I'll say what I think before reading the other posts. I hope you and the other members would excuse me for that but I want to keep my insight fresh.
MC ruler Saturn in Scorpio in 8th wants to dig deep, to give structure to a world of turmoil. Any process of unearthing and transforming would do. I've seen Scorpio underscored as a career indicator in many professions from psychotherapy through archeology to history. I think the impulse is more important than the actual profession as it can manifest in a myriad of ways.
Capricorn and Saturn are also famous for teaching, dealing with politics, administration, etc.
You have a heavy 10th house and a lot of "soft" planets there (Moon and Venus) that will want their needs met "out there".
You are also strong in Sag and the 9th house: teaching, entertainment, philosophy.
Neptune conjunct MC could also point to a career in the arts.
Plenty of earth points to something tangible, plenty of fire points to the need to be enthusiastic about what you do.
The square between Mars and Pluto could mean sometimes you apply too much force in pursuing your goals which might alienate people.
North Node in Taurus in the 2nd house would point to building something stable this lifetime and not allowing yourself be swept away by changes too much (Scorpio and 8th house) and not giving in to the impulse to destroy what you have achieved. Also building your own set ot values, being more fixed about them, not allowing other people to influence you with their values so much. You can understand other people's values very well (South Node Scorpio) but that requires a certain amount of inner bending and molding to fit the new idea in. North Node Taurus means create stronger boundaries and allow other people's values to rebounce off you more often rather than you letting everything in. A certain level of "I understand what you mean but I have already decided on the issue" would be needed this lifetime (Ascendant Aries will also help in the process). You can always make use of the South Node, you don't have to ditch it altogether but staying there won't make you happy in the long run.
Saturn in 8th could also mean give up your idea of status though or understand status in a new way. As someone once put it, wash the planet in the deep dark waters of the 8th house. Same applies to Pluto and the idea of power. Until you do that you might be faced with many abrupt changes as far as career goes (Saturn in 8th) because of having a too simplistic view of what status actually is.
Mars in Aquarius in 11th being chart ruler could mean working with people who are disadvantaged in some way, also dealing with technology or leading some sort of a reformation movement.
Basically all your planets are in the Southern hemisphere starting from the 8th house which might mean that true success will come later in life. It also points to a personality that is "out there" for people to see. There's not much kept hidden on the inside.