think it is very useful and to the point.

Waiting for your book to be published:biggrin:

well i wont be writing it myself
i'll just collect all case studies and some from KP books and try to make a PDF

one rule about shadow planets like rahu, ketu (which are actually not planets) is that they take away the power of conjunct planets and act like them.
they're like parasites
one rule about shadow planets like rahu, ketu (which are actually not planets) is that they take away the power of conjunct planets and act like them.
they're like parasites

Is this always a bad thing? what if Ketu is conjunct Venus at 5th house cusp, if it takes the power from Venus but acts like it, what effects could that give?
Is this always a bad thing? what if Ketu is conjunct Venus at 5th house cusp, if it takes the power from Venus but acts like it, what effects could that give?

if venus is beneficiary by ownership and placement, then ketu will become more beneficiary and venus will become less benefic during their operational periods
one rule about shadow planets like rahu, ketu (which are actually not planets) is that they take away the power of conjunct planets and act like them.
they're like parasites

I think, this is best way to describe Rahu, Ketu.

I would add, could be like flag bearer (+ve ly) too.

Moon with ketu in 11th is essentially restriction in emotions, hopes, friendship and earning. It brings a lot uncertainty, fluctuations.
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No hope, no friendship, no earnings

All I got is uncertainty and fluctuations.

It is scaring!

I think, this is best way to describe Rahu, Ketu.

I would add, could be like flag bearer (+ve ly) too.

Moon with ketu in 11th is essentially restriction in emotions, hopes, friendship and earning. It brings a lot uncertainty, fluctuations.
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mind controller moon when afflicted by ketu, who is a seperator
results will be vivid imagination, day dreaming, frequent mood shifts, irritation, keeping yourself away from friendships, depression, unattachment in relations due to past heart breaks but lot of knowledge on various subjects (most of which is useless for practical life)
It is exactly how I am.....

Frequent moon shifts
Keep away from friendships....:alien:
Unattached due to past heart breaks:annoyed:
Studied a lot while useless for practical life....:andy:

mind controller moon when afflicted by ketu, who is a seperator
results will be vivid imagination, day dreaming, frequent mood shifts, irritation, keeping yourself away from friendships, depression, unattachment in relations due to past heart breaks but lot of knowledge on various subjects (most of which is useless for practical life)