looking for a second opinion!!(synastry)

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Jan 13, 2024
hello everyone!! i have been studying astrology for about 7 years but i always seem to struggle when i have my own feelings involved. below i have attached a synastry chart between myself and someone im interested in(we’re both lesbian women) and would really appreciate if someone could let me know what jumps out at them. i don’t have friends who are well versed in synastry so please point out whatever you can!! if this isn’t allowed, ill delete it :)
Hello Moonstruckfairy,

I will give you a quick answer, due to lack of time. You both have the significant transit of Jupiter in Taurus. I don't have to tell you what you have to do but if there is anything to do, it would be before mid-March 2024. Everyone knows that lovers' day is in February. I say this because I don't see any significant transit in this person's chart after this date... She really wants to hope through what she does... not easy.

Ecliptique. :)
Hello Fairy,

I see two excellent aspects :
Blues Moon trine Reds Sun and
Blue's Sun?Merc Conj. Red's Moon

IMO the aspects between each others Suns or Moons or Ascendants are the best indicators of long term success if the difficult aspecst are not too significant.

And some astrologers would also add to this one more:
Blue's Sun/Merc is on Red's Asc.

There are other nice aspects too. Also, neither has the Sun or Moon or Asc in the other's H6 or H12 which are usually very negative omens. On the negative side these are the tough ones:

Blue's Sun/Merc square Red's Sun/ Saturn - often shows up as wanting different things, conflicting goals, the Saturn person often becomes the controlling person feeling like a parent who has to control the other and the Sun person rebels.
Blue's Sun /Merc also squares Red's Pluto - can show up as psychological defensiveness or one trying to psychoanalyze or manipulate the other.
Blue's Pluto/Chiron squares Red's Mars. Can manifest as power struggles or one person triggering the others sensitive buttons. Usually its the Mars person who gets triggered eagerly and the fights back unconsciously.
These three are not insignificant. Pluto squares always require deep insight and Saturn squares to personal planets can contribute to

Red's chart is triple mutable signs and more intellectual than Blue's. Blue's is more proactive with the fixed Moon and cardinal sign Rising but perhaps quite idealistic and sentimental (Moon conj Neptune? and cancer Rising?)

The Venus/Jupiter Square Mars is probably not difficult also the inconjunct (green line) from the Venus/Jupiter to the Venus/Uranus could add a ongoing feeling of low level attraction and romantic spark .

I would be careful not to get to invested or make decisions that can't be easily undone until you see how and if you are able as a couple to get through some serious conflicts and really know what each other's values and goals are.
Hello Fairy,

I see two excellent aspects :
Blues Moon trine Reds Sun and
Blue's Sun?Merc Conj. Red's Moon

IMO the aspects between each others Suns or Moons or Ascendants are the best indicators of long term success if the difficult aspecst are not too significant.

And some astrologers would also add to this one more:
Blue's Sun/Merc is on Red's Asc.

There are other nice aspects too. Also, neither has the Sun or Moon or Asc in the other's H6 or H12 which are usually very negative omens. On the negative side these are the tough ones:

Blue's Sun/Merc square Red's Sun/ Saturn - often shows up as wanting different things, conflicting goals, the Saturn person often becomes the controlling person feeling like a parent who has to control the other and the Sun person rebels.
Blue's Sun /Merc also squares Red's Pluto - can show up as psychological defensiveness or one trying to psychoanalyze or manipulate the other.
Blue's Pluto/Chiron squares Red's Mars. Can manifest as power struggles or one person triggering the others sensitive buttons. Usually its the Mars person who gets triggered eagerly and the fights back unconsciously.
These three are not insignificant. Pluto squares always require deep insight and Saturn squares to personal planets can contribute to

Red's chart is triple mutable signs and more intellectual than Blue's. Blue's is more proactive with the fixed Moon and cardinal sign Rising but perhaps quite idealistic and sentimental (Moon conj Neptune? and cancer Rising?)

The Venus/Jupiter Square Mars is probably not difficult also the inconjunct (green line) from the Venus/Jupiter to the Venus/Uranus could add a ongoing feeling of low level attraction and romantic spark .

I would be careful not to get to invested or make decisions that can't be easily undone until you see how and if you are able as a couple to get through some serious conflicts and really know what each other's values and goals are.
hi im blue so im gonna say my for blue placements. i also wanna say thank you for this detailed response and im so sorry it took me so long to reply. its been a rough few weeks(sun and pluto conjunction on my moon was not kind to me)

i can totally see the conflict of interests between us at times. but we also theoretically want a lot of the same things, just behaviors don’t always line up. if that makes sense. as for the aspect between my sun mercury and her pluto, i absolutely notice that i psychoanalyze her a lot(we’re both in the psychology field) and i wonder if that has to do more with my natal placements because i do that often and for lots of people i meet but with her i definitely feel more invested in my findings. it’s definitely a weaker influence but i can absolutely see how it manifests. and she definitely gets a little defensive towards some of my findings so it’s interesting you noticed that astrologically. i wonder if that could contribute to the sun saturn aspect of feeling controlled as well.

thank you again for this. absolutely it’s very very new so we haven’t gone through much conflict lately but you’re on the nose about me being more proactive and her more intellectual. i definitely have a daydreaming tendency 😅😅 im curious to see if this spark becomes anything.
hi im blue so im gonna say my for blue placements. i also wanna say thank you for this detailed response and im so sorry it took me so long to reply. its been a rough few weeks(sun and pluto conjunction on my moon was not kind to me)

i can totally see the conflict of interests between us at times. but we also theoretically want a lot of the same things, just behaviors don’t always line up. if that makes sense. as for the aspect between my sun mercury and her pluto, i absolutely notice that i psychoanalyze her a lot(we’re both in the psychology field) and i wonder if that has to do more with my natal placements because i do that often and for lots of people i meet but with her i definitely feel more invested in my findings. it’s definitely a weaker influence but i can absolutely see how it manifests. and she definitely gets a little defensive towards some of my findings so it’s interesting you noticed that astrologically. i wonder if that could contribute to the sun saturn aspect of feeling controlled as well.

thank you again for this. absolutely it’s very very new so we haven’t gone through much conflict lately but you’re on the nose about me being more proactive and her more intellectual. i definitely have a daydreaming tendency 😅😅 im curious to see if this spark becomes anything.
Thank you for the feedback. It is always helpful.