LF Career Advice

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Sep 9, 2012
Any occupation recommendations for this chart? Don't need it to be too specific, general leads would also be appreciated.

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I'm having difficulty in discerning your chart. I find the ones at Astrodienst www.astro.com (on the free charts pages) a whole lot more legible. Is this a whole signs house system?

Also, is this an accurate birth time or an estimate? I ask because, with both your ascendant and midheaven at 29 degrees of their signs a slight difference in birth time could put these important points into the next signs.

This matters, because the planet ruling the sign on the MC cusp will have a lot to say about your ideal career.

Generally we work out what's going on in the chart without the debatable "training wheels" you've provided, but we do need a clear, readable horoscope.
I'm having difficulty in discerning your chart. I find the ones at Astrodienst www.astro.com (on the free charts pages) a whole lot more legible. Is this a whole signs house system?
The astro.com website was down yesterday so I used the charts from astromatrix. Looks like they fixed the database today so here are the copies from that site:


Also, is this an accurate birth time or an estimate? I ask because, with both your ascendant and midheaven at 29 degrees of their signs a slight difference in birth time could put these important points into the next signs. This matters, because the planet ruling the sign on the MC cusp will have a lot to say about your ideal career.
The time, hour and minutes, was taken from my birth certificate, so it's as accurate as I could possibly make it be.
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A professional intellectual or scholar (10th house ruler in 9th)in the area of arts, justice and relationships (Libra MC), and since you have a Virgo 9th house, that's also a good indicator of being an author about these topics. Also since your 9th house ruler is in the 8th (Mercury) semisextile Venus, you will have opportunities to do plenty of research since Mercury in 8th plus Mercury square Pluto (tell you the truth any Merc-Pluto aspect) gives you research aptitude, also good for the occult aspects of these areas. I hope that helped, Peace, love and gnosis!
Jupiter and Uranus sitting on the first house conjunct each other indicates a personality interested in the future. Therefore, there is a tendency to be interested in technology, computers and so on. So I can see you in a profession involving programming, computing or techs in any sort. I'd say go for scientific stream.
I don't know whether, at your age, you're prepared to go back to school if you need more education. If not, it would be helpful if you told us what you are doing now, so that we could see whether there's a lateral move for you to take. Also, sometimes people have a hobby that they truly love, and can convert it into a business.

But with Mercury ruling your MC, Mercury and sun in the 8th house, sun and Mercury square Pluto, and your Scorpio planets, I think you have the soul of a detective or researcher. You dislike pretense or sham, and want to get to the bottom of a situation when you suspect the truth is not in superficial appearances.

These instincts may have led you to a study of occult matters, but they tend not to pay very well. Detective work might be literal crime-solving, but it might also be a university research appointment. Other possible fields are insurance fraud investigation or tax fraud investigation.
I also agree with waybread. The scorpio energy dominates the chart. Therefore, a job involving plutonian energy would be preferable. You could try psychology or study atmos or nucleaur energy (Jupiter Uranus).