Lilith exalted and in 10th house (dignity)

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Aug 10, 2011
How can an astrological element like Lilith function at its best, when it is actually a 'dark' element?
Lilith is exalted in Gemini, and dignified in Capricorn, similar with the tenth house.

I have Lilith in Gemini in 10th house,
sextile Mercury
trine Moon
opposite Saturn
(Mystic Rectangle configuration)
I do not believe that Lilith (or the South Node) can ever function as constructive, benefic factors, under any circumstances-because I believe that these factors represent CHAOS in the Universe, and CHAOS can never benefit (it is unbalanced, qlippothic force) Now, this attitude of mine regarding Lilith and the SN, is not shared by the vast majority of experts in this field-most believe that under certain circumstances Lilith or the SN can be beneficial. But from experience I must completely disagree with this more liberal outlook. I do believe that the disruptive influences of Lilith or the SN can be MITIGATED, even perhaps neutralized, under certain circumstances, but never can they be turned into benefic influences, unless one can turn CHAOS into ORDER (in which case CHAOS-Lilith and the SN-would cease to be)...
For me, the value (great value) of Lilith and the SN, is to show where the fly in the ointment is, where the Acilles Heel is, where the "one thing that could go wrong" is, where the "karmic debt" is, where the (usually hidden) liability is, because knowing this we can do something about it, we can begin to take control of our own tendencies and "destiny", if we obtain the knowledge and develop the wisdom to do so...
Actually I agree with what U say, I also think that Lilith is not a benefic even when exalted or dignified, but since I'm reading the book Lilith Insight, I just started questioning how it could function compared with the other positions of Lilith.

In my case, the public sees me as a 'bad girl' or something like that?
Which is quite strange, cause I have dominant Venus Taurus in tenth and dominant Jupiter Pisces sextile MC. Representing my 'good girl' image. (Ok, I also have Pluto Scorpio opposite MC..)
But still, Lilith is confusing me...
No, I don't think Lilith (or the SN for that matter) indicates how others see us, rather each indicates our own interior, personal challenges, the natures we need to overcome within ourselves.
I don't see the SN as a malefic. It represents gifts and knowledge we bring into this life, the downside to it imo is that we tend to rely and fall back on these abilities instead of moving forward as well to the NN.

Ideally a person would use the SN as a foundation and use that as a starting point to gain the knowledge of the NN as well. Thus making one a more complete person.

Speaking of the Nodes, my Lilith squares them.:surprised:
How can an astrological element like Lilith function at its best, when it is actually a 'dark' element?
Lilith is exalted in Gemini, and dignified in Capricorn, similar with the tenth house.

How can a calculated astrological point that is not physical in concept be given dignity or debilitation through sign?
If such were possible how could it be dignified in Capricorn when it's non physical inner imagery is totally opposite of Capricorn's structured reality?
Even in Traditionalist Western and also in Vedic astrology, there is no consensus regarding the Nodes being dignified or debilitated in specific signs (indeed Parasara-the "father of Vedic astrology"- stated that the Nodes had no sign of dignity nor of detriment)-other than Parasara, various authorities have claimed (historically) one sign or the other as dignifying a Node and some other sign or another as detrimental for that Node. Same (in Vedic astrology) with their (ancient) "shadow planets" Gulika and Mandi (which may be very much like our Lilith)-so I myself do not attempt to allocate sign dignity nor detriment, to the Nodes (nor to Lilith)...
Lilith is dark and so is Capricorn, so they're alike there. But imo Lilith being a very mystical point as well would be moreso similar to Scorpio.
I can see a special resonant affinity between Lilith and Scorpio. Good observation!
Lilith is dark and so is Capricorn, so they're alike there. But imo Lilith being a very mystical point as well would be moreso similar to Scorpio.

'Dark' would depend upon one's perspective. Capricorn IS a feminine sign. Maybe any exaltation arises ffrom that?

Scorpio may be mysterious and secretive, yet mystical is more Pisces orientated.
There's a very mystical side to the astrological point Black Moon called Lilith, if this is the Lilith which is referred to ion this thread. In Pisces it can take on any guise.

Aquarius shows its objectivity through its emotionally independent side. Black Moon called Lilith can really work at its best there. Try to pin it down with conventions and norms :wink:

Place Black Moon Lilith in ANY sign and you can observe the positive and negative tendencies of them within it.

How can Lilith receive exaltation of any kind when it's in shameful disgrace as far as the Gods of Civilised Society are concerned.:biggrin::biggrin:
I don't subscribe to the 'Black Moon' Lilith. I only use the 'Dark Moon' Lilith, (which is an actual physical point, as she is said to be the 'hidden moon').

I also don't subscribe to the 'South Node' as being gifts of knowledge... they're lousy habitual patterns that ruined us last time, here to be integrated and transcended in this life.

In any case, it doesn't matter if Lilith is in good aspect with any other point or planet... the result will be, at the least, an outright delay, if not denial, of whatever the aspect promises. Lilith screws everything up. Having her in aspect to anything in our Chart should give one pause.
Here's a few examples of ppl who brought their south node knowledge into life to benefit humanity:

Thomas Edison had his South node conjunct Uranus and Pluto in Aries in the 4th.

Nicola Tesla had his south node conjunct the moon and mars in Libra in the 6th.

The south to me is about gifts and over reliance. It's like the person who's a 10 in looks, yet relies on that gift exclusively and becomes shallow and poorly developed in other areas. The greatest danger of any gift is to over use it and rely on it instead of growing as a person and developing other gifts as well. If positively used (in balance with the north) it can be quite beneficial imo.

Lilith is definitely detrimental in some ways. But I don't think it's all bad, for instance I think it can be a potential indicator of occult talents. It squaring my nodes and conjunct my venus makes sense to me now that I think about it, since I know I abused my magic a bit in my past lives.

The black moon is what I've studied mostly so far, but I think all of them have a place in the chart analysis. Here's one perspective that assigns all 3 dark, black, asteroid varying meanings:

I just looked up my dark moon and it's conjunct my Jupiter. Uh oh.:surprised:
'Dark' would depend upon one's perspective. Capricorn IS a feminine sign. Maybe any exaltation arises ffrom that?

Scorpio may be mysterious and secretive, yet mystical is more Pisces orientated.
There's a very mystical side to the astrological point Black Moon called Lilith, if this is the Lilith which is referred to ion this thread. In Pisces it can take on any guise.

Aquarius shows its objectivity through its emotionally independent side. Black Moon called Lilith can really work at its best there. Try to pin it down with conventions and norms :wink:

Place Black Moon Lilith in ANY sign and you can observe the positive and negative tendencies of them within it.

How can Lilith receive exaltation of any kind when it's in shameful disgrace as far as the Gods of Civilised Society are concerned.:biggrin::biggrin:

Well I say dark because Capricorn is prone to depression more than most signs. I have Jupiter and Neptune there and I've had my fair share of it. Though I just realized that my dark moon is conjunct my natal Jupiter, which could be atleast partly responsble for that.

I'd say Pisces and Scorpio are equally mystical, but Scorps is more of a dark mystical sign. Lilith to me is a dark mystical placement.

I don't know if I'd use the term exalted, but when I think of Lilith I think of Scorpio, very lustful, consorting with demons, magical, being less submissive sexually (corresponding to mars/pluto influence), etc. She wasn't the only one in mythology who had questionable qualities, Saturn for instance ate his own kids.
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Note: there is often confusion over Black Moon, Dark Moon and asteroid Lilith; in whatever I post here on AW about Lilith I am always and ONLY referring to the Lilith symbolized as a crescent moon surmounting a cross, and am referring to the free horoscope figure in the drop down "additional objects" box under "Lilith", which has the crescent moon on a cross as its printed symbol on the free horoscopes; this is the Lilith described in the literature by Sepharial, by Ivy Goldstein-Jacobsen, and in the excellent Wilson-Ludlam book "Lilith Insight: New Light on the Dark Moon". This is as differentiated from the "Black Moon Waldemath" and the asteroid Lilith, as well as distuinguished from the oscillating lunar apogee, each of which has a seperate selection on the free horoscope chart selection page.
The reason why Lilith fits in Capricorn:
Capricorn is the opposite of Cancer.. Cancer is ruled by the Moon.
The dark side of the Moon is Capricorn therefore.

The book explains this logic in the following way:
"We believe Lilith to be dignified in the sign of Capricorn and in her detriment in Cancer, because Lilith is the formidable opponent of the Moon. It is a simple matter of polarity or opposites. Through the wisdom and patience of Capricorn, our response to Lilith can be tamed in time not to take the easy way out, for life is built upon the many pebbles of choice. Lilith is freer from the shadows of error when in the 10th house, similar to the dignified Lilith in Capricorn."
By that reasoning Scorpio could fit as well, since it's the opposite of the moons exaltation.

And also to clear things up as well when I'm talking about Lilith I'm generally talking about the black moon, the true oscillating version. If I talk about the others I call Waldemath the dark moon and asteroid lilith....asteroid lilith lol.
But of all the other feminine signs I can most see a Capricorn woman wanting more control of the sex (Mars). Since it also shares the Mars influence, Pluto would be best placed in Cap among the earth signs as well due to that.

I'd say yeah, It would probably be strong in Capricorn.
I do not believe that Lilith (or the South Node) can ever function as constructive, benefic factors, under any circumstances-because I believe that these factors represent CHAOS in the Universe, and CHAOS can never benefit (it is unbalanced, qlippothic force) Now, this attitude of mine regarding Lilith and the SN, is not shared by the vast majority of experts in this field-most believe that under certain circumstances Lilith or the SN can be beneficial. But from experience I must completely disagree with this more liberal outlook. I do believe that the disruptive influences of Lilith or the SN can be MITIGATED, even perhaps neutralized, under certain circumstances, but never can they be turned into benefic influences, unless one can turn CHAOS into ORDER (in which case CHAOS-Lilith and the SN-would cease to be)...
For me, the value (great value) of Lilith and the SN, is to show where the fly in the ointment is, where the Acilles Heel is, where the "one thing that could go wrong" is, where the "karmic debt" is, where the (usually hidden) liability is, because knowing this we can do something about it, we can begin to take control of our own tendencies and "destiny", if we obtain the knowledge and develop the wisdom to do so...

It seems, to me, that an analysis which insists upon 'Order Good. Chaos Bad.' as it an unstated assumption is one which is pretty clearly incomplete and fundamentally under developed. Nazi Germany was pretty orderly. The French Revolution was pretty chaotic.

Chaos is a thing which makes humans uncomfortable, however if one assumes the universe is the will of a benevolent creator implicit to that assumption is that chaos was created with it and is instrumental to its function.

I'm really not sure about the assertion that 'Lilith Represents Chaos', as that seems uh... reductive, to say the least. Lilith represents a repressed feminine aspect, which is a psychological structure with mechanics that interrelate with other parts of the psyche in order to mediate the connection between the internal and external worlds.

Lilith directs people's attention to where their needs are not being met, as a result of social pressure towards conformity. The failure to recognize and deal with this results in antisocial or self-destructive behavior, because one cannot simply ignore their needs not being fulfilled because Daddy doesn't approve. That may appear to be Chaotic, but its functions are as organized and predictable as any other aspect of the psyche.

Your interpretation is essentially undeveloped from the view a medieval necromantic practitioner would take on the subject, who is the sort of person that would tediously recite godnames, insult and command the demon they are summoning to speak truthfully then ask the demon about spells that will result in them being able to look at women's legs. While acknowledging their contributions, I don't feel particularly beholden to their philosophy and I might suggest that the reason demonic entities were so notoriously evasive and deceptive with them is that most medieval sorcers were pretty arrogant, petty and self-serving while assuming the guise of piety and would certainly do more harm than good if granted any meaningful amount of power.

The Gods are not unchanging and Mars is, today, not as Mars was in the time of Christ, because they act from within us and that interaction (slowly and by small measures) influences the collective consciousness and changes them just as our experiences and influences change us.

Lilith would have been 'malefic' in a time when they were burning scores of women for being witches and doing so as a means of asserting "order" over "chaos".

Today, we understand "burning people alive" to be (in any case I can think of) to be "a bad thing, actually" and 'dark feminine impulses' to be a part of our experience that needs as much care and attention as any other.
How can an astrological element like Lilith function at its best, when it is actually a 'dark' element?
Lilith is exalted in Gemini, and dignified in Capricorn, similar with the tenth house.

I have Lilith in Gemini in 10th house,
sextile Mercury
trine Moon

opposite Saturn
(Mystic Rectangle configuration)

Someone may have concocted signs of exaltation and domicile for Lilith, but really there is no such thing. There are several Liliths: a point on the moon's orbit calculated in different ways, or an asteroid. None of them has a generally agree-upon set of essential dignities.

Capricorn has no essential relatonship with the 10th house merely because it is the 10th sign.