luigi mangione

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Apparently he lived in Towson Maryland which is a place I know somewhat as a higher end area where people live who have lots of money. The homes there are usually in the million dollar range or upwards.
The homes mentioned here are likely all condos or townhomes:
Meanwhile, what I read of him is he was sent to a very elite school that cost $40,000 per year and has a fine education, and he chose computers and technological things to study. Others say he also visited or lived in Hawaii and California, but I don't know about that.

Did he have a Bi-Polar problem or mental illness (Kite formation with Neptune 0 deg. 50min. with the Sun and Pluto. I read his grandparents both died (did they pay for his schooling?) and he was upset about those deaths. What the UHC insurer had to do with his grandparents if anything I don't know yet, although someone who worked with him (see link below) said he didn't think it was a mental breakdown.

He was caught in Altoona Pa. a small enclave in Pa. near Hollidaysburg. A young person recognized him as the shooter from photos and called it in to the police. We still don't know if he acted alone or had others he met with. He isn't talking so far. He did write a 3 note Manifesto of sorts and mentioned Ted Kazinsky, "the Unibomber" who wrote a ton of letters to the newspaper he called his Manifesto which he wanted to be made public for his grievances.

Here is more they found out about him in California:

The 26-year-old man arrested Monday in connection with the killing of UnitedHealthcare’s chief executive on the streets of New York once worked for a Santa Monica company and spent time at Stanford University, records show.

After an intensive manhunt, Luigi Mangione, 26, was taken into custody by law enforcement in Pennsylvania on suspicion of killing Brian Thompson, 50, in an early-morning ambush last week. At a news conference announcing the arrest, NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said Mangione was born and raised in Maryland, has ties to California, and his last known address was in Honolulu.

Mangione posted extensively in favor of experimentation with psychedelic drugs on social media and pontificated on trends in tech.

According to an archived page of Mangione’s Facebook profile, which was removed as of Monday, he co-founded the company AppRoar Studios. He also worked as a UI programming intern at Firaxis Games from 2015 to 2017 in Maryland.

Mangione’s LinkedIn profile shows that he once volunteered for Lorien Health Systems, an assisted-living facility for elderly people in Maryland, in 2014, when he was still in high school.

Mangione is the grandson of Nicholas Mangione, a real estate developer who owned nursing homes and country clubs in Maryland. Mangione’s grandfather died in 2008 from complications of a stroke. Mangione is also the cousin of Republican Delegate Nino Mangione in Baltimore County, a spokesperson for the politician confirmed to media outlets.

On Goodreads, he reviewed 13 books, including the Unabomber’s manifesto

note: He did promote experimenting with drugs - (see Link) and also wrote about justification of Violence when all else fails:
The possibility of micro-dosing is really interesting here. I have a lot of family in the Bay Area, some in tech industry. My niece in particular, has talked about her ex-boyfriend and his friends, all taking part in the trendy use of 'micro-dosing.'

It was very trendy for awhile for the greatest minds in hi-tech to start using microscopic amounts of LSD, or maybe 'Shrooms, or MDMA, every day. And some began doing it multiple times a day, and then increasing the dosage.

Her boyfriend was soon trippin everyday on hallucigens, while trying to do his hi-tech duties for Apple. He soon began making very stupid, very impulsive decisions, and messed his life up for awhile. My daughter had a friend doing similar thing with daily doses of dried 'Shrooms. He made radical life changes that did not help him at all. He went from living in a nice studio apartment and working as a Production Assistant for Hollywood TV shows, to eventually being jobless and living in his Range Rover.

I do wonder if Luigi fell down that rabbit hole--- as mentioned above, he has a Kite to drugs would not be a helpful addition to his life . His Sun opposes Neptune so drugs were probably detrimental to his Life Force.

His Pluto is very strong by midpoint. It is the apex of a Finger of Fate from the Moon/Saturn Sextile.

Ebertin: The necessity to rely upon yourself only, The inclination to rise in life using force, and to go one’s way alone.
katydid wrote

I do wonder if Luigi fell down that rabbit hole--- as mentioned above, he has a Kite to drugs would not be a helpful addition to his life . His Sun opposes Neptune so drugs were probably detrimental to his Life Force.

it's a cross sun, neptune, saturn and moon epogee. he wants everything to be so perfect. well dude it's not.. no soup for you. prison time.
Thank you #Bjorkstrand for this!

so so odd!

I noticed the pluto neptune and upcoming pluto sq to saturn transit on this chart immediately.

There was a poster who has suddenly deleted all his stuff last few days with this transit also… gruffy poster full of miz. he wanted to leave where he was and change his life. but from posts left he had sun opp uranus in chart, so clearly not this shooter? i think he had moon pluto also because his reactions were so abrupt and controlling. probably just ano of his micro generation going through disorienting and undermining pluto neptune and fast slap bag into pluto Saturn struggle to survive!

what are the odds?

he has two yods… one to pluto with moon mars safurn. the other to moon with pluto neptune.

i think both above were caught in a mix of personal stored pain, disillusionment, suffering.

this fool got triggered by the eclipse sq his moon mars cancer…and set off his yods. thats a bagful of stored pain.

a single defining action that will now waste the entire potential of his entire life. And it was a massive potential.

what an utter fool. what a waste of a life.

we dont need a chart now to predict his life direction or the result!

there is one slim chance the law…. and his jupiter and Neptune….protects him…. the missing gun. that might not be found.
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Any indications in his (provisional) chart that might explain why he would take precautions such as the fake IDs and 3d-printing the gun, but not change his clothes or trim his eyebrows after the shooting?
Good question. I think it is described well by Sun square Saturn but also opposed Neptune?

His Saturn squares the Sun but Trines his Mercury. So he is organised, strategic and thinking things through by planning carefully as a Saturn in Taurus can do. His Mercury in Leo in an out of sign Trine gives him confidence that he has it well planned out.

But that Neptune/Sun opposition, built into that Grand Trine fails him. He overlooks big things by being dazed and confused. He didn't see it coming as he was calmly eating his MickyDee's. It said in paper that when the officer asked him if he had recently been in NYC, he visibly began shaking.

He reportedly had 4 fake IDs on him at the time. Was that stupidity stemming from the false confidence from his Sun/Jupiter/PLuto grand trine with an opposition to Neptune embedded inside?
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A manifesto found online, with the subtitle, "Luigi Mangione's last words", mentions UnitedHealthcare 7 times, details his mother's physical ailments as well as his own. To be clear, this is not confirmed to be the manifesto found on him today at McDonald's. Here are excerpts:

"I authorize my own act of self-defense in response to a hostile entity making war on me and my family.""These might be my last words. I don’t know when they will come for me. I will resist them at any cost. That’s why I smile through the pain."

"Each appointment was promised to be fully covered, until the insurance claims were delayed and denied. Allopathic medicine did nothing to help my mother’s suffering. Yet it is the foundation of our entire society."

"They promised coverage, and broke their word to my mother. With every delay, my anger surged. With every denial, I wanted to throw the doctor through the glass wall of their hospital waiting room. But it wasn’t them. It wasn’t the doctors, the receptionists, administrators, pharmacists, imaging technicians, or anyone we ever met. It was UnitedHealthcare."

"That’s where UnitedHealthcare went wrong. They violated their contract with my mother, with me, and tens of millions of other Americans. This threat to my own health, my family’s health, and the health of our country’s people requires me to respond with an act of war."

6:17 PM · Dec 9, 2024
Pluto in Capricorn/Aquarius would have been hovering back and forth opposite his Cancer sun, activating the Aquarius Neptune as well.

He may have felt he was the saviour (Neptune) of society (Aquarius), and he would have personalised it (Sun Cancer) by making it his own "mission"

That Mars in Cancer, widely square Jupiter Pisces. The Mars Cancer is generally very protective over family, that's when you see the true strength of that placement, when they feel the need to defend the family.

Jupiter square again gives a mission-oriented feel to it, fighting and defending for a bigger cause. Mars Cancer also trines Chiron Scorpio - linking it literally to the medical system, supposed "healers"

Seems likely that cherished family members had suffered under the rules and red tape of the medical insurance system, and with Mars Cancer/Chiron Scorpio both being known for long standing grudges, someone had to pay the price for that.
To add, I'm wondering how that Pluto Aquarius conjunct his Neptune may manifest. Also just spotted, transit Neptune conjunct his Jupiter Pisces.

The general consensus seems to be that, although murder is a bit extreme, the reasons behind it are hard to disagree with. He had a three page manifesto outlining all the glaring flaws in the healthcare system, the needless deaths due to profits taking priority. If that manifesto gets published or exposed, especially on social media ... 🤔

Pluto conjunct Neptune, it may even make him a martyr of sorts, a kind of "Robin Hood" archetype.

Neptune is also linked to mimicry, imitations, so we may see copycat killings from this, as others draw "inspiration" (Neptune) from it.
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What is the source of your DOB? There was a shot on one news site of a MD driver' s license found on him that showed this DOB but that license was alleged to be a Fake ID.
Good question. Thank you for pointing this out.

If it is correct, once again looking at a water trine kite. I have been noticing these in bloodier crimes and in bear attacks.