London riots

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The terms 'Yardie gang' or 'Yadie gun violence' were largely used by the British Media to describe violent crimes in London's black community.The gangs in London are specifically known to have occupied and operated in their infamous grounds of Brixton,Harlesden,Stonebridge,Hackney and Tottenham.


I looked at mark Duggan's chart not sure how you found his information.

obviously we dont know his exact place of birth or time.

interestingly despite a virgo sun he has a stellium in libra including saturn in libra at 10 degrees exactly then square the current pluto in cap transit. Also a moon in aries opposite pluto in libra.(moon opp the other libra planets too) lots of opposition in his chart.
Terrible, whatever the causes.
I agree, resorting to violence never solves anything...especially for the poor.
Gandhi, King et al proved non-violence is the way for social change.
I wish there was a LIKE button for posts on the forum. :cool:
I can't take credit for that research...even though it wasn't even really research but just an 'Heads Up' observation by one of Lynda Hill's [renowned worlds authority on Sabian Symbology] Facebook friends that goes by the name of Sally Kirkman ...whom I'm assuming is also an Astrologer...but thanks for the compliment...If I can't be the 'receiver'...the least I can be is a good courier...
I agree, resorting to violence never solves anything...especially for the poor.
Gandhi, King et al proved non-violence is the way for social change.

Weren't the British going to pull out anyway? And I seem to rmember thatther peaceful demonstrations by students in Tianaman square inthe 80's ended up with their beng shot, and others executed.

There is another 6 years, I have heard, of this current Uranus/Pluto square being in orb. I don't know if there are more Saturn/Pluto squares to come, bt I hope this won't result in more measures being set in place to respond to violence with violence.

I believe there were some positive results after the inner-city riots 80's in the UK. It was reaslied that the police needed to respond with more sensitivity to thelocal communities, instead of practising the Starskey-andHutch tactics that werew then in vogue. Bobbies were put on the street instread of cars, to acrtually talk to people on the street.

Looks like these lessons were forgotten in the UK.

Best of all, there could be a recognition by the government that if you deprive young people f all hope to create decent lives for themselves, then the whole community will suffer. Do we really want another 30 years of Blatcheron?

Alas, that realisation may be a long time coming yet.......
I was just looking at the 1801 chart for the UK and noticed that Chiron was receiving a close trine from Uranus during its recent station and that it is now exact, and that transiting Chiron is now square natal Chiron. This is maybe relevant because Chiron is concerned with ideals of a fair world, and the rage that can arise when those ideals are crushed by the awareness that a lot of good people are suffering in poverty while a lot of seemingly undeserving people have revolting amounts of wealth.

Progressed Mars was square Chiron in February this year and now approaches a semisquare to the Moon this month. Natally Mars is exactly sesquiquadrate the Moon/Chiron midpoint.

Progressed Moon squared the natal north node on the 1st of August and transiting Saturn is currently approaching a conjunction to the South Node, which os exact later this month.

I agree that all that has happened lately (ie from MP expenses scandal onwards) is probably just the beginning of much upheaval in one form or another for the UK, as transiting Uranus and transiting Pluto will be in hard aspect to the UK ascendant, Sun, MC, Saturn and ASC/MC midpoint over the next 3 years. And two of the midpoints connected to these natal points are MA/PL and MA/CH.
I'd say the uranus, pluto, mars t-square is responsible for the rage and power seizing. retrograde mercury exactly opposite neptune has lead to sensible people making very stupid descisions. some of the people who've been charged already are graduates, youth workers, graphic designers... people who should know better! I think the peak of the rioting will be tonight, when all aspects are strongest. but the police are out in greater numbers than the past two nights, so who knows what will happen.

I think the Mercury/Neptune also means a lot of tall tales will be told in court to try and get out of the mess they've put themselves in :happy:

okay: what they're saying for definite. Mr Duggan did not fire anything at officers. the bullet found in the police radio was a police issue bullet. the ballistics report did not indicate that the weapon found near Mr Duggan had been at all fired :whistling: just waiting for the next eruption, really.

there have been other deaths. Trevor Ellis was shot dead in Croydon.
3 other Asian boys were run over.
1 older gentleman is either critically ill or dead - I am not sure, I will have to get back to you on this one, or you could look yourself. I have noticed that there is a square between all the malefics (mars, saturn, pluto, uranus) really, really odd chart, I don't even like to look at it, it scares me :sick:
I haven't been following this excuse me if I'm not offering anything new brother [whom taught me Astrology at the onset and has been continuously adding to my knowledge over the years.] just sent me this chart and this brief note.

" can see the 1066 chart for england, the one usually used, strongly aspected by the Mars/Uranus/Pluto tee square."


  • england horoscope.gif
    england horoscope.gif
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...and my brother just followed up that e-mail with this one...

" You might remember the brown Noel Tyl book on Astrology I had when you came down in 84...he goes into the 1066 chart and noted that many astrologers swear by it...Tyl's version though is a little off from the one I sent...Saturn in the 18th degree of Ouiji Board. They're illegal in England! Which fits Saturn. He also has the moon at 29Pisces00, which means you read the Sabian for 29 Pisces...Light breaking through a prism...which is only three minutes off from the chart I sent. Why the moon is so close and Saturn 23 minutes off, in the next degree, is beyond me...

I also read this article once about a total eclipse before Mohammed's birth...well, every country on the eclipse path (where you could see the eclipse total) was put under the sword and forced into Islam..."

for more about 'Eclipse Paths:
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The eclipse of 1 August 566 AD which preceded the birth of Muhammed.

Article in the Astrological Journal, Winter 1971/72.
"Historical Nativities and Eclipse Paths." by Charles Emerson.

J. :)
Anyone looked at the July ingress chart for the UK?

I noticed a few things in this chart: Algol on the Descedant, Mars conjunct Algol, Scorpio rising.

This all started when transiting Mars approaches the Pluto/Uranus square. Transiting Mercury is also retrograde and opposing Neptune for the week.

The July solar eclipse is conjunct the chart's Mercury - loads of young people have been shown in the media as provocators of the rioting and looting. July eclipse is also in aspect with Pluto, Uranus, Saturn squares. In the chart, the Mercury joins in making up the grand cross, triggered by eclipse. Mars may have been the trigger without a doubt, all that anger and violence. I find the extreme violence very Algol like in feel.

I am interested to see what transiting Mars approaching the July solar eclipse point will bring.

Sorry I cannot upload the chart just now, but its interesting to view.
I live in Calif. right across the American River from Folsom and they have been having a street faire every Thurs. eve/night for years during the summer...yesterday there wasn't one...I asked what happened...apparently there was a street riot here two weeks ago I was unaware of and a few stores were broken - no more Faires this summer...
...and the beat goes on...
...and my brother just followed up that e-mail with this one...

" You might remember the brown Noel Tyl book on Astrology I had when you came down in 84...he goes into the 1066 chart and noted that many astrologers swear by it...Tyl's version though is a little off from the one I sent...Saturn in the 18th degree of Ouiji Board. They're illegal in England! Which fits Saturn. <snip>"

No they are not - this is a myth. What is illegal is "fraudulent mediumship" - ie using anything, including a ouija board, for the purpose of obtaining money or influence from someone who would otherwise not give it to them. In other words - using it for fraud!
