Lilith aspects in natal

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Dec 25, 2008
Hi there,

Lately I run into charts that have Moon or/and Sun in aspect with Lilith (the Black Moon).
I'm especially interested in how a square/opposition between Lilith and Sun/Moon can manifest?

I have a Sun square Lilith and Moon trine Lilith in my natal chart but I have absolutely no idea about it's influence, except the fact that it can bring problems.

Thank you!
May I suggest you obtain the book, "Lilith Insight" by Wilson-Ludlam, available from It will provide you with pretty much everything you'll want to learn about Lilith and its influences...
Thank you!
I'll do that.

So, I suppose you read this book. What can you tell about Moon square Lilith or Sun square Lilith? What's your oppinion regarding these aspects?


May I suggest you obtain the book, "Lilith Insight" by Wilson-Ludlam, available from It will provide you with pretty much everything you'll want to learn about Lilith and its influences...

I noticed someone moved my topic in " Read my Chart ". It is not about my chart but about Lilith aspects in natal ... in general.

Anyway... I really need a brainstormig from you people so we can discover how Lilith mignt influence natal planets when it forms aspects with them.

Do you have Lilith in aspect with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars in natal?

Thank you
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I dont adhere to Lilith and am skeptical about it. I would concentrate more on the solar system planets and their be honest.

People will write books on the legends and myths but really there is not much basis for fact in my opinion. I dont know where they get their data and
it is often just imagination. Others wont agree. But there it is.
I too tend to be doubtful about things like asteroids, transneptunians, mystery planets (like Vulcan), etc; most of these I have not experimented with (like Chiron or Ceres) and so cannot give an informed opinion for or against, but a couple of these I have studied: Lilith is one such I have experimented with, and essentially I have come to consider Lilith to actually exert an influence which is much like a "junior" Dragon's Tail (South Node).
The book I have recommended (above) details the best known (or shall we say verified) indications relating to Lilith, but from my own little studies of it, I myself consider it to influence only by conjunction or parallel, and MAYBE (not sure even yet) by opposition; so for me I don't count Lilith as influential via aspects to the planets (square, sextile, trine, semi-sextile) The book I recommended DOES go into this (the various Lilith aspects) ; I am, here, only referring to my own insights regarding Lilith.
I also believe I have definitely seen Lilith modify the influences of the sign it is posited in, relative to the house under that sign, and also influencing (by a kind of "conjunction by sign") other planets posited in that Lilith-occupied sign.
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