Las Vegas Shootings:Another False Flag

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Shocking New Las Vegas Shooting Evidence!

Saturday, December 2, 2017 15:32

Stunning New Footage Shows:

  • Hundreds of Mandalay Bay employees being rounded up!
  • Locked away in the Michael Jackson theater for hours!
  • Shipped away on but transports!
  • Proof that police were hunting a shooter on the 4th floor!
  • Witness testimony that the lone gunman story is untrue!

Watch and share this incredible bombshell report!

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Las Vegas List of Victims – They All Have Fake Names

I will start with the “fishiest” name on the list: Denise Salmon Burditus. Just looks fake, doesn’t it? Maybe now we know why they didn’t give the others middle names. If they had, they would have names like cod, flounder, seabass, and trout. Anyway, they have a listing for her at, but it is still a big red flag. To start with, although allegedly 50 years old, she has worked at only one place: Heritage Financial Group, Inc. That is suspicious immediately, given what we uncovered above. But if we do a quick search on Heritage Financial, it gets even worse. Although said to manage businesses in several states, its website is a single white half-page that looks like it was just created last night on a Big Chief tablet.

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That’s the whole enchilada. I think DHS needs to hire a better tech team to fake these pages. That is just pathetic. also has a page for her, and it tells us she has also lived in Joint Base Lewis- McChord, WA. Oooo, that sounds good! What is that? It is a military base, and its scary webpage starts by telling you that you are accessing a restricted site, authorized for government use

only. You are warned there that the USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this site for, among other things, “counterintelligence investigations”. Intrigued?

So yeah, this lady seems like a normal attendee at a country music concert. At least we have indication she has worked at other places than Heritage Financial. What could those places be, I wonder? Well, Joint Base Lewis-McChord is the site of 12th Psychological Operations Group. It is connected to the 324th and 349th in Aurora, CO, and the 353rd in Las Vegas. Also the 14th Psychological Operations Battalion in Mountain View, CA, which links us to some of these other alleged victims. Mountain View also links us to the tech companies I mentioned above, all owned in part by Vanguard. Remember, Mountain View is the home of Google, Mozilla, Symantec, Intuit, LinkedIn, and many other tech companies. It was the home of Schockley Semiconductors, which we saw in my paper on Steve Jobs. So it looks like we have found another one of the keys to this event: Psychological Operations. We have intuited this was a major psyop from the get-go, but here we see it is hard-linked to many actual Psychological Operations Groups. We may infer that this is where the planning was done, and some of the fake victims were apparently taken from the vicinities.

Next, let’s hit Jessica Klymchuk. That sort of pops out at you, doesn’t it? Instead of taking us to her page, Intelius takes us directly to a Juliya L. Klymchuk, who I guess is supposed to be the same person. But shouldn’t the mainstream be posting the real names of these people, not their nicknames or aliases? Plus, how does Intelius know Jessica is the same as Juliya L.? Are we supposed to just take their word for it? If it is not her, why are we directed to her page? Why not just say, “none found”? Juliya is supposed to have a sister named Yuliya. But wait, isn’t that the same name? Do you really think their parents named two sisters Yuliya and Juliya? They are pronounced the same, so it isn’t a very good job of naming. As you are seeing, this is all just another joke. Instantcheckmate apparently hasn’t yet been informed that Jessica is the same as Juliya, although they are tied into the same big government computers as Intelius. That site tells us there is no such person as Jessica Klymchuk. Could be because Jessica is supposed to be Canadian, and these sites only scan the US. That’s convenient, since several of the other victims are also Canadian. What are the odds that so many Canadians would be in Las Vegas listening to country music? However, has no listing for a Jessica Klymchuk in all of Canada. There is a J. Klymchuk in Edmonton, but Jessica is supposed to be from Valleyview. And no, Valleyview is not a suburb of Edmonton. Valleyview is about 150 miles away.

Jordan McIldoon is supposed to be from Maple Ridge, BC, Canada. But again, the people searches have never heard of him. There is no Jordan McIldoon listed in all of Canada.

Next let’s look at Neysa Tonks. Intelius tells us she worked for Cisco Systems, a big red flag. Cisco— a major tech company—was founded by Bosack and Lerner in 1984. It controls a large part of the computer routing business (think LAN). It was the most valuable company in the world in 2000, said to be worth $500 billion. Right. About what I am worth. Bosack later worked for Bell Labs and the Department of Defense in creating ARPAnet. This links us to research above, specifically the companies SDC and Paramax. And guess who now owns Cisco? Vanguard, Blackrock, and other major investment groups. Just another coincidence, right? Although Cisco is headquartered in San Jose, it owns many subsidiaries that also link us to Mountain View, CA.

Then we have Adrian Murfitt of Achorage, said to be a fisherman. Unfortunately for that story, his Intelius profile indicates he is an attorney working for some major Jewish law firms that represent big oil and the Mormons. Why are they hiding that, I wonder?

We also have a big problem with James “Sonny” Melton, since Intelius has never heard of him. No James Melton, age 29, of Paris, TN, related to Heather. In fact, no James Melton anywhere near that age in all of Tennessee. Instantcheckmate has a James N. Melton of Paris, TN, no age, no relatives. Just that suspicious “i”. The big computers know of no relatives for this person? Not even his wife Heather? Hmmm.

[A reader tells me a Sonny Melton is listed at Spokeo, with the same relatives as our Sonny on Facebook. But he is 37, not 29. His towns are listed as Big Sandy and Camden, not Paris. So why is the information in the victims list all wrong? His alleged wife is not Heather Melton, but Heather Gladwell. She still has her ex-husband’s name from 2015, though the divorce was not amicable. Curious. She is listed as 48, which is also very curious. She is an orthopedic surgeon, not exactly what we would have expected. So why is her name given as Heather Gulish Melton in the mainstream press releases, when her own business website lists her as Heather Gladwell? This brings up several big problems. One, if Sonny is in Big Sandy and Heather is in Paris, how does that marriage work? Two, if Heather is 48, she doesn’t match the photos of her online with Sonny. The woman in the published photos is nowhere near 48, which is probably why they lowered Sonny’s age from 37 to 29.

I will be told that is an old photo, but if so it is quite old. I would guess his age there as 27 and hers as 35. That would date the photo as 10 to 13 years ago. Even if they are both very young looking, and we cut that in half, it is still five years ago—before they were married. So why are there no recent photos of them together? Regardless of their ages, we know that photo is not recent since it doesn’t match what she looks like now. She is heavier and noticeably older. Again, why publish these old photos of them together? I will tell you: the photos aren’t what we are told they are. They are either paste-ups or are mistagged. The pic above looks like a paste-up, since he is pink while she is orange. The line where they meet is unnatural. And they are looking at two different monitors or cameras.

However, one thing makes sense: Sonny’s dad James Warren Melton owns a gun training school in TN called US Security Services. No doubt the Vegas hoax will cause a spike in gun sales, which will be good for his business. James is also a practicing attorney listed at LinkedIn. Previously he has been Chief of Police of Big Sandy, President of US Electric Company, and an administrator at Tennessee Valley Authority. The internet has no information on a US Electric Company.

While I am updating, I might as well remind you the name Melton links us back to my recent paper on Mussolini. Who would have thought? Mussolini’s mother was a Maltoni, which I linked in that paper to the English surnames from the peerage Melton and Milton. It looks like they are all Jewish. Also curious is that Aaron Dykes’ wife Melissa is a Melton. Does she link to these people? I don’t know, but it is a question to ask.]

Intelius has also never heard of Stacee Ann Etcheber of Novato, California, age 50. The closest they have is a Suzanne Etcheber of Walnut Creek, age 41.

Instantcheckmate has never heard of Quinton Robbins, age 20, of Henderson Nevada. They list eight Quinton Robbins nationwide, but the youngest is 31 from Alabama. Intelius has a Quinton Robbins in Nevada, but they don’t seem to know how old he is.

Intelius has also never heard of Lisa Marhefka-Patterson. None found nationwide. Also no Lisa Patterson of Lomita, CA. We do find a Lisa Patterson, age 46, who works for General Dynamics. But she otherwise does not match Lisa Marhefka-Patterson.

Intelius has also never heard of Thomas Allen Day, Jr., of Corona, CA, age 54. There is a Thomas Allen Day, age 75, who might be senior, but no junior. If there were, you would think Junior would be listed as one of his relatives. But no. He has seven relatives listed, but no Thomas, Jr.

Las Vegas Massacre Coverup: Two Hours Of Surveillance Footage From The Bellagio Hotel Was Erased And Possibly Swapped Out


Images captured from inside of the Bellagio on the night of the massacre appear to have been removed from EarthCam website, but why?
Editors note: After this article’s publication, eight images were replaced on between the hours of 10:15 and 12:15 p.m. possibly to appear to viewers as if the originals were never removed (i.e. they were swapped out.)

LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — An EarthCam placed inside of the Bellagio Resort and Casino’s conservatory and botanical gardens area of the property captures 4 images per hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
However, on the night of the massacre, two hours of imagery, a total of 8 images captured between the hours of 10:15 and 12:15 p.m. was scrubbed from the website following numerous eyewitness reports of gunfire which authorities have tried their best to cover up.
Here is Jake Morphonios with the report:

What could be seen in the images that authorities were so worried about?
A woman by the name of Rene Downs claims that the entire lobby of the Bellagio was a mess after bullets came whizzing in just 30-45-minutes after the Route 91 music festival massacre occurred over a mile-and-a-half away.
Downs recalls a chaotic scene as people came ‘flying’ into the lobby through the front doors.
Downs said that she was sitting with a man by the name of “Daniel,” presumably her husband, who got her down on the ground behind a table when she heard ‘pop, pop, pop!’
“For some reason, there has not been one reporting that we have heard from our friends or anything,” Downs said, pointing out the media blackout on the incident.
But Downs was not the only witness to have heard gunshots at the Bellagio that night.
Additionally, a woman by the name of Rikki Raulerson claims that she was on the Las Vegas strip on Sunday night when the mass shooting occurred and says that early news reports, reports from police, security, and even her friends, contradict the official story that only one shooter was involved.
Raulerson posted a statement to Facebook last Tuesday where she explained what she heard the night of the shooting.
“We were told that there were 7 confirmed shooters, and confirmed deaths at multiple hotels. Including Bellagio, the Aria and New York New York,” Raulerson wrote.
Moreover, a married Canadian man named Jeff claims that he and his wife were in Las Vegas on the night of the mass shooting and were inside the Bellagio Resort & Casino’s conservatory taking photos when major panic broke out in the hotel lobby just before 11:20 p.m.
“All of a sudden there was just a crescendo of screams that started behind us in the lobby,” he said. “Then I heard somebody yell ‘there’s a shooter! There’s a shooter!’ And then I heard like five or six pops, like unmistakable gunfire, unmistakably.”
These eyewitness accounts are proof that something transpired at the Bellagio between 11:15 and 11:20 p.m.
Astonishingly, the man’s claims match up to actual events captured in police audio recordings from the night of the shooting which confirm that between 11:15 and 11:18 p.m. on the night of Oct. 1 there was, in fact, something going on at the Bellagio. But what?
The following is a small portion of the actual police audio transcript which was published by Intellihub on Oct. 10:
11:15 pm

  • ‘Suspect armed with a rifle.’
11:16 pm

11:18 pm

  • Officer: ‘Bellagio is going to be negative for a 415A and that’s per security.’

Shepard Ambellas is an opinion journalist, analyst, and the founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub News & Politics ( Shepard is

Nearly 3 Months Since the Vegas Massacre, Police Silent, Still No Images of Paddock, and No Motive

Strangely, almost three months after the the deadliest mass shooting in recent U.S. history, authorities have still not announced a motive for the massacre, nor have they officially released a single image of the alleged shooter, Stephen Paddock, in Las Vegas prior to the incident.

What makes this seem odd is the fact that Las Vegas, and more specifically the Vegas strip, is arguably one of the most intensely surveilled places on the planet. This surveillance makes the fact that there has been no footage, not even a still image of Paddock in the Mandalay Bay, seem extremely suspicious.

Just this week, the Las Vegas coroner’s office confirmed that Paddock died of a reported self-inflicted single gunshot wound to the head.

Also, amid their deafening silence on the matter, the only thing authorities have announced is that there would likely not be a motive released until next October — a full year after the shooting took place.

“Now that’s a long time for some people, but speaking for the FBI, that’s light speed, all right?” Aaron Rouse, Special Agent in Charge, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Wednesday.

Rouse said reports from other agencies investigating the mass shooting will be released at different times, but the FBI’s one is “focusing a large part on the why” which is “what everybody wants to know.”

According to a report by Fox News:

“Rouse told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the FBI has interviewed around 400 people worldwide in connection to Paddock and has brought in the same number of specialists to help document evidence.

“He said the Route 91 Harvest music festival site took investigators 14 days to comb over, while Paddock’s room and hotel hallway at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino took 13. Important items found at both sites have been sent to the FBI’s central lab in Virginia.

“He added that FBI investigators have 22,000 hours of surveillance and cellphone footage and 250,000 photos to look over, amounting to about 40 terabytes of data.”

“We’re going to have, I think, the best digital schematic of what happened and where it happened and how it happened that you can come up with,” Rouse said.

“We didn’t leave anything uncovered,” Rouse told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “And again, the casinos, with their support, let us track down a lot of information of who may have had contact with that person. And it was very helpful to us.”

Given the public’s thirst for information about the incident, and the numerous conspiracy theories surrounding the massacre — some of which were discovered to be promoted by a PR firm hired by the parent company of the Mandalay Bay Casino — it seems odd that there has not been more transparency during the investigation.

The scant information released by investigators indicates that Stephen Paddock, 64, who by all accounts was independently wealthy and a Vegas high-roller, opened fire on a music festival from a 32nd-floor hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Casino.

The massacre left 58 dead and 546 injured, yet nearly three months later and there are still few answers – even to the most basic of questions.

Even more strange is the fact that the case has been jettisoned from the 24/7 mainstream media cycle, despite the fact that the most basic of questions have yet to be answered.

Previously, The Free Thought Project brought forth a number of facts that seem to raise more questions than answers:

  1. The official timeline of the mass shooting has been changed at least three different times.
  2. Paddock wired $100,000 to an account located in the Philippines a week prior to the massacre.
  3. Investigators claim Paddock’s laptop was missing its hard drive when they found it in his hotel room.
  4. Paddock reportedly took cruises that made port stops in the Middle East.
  5. Authorities now claim an officer discharged his weapon in Paddock’s hotel roomafter denying it for the first month after the attack. (This raises the question of why police discharged a weapon if Paddock had already committed suicide prior to law enforcement breaching the room? And why they lied about it after the fact.)
  6. Security guard Jesus Campos, who reportedly came across Paddock as he began his attack was allegedly shot in the leg, but a spokesperson for UMC Quick Care, the walk-in health clinic facility Campos supposedly went to after being shot, said they had “heard nothing” about Campos visiting them.
  7. During an interview on Fox News with Tucker Carlson, an attorney for the victims revealed that not only did police officers respond to Campos after he was shot, they were right outside of Paddock’s door before he began shooting out of his hotel room window.

“As of yesterday it was that two — we knew about Campos — but there were two other police officers from MGM that were on the floor prior to the shooting,” Craig Eiland said.

So the question remains as to whether there is a tight-lipped, professional, investigation taking place, or a thorough cover-up in action.

The complete silence from law enforcement, in such a high-profile case, raises some serious questions about the potential for some type of cover-up taking place.

Why is there no investigative coverage of Vegas shooting by major media organizations?

Why did the story simply vanish from the news cycle with so much public interest and so many unanswered questions?

The fact that there have been virtually no answers to any of the questions that have arisen from the official story not adding up, while simultaneously being blacked out by the mainstream mass media, could potentially indicate an intentional soft-censoring of the Vegas mass shooting… the only question is why?

U.S. Republican Suggests ISIS Was Responsible for Las Vegas Shooting Despite Complete Lack of Evidence

Republican Suggests ISIS Was Responsible for Las Vegas Shooting Despite Complete Lack of Evidence During a segment of the Tucker Carlson show on Friday, Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry floated the idea that the terrorist group ISIS was responsible for the shooting in Las Vegas that killed over 50 people in October.
“I smell a rat, like a lot of Americans," Perry told Carlson on Fox News. "It’s been four months. Nothing is adding up. The man is dead. They say he’s a lone gunman, a lone shooter, and yet we can’t get the autopsy results. And more troubling than that, recently I’ve been made aware of what I believe to be credible evidence, and credible information regarding terrorist infiltration through the border regarding this incident.”
“Let’s face it," he continued. "ISIS twice before the attack said that they would attack Las Vegas, I think in June and August. And then after the attack they claimed responsibility four times. Meanwhile, the local law enforcement investigative services is telling us there is no terrorist connection, it’s a lone gunman. Again, something is not adding up.”

Republican Suggests ISIS Was Responsible for Las Vegas Shooting Despite Complete Lack of Evidence

U.S. Republican Suggests ISIS Was Responsible for Las Vegas Shooting Despite Complete Lack of Evidence

Republican Suggests ISIS Was Responsible for Las Vegas Shooting Despite Complete Lack of Evidence During a segment of the Tucker Carlson show on Friday, Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry floated the idea that the terrorist group ISIS was responsible for the shooting in Las Vegas that killed over 50 people in October.
“I smell a rat, like a lot of Americans," Perry told Carlson on Fox News. "It’s been four months. Nothing is adding up. The man is dead. They say he’s a lone gunman, a lone shooter, and yet we can’t get the autopsy results. And more troubling than that, recently I’ve been made aware of what I believe to be credible evidence, and credible information regarding terrorist infiltration through the border regarding this incident.”
“Let’s face it," he continued. "ISIS twice before the attack said that they would attack Las Vegas, I think in June and August. And then after the attack they claimed responsibility four times. Meanwhile, the local law enforcement investigative services is telling us there is no terrorist connection, it’s a lone gunman. Again, something is not adding up.”

( it is not adding up for sure but to blame it on ISIS is plain fake news. evidence shows a massive coverup that could be accomplished with fbi and cia influences. clearly there was a gun running and money laundering project going on at the same time the /saudi/mossad was trying to assassinate a royal Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal rahu)

(hmmm something is up , it has to be fake news but still why are they seeking another person when the fbi still adheres to the impossible Big Lie that paddock was the lone would think the fbi would just let this story die, like the JFK assassination, so why bring up another persona of interest now...rahu)

The FBI Is Investigating a New Person of Interest in the Las Vegas Shooting
The FBI is probing a new person in its investigation into the October mass shooting on the Las Vegas strip that left 58 people dead, the country sheriff said on Friday.
Stephen Paddock, 64, launched a shooting rampage( HAHAHA RAHU) from his 32nd floor room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, using assault rifles to fire down onto revelers who were attending a concert.
"The FBI has an ongoing case against an individual of federal interest," Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told a press conference.
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He said that he could not go into greater detail about the new subject in the investigation.
"I know and believe ( KNOW AND BELIEVE???hahaha RAHU)there's only one suspect who killed 58 people and injured hundreds more. All the evidence recovered( THEY MEAN ALL THE EVIDENCE THEY ARE FEEDING TO THE MEDIA RAHU) in this case supports that theory," he said.
Paddock is the only suspect in the shooting itself but authorities have sought to investigate if anyone helped him to prepare the shooting assault that was the deadliest in U.S. history.
Two different judges in two different courts ruled to release withheld info on the Las Vegas Shooting within hours of each other on the same day. The same day congress votes to #ReleaseTheMemo and the same day Trump is giving his State of the Union Address.
The info to be released involve autopsy reports and search warrant information. Stephen Paddock’s “draft” autopsy report is also to be made available to the public.
Odd that it happens on the same day within hours of each other.

Stephen Paddock Owned Homes At Bohemian Grove! Children Being Imprisoned There?

Wow! So the Paddock brothers are known pedophiles (with convictions) and now it has been discovered that they are the long time owners of 2 homes that sit on the Northwest edge of Bohemian Grove. One of the homes is on the north access road and is within walking distance of the Grove (0.9 miles). Jake Morphonios
So this investigative report from Jake Morpheus and his “Blackstone Intelligence Network” ( formerly End Times News Report) just came out and it is HUGE.
Jake is extremely interesting…I was expecting to have to listen to the usual filler just to get to the few good pieces of info but surprisingly I was actually enthralled the entire video. He’s very interesting and I was not bored with one minute of this.
This is the first time I’ve really noticed Jakes work and I’m very impressed. I’m surprised it’s taken me so long to notice him.

This is HUGE info… Jake relays an inside source’s first hand account of what went on behind closed doors in the jail with Paddocks brother and what happened after the CIA set Stephen Paddock up in this false flag.
He also reveals the fact that the Paddock brothers owned homes practically inside of Bohemian Grove! (As close as one could possibly get to the property).
Now what are the chances of the Paddock brothers owning houses NEXT TO the Bohemian Grove… like right there on the border of it…
I’m telling you…the info in this vid is FASCINATING. Entire vid. You’ve GOTTA hear this:
And then the Google street view car caught photos of a man and some children standing in the window of the Paddocks house….which is creepy as all hell. It’s very clear too.
Are Children Inside The Paddock Home at Bohemian Grove?
<span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif">&amp;amp;amp;gt;</span>

by Taboola
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(this coverup is deeper that JFKs assassination ,the media is now programming everyone to accept the paddock was the lone shooter just as the cia programmed the media to say there was only one assassin who shot JFK 50 years ago rahu)

New Evidence Reveals Details About the Las Vegas Massacre

( the "new" evidence simply reinforces the initial cover-up.
it is interesting that they don't mention the man arrested for selling US military tracer ammunition to paddock,Haig, was aerospace engineer, had connection to a government contract for this high power ammo.what they don't say is more revelant than what they do say rahu)

Something is afoot at the Clark County Coroner’s office, autopsy of “Stephen Paddock” reveals body was not Paddock and rather someone else.

(just as in the JFK assassination, the body in the autopsy was not JFK's.the body was of officer Tibits who had been short early in the day as part of the coverup .they had to change bodies because the injuries from the bullets in JFK's body would not stand up to the one shooter lie. for that matter the doctor who performed the autopsy saw it was not JFK and short after he received a million dollars and disappeared but not before he divorced his wife ,the doctor was reported to have dies. but a few years later the divorce wife testified she saw her husbanb gambling in las vegas.. rahu)

LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — It is unknown why the Clark County Coroner has released the autopsy report of a random 6′-1″ tall individual with bad teeth after cremating the body, violating a court order, and then claiming the body is that of the alleged shooter Stephen Paddock, when Paddock is clearly 6′-4″ tall and has rather good teeth.
No this is not a joke. This is real and should scare any American who entrusts their government, to tell the truth.
The bogus autopsy records were released by the coroner on Friday and contradict everything we know about Paddock physically.
Fox News reports:
The autopsy showed Paddock, who was just more than six feet tall, was considered to be slightly overweight at 224 pounds, had high blood pressure and bad teeth. But he appeared to be healthy and nothing out of the ordinary was uncovered in his physical condition, even after experts at Stanford University conducted a microscopic brain examination, according to the documents.
As Intellihub reported on 20 Jan., in the article titled Body autopsied by doctor likely not Steven Paddock’s, official LVMPD report reveals:
Information listed in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s preliminary report on the 1 Oct. massacre, reveals that the body autopsied by Dr. Lisa Gavin may not be Steven Paddock at all.
According to Section VIII of the report titled Suspect Autopsy: “On 10-06-17, at approximately 1625 hours, under CCOCME case 17-10064 and FBI incident number 4-LV-2215061 an autopsy was performed on the body of Paddock at the CCOCME by Doctor Lisa Gavin.”
However, the report lists the decedent Stephen Paddock as being only “73 inches” tall (6′-1″) despite the fact that it is well known that Paddock was 6′-4″ in height and had a much larger frame than the dead guy pictured in the leaked crime scene photographs.


In 2010, Paddock’s height was listed as 6′-4″ on a Sport Fishing, Trapping, Hunting License registered with the State of Alaska. The information was verified with Paddock’s California driver’s license by a duly authorized fish and game vendor in the State of Alaska.

Additionally, the eye color listed on the official state document says Paddock’s eyes were “BL” (blue), while the autopsy report says the decedent’s eyes are “brown.” Again, the document is based on Paddock’s California driver’s license.
As you can see in the following photograph, Paddock is 6′-4″ tall, not 6′-1″, as the autopsy claims.

Moreover, the time of death listed in the autopsy report was 12:00 noon on Oct. 2, 2017, which conflicts with what authorities initially reported.

Clark County Coroner’s Office

Originally, it was reported that Paddock had committed suicide at 11:20 p.m. on the night of Oct. 1, 2017, which is even more alarming after two single shots were heard at 10:16 p.m. following the fully-automatic gunfire.
AmericanEveryman does an awesome job at pointing out how the projectile never exited the skull of he man autopsied, despite the fact that the alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound was reportedly done with a rather powerful weapon.
*If you have any information on this matter please contact [email protected].
We need to see the postmortem report and ballistics! Send this to all news agencies and demand that they cover this!
Contributed by Shepard Ambellas of
We believe that the world has reached a turning point as the corporate funded and controlled mainline media has become obsolete as humans are now seeking the truth.™ strives and will continue to uphold it’s duties to inform humanity of what is really taking place in the world around them. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

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(the proponents of the new world order continue their aggressive push to silence critics of this tragedy. but where are the students that reported there was more than I shooter?......the media has buried them just as the those you saw multiple shooters in las vegas.rahu)**...ogle-spreading-imposter-claims-parkland-teen/

A Florida school board member admits he was duped after he was called out for promoting Parkland conspiracy theories on social media.

Bill Mathias, a Lake County School Board, shared a post accusing 17-year-old David Hogg of being an “imposter” after the Douglas High School student called for new gun safety laws, reported the Orlando Sentinel.
The elected official concedes he was dubious after encountering the claim, but he did a cursory web search and posted the content anyway.
“At first I thought fake post, so I Google search: David Hogg crisis actor,” Mathias posted on Facebook. “I don’t care where you stand on the ‘gun’ issue, this is WRONG… Truth is he is an imposter and a quick background would expose him.”
Other Facebook users directed Mathias to accurate information showing Hogg was confirmed as a senior student at the school where 17 of his classmates and teachers were gunned down on Valentine’s Day.
“I was a *******, because it wasn’t truthful,” Mathias told the newspaper. “Initially, when I Googled the young man’s name, there were several posts right off the bat that said he was a crisis actor.”

Mathias deleted the post and walked back his claims on social media before speaking to the Sentinel.
Survivors of the Parkland massacre have become outspoken gun safety advocates over the past week, and right-wing websites and others have spread conspiracy theories questioning their motivations and associations.
Hogg’s mother revealed her family had been targeted by death threats prompted by the conspiracy theories.
Mathias said he’s sorry for posting the content without making sure the claims were accurate.
“The immediate findings seemed to support allegation,” Mathias said. “I did not go deep enough.”
FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up; Agents Told Not to Investigate Key Evidence Including ISIS Terror Link

The shooting at the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas took 58 lives, and months later the FBI still has told us nothing about why it happened. This monstrous slaughter took place last October, and still the FBI has nothing and has said nothing about the killer Stephen Paddock’s motive. Yet they have dismissed ISIS claims out of hand, despite the fact ISIS does not take credit for attacks that are not theirs. Not only did they take credit, they did something they never did before – they doubled and tripled down. The Islamic State (IS) featured an infographic on the Las Vegas attack in the 100th issue of its al-Naba weekly newspaper, and indicated that the shooter, whom they called “Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki,” had converted to Islam six months ago.
Jihad is the only motive that makes any sense. And the fact that the FBI has nothing and is engaged in a massive coverup points to that. That Stephen Paddock left no digital trail might very well be deliberate – to show how incompetent our law enforcement agencies are. ISIS took credit for the downing of the Russian jetliner in the Sinai. Everyone in law enforcement dismissed that too. Until ISIS provided proof a couple of weeks later, that is. I suspect we may see the same thing happen here. The Vegas attack mirrors the sophisticated planning and secrecy consistent with more complex ISIS plots such as the Sinai explosion of Russian airliner.
We have been told that because Paddock was white and 64, it is unlikely that he would be a convert to Islam. Why? Islam is ideological — it’s not a race or an age. It’s a belief system. It’s also being said that if Paddock was a convert, Homeland Security is going to have to change their whole approach to jihad terror in the Homeland. We can only hope. Because this war has nothing to do with age, race or gender — it’s religious. And profiling is required. On the top of my watch list would be converts. Who would be attracted to an ideology that is the cause of hatred, misogyny, subjugation and slaughter?
If you don’t believe that the FBI is capable of this level of corruption and dishonesty, just consider the fact that an undercover agent told one of the jihadis who attacked my free speech event in Garland, Texas to “tear up Texas,” and yet now claims that he didn’t know he was actually going to do it. This is not an FBI of patriots. This is Obama’s FBI.
“FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up; Agents Told Not to Investigate Key Evidence Including ISIS Terror Link to Mandalay Bay Massacre,” True Pundit, March 12, 2018 (thanks to Andrew Bostom):​
The “official” narrative you’ve been fed by the FBI and Las Vegas officials about the massacre at Mandalay Bay that claimed 58 lives is purely fiction, a polished story contrived to cover up the disturbing facts surrounding the worst mass shooting ever in the United States, according the FBI insiders and high-ranking intelligence officials.

And now, after months of corporate-infused spin by MGM Resorts and outright lies from officials in the FBI and the Las Vegas Metro Police Department, federal agents and intelligence officials are spilling the beans about what really happened on and before the Oct. 1 massacre.
“It’s a movie script that was written after the shooting to rewrite what really happened,” one FBI agent said. “The investigation is an entirely different story that we are not allowed to talk about. If we do and get caught, we get fired and probably charged (criminally).”
But why the cover up?
The answer to that is perhaps even more complicated than the revelations surrounding the shooting, which can only be explained as shocking and troubling to everyday Americans not connected to the law enforcement community and political machine that has become today’s FBI. While few if any bright Americans believed the official back story of the supposed Stephen Paddock rampage, the truth — it turns out — is even more bizarre than fiction here.
In fact, it’s downright frightening.
The FBI maintains that Stephen Paddock — the reported lone gunman — was a mystery man and his motive for killing dozens and injuring over 500 people still has not been pinpointed. Those assertions are simply untrue, FBI officials confirm. Lies. In the coming weeks, True Pundit will detail various parts of its investigation into the shooting and more importantly, paint a detailed portrait of the events leading to the shooting and Paddock’s likely accomplices and associates.
The major, shocking revelations include:
When FBI brass was provided with forensic evidence of multiple gunmen, they told agents to stand down and focus on Paddock only. Even a key internal audio captured by a hotel guest of multiple rifles firing from Mandalay Bay went ignored, covered up.
When FBI brass was provided the names of persons of interest who likely assisted Paddock, agents were instructed not to interview the individuals. One would-be target was never pursued despite pleadings from intelligence officials and agents that he was possibly the second shooter.
The FBI uncovered specific evidence showing that Paddock was anti-Trump and had an affiliation with ANTIFA, though it never was divulged to the public and agents did not follow such leads, per orders of their superiors.
When FBI brass was given evidence that the shooting was possibly linked to ANTIFA radicals working with an ISIS-linked terror faction — including the full identities of some of the suspects with ties to both radical groups and at or near Mandalay Bay the night of the deadly shooting — agents were never instructed to follow up on the investigation and pursue the suspects.
When intelligence officials approached the FBI and LVMPD with external evidence that Paddock was only one member of an organized terror cell — which included as many as five gunman who planned to fire from the Mandalay Bay suite — the compelling evidence was covered up. Never pursued.
When FBI brass was provided with forensic evidence that Paddock’s death was not a suicide, the intelligence was never pursued by the FBI and LVMPD. FBI sources said Paddock suffered two gunshots. His autopsy report only details a single bullet to the head. FBI sources maintain Paddock’s autopsy was doctored and is a fraud.
When an ISIS-linked “businessman” from Turkey was pinpointed in the investigation — and found to be residing near Las Vegas at the time of the shooting — FBI agents were not instructed to follow up and pursue intelligence leads showing possible links to the massacre.
FBI and intelligence officials believe Paddock and associates chose to strike the Las Vegas country music concert with over 22,000 people because they likely supported President Trump. FBI agents said they were instructed to keep that key motive quiet too.
When MGM refused to share cctv footage from Mandalay Bay, FBI agents were threatened by superiors that any whistle blowers divulging such revelations to the media would lose their jobs. The FBI still has never been provided all the camera footage from the Mandalay Bay, FBI agents said.
When FBI agents and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives informed FBI bosses that Paddock didn’t start buying dozens of guns until after Trump’s election, they were told to keep that fact quiet and shrouded.
When FBI agents followed up on an ABC News report that Paddock wired $100,000 to the Philippines shortly before the rampage they confirmed the report was untrue. Instead of disputing it, FBI bosses embraced the false story, saying it helped build the narrative the Bureau was constructing about Paddock. FBI agents believe the story was planted with ABC by their superiors.
And there is much much more that is not detailed here today. This is only a summary of True Pundit’s investigation.
This FBI-generated smoke screen has occurred during the watch of FBI Director Christopher Wray and his Las Vegas Field Office Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse, a disciple of Andrew McCabe, the defrocked and disgraced former deputy director of the FBI. It has unfolded during President Donald Trump’s first year in office. Does Wray even know about what amounts to a conspiracy led by the FBI to cover up a mass killing of U.S. citizens? Whether he does or does not seems to matter little. This is no longer his problem to fix. Trump and others must investigate and provide honest answers. The FBI can no longer be trusted to do so. On any level. Especially in Las Vegas. It is difficult to imagine that any competent director of the FBI would not know about this. Unless he was lied to by FBI brass….
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FBI Pinpoints New Person of Interest in Las Vegas Shooting, Then Told to Stand Down, Not Pursue Suspect

The hushed FBI investigation unfolding inside the FBI’s public Broadway show version of the Las Vegas shooting investigation started when a witness claimed he hid outside Mandalay Bay in the bushes for hours after the stream of gunfire started raining down on concert goers on Oct. 1.
The same man also claimed he was inside the room next door to the shooter when gunfire erupted on 22,000 country western fans — mostly Trump supporters — at an outdoor concert in the shadow of the MGM resort’s sprawling Mandalay Bay resort.
The same man who said he saw shooters gun down a security guard outside the hotel suite he shared with Stephen Paddock, even though that information was never divulged publicly at the time.​
The same man who described to news media — minutes after the attack — in detail the tools in Paddock’s suite used for the attack days before such physical evidence was released to the public.

The same man who went to great lengths — using techniques few would know or employ absent training — to mask his phone and social media accounts to shield his location before and during the attack.
The same man FBI agents were never allowed to interview and told to forget about, despite pleadings from intelligence veterans that this individual was an imperative person of interest in the shooting investigation.
“We cleared Mandalay Bay within two hours,” one FBI agent recalled while replaying the video of a witness statement over and over, searching for discrepancies. “There was nobody hiding in any bushes.”
That was the first clue. Subsequent clues grew bigger and bolder.
The agent found many additional statements that didn’t match up with reality either. And other agents were likewise nailing down evidence that disputed the official FBI narrative curated by FBI Las Vegas SAC Aaron Rouse and his inner circle. The official line continues to be the shooter, Stephen Paddock was a mysterious lone wolf who had no help killing 58 people and maiming another 500 from his hotel-suite perch on the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay.
He gambled too and he was angry about something, though no one in charge of the probe is saying exactly what.
There is the story the FBI and Las Vegas officials along with MGM brass have carefully curated — the story they need you to believe about that deadly night.
Then there is the truth pasted together by FBI agents and Intelligence veterans with evidence the FBI brass seemingly wants to keep far away from the public record.
Neither story looks very similar. In fact the official narrative has not held up to the test of time even though that time frame has been just six months.
This is the story that they don’t want folks to know.
And soon you’ll understand why.
FBI brass at every turn fought to conceal credible evidence that countered the official, polished Las Vegas narrative. That includes painting Paddock as the sole mystery man of the attack, while shielding the identity of the real mystery man:
Brian Hodge.

Hodge, a 37-year-old Australian living in the United States, went from media witness to person of interest “almost overnight,” one FBI agent said. Yet FBI brass led by Rouse refused agents permission to interrogate Hodge, who soon fled the city after the attack but did eventually return. Only to leave the country. Then return again. Unbeknownst to Hodge and FBI brass, Bureau insiders and intelligence veterans were ignoring a stand down order and tracking Hodge. And they tailed him to many interesting places following the Las Vegas deadly shooting. More on that later.
“He did a series of radio and media interviews in Australia that were compelling,” the FBI insider said. “He unknowingly divulged information during those interviews that only law enforcement knew about at the time.”
The FBI source said Hodge described details of the attack and tools Paddock used that were only known to a handful of federal and local law enforcement official at the time.
“We were still processing the crime scene and Hodge was discussing evidence no one else could have known about,” the FBI official said. “He was giving interviews to Australian media literally while this scene was unfolding. I’m talking minutes after Paddock’s body was found in the suite, Hodge was live on air on his phone.”
With the difference in time zones between Las Vegas and Australia, Hodge was being piped into homes during prime time, approximately 9 pm to 11 pm which was literally at the same time the Las Vegas mayhem was unfolding. Strangely, FBI agents noticed, Hodge never spoke to any media in the United States.
How did the Australian media locate Hodge so quickly? FBI insiders said he was posting on social media and then calling the media for interviews. The challenge for investigators is that soon after the shooting, Hodge began to scrub his Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts — not only of Vegas-related posts, but of many more.
“He began deleting his online DNA so to speak,” one intelligence veteran said, “Even though we were told not to we were able to recover many things that were deleted.”
But not before key facts were deciphered by agents. Hodge previously lived and worked in the casino industry on the Gold Coast of Australia. Stephen Paddock’s girlfriend, Mary Lou Danley, likewise previously lived and worked in the casino industry on the Gold Coast of Australia, sources said.
Strange. Small world.
Hodge’s perhaps most revealing radio interview — conducted by Triple M News in Melbourne — really raised eyebrows at the FBI. A portion of it is below:

Intelligence veterans isolated immediate red flags after combing this interview, sources said.

  • Hodge details how victims were mowed down by gunfire below Mandalay Bay as reported by his “team.” FBI sources said Hodge was likely staying alone at Mandalay Bay. Therefore, what “team?” Intelligence agents tracked Hodge after the shooting and never pinpointed any travel companions, officials said.
  • Hodge said Paddock used a special hammer to break the Mandalay Bay’s “double-pained” glass prior to the attack. That is true. But how did Hodge know about the hammer days before it was divulged to the public? How did Hodge know what kind of glass was employed by Mandalay Bay? And how did Hodge know the glass was punched out with a hammer instead of gun fire? Remember, Hodge was divulging these details live in Australia via phone literally minutes after the attack.
  • The shooting scene was over 400 yards away from Mandalay Bay. It was night and the venue was likewise dark except for the stage area. How could Hodge’s alleged “team” — who were supposedly fleeing the hotel in panic — see bodies dropping from 400 yards away in the dark through a mirrored exterior window?
  • Hodge said he had the room next to Paddock. But that room 32-134 was breached by Las Vegas Metro SWAT after Paddock was found dead on the other side of a door adjoining the two rooms. One large window was broken in Hodge’s supposed room too which police believe gunfire originated from.
  • How did Hodge know when Paddock checked into the hotel suite? How did he know Paddock? Records show Hodge checked into Mandalay Bay the day before the shooting. How would he know Paddock checked in days earlier?
“These are red flags you pick up when listening to Hodge’s interviews,” one FBI insider said. “His testimony changes too from interview to interview, you can see him adding new details, things that he never talked about initially. He’s telling a story and adding new wrinkles. That’s an important sign as well.”
Hodge makes several bizarre posts to his Facebook account in the immediate aftermath of the attack. Then he deletes the posts hours later. Among the strangest is the following in which he claims that he is staying in room 32134 and Paddock was in room 32135. The post is uploaded on Oct 2, 2017 at 00:27 PST, again, amid the unfolding chaos at Mandalay Bay.

Hodge elaborates on this revelation in his first media interview with Australian newspaper The Daily Advertiser story, which again, was published amid the chaos in Las Vegas:
“He was approached by a woman who had a frantic look on her face and urged Mr Hodge and his co-workers to run.
“At the woman’s urging, Mr Hodge rushed his team into an elevator and rode it down to the back of the casino.
“He and his team escaped from the hotel and hid in the bushes outside of the casino, ensuring they stayed close to the side of the building.
“Mr Hodge said he saw flashlights and then police, who encouraged them to walk to the other side of the building with their hands above their head.
“They were ushered back into the hotel, which was completely abandoned, and then encouraged to walk down the Las Vegas Strip until they reached safety.”
Hodge, in this interview, maintains police ushered his ‘group’ back into Mandalay Bay. But the hotel at that time was being evacuated. Also, Hodge claims his team was with him as he was taking the elevator to the 32nd floor — before he ushered people back into the elevator after a woman warned him of gunfire. But during radio interviews Hodge said his team members were already back in their rooms witnessing people in the concert venue getting cut down by bullets.
And how did Hodge know the shooter was next to his room, per the Facebook post, if he was ushered back into the elevator long before he reached his room at the opposite end of the hallway?
Also, it is important to note that The Daily Advertiser in Australia published this story during the time frame when Hodge claimed he was still hiding in the bushes outside Mandalay Bay.
In another Australian news account published just an hour later in the Courier & Mail, Hodge said the shooter was next to his room with a machine gun.
“Another Australian man staying at the Mandalay Bay Resort has spoken about his close call with the Las Vegas gunman – claiming he launched his murderous attack from the room next door.
Australian Brian Hodge, who previously worked at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast, claimed he was staying in the room next to the shooter on level 32 at the Las Vegas resort.
‘There were multiple people dead and multiple shooters. I was just hiding waiting for police to come get us.
“We were hiding in the bushes outside waiting for the police.” Mr Hodge said he was staying in room 32134 while the gunman was in room 32135.

“It was a machine gun from the room next to me,” he said.
“My floor is a crime scene. They killed a security guard on my floor.’”

FBI sources point out here that Hodge’s account had flipped. Now, according to his testimony to the Courier & Mail, the shooting started from the suite next to his room and the shooter was firing off what sounded like machine-gun fire.
“At that point in the investigation there was no public report that a security guard had been shot,” one FBI source said. “We wanted to know how Hodge knew this information at such an early stage. And why he thought the guard was killed. There was an early report that one police officer had been shot but Hodge specifically mentioned a security guard.
“That’s certainly worth following up.”

Also, federal law enforcement sources note that Hodge never mentioned arriving on the 32nd floor via the elevator. Instead, he was in his hotel room when the shooting began. The same hotel room with the broken window and a pair of new gloves found lying on the bed. (Paddock was wearing his gloves when he was found dead.)
In the Sydney Morning Herald, Hodge claimed police escorted him out of the hotel and told him the gunman was in room 32135, just one room away from his room.
“I’m just glad I didn’t make it back to my room,” Hodge said, failing to mention details about the elevator or being next to Paddock when the shooting commenced. Or hiding in bushes.
FBI agents wanted a chance to question Hodge about his ever-evolving eye-witness accounts: Was he next to the shooter or in the elevator? Was his room actually somewhere else in the hotel and Hodge was grandstanding or spreading misinformation as a cover? How did he know about the special hammer found in Paddock’s room days before law enforcement divulged that fact to the public?
Even a cabal of retired FBI agents and current intelligence officials echoed similar Hodge-related red flags to Las Vegas FBI brass and LVMPD in the weeks following the shooting, urging officials to green light the federal interrogation of Hodge. Intelligence agents sought permission to question him at his workplace or apartment in Los Angeles.
But officials refused, FBI sources said. To the dismay of many.
But why was Hodge untouchable?
Even the fact that the room Hodge maintains he rented had camera wires running from a food cart in the hallway — which the FBI maintains Paddock set up as security cameras in each room — into Hodge’s room (32-134).
See the photo below:

“There is so much physical evidence here that warrants Hodge as a person of interest that is’t hard to believe he wasn’t told to stay in Las Vegas after the shooting for questioning,” one FBI source said. “Especially with what we know about his cell phone.”
What did the FBI know about Hodge’s phone?
The three or four hours he said he was hiding in the bushes outside Mandalay Bay,” one FBI insider said. “We ran his cell phone during and after the shooting. He wasn’t anywhere near Mandalay Bay after the shooting.”
So if he wasn’t hiding in the bushes, where was Hodge while he was giving radio and newspaper interviews to foreign media about surviving the massacre?
Turns out, he went to great lengths to keep his locations hidden.
But the FBI knows.
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BodyCam Proves Paddock a Patsy! FBI Lied!

Paddock’s Window Unbroken in Vegas! Fairytale Destroyed! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

The patriots at Intellihub just completely destroyed the Las Vegas fairy tale! The lie the FBI and Fake News told us was Stephen Paddock did all the shooting from his hotel room after he busted out his windows. We know can prove 100% this is a lie!
We now have two smoking gun proof that must get out to everybody in the world! First, I play audio proof of multiple shooters that is the clearest ever presented! But even better, we have body cam footage proving Stephen Paddock’s windows were not broken at the time police gained entry! This is HUGE! This takes out their lies and exposes the criminal FBI for their Las Vegas coverup! They got a patsy and made sure everybody believed their lies! I wouldn’t doubt if the FBI was the one who busted out the windows much after the police breached the room because when the police enter the room, no windows were broken!
Use the Share buttons on this article and send this story to all your social network and email lists! Tell them to believe NOTHING the FBI says – they are run by evil lying scum out to get Trump and we can now expose one of their big lies! The credibility of the FBI must be completely destroyed and arrests must happen with leadership! Hopefully the good people in the FBI will start leaking to destroy their crooked bosses on top!
To recap, we have two pieces of proof in this article. In the video I first play new video footage with the best audio evidence of multiple shooters! It’s very very clear. You can hear two machine guns! One very close and one far away. This proves multiple shooters and this alone destroys the fairy tale they told us but it gets much better!
Police body cam footage has now been released of police officers when they get into where the police admit on camera there were no windows broken in Paddock’s suite! BOOM! That does it right there! End of story! Game Over!
Here’s what is said on camera.
“We do not have a broken window,” one of the officers named Cory clearly states after making entry into room 32-135.
“Standby, we’ve got curtains open on a window that’s not broken,” another voice can be heard saying in the video as officers frantically pull back the curtains.
“It’s not, it’s not, it’s not [broken] — Corey it’s not,” one officer makes clear.
Additionally, another officer makes a rather odd statement which alludes to the fact that the shooter had merely set something up by the window.
set something up by the window.
“There is another one [gun] over here by the window he was setting up with,” he stated, as if no shooting took place from the room which may have just been some type of command center to control the air assault via helicopters.

Patriots I need your help so the story can’t be censored anymore. We must overload their systems! Share this more than anything you’ve shared recently. America must learn how criminal our FBI has become at the top and how the Fake News is also criminal and a total waste of your time! You can’t trust known liars who don’t do real reporting and censor all proof like this! We’ve caught the The FBI Las Vegas chief – Aaron Rouse in a massive lie and coverup that must now be exposed by patriots worldwide! Thank you for all you do! Down with tyrants and liars! Keep spreading the truth and don’t believe anything they say!

Here’s more videos proving the FBI and Fake News LIED to you!

3 Las Vegas Shooters Seen On Video! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Las Vegas Eyewitness – They’re Lying About All Of It! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Multiple Shooters Reported by Las Vegas Airport Control Tower! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Vegas Eyewitness Destroys FBI Fairytale! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
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FOLLOWING is a report received from an Anonymous source requesting this information be posted ASAP!!! It does NOT bring pleasure to me to post this, but I DO sense this needs to be posted and all Americans alerted and, if not already done so, encouraged to PREPARE NOW! What is happening in Europe IS PLANNED to take place here in the States. As an independent reporter, I receive ALL kinds of information – especially that which I don’t ask for or even want to know……BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT!

“Operation Mustang” will take place Wednesday, May 30, 2018,
from 6:00 am to 1:00 pm PST
Laura Loomer@LauraLoomer
LATEST #LasVegas police holding “active assailant” drill at Vegas high school this week @lvmpd @SheriffLombardo

12:28 PM – 28 May 2018

Nearly eight months after the Las Vegas shooting, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) will be holding an “active assailant” drill at Shadow Ridge High School.

The drill, which is being called “Operation Mustang”, will take place Wednesday, May 30, 2018, from 6:00 am to 1:00 pm PST and will include “full scale gunshots and explosions”.

While the ‘drill’ is described as a “training exercise”, it is unclear as to why the drill is being held at a high school and will require such a heavy law enforcement presence and utilize real life gunfire and explosions if it is just a ‘drill’.

According to the details listed on the LVMPD flyer, there will be a “large number of emergency vehicles” responding to the drill, including an LVMPD helicopter.

During the ‘drill’, police will be blocking off several intersections, and they have asked the public to stay away from the area and to “not attempt to spectate the exercise”.

LVMPD said the high school will have a 360-degree “containment” for the safety of the participants. Police have not yet mentioned who the participants will be at the high school, but it is worth noting that the school is currently out of session for the summer.

The purpose of the ‘drill’ has not yet been disclosed. However, since the Las Vegas Shooting, LVMPD have been on high alert after a gunman (gunmen) fired nearly 1,200 rounds onto a crowd of the Route 91 country music festival the night of October 1, 2017, killing 58, and injuring nearly 800 more people.
(NOTE: Readers, please recall current news releases, i.e. of shootings at schools – all showing young WHITE MALES as the ‘shooters’. If you know anything about MKUltra, you could tell that via the eyes, these males most likely had been drugged, and also via MKU programming, were spaced out and unable to speak for themselves. In order to keep the public from learning the TRUTH, most of these are programmed to self-destruct so that they cannot be questioned and psychologically or physically probed to reveal the TRUTH about their having been drugged, programmed and their instructions by the programmers and WHO the programmers were.)

LVMPD did not respond when contacted by this reporter with request for comment regarding who will be participating in the drill, and why it is being held at a high school.

Laura Loomer is a conservative investigative journalist and activist. Originally from Arizona, Laura began her career working as an undercover journalist for Project Veritas from 2015-2017. She covers politics, anti-Semitism, immigration, terrorism, the Islamification of the West, and voter fraud. Loomer’s investigations have been broadcasted on every major national mainstream media outlet in the United States, as well as many international publications.
NOTE: Will this ‘drill’ turn out to be another “Columbine” or “Sandy Hook” False Flag using paid “crisis actors” as students and school staff, with reports following of the ‘deaths’ of multiple teachers and school children????

Remember, many of those who were reported as having ‘died in the gun fire’ later showed up in other ‘false flag’ productions, and one young girl in particular was photographed on the lap of none other than ‘Barack Obama’ (Barry Soetoro) himself.
These false flag ‘school shootings’ are being used as the justification to confiscate the guns of every American, especially by those uninformed idiots who believe the MSM scripted ‘reports’ as well as the enemy within whose plan is to disarm America for easy take down in the coming months.
IS THE PURPOSE FOR THE ‘DRILL’ being held in preparation for a full scale media assault on American gun owners and for future justification for GUN CONFISCATION OF ALL AMERICANS?

Remember, in all the European nations now experiencing tremendous turmoil, the first steps taken were to clear the population of their ability to defend themselves by the confiscation of all weapons so that the ‘m’ could be brought in to do their job. Research France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, England, etc. THIS IS THE NWO/UN PLAN FOR THE UNITED STATES! DON’T LET THEM DO THIS TO US. LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCES OF OTHER NATIONS! PREPARE!

One of the listed articles refers to ‘terrorist’ attacks against schools, not specifying WHO these ‘terrorists’ are. If you do a search for ‘m’ terrorists, most of the mainstream articles pulled up quickly speak of the ‘poor ‘M’. They even destroy their own people with acid, burning, burying neck deep in the sands, rock throwing, removing heads and other limbs, rapes, flesh eating and blood drinking, and more. Not to say that ALL are like this, but people – there is NO ‘love’ OR ‘peace’ in these people, including the women and children
WHEN is the united States going to ‘get real’ and take the steps necessary to eliminate the pending problems before allowing these problem makers to take total control? Our nation is now facing a very real WAR WITHIN. Do we continue to do nothing to stop it???
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Mandalay Bay owners sue victims of Las Vegas mass shooting
The corporate owners of the Mandalay Bay casino filed suit against the victims of last year’s Las Vegas concert mass shooting, claiming it has no liability for the massacre, according to a published report on Monday.
MGM Resorts International went to federal courts in Nevada and California and took on more than 1,000 shooting victims, saying claims against the hotel giant “must be dismissed.”
“Plaintiffs have no liability of any kind to defendants,” the complaints argue, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Las Vegas lawyer Robert Eglet, who is representing several victims, told the paper that the hotel’s unusual action is a pre-emptive strike to get the cases heard in federal court instead of state court. Englet said MGM must believe it has better chances of victory in a federal case.
The MGM lawsuits are a “blatant display of judge shopping” that “quite frankly verges on unethical,” according to Eglet.
“I’ve never seen a more outrageous thing, where they sue the victims in an effort to find a judge they like,” the lawyer continued. “It’s just really sad that they would stoop to this level.”
An MGM spokeswoman said Monday of the company’s lawsuits: “The Federal Court is an appropriate venue for these cases and provides those affected with the opportunity for a timely resolution. Years of drawn out litigation and hearings are not in the best interest of victims, the community and those still healing.”
Mandalay Bay guest Stephen Paddock, on Oct. 1 last year, shot out the windows of his 32nd-floor room and opened fire on fans below attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival.
He killed 58 people and wounded more than 800.
By the time cops stormed his room, Paddock had already killed himself and his motive for mass murder remains a mystery.
Lawsuits have been filed against both MGM and concert promoter Live Nation, accusing the companies of not having adequate security or properly trained staff.

Anonymous Hacks Las Vegas PD, Vegas Shooting Fully Exposed (Video)

The 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a mass shooting on the night of October 1, 2017, when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada.

Next week marks a grim anniversary for Las Vegas. The single deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. A man opened fire from the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino into crowds at a country music festival on Oct. 1, 2017. He killed 58 people, injured hundreds more and left this city reeling.

Police said they were unable to determine a motive for why Stephen Paddock, on Oct. 1, decided to target thousands of people from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel.
“This report was authored to provide the reader with more information about who, what, when, and where. Regretfully, this report will not be able to address the why,” the report said. via NPR

Anonymous is about to drop a Bombshell on the Las Vegas Shooting, as you will see in the video below.

Anonymous claims to have hacked into the Las Vegas PD computer and accessed secured files on the Las Vegas shooting, in these files are information that makes the FBI look very BAD, once you hear this information you will fully understand.

Please keep people in the loop and educate them as to how our system of government is failing the American people.

From Facebook channel Teamsters for Trump

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