kuja in 8, venus in pisces , hard aspects and what not , in dire distress , pls help

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21deg+ is already powerful, and when you are reading Vishnusahasra Namalu, means, already you are pleasing Jupiter. You need to please Jupiter instead of giving more power to Jupiter.
This is the best remedy.

... My goodness this much subtleties in terms and concepts ,, no wonder why blessed few only can master astrology !

Thanks anoop ji for that explanation , i understood now :)

Good Morning !

Anoop ji and dr.farr Please give ur views on this

as per vimsottari dasa ,, i ll be in venus - mars period from july 2012 to sep 2013

and venus-rahu period from sep 2013 to sep 2016

And venus - jupiter from 2016 - 2019

Though venus - jupiter seems to be the better of the three ,,, as per present situation , if i am getting engaged in venus - mars ( december 2012 ) ,,, and getting married in venus-rahu ( 2013 or 2014 ) ..... will these periods be ok ? Or should i wait till 2016 for venus-jupiter for marriage ?

[FONT=&quot]Reason y i am asking is,, since rahu gives goodies in the start and takes them away later , if i happen to marry in that venus-rahu period ,, does rahu make me have such a wife who possess rahu traits – looking for new excitements , divorces , new partners etc ., so does she seek to have multiple relations , so take a divorce from me after sometime and marry another . , if I get married in venus – rahu period ( 2013 to 2016 )


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Not necessarily so: nature of wife would be indicated by the rasi and navamsha charts, but again, correction of the Venus influences for you would help address this entire matter.
Good morning dr.farr and anoop ji !

Anoop ji , i request u to give ur view too pls ,,, regarding ven-mars , ven-rahu , ven-jup phase for marriage
Quick observation on the basis of ascendant only.

Ascendant lord is in Swati nakshatra( Rahu lord) . Sun is in 7th with Rahu.

Sun is aspecting ascendant. Rahu is aspecting 7th lord Mars in 12th house.

In this chart the connection of Sun- Ketu- Rahu - Mars are dominant due to connection with ascendant. Sun should play leading role in marriage, next is Rahu.

Rahu in 7th can do change of residence also during its dasa-antardasa.

Rahu is " Indriya karaka" and many many marriages are happening during Rahu period.

I feel Rahu period should be considered favourably for marriages, if we consider Ascendant as the powerful starting point.

Analysis from Moon sign and Navamsa should also be done to come to the correct conclusion


I would like to ask ...does KETU oppose marriage ?

Quick observation on the basis of ascendant only.

Ascendant lord is in Swati nakshatra( Rahu lord) . Sun is in 7th with Rahu.

Sun is aspecting ascendant. Rahu is aspecting 7th lord Mars in 12th house.

In this chart the connection of Sun- Ketu- Rahu - Mars are dominant due to connection with ascendant. Sun should play leading role in marriage, next is Rahu.

Rahu in 7th can do change of residence also during its dasa-antardasa.

Rahu is " Indriya karaka" and many many marriages are happening during Rahu period.

I feel Rahu period should be considered favourably for marriages, if we consider Ascendant as the powerful starting point.

Analysis from Moon sign and Navamsa should also be done to come to the correct conclusion


Quick observation on the basis of ascendant only.

Ascendant lord is in Swati nakshatra( Rahu lord) . Sun is in 7th with Rahu.

Sun is aspecting ascendant. Rahu is aspecting 7th lord Mars in 12th house.

In this chart the connection of Sun- Ketu- Rahu - Mars are dominant due to connection with ascendant. Sun should play leading role in marriage, next is Rahu.

Rahu in 7th can do change of residence also during its dasa-antardasa.

Rahu is " Indriya karaka" and many many marriages are happening during Rahu period.

I feel Rahu period should be considered favourably for marriages, if we consider Ascendant as the powerful starting point.

Analysis from Moon sign and Navamsa should also be done to come to the correct conclusion



Thanks , but , my mars is in 8th , isnt it , not 12th ... and also mars is not aspecting ascendant ? does it ?

does sun in exaltation in aries mean the most benefic planet of my chart ? or venus in exaltation in pisces is most benefic ?


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Regarding the rasi chart, looking at Sun placement in exaltation in the 7th PLUS Sun shadbala totals, I would say that the Sun is. Venus looks pretty good in the rasi, but as you know it is weak in the Western tropical chart, and is negative in the karma varga chart in this thread (as I delineated it, earlier in this thread, which is why I urged strengthening Venus by remedial measures)
Regarding the rasi chart, looking at Sun placement in exaltation in the 7th PLUS Sun shadbala totals, I would say that the Sun is. Venus looks pretty good in the rasi, but as you know it is weak in the Western tropical chart, and is negative in the karma varga chart in this thread (as I delineated it, earlier in this thread,which is why I urged strengthening Venus by remedial measures)

Yes , sir , as i understand it , there seems to be so many divisions to consider and use all those collectively to arrive at a accurate prediction
Also i learned that my saturn is another yoga karaka of my chart .. how come a malefic like saturn be a yoga karaka ( auspicious ) to anyone :confused:

If some how it does , will it be benefic all the time , or only during its dasha or antardasha periods ?

since saturn is in my 2nd house ( ?? marak bhava ) .. so if some how saturn is benefic to me , will it give me delayed death :p
Planets are either natural benefics or natural malefics (in Vedic astrology) However, circumstances can turn a natural malefic into a FUNCTIONAL benefic, and a natural benefic into a FUNCTIONAL malefic. In your case, Saturn has become a FUNCTIONAL benefic: this means that the general influences of Saturn, basically as well as in its transits (gochara) and dasa/bhutki periods, will be general favorable, ie, the positive qualities of Saturn will be the influence.

Note, however, that I look at these indications (Vedic indications) from a tropical zodiacal matrix (sayana school), not in the nirayana (sidereal) matrix,so-except for what I posted earlier about Sun and shadbala totals (which I did take from the sidereal chart)-my viewpoint might be in conflict (regarding your specific indications relative to Saturn) with those who follow the nirayana (sidereal based) approach.
Dr Farr ,

even i have read the same the staurn if yogkark can do wonders during its tranit in 3/6/11 of horoscope and durings the dashas and antardasha .

Few say that the best placemnet for a natural malefic ( saturn ) is 3/6 and 11 house ...

My feel is in 6 house it will get WEAK pls let me know your views on same


Planets are either natural benefics or natural malefics (in Vedic astrology) However, circumstances can turn a natural malefic into a FUNCTIONAL benefic, and a natural benefic into a FUNCTIONAL malefic. In your case, Saturn has become a FUNCTIONAL benefic: this means that the general influences of Saturn, basically as well as in its transits (gochara) and dasa/bhutki periods, will be general favorable, ie, the positive qualities of Saturn will be the influence.

Note, however, that I look at these indications (Vedic indications) from a tropical zodiacal matrix (sayana school), not in the nirayana (sidereal) matrix,so-except for what I posted earlier about Sun and shadbala totals (which I did take from the sidereal chart)-my viewpoint might be in conflict (regarding your specific indications relative to Saturn) with those who follow the nirayana (sidereal based) approach.
I would agree relative to the 6th house placement of Saturn, but moreso from a Western perpsective than a Vedic one: essentially Vedic insists upon looking at all potential modifying factors before specifically determining the functional benefic or malefic net influence of any given planet.
Planets are either natural benefics or natural malefics (in Vedic astrology) However, circumstances can turn a natural malefic into a FUNCTIONAL benefic, and a natural benefic into a FUNCTIONAL malefic. In your case, Saturn has become a FUNCTIONAL benefic: this means that the general influences of Saturn, basically as well as in its transits (gochara) and dasa/bhutki periods, will be general favorable, ie, the positive qualities of Saturn will be the influence.

Regarding the rasi chart, looking at Sun placement in exaltation in the 7th PLUS Sun shadbala totals, I would say that the Sun is.

:shock: Oh My ! , despite exaltation my sun is a functional malefic it seems :( ... what is the outcome of a malefic sun -- bad ???? :(


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Note, however, that I look at these indications (Vedic indications) from a tropical zodiacal matrix (sayana school), not in the nirayana (sidereal) matrix,so-except for what I posted earlier about Sun and shadbala totals (which I did take from the sidereal chart)-my viewpoint might be in conflict (regarding your specific indications relative to Saturn) with those who follow the nirayana (sidereal based) approach.

that is the main problem , isn’t it .. one method says that I have a bad horoscope with grand cross and all … another method says that I have a good horoscope with wealth and fame written all over it .. .. sigh ! don’t know what to believe or which is correct !

Dr.farr . when u can , pls give ur view with ur eclectic technique regarding my career and wealth prospects , please .
No, your Sun is not a functional malefic (in the Vedic chart, nor in the Western chart either) I disagree with the summary given in your next to the last post (Venus as NEUTRAL:unsure:!! Sun as malefic, Ketu as BENEFIC!!:w00t: No way that I can see!)

Wealth and career prospects are quite positive, from my eclectic point of view, when considering your tropical chart both in Western and in Vedic terms; it is relationships, marriage, love, where the difficulties are found (shown especially in your karma varga chart) That is the Venus area (and Ketu impacts you in this area as well); I don't detect anything much negative regarding career or wealth from my eclectic Western/Vedic analysis of your natal indications-but this area of love-marriage- relationships, that is the center of potential problems.
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No, your Sun is not a functional malefic (in the Vedic chart, nor in the Western chart either) I disagree with the summary given in your next to the last post (Venus as NEUTRAL:unsure:!! Sun as malefic, Ketu as BENEFIC!!:w00t: No way that I can see!)

That chart is what is given by parashara light 7.0 software .. it actually is famous , so , didnt expect it giving wrong results , wonder where it went wrong

i dont know anything ( not also abt these functional malefics and functional benefics ) ,, i take ur word that sun is not a functional malefic , which sounds a positive thing , :w00t:

i was a bit low yday seeing jup as functional malefic in that chart :(
do u also think its a functional malefic only as given in that chart ...

Wealth and career prospects are quite positive, from my eclectic point of view, when considering your tropical chart both in Western and in Vedic terms; it is relationships, marriage, love, where the difficulties are found (shown especially in your karma varga chart) That is the Venus area (and Ketu impacts you in this area as well); I don't detect anything much negative regarding career or wealth from my eclectic Western/Vedic analysis of your natal indications-but this area of love-marriage- relationships, that is the center of potential problems.

if u recall dr.farr ,

Hi Srimedico,

Your chart is strong for eminence and material success in life though.
Lights on angles.
You have angular Fortune with Jupiter (ruler of 2nd) on it. You have ruler of Fortune in 10th from Fortune. You have angular Part of Spirit with the ruler in 10th from it and etc. You are probably wealthy person or would be after your 30th year of life.

felt happy seeing this
.... but again there is a twist in my horoscope

Another thing which I forgot to say is that the Sun and DC are on the fixed star Hamal of the nature of Saturn and Mars. E.Ebarting says that this planets are fighting for dominance over this star and this brings dangerous influence on the material sphere. Robson says about this star when mixed with sun:
"Dissipation, evil associates, loss and disgrace".

Guess my grand cross ( which is there it seems ) is responsible for this divide opinion
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Hamal is a disruptive star, but then we would also have to consider:
-other star connections of other planets in your natal
-any star in Parallel of declination with Sun/desc, which, if there is one, would modify the Hamal influence upon the Sun/desc

You can clearly see that deeper investigations are really necessary, before we can have certainty about likely trends/potentials indicated in the natal chart; also, while various software programs do give very good results in mathematical/mechanical calculations, one should NEVER depend upon the "canned" evaluation/delineations given by such programs, vs the insight of real live practitioners of the astrological art.