Let’s compile Saturn/Pluto conjunctions impacts on our natal charts

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Sep 26, 2012
I noticed a lot of people are asking questions about how the upcoming Saturn/Pluto conjunction impacts our birth chart. Why don’t we compile our questions and then share our experiences together so we all have an opportunity to really learn about this important transit and cycle.
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The Pluto/Saturn conjunction will be squaring my Aries sun and nodal axis. It’s taking place in my first house. Honestly, I’m already feeling ambitious!
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RisingSag, it's a wonderful idea. I think with everyone sharing their experiences, we will get to know about the grey areas, instead of just good or bad manifestations.
The conjunction is about to conjunct my descendant. Just 2 degrees away. It is squaring my nodal axis, and is also about to square my natal moon/venus/pluto broadly. I am curious, but mostly scared because of the square to natal pluto. My fourth house natal pluto and fifth house natal saturn have given me an incurable disease that has affected me adversely (endometriosis, tumours, ibs, etc. During last five years, I was tested for cancer at least thrice) everytime something aspects my natal pluto/moon/Venus conjunction, my life takes a turn. And so far none of the turns have been exciting. Hence, my fear of this duo approaching close to the square. But I am not scared of its conjunction with my descendant because that means the two will be out of my 6th house of health. Also I am excited to see what they have to offer in my 7th house. I will post here whenever I notice something different or new. These are slow planets so I am not expecting sudden change, but since transit Uranus is opposite natal m/v/p conjunction atm, so surprises may happen. Let's see
Saturn/Pluto are currently transiting my fourth house. Aspects - where do I start?!
The conjuntion is in trine to natal Mars/Pluto/Uranus (on the Ascendant), and sextile natal Saturn (in the descendant). It is also sextile my Neptune/Mercure/Sun/Venus natal conjunction in Scorpio. I feel very restless, impatient and craving for a major life change.
The conjunction is taking place in my tenth house and it is only trining my natal moon but it is an exact trine.

Honestly I have never felt better or more content with my life. Nothing new has happened and I generally have a boring life. No romantic prospects at all and same job for 8 years lol.

But I went through a period of depression for the last few months. So I’m glad this isn’t affecting me so strongly !
I have the conjunction in my 4th house. The Lunar eclipse on the 10th and the exact conjunction on the 12th will trine my Mars in Taurus in the 8th house. 4th house ruler is Saturn. Taurus is on the 8th at 5 degrees, making Moon the defacto ruler, as it is also in the 8th house.

The usage of almuten may be confusing, but I have learned through my horary chart analyses that it is powerful and should always be considered.

One other thing. If you were born in a large city like I was, it is a good idea to calculate your chart using coordinates for the exact place you were born. Use Google Maps, right click on the location, choose "What's here" from the menu.
- Both square my Libra ascendant (24d). Pluto's gotten close last year (heavy year). My Saturn Return also happened 1.5-2 years ago, but I found that the period that followed has been harder.
- They're transiting my natal 3rd House. My natal 3rd has Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all conjunct in Capricorn.
- I've had a major coinciding Saturn/Pluto transit before -- between '10-'12 Saturn in Libra was conjunct my Sun/Mars, while early Cap Pluto was squaring them. This was a period of major growth and change, but overall it was positive.

Technically I guess this transit hasn't officially begun for me so I guess the preliminary period was challenging for me. But, I've been starting to make changes so hopefully this will end up being a positive period like the last one was.
The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is in my 12th house and I have 6 natal planets in there. The conjunction becomes exact at 23° and my ASC is at 24° Capricorn, which is also involved in a stellium with my natal Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Now I ask: What will happen to me? This Pluto transit has been messing with me since 2008 and for the past 2 years or so Saturn made things more concrete, physical. It feels as if I'm getting a crash course on the neuroses and dichotomies of the human condition. It's like being 'deflowered' all of the time, quickened, then... nothing.
Since this conjunction is happening close to your ascendant, it my not be considered a 12th house event. This is something I was told on another thread. So may be you should consider it from both 12th house and 1st house perspectives. Btw can you share your chart
The Pluto/Saturn conjunction will be squaring my Aries sun and nodal axis. It’s taking place in my first house. Honestly, I’m already feeling ambitious!

I'm excited to see how our shared experiences with this transit unfolds. Today is January 11. A few days ago I got in a heated argument with someone who had a lethargic opinion on a topic that really impacts our particular community. I value respecting peoples opinions, but realize I really need to be around like-minded people, and am in that kind of environment now. I'm seeking to strengthen my friendships and work on Creating the positive change I want to see in the world.
It's happening in my 2nd house, conjunct my natal Chiron.
I'm questioning my self-worth, and it got me into a serious depression.
For now,I'm trying to let the pain go and change things slowly and patiently.
I’ve taken a leave of absence from my work. I didn’t ask. I contacted them a week later to see if I could make plans to come back in a month. Humbly of course. They agreed. I just will not pretend all is well in this world and sit around not doing anything to help out in a crisis.
I’m doing volunteer work in a region reeling from an environmental crisis. This sort of work is my heart and soul. It’s not even challenging work. It’s simple work that can be done by anyone but there’s such a need for willing people to do it.
So ya, Saturn/Pluto squaring my sun and nodal axis and being in my first house is a transit I am definitely feeling and acting on. Any updates from anyone else?
It's happening in my 2nd house, conjunct my natal Chiron.
I'm questioning my self-worth, and it got me into a serious depression.
For now,I'm trying to let the pain go and change things slowly and patiently.

Big hugs. Have you been helping or healing others at this time?
RisingSag, it's a wonderful idea. I think with everyone sharing their experiences, we will get to know about the grey areas, instead of just good or bad manifestations.
The conjunction is about to conjunct my descendant. Just 2 degrees away. It is squaring my nodal axis, and is also about to square my natal moon/venus/pluto broadly. I am curious, but mostly scared because of the square to natal pluto. My fourth house natal pluto and fifth house natal saturn have given me an incurable disease that has affected me adversely (endometriosis, tumours, ibs, etc. During last five years, I was tested for cancer at least thrice) everytime something aspects my natal pluto/moon/Venus conjunction, my life takes a turn. And so far none of the turns have been exciting. Hence, my fear of this duo approaching close to the square. But I am not scared of its conjunction with my descendant because that means the two will be out of my 6th house of health. Also I am excited to see what they have to offer in my 7th house. I will post here whenever I notice something different or new. These are slow planets so I am not expecting sudden change, but since transit Uranus is opposite natal m/v/p conjunction atm, so surprises may happen. Let's see

Hi, I'm wondering if you have anything to share? I do hope your health balances out for the good.
Hi, I'm wondering if you have anything to share? I do hope your health balances out for the good.
It's very thoughtful of you to put your energy to serving others. I guess this square between such super charged planets is working for you :)
As for me I had a medical emergency 4 days ago. Now I am under observation for cardiac issues. As if I needed anymore issues to be added to my list. Saturn is right on my top of my descendant today and pluto is a degree away. I am glad Saturn is out of 6th. I know the retrograde will bring it back but at least for now it's out. Waiting for pluto to leave 6th as well.
Oh and I keep getting mixed signals from work about whether my employment will continue or not.
Natally, I have Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in Libra/1st house.
My natal moon is 18° Capricorn.
My natal sun is 14° Cancer.
Natal South Node @ 13° Capricorn.
My natal IC is 11° Capricorn.
Note: I'm pretty much all Cardinal, save for my Merc & VENUS in Gemini
and Chiron in Taurus conjunct Algol)
(Vertex 22° Aries/DSC 9° Aries)
I just finished a simultaneous conjunction of (transit) Pluto AND Saturn to my natal moon, in my fourth house.
Right now, transit Saturn and Pluto square my natal Pluto.
If I stated my experiences, we'd be here all day. Smh.
I must've been quite the mamma-jamma in my past life(lives) 'cause in this one?
I'm hangin' by a thread.
But! I've discovered
Astrology 6months ago, my saving grace. And spurred into a kind of "awakening" not to be cliche.
Natally, I have Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in Libra/1st house.
My natal moon is 18° Capricorn.
My natal sun is 14° Cancer.
Natal South Node @ 13° Capricorn.
My natal IC is 11° Capricorn.
Note: I'm pretty much all Cardinal, save for my Merc & VENUS in Gemini
and Chiron in Taurus conjunct Algol)
(Vertex 22° Aries/DSC 9° Aries)
I just finished a simultaneous conjunction of (transit) Pluto AND Saturn to my natal moon, in my fourth house.
Right now, transit Saturn and Pluto square my natal Pluto.
If I stated my experiences, we'd be here all day. Smh.
I must've been quite the mamma-jamma in my past life(lives) 'cause in this one?
I'm hangin' by a thread.
But! I've discovered
Astrology 6months ago, my saving grace. And spurred into a kind of "awakening" not to be cliche.

Hi Dawn, I just want to say wow! You are brave!
Also I am glad you found this community, you are going to find a lot if answers to your life long questions here.
- Both square my Libra ascendant (24d). Pluto's gotten close last year (heavy year). My Saturn Return also happened 1.5-2 years ago, but I found that the period that followed has been harder.
- They're transiting my natal 3rd House. My natal 3rd has Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all conjunct in Capricorn.
- I've had a major coinciding Saturn/Pluto transit before -- between '10-'12 Saturn in Libra was conjunct my Sun/Mars, while early Cap Pluto was squaring them. This was a period of major growth and change, but overall it was positive.

Technically I guess this transit hasn't officially begun for me so I guess the preliminary period was challenging for me. But, I've been starting to make changes so hopefully this will end up being a positive period like the last one was.

I never thought I'd be happy to feel a Saturn transit, but since it caught up to Pluto I feel like it's helped to "control" the heavy Pluto square to my Asc. I still feel all the heaviness, but I feel stronger than before, as Pluto sq Ascendant makes you wear your emotions on your sleeve, and that's been uncomfortable for me in the past year.

I'm quitting my job of 2 years (without anything lined up) and moving apartments. I'm finishing up my grad school, but I'm definitely having 2nd thoughts about what I chose to study (and invest in). My parents, who try to check-in regularly, haven't heard from me in some time. I feel like I need space from them to really figure out where I'm headed. I've heard that Saturn sq the Asc can mean that you start to question the structures in your life -- from family/career/authority etc.

Good luck to everyone else!
The Saturn/Pluto transit in Capricorn is conjunct Moon in the 9th, opposed to Sun and Mercury, square the nodes in Aries/Libra. Transit Uranus is square Sun/Moon/Mercury and trine Venus.

The Saturn/Pluto transit is conjunct my partner's Mars in the 1st, sextile his Pisces Sun/Venus/Mercury and trine his Moon. Neptune is conjunct his Sun/Venus/Mercury and opposed Moon.

We eloped.
The Saturn/Pluto transit in Capricorn is conjunct Moon in the 9th, opposed to Sun and Mercury, square the nodes in Aries/Libra. Transit Uranus is square Sun/Moon/Mercury and trine Venus.

The Saturn/Pluto transit is conjunct my partner's Mars in the 1st, sextile his Pisces Sun/Venus/Mercury and trine his Moon. Neptune is conjunct his Sun/Venus/Mercury and opposed Moon.

We eloped.

Exciting! Congratulations!!!!