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Feb 10, 2008
What aspects would point to someone who could win the lottery?
Aspects between Uranus/Venus/Jupiter/2nd house? I'm guess...


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alliewar said:
What aspects would point to someone who could win the lottery?
Aspects between Uranus/Venus/Jupiter/2nd house? I'm guess...

The following is taken from the late Lois M. Rodden's book MONEY HOW TO FIND IT WITH ASTROLOGY. According to Lois, only those with the following aspects stand a good chance of winning. Those without these aspects shouldn't even bother playing because it will never happen. However you might still win smaller prizes that don't really change your life much.

"The following patterns are those which are observed to be most obvious and consistent:

1. The Moon in a trine or grand trine...

2. Natal Jupiter in at least one trine.

3. Natal Jupiter in aspect to Neptune....

4. Natal Mars in aspect to Jupiter or Neptune.

5. Natal or progressed Venus or Jupiter in aspect to Uranus...

6. Natal or progressed Venus or Jupiter retrograde.

7. Natal Pluto conjunct or opposite the ruler of the second house within four or five degrees...

8. A close natal sesquisquare between two planets..."

I have many of these markers and am lucky to win a set of Glasses.

[deleted overly-long quote against forum rules - Moderator]
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I looked at my chart I have about 2 indicators that I have a chance, but in your opinon what do you think?
Hope for the best and expect the worst.

I do not believe in luck and do not think it is good to have to high of expectations where lotteries are concerned.

We do not know always what is in store for us and it's really not all in our hands if you have faith.

It's not wrong to play a lottery,but think of it as just chance.

Having Ma/Ju square is kind of a hard placement as I have it also. Does not mean anything concerning winning things though.

Those having Ma/Ju conjunct seem to be able to earn money easily.
My father won the lottery..his natal chart has Jupiter, Pluto, and north node conjunct in 2nd house. His progressed chart at the time of winning put Neptune and Venus conjunct in the second house. Squared by the moon and trined by Uranus. Transits to his natal chart he has transiting Pluto zero degree square to his natal venus, Transiting Pluto just leaving his 5th house. And natal venus is in the third ruling the 5th house.
He had transiting Saturn opposing his sun, mercury, and neptune and transiting mars square his Saturn. Sun is ruler of his 2nd.

Hope that helps.

Oh I should say my dad is a twin they were born 11 min.s apart I believe I will have too look but my Aunt has Gem rising my father has Cancer rising, so makes her houses different of course..but 4 days after he won she did get 5 of the 6 numbers on the lotto.
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Sag Moon said:
Hope for the best and expect the worst.

I do not believe in luck and do not think it is good to have to high of expectations where lotteries are concerned.

We do not know always what is in store for us and it's really not all in our hands if you have faith.

It's not wrong to play a lottery,but think of it as just chance.

Having Ma/Ju square is kind of a hard placement as I have it also. Does not mean anything concerning winning things though.

Those having Ma/Ju conjunct seem to be able to earn money easily.

In life I happen to 'earn' money easily, I feel that I'm lucky when it comes to money. I always thought that this was because of my Sun/Jupiter/2nd house all in Taurus. I do have a Mars/Jupiter squaring, I guess that could be in the way, if I never had that I'd be even luckier?


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coffee said:
All that means nothing without looking at his house rulers
I'll be happy to post his chart after I get it into photobucket as I said Sun rules his 2nd, Venus Rules his 5th house..will have that in there later this afternoon feel free to use it as reference not sure how many other collection of lottery winner charts are out there.

Also depends on which house system you use placidus gives him libra on the 5th house..equal house gives scorp

okay not sure what house system you all prefer but here is placidus and equal of my dads natal, a progressed chart at the time he won and a lunar return for time he won.

Birth info sept 23 1943 birthtime 12:44 am ada OK, won lottery Jan 4th 1997.

Placidus House system


Equal House




Lunar Return

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alliewar said:
In life I happen to 'earn' money easily, I feel that I'm lucky when it comes to money. I always thought that this was because of my Sun/Jupiter/2nd house all in Taurus. I do have a Mars/Jupiter squaring, I guess that could be in the way, if I never had that I'd be even luckier?

About the only chart I remember seeing where the person had real good fortune with the Ma/Ju square is Hughes.

What more do you need with a placement in the 2nd such as yours?

In astrology there are always going to be a divergence in what occurs in the chart as in the case of Howard Hughes and yourself.

It is better probably to have an aspect between the two planets then none at all as far as one winning the lottery.

I also have the Ma/Ju square and I really find it a challenge.
Well if I win something soon I will tell you which to go by as for houses as I have a Pisces MC and Cancer Asc.
Sag Moon said:
Well if I win something soon I will tell you which to go by as for houses as I have a Pisces MC and Cancer Asc.

Yeaah my brother has the same as you, Cancer Asc. and Pisces MC. He has always been on a life long journey for money, large amounts of it, basicly freedom. I am the same way. I have a 18pisces44 asc. and transiting Uranus closely conjuct... something has to happen! haha.. If I win something soon I'll post it.
Many charts I have seen lately have this combo for winning someting-Let's hope it is destiny for us to leave or money wows behind.
My son has at least 5 of these markers (without looking into when #10 would be good for him). He also falls into that nice and simple method given by coffee. He has always been lucky and regularly finds money lying on the ground. I've asked him to pick lottery numbers a few times (don't play tht much), but with no success. He's only 15 so it will be interesting to track when would be the best time for him to try his luck.
I wonder what the charts of an older couple who recently won $275Mil. might reveal?
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Yes I like Placidus myself too, for me the pluto jupiter and venus all play a role I consider his natal pluto jupiter conjunct since the north node pulls it in..aspect of the king maker..north node there feel it's his destiny..and seeing how he handled it ect I can see life lessons there.. 4.5 million isn't much I suppose if you consider taxes and all but I find it interesting his progressed had venus and neptune conjunct in the 2nd house at the time and he has not been very good at taking care of it.
On houses
I have tried Campanus.Placidus and Koch.

The way I am trying to find out which works is a Thyroid condition.

I think Taurus on the 12th with a stellium in Tau would signify that.So Placidus seems to work best I think.

The Lunar return thing is interesting as for winning.
Venus In Aries
Did you check to see if your father had the markers I listed?

I have a few charts of Lotery winners some place I am trying to find.

I checked and your father did have many of these markers.

I then went to check my chart out of curiosity and found I have almost all of them with the exception of Rule 9 which I do not fully understnd.

I do not play the lottery ,but did enter a house contest recently which the winner will be drawn in a few days.

I never enter these things ,but did it on a hunch for some reason. Some times my intuition pays off. I know I could use it now.

Some strrange dreams have been occuring also,but I think they are stress related. I think after today it is my auto tht is in need f repair and nothing having to do with winning anything as the 9th is being activated.

I have some very exact transits coming,but do not think they are relateed to winning anything.They seem more restrictive then anything else.Many Saturn related issues.

I would recommend anyone tht is thinking of winning something to check the markers that I posted.

In the mean time I am intrigued to study some of the winners I had saved in my research in the past .One person i checked won $250K in a casino.Interesting chart with Sirius being cj. something.

I have no planets in the second.Therefore I do not think I am a big winner of anything.I am lucky if I win a set of steak knives or glasses.

My mother once won like 10K in a lottery.Wish it ran in the family!

It would seem to me that the 9th house would play a roll ,but I have seen people mention that the 2nd\8th and 5th does.

Ju/Ve and Ne are also said to contribute to winning.
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An Astrologer and Software Writer named Adrian Fourie has created an Astrology Program called "Your Lucky Days". Adrian writes on his Website:

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How about pluto in 2nd with jupiter (very close conjunct asc) semi sextiling it?

oh... and trine moon :D

Maybe i'll just buy a prayer mat