Hello I am not in a best situation in my love life as well, so when I read this post this reminds me of my situation. I will be 29 in a couple of days, I have never been in real relationships but only short hang outs, all of them ended fatal from me and always men break up with me... Also this time last year I had a 'possibility' with a guy which I know that he liked me but it never succeed actually we have been just friends and never became more. At the end of 2024 (December) I met a guy on dating app, but I am feeling like this connection stands in place, we have not been on a date, and also never meet in person, idk if it will ever happen. I am worried about my life, I am almost 29 no married, no children, no divorces (luckily), single and feeling confused sometimes. On the other hand I have good job,family, friends, good life a lot of things that I am proud and thankful of, but again I do not like to live forever alone, I want family, kids ...
Can someone tell me about my chart, is there any sign that my love life will get better and finally I will meet someone? (or someone I have already met). Also important to mention that in the last months of 2024 I felt a big changes, not in real life some big shift but in my mind, I am feeling like more open minded, out of comfort zone, avoiding overthinking...
Here is my chart:
Can someone tell me about my chart, is there any sign that my love life will get better and finally I will meet someone? (or someone I have already met). Also important to mention that in the last months of 2024 I felt a big changes, not in real life some big shift but in my mind, I am feeling like more open minded, out of comfort zone, avoiding overthinking...
Here is my chart: