lot of truth

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Apr 16, 2008
who knows the "lot of truth formula" please

I have a few links but dont see truth in any of them thanks
Hi DiDi!
I think I might have accidentally misled you: the Lot of Truth (Lot of Truth and Falsity) which I always use, is fundamentally the ascendant+Moon-Mercury (same for day and night) HOWEVER, in horary when using a Lot for another person, following the doctrine of Lots in Ibn Ezra, one constructs the Lot using the signifying house "cusp" of that other person, as the "ascendant" in the Lot's formula:
...so, for example, if one wants to know if the other person (7th house) in the horary question is telling the truth, the cusp of the 7th house is used as "ascendant" in the Lot of Truth formula; if one want to know if one's child is telling the truth, the cusp of the 5th house is used as "ascendant" in the Lot of Truth formula. Using the cusp of the other person's signifying house as the ascendant in the formula for Lots allows us to examine how that particular Lot relates to the actions or intentions of that other person.
Oh no
you explained yourself well

I understand to take the appropriate house instead of asc

when i wrote this i was stressed as i couldnt find the formula and didnt think to go back into where you wrote it....

only is
Lot of Truth and Falsity
a point of a part so to speak and where its situated and how its situated means its false or true?

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Yes-the condition of the placement of the Lot of Truth/Falsity, whether the Sun (arbiter of Truth) flows to it or away from it, and also the relation of the subject's (person's) significator to the Lot, all are taken into account in arriving at a conclusion, however, THE most important single factor is whether the Sun is flowing toward it (indicating the light of Truth shining upon it) or flowing away from it (indicating the light of Truth withdrawing from it)
Was looking for lot of truth when I stumbled on this helpful thread.

I calculated the lot for the chart I am looking at and found the sun in Libra in h8, the lot in Capricorn H12. My significator is Saturn also in Libra h8. His significators are the sun and mercury (also Venus in Leo, but I think that's her), both in Libra h8.

Sun @7*
Mercury @22*
Saturn @29*
Lot of truth @21*
AC/DC is 9* Aquarius/Leo

Wondering what can be the meaning of such focus on detrimental houses?

The question was "will he admit he's with someone?"

After a bit, we did talk about it and his reluctant admission was that they used to be together, but are just friends now and he's not interested in her anymore. (He's a typical SAG who generally tells the truth when asked and must stay friends with people after dating). It is however painfully obvious that she's still into him, trying to get him back, stalking him, etc... He never admitted if there was anything sexual still going on with them but my hunch is yes. He pretends its nothing when he doesn't call someone his girlfriend. So, in his head the truth can be that they are not together even if they are sleeping together...

Could it be that the placements are the way they are because, although he revealed the truth to my question, he didn't reveal the whole truth?

Just adding on that the lot of deceit falls at 3* Aquarius H12, and Lot of secrets is at 5* Libra at the last degree of h7. Hmmm....
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I calculated the lot for the chart I am looking at and found the sun in Libra in h8, the lot in Capricorn H12. My significator is Saturn also in Libra h8. His significators are the sun and mercury (also Venus in Leo, but I think that's her), both in Libra h8.

Sun @7*
Mercury @22*
Saturn @29*
Lot of truth @21*
AC/DC is 9* Aquarius/Leo
Wondering what can be the meaning of such focus on detrimental houses?
Could it be that the placements are the way they are because, although he revealed the truth to my question, he didn't reveal the whole truth?

In my opinion, yes it could mean that.
dr farr
hi and hope you had a great xmas

the date you last wrote on here what is it cause on my side it says

01-04-2013, 02:56 PM
In most of the literature this Lot is referred to as "Knowledge of whether True or False"-usually the term "Lot of Truth/Falsity" is not to be found as such.
no my question is not related to this post title

On the left hand margin here when we answer someone there is a date and time of last post

here it says 1/4/2013 left hand of your responce to appleberry

im just wondering if this is on your computer to or my computer is out of wack...

hope you get what im saying if not dont worry ill ask administrators

seems we are ahead of time lol

actually it seems like i will have to book my self in for a brain transplant
i forgot this site tells the date showing the month first
we here would write 4/1/2013 day month year
please forget i was here :(
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