Lilith Transit Conjunction Part of Exile

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
Greetings. the following is an account of my observations pertaining to possible astrological influences that led to my recent "exile" to the State of Nevada due to my 19th century civil sensibilities in a superficial 21 century. To be brief, I haven't used checks or credit cards in 24 years and a recent court ruled eviction from my residence of nearly 17 years left me with no credit file with an eviction to my name. California is all about ones socio-economic status where the American Express Black Cobalt* credit status reigns supreme. Enough cash advance to buy a small Caribbean island. [* An imaginary elite level of credit, as I have no idea what the "elite" level really is called at American Express]

So, not being able to pass the pre-filter muster to be eligible to even qualify to apply for Residence in California, anymore... I find myself "EXILED" to the State of Nevada. Reno, is now home.
The first notice to vacate came on the 21st of last September, the court ruling came on January 12, my EXITING my apt. or continuous residence the last, nearly, 17 years took place on Feb. the 12th, my move to Nevada took place on the 16th of February.
Yet the last raise in my rent, which nearly doubled the rent I was last paying as recently as 2016, came in March of 2023 and it would have gone beyond my ability to pay on the fist of the month, in total, this present March. I was in the way of economic progress [i.e. More Money$$$] with my "fixed income".

Here are some interesting observations about the Month of April 2023, when my land lord was busily making plans for the renovation to the very apartment I was still living in at the time and had no plans, or desire, to cease renting at the time. I wrote to a fellow astrologer this afternoon... copied and pasted as follows.....

My part of Exile is at 10* Leo 18' [Asc. + Uranus - Saturn] and last April, from around the 7th to the 17th, Lilith was conj. that point in the Zodiac. If allowing for a one degree orb of conj. then it becomes from the 1st to apprx. the 19th during which Lilith was in influence of that Part of Exile I hae. In addition My Desc. is at 17* 07' Taurus and Uranus was exactly conj. at the time, precisely on the 7th, the very day that Lilith conj. my Part of Exile in the 11th degree of Leo.
Chiron was conj. my natal Venus, in the 16th of Aries. The Sun was the same the day before. And Jupiter, in the 22nd degree of Aries, which is such a significant degree in my natal chat it is the mid point between Mercury and Venus, both natally in Aries, and is one of the four points of the, so called, "Mystic Rectangle" in my natal chart, and one of the points of the 12 point, Grand Semi Sextile, the Path of Discipleship as it is known to some by. That of which I have 7 points filled at birth and have had the other 5 filled by transit numerous times in my life.

My natal Sun is at 16* Taurus 15', M.C. at 24* Leo 17', Part of Fortune 24* Leo 55', Moon at 24* Aquar. 03', Part of Destiny 16* Scorpio 32'

Considering how long it takes Lilith an, all the more so, Uranus, to circumnavigate the Zodiac I find this to be somewhat, if not even wholly, significant.

Dave lilith transit_conjunct_part_of_exile_si.66322.3070168.png
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That Desc. of mine and where Uranus was last April, in the 18th degree of Taurus, has for its Sabian Symbol [From Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala."}

The cleansing of the ego-consciousness.

In this third stage of the present sequence the first two stages should be considered background. The traditional teachings concerning man's nature are somehow reconciled with the youthful enthusiasm that sees in every problem of growth an issue between the "good" and the "bad." The symbol suggests that the real enemy is within the mind; it is the ego and its attachment to possessions. The mind is shown in the likeness of a "bag," now empty and needing to be aired in the sunlight. But the "window" must first be opened and the bag emptied.

The phrase "cleansing the doors of perception" has become well known of late. But even more to be cleansed is the container of perceptual images — i.e. the ego mind. The Keyword is

The Descendant, he "WHERE-TO", OR "WHOM -TO", of the interpretation of the chart axis by way of the Sabian Symbols has apparently been satisfied to some degree here in my 71st year of living. I'm sitting in a Reno hotel room, having arrived with little more than a valise, which is now emptied and airing out by the window of my room.
So, I had forgotten that as I am now nearly 71 years of age, and being such one needs to adjust their natal chart for the amount of preceession that has occurred at the rate of one degree every 71 1/2 years. Thus I figure adding 00* 58' 41" to my natal positions above. That puts that Part of Exile, which at natal was at precisely 10* Leo 17' 36" now, at that time, 00* 58' 41" [give or take one second of one degree] ahead at 11* Leo 16' 17" and the conjunction date then becomes April 18th, 2023 at apprx 7:50 p.m. [the exact rate of the Sidereal precession rate is still not unanimously agreed to, but I think that they've got the exact figure within close range]
Now that's a different chart... it's the same PLUS MORE.
All of the above still applies but at this later date the Sun and the asteroid Interamnia [I presently observe the five largest of the asteroids. My longtime friend, and renowned clairvoyant, Clarisse Conner, confirmed that yes indeed the asteroids are the remnants of another planet long since shattered, but still an active astrological participant of our solar system. She can only account for the influence as "acting like wormholes, opening and then closing, here, and then there, opening and closing". My brother once read in some ancient esoteric tome that said planet was shattered by Lucifer in order to confuse mankinds' psyche".]
are conjunct the natal, as well the Sidereal adjusted, position of Mercury. While transiting Mercury was conjunct my natal Sun and Desc.
Here's my birth data, don't forget to adjust for the Sidereal precession...
Naal Data Screen Shot.PNG
The Moon and Chiron were conj. my natal Venus, Jupiter was still in effective astrological range to that midpoint of great influence I have in the 22nd degree of Aries. Saturn was just leaving a square to my natal Jupiter and entering one to my natal Mars. Transiting Uranus besides being conj. my natal Sun and Desc. was also sextile it's own natal position, while transiting Neptune was coming into sextile to my natal Jupiter but also inconjunct to my natal M.C. Pluto was trine my natal Jupiter and coming into trine with my natal Mars.
That was a lot going on at the time. The same time that transiting Lilith was conjunct my natal Part of Exile...

....and, oh, natal Part of Luck [Asc. + Moon - Jupiter] is at 11* Leo 48' 54". and there is another that I've yet to do any research on that is, for one, of the name, the Part of Terminating, that is derived from Asc. + Uranus - Neptune, and also called the Part of Occultism, and neither of which I can endorse as for not having done any research yet on that particular Part formula, and mine, at natal position, was at 10* Leo 42' 08"

Late edit... had the wrong chart posted and, this one now below, the correct one has a M.C. conj. my natal Pluto.

Here's the event chart for Lilith conjunct my sidereal precession adjusted natal position of my Part of Exile
Dave lilith transit precise conjunct part_of_exile_si.12306.4147698.png
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My apologies, I had posted the wrong chart in the post above...and forgot to post any chart for the initial post... which doesn't matter now... The above post corrects all errors [I hope?] I've got to give myself more time during the editing process.

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