Luxury yacht Bayesian sinks of the Sicilian coast

Astrologers' Community

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Thank you Jupiterasc.
that's no problem at all
thanks for the appreciation :)

I'm acquainted with all that useful stuff.
In my own thread on antiscia I posted a personal research on the subject.
that's good news :)
consider the many readers of this interesting thread

who are beginners
and unfamiliar with ANTISCIA


Unfamiliar, yes, I was for ages, until I happened to step on them and soon became devote beginner and amateur. This thought me, being in forum, close to great astrologers: to appreciate their unconditional love for this discipline and be stimulated by it and go on and learn... and when you spot something.. a hint... never give up👌💫
Unfamiliar, yes, I was for ages,
so you understand
there are young astrologers
reading this thread
appreciating informative youtube links :)
to in this case, prestigious, reputable Kepler College
the informational video limk just posted

until I happened to step on them and soon became devote beginner and amateur. This thought me, being in forum, close to great astrologers: to appreciate their unconditional love for this discipline and be stimulated by it and go on and learn... and when you spot something.. a hint... never give up👌💫

so you understand
there are young astrologers
reading this thread
appreciating informative youtube links :)
to in this case, prestigious, reputable Kepler College
the informational video limk just posted


so you understand
there are young astrologers
reading this thread
appreciating informative youtube links :)
to in this case, prestigious, reputable Kepler College
the informational video limk just posted


Elena, no. Youtube podcast links are invasive.
A plain link to a webpage is informative and... modest in its look.🖖
so you understand there are young astrologers
reading this thread appreciating informative youtube links
to in this case, prestigious, reputable Kepler College
i.e. the informational video link just posted
... no. Youtube podcast links are invasive.
A plain link to a webpage is informative and... modest in its look.🖖
Considered an older generational outlook
by today's young astrologers
who are creating youtube astrological videos

Be sure where there is an article or webpage, it will also be posted.
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As we know, since the passing of Mike Lynch Hewlett Packard have announced that they are determined to pursue his estate in the British courts for some £4m. With this in mind I started looking at the founding of HP on 1st January 1939 in Palo Alto CA, its formal incorporation on 18th August 1947 , as also HP INC UK Limited listed at Companies House 0n 27 January 2015.
I set a chart for Noon for the founding, and straight away we see Saturn at 11 AR 31 on an ascendant of 13 AR 39: this ascendant being within a minute of Elenaj's MC, which is also the same angles as a Geodetic chart and specific to the location of the sinking. The Moon was conjunct Uranus in Taurus and opposed to Mars conjunct Node; Uranus in same degree as S node. Apparently when the founders were naming their company, they flipped a coin as to whether it be called Packard Hewlett or Hewlett Packard. This opposition forms a semi-sextile / quincunx relationship to the ascendant. Pluto at 00 LE 48 shows HP is now going through the Pluto opposition. Lynch's Sun is at the apex of a T square with Mars opposite Chiron; Mars is conjunct HP Neptune. His Neptune is also conjunct HP Mars/Node opposite Moon/Uranus. This seems to show a deceptive weakness in financial negotiation. The last solar eclipse set for the site of the sinking shows the ascendant at 29 Libra [quincunx Neptune] at the antiscion of HP' Jupiter [ a legal headache]. Moving on to the chart of 18th August 1947 [noon], we immediately think of the Sun being conjunct that of the sinking. Uranus is conjunct Lynch's Sun, and upsetting HP administration [Gemini]. But what strikes me [and I have no problem in using angles for noon charts], is that this ASC/DESC axis picks up the opposition of Mars 0 Node and Moon 0 Uranus in the foundation chart, with a Saturn/Pluto conjunction in square; this is certainly a re-structuring of HP, and note the Sun is square the Node at incorporation with Venus [Scorpio] of foundation making a T square]. According to my old friend Peter West, when Venus ingresses into Scorpio there is often a change in financial markets. So this points to a distinct change in structure and value. Uranus at sinking again with the nodes. Let's move on to HP INC UK Limited chart of 27th of January 2015, Noon [registered in Reading]. Straight away, what jumps out is Uranus opposite the N Node/conjunct S node at 13 Aries/Libra. If we look at Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences for Uranus/Node, under the heading of 'Biological Correspondence ' he writes ' Illnesses which occur at regular intervals EG weather susceptibility'. How uncanny! We also see that this MC/IC axis has the antiscion of Uranus of sinking; I believe that Uranus has much to do with vibration in general, and questioned whether this was the mast in the sinking chart. Saturn in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces, this sinking looks a real headache for Hewlett Packard. Who in their right mind would want to bump Mike Lynch off; I don't believe Hewlett Packard had anything to do with this whatsoever.

Hewlett Packard Founded.gif

Hewlett Packard formally incorporated.gif

Hewlett Packard INC UK Limited.gif
Sorry people, put the antiscia of HP INC UK first without realising so here is the original.
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As we know, since the passing of Mike Lynch Hewlett Packard have announced that they are determined to pursue his estate in the British courts for some £4m. With this in mind I started looking at the founding of HP on 1st January 1939 in Palo Alto CA, its formal incorporation on 18th August 1947 , as also HP INC UK Limited listed at Companies House 0n 27 January 2015.
I set a chart for Noon for the founding, and straight away we see Saturn at 11 AR 31 on an ascendant of 13 AR 39: this ascendant being within a minute of Elenaj's MC, which is also the same angles as a Geodetic chart and specific to the location of the sinking. The Moon was conjunct Uranus in Taurus and opposed to Mars conjunct Node; Uranus in same degree as S node. Apparently when the founders were naming their company, they flipped a coin as to whether it be called Packard Hewlett or Hewlett Packard. This opposition forms a semi-sextile / quincunx relationship to the ascendant. Pluto at 00 LE 48 shows HP is now going through the Pluto opposition. Lynch's Sun is at the apex of a T square with Mars opposite Chiron; Mars is conjunct HP Neptune. His Neptune is also conjunct HP Mars/Node opposite Moon/Uranus. This seems to show a deceptive weakness in financial negotiation. The last solar eclipse set for the site of the sinking shows the ascendant at 29 Libra [quincunx Neptune] at the antiscion of HP' Jupiter [ a legal headache]. Moving on to the chart of 18th August 1947 [noon], we immediately think of the Sun being conjunct that of the sinking. Uranus is conjunct Lynch's Sun, and upsetting HP administration [Gemini]. But what strikes me [and I have no problem in using angles for noon charts], is that this ASC/DESC axis picks up the opposition of Mars 0 Node and Moon 0 Uranus in the foundation chart, with a Saturn/Pluto conjunction in square; this is certainly a re-structuring of HP, and note the Sun is square the Node at incorporation with Venus [Scorpio] of foundation making a T square]. According to my old friend Peter West, when Venus ingresses into Scorpio there is often a change in financial markets. So this points to a distinct change in structure and value. Uranus at sinking again with the nodes. Let's move on to HP INC UK Limited chart of 27th of January 2015, Noon [registered in Reading]. Straight away, what jumps out is Uranus opposite the N Node/conjunct S node at 13 Aries/Libra. If we look at Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences for Uranus/Node, under the heading of 'Biological Correspondence ' he writes ' Illnesses which occur at regular intervals EG weather susceptibility'. How uncanny! We also see that this MC/IC axis has the antiscion of Uranus of sinking; I believe that Uranus has much to do with vibration in general, and questioned whether this was the mast in the sinking chart. Saturn in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces, this sinking looks a real headache for Hewlett Packard. Who in their right mind would want to bump Mike Lynch off; I don't believe Hewlett Packard had anything to do with this whatsoever.

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Compliments, John, great job.

The neptune contacts with Lynch are too strong to have been without consequences.
And that persistent 13 Aires that keeps showing up in the charts in strategic points!

Uranus of course could be technology, machinery, flight, engineering, in addition to computers.
"The company was founded in a one-car garage in Palo Alto by Bill Hewlett and David Packard in 1939, and initially produced a line of electronic test and measurement equipment. The HP Garage at 367 Addison Avenue is now designated an official California Historical Landmark, and is marked with a plaque calling it the "Birthplace of 'Silicon Valley'".

The first moon in grounded taurus, the second moon in workaholic virgo, the third in showy extravagant Leo.
Lost their North Star, so to speak, along the way.

The 2015 jupiter is close to conjunction with the 1939 moon/uranus/SN.
Which also puts it in opposition to the mars/NN.
Overly confident.

So, if Lynch's widow is worth approximately $500,000, how can they ask her $4BN?
The bad publicity in itself is worth dropping the case.
Recently widowed, she also lost her daughter, and they are baying at the door like wolves.
Compliments, John, great job.

The neptune contacts with Lynch are too strong to have been without consequences.
And that persistent 13 Aires that keeps showing up in the charts in strategic points!

Uranus of course could be technology, machinery, flight, engineering, in addition to computers.
"The company was founded in a one-car garage in Palo Alto by Bill Hewlett and David Packard in 1939, and initially produced a line of electronic test and measurement equipment. The HP Garage at 367 Addison Avenue is now designated an official California Historical Landmark, and is marked with a plaque calling it the "Birthplace of 'Silicon Valley'".

The first moon in grounded taurus, the second moon in workaholic virgo, the third in showy extravagant Leo.
Lost their North Star, so to speak, along the way.

The 2015 jupiter is close to conjunction with the 1939 moon/uranus/SN.
Which also puts it in opposition to the mars/NN.
Overly confident.

So, if Lynch's widow is worth approximately $500,000, how can they ask her $4BN?
The bad publicity in itself is worth dropping the case.
Recently widowed, she also lost her daughter, and they are baying at the door like wolves.
Nice to get back to some astrology! Always appreciate your feedback, and there's so much here leaving room for other points of view. Sorry elenaj, I just realised that I'd put up the antiscia chart of HP INC UK instead of the original, so have now edited but left the antiscia chart.
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so you understand
there are young astrologers
reading this thread
appreciating informative youtube links :)
to in this case, prestigious, reputable Kepler College
the informational video limk just posted


Well done Jup, as you know I'm a great advocate of antiscia, and was convinced of their efficacy by Nicholas Culpeper's writings. He used them and their hard aspects [square and opposition], and even used translation of light to them. He showed examples in his decumbitures, where they either healed or killed; enough to convince anyone of these powerful points.
As we know, since the passing of Mike Lynch Hewlett Packard have announced that they are determined to pursue his estate in the British courts for some £4m. With this in mind I started looking at the founding of HP on 1st January 1939 in Palo Alto CA, its formal incorporation on 18th August 1947 , as also HP INC UK Limited listed at Companies House 0n 27 January 2015.
I set a chart for Noon for the founding, and straight away we see Saturn at 11 AR 31 on an ascendant of 13 AR 39: this ascendant being within a minute of Elenaj's MC, which is also the same angles as a Geodetic chart and specific to the location of the sinking. The Moon was conjunct Uranus in Taurus and opposed to Mars conjunct Node; Uranus in same degree as S node. Apparently when the founders were naming their company, they flipped a coin as to whether it be called Packard Hewlett or Hewlett Packard. This opposition forms a semi-sextile / quincunx relationship to the ascendant. Pluto at 00 LE 48 shows HP is now going through the Pluto opposition. Lynch's Sun is at the apex of a T square with Mars opposite Chiron; Mars is conjunct HP Neptune. His Neptune is also conjunct HP Mars/Node opposite Moon/Uranus. This seems to show a deceptive weakness in financial negotiation. The last solar eclipse set for the site of the sinking shows the ascendant at 29 Libra [quincunx Neptune] at the antiscion of HP' Jupiter [ a legal headache]. Moving on to the chart of 18th August 1947 [noon], we immediately think of the Sun being conjunct that of the sinking. Uranus is conjunct Lynch's Sun, and upsetting HP administration [Gemini]. But what strikes me [and I have no problem in using angles for noon charts], is that this ASC/DESC axis picks up the opposition of Mars 0 Node and Moon 0 Uranus in the foundation chart, with a Saturn/Pluto conjunction in square; this is certainly a re-structuring of HP, and note the Sun is square the Node at incorporation with Venus [Scorpio] of foundation making a T square]. According to my old friend Peter West, when Venus ingresses into Scorpio there is often a change in financial markets. So this points to a distinct change in structure and value. Uranus at sinking again with the nodes. Let's move on to HP INC UK Limited chart of 27th of January 2015, Noon [registered in Reading]. Straight away, what jumps out is Uranus opposite the N Node/conjunct S node at 13 Aries/Libra. If we look at Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences for Uranus/Node, under the heading of 'Biological Correspondence ' he writes ' Illnesses which occur at regular intervals EG weather susceptibility'. How uncanny! We also see that this MC/IC axis has the antiscion of Uranus of sinking; I believe that Uranus has much to do with vibration in general, and questioned whether this was the mast in the sinking chart. Saturn in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces, this sinking looks a real headache for Hewlett Packard. Who in their right mind would want to bump Mike Lynch off; I don't believe Hewlett Packard had anything to do with this whatsoever.

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Sorry people, put the antiscia of HP INC UK first without realising so here is the original.
View attachment 113815
That's a really good piece of astrological feeding.
Present configurations are scaring. Uranus on Algol, marching towards the Weeping Sisters' cluster... and in square to powerful Pluto in Aquarius. Taurus with its impact on finances and Aquarius for technology. A sudden crush on what Pluto has been putting its fingers and teeth into.
Ciaodaviola studentforever
@ElenaJ, interesting point about the persistent 13 Aries: I fell compelled to look at La Volasfera by Sepharial, a set of images associated to degrees, here what he said about 13-14 deg: Aries: "A man out in mid-ocean on a raft, famished and in pitiable distress.". I'm always been fascinated by the purest symbolism of Astrology, sometimes it add that extra layer to it.
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@ElenaJ, interesting point about the persistent 1 Aries: I fell compelled to look at La Volasfera by Sepharial, a set of images associated to degrees, here what he said about 13-14 deg: Aries: "A man out in mid-ocean on a raft, famished and in pitiable distress.". I'm always been fascinated by the purest symbolism of Astrology, sometimes it add that extra layer to it.
Sabian symbols are quite popular.
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13-14 deg: Aries: "A man out in mid-ocean on a raft, famished and in pitiable distress.".
Some considerations based on updates of the situation.
And yes, at the end, link to a video giving pertinent info, for those interested in viewing it.

Autopsies have been concluded on 4 of the victims and there was found no water in their lungs... they died of suffocation.
The hypothesis is that they were breathing in the air bubble formed in the cabin, and the air was eventually consumed.
Death by suffocation is related to Saturn.
In the chart of the sinking (posted at the beginning of this thread) ascendent ruler moon enters the 8th house in air sign Aquarius, ruled by Saturn.
The reason stated for their deaths was "dry drowning". Moon will next pass over saturn in pisces.
Saturn (dry) and pisces (drowning).
("There is no medically accepted “dry drowning” condition — “dry drowning” or other terms such as secondary drowning or delayed drowning are sometimes used to describe patients whose condition worsened after a drowning rescue or who had very little water in the lungs. However, the American Red Cross and other health organizations have recommended against using the terms; people may experience health impacts after being in water but it’s not the same as drowning, it says.")

In addition we know that Stephen Chamberlain, co-defendent in Mike Lynch's trial, at which they had been acquitted, died after being hit by a car while he was jogging. Chamberlain was VP of Lynch's firm Autonomy, and both were accused by HP of having committed fraud.

The exact time of Chamberlain's accident) was Aug 17th at 10:10 am in Streatham (UK).
The time of his death was registered at Aug 20th at 3:50 BST.

The MH of his death is conjunct the 13 Aries MH of the sinking.
Because these two charts are only hours away from each other we would expect all the planets to be conjunct, with exception of the moon.
Both moons are in the 8th house.
Correlation between these deaths?

And finally, where could we find the HP INC UK chart Uranus (accidents) conjunct SN (Karma)?
Yes, silviam66, it is exactly at 13 Aries!!!!!
This is exactly on the MH of the sinking and of the chart for Chamberlain's death.

Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 18.49.18.png

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Some considerations based on updates of the situation.
And yes, at the end, link to a video giving pertinent info, for those interested in viewing it.

Autopsies have been concluded on 4 of the victims and there was found no water in their lungs... they died of suffocation.
The hypothesis is that they were breathing in the air bubble formed in the cabin, and the air was eventually consumed.
Death by suffocation is related to Saturn.
In the chart of the sinking (posted at the beginning of this thread) ascendent ruler moon enters the 8th house in air sign Aquarius, ruled by Saturn.
The reason stated for their deaths was "dry drowning". Moon will next pass over saturn in pisces.
Saturn (dry) and pisces (drowning).
("There is no medically accepted “dry drowning” condition — “dry drowning” or other terms such as secondary drowning or delayed drowning are sometimes used to describe patients whose condition worsened after a drowning rescue or who had very little water in the lungs. However, the American Red Cross and other health organizations have recommended against using the terms; people may experience health impacts after being in water but it’s not the same as drowning, it says.")

In addition we know that Stephen Chamberlain, co-defendent in Mike Lynch's trial, at which they had been acquitted, died after being hit by a car while he was jogging. Chamberlain was VP of Lynch's firm Autonomy, and both were accused by HP of having committed fraud.

The exact time of Chamberlain's death (not the accident) was Aug 19th at 10:10 am in Streatham (UK).
In this chart, venus rules the ascendent at 11 libra, conjunct the IC of the sinking.
The descendent of his death is conjunct the 13 Aries MH of the sinking.
Because these two charts are only hours away from each other we would expect all the planets to be conjunct, with exception of the moon.
Moon of the death chart has just entered the 8th house of the sinking!
Correlation between these deaths?

The two moons are at 17 and 21 degrees Aquarius.

Can we relate these to the chart posted by John Thompson, of the incorporation in 2015 of HP INC UK?
The MH of that chart is 3 Aquarius, with midpoint Venus/Mercury at 21 Aquarius, conjunct the two moons.

And finally, where could we find the HP INC UK chart Uranus (accidents) conjunct SN (Karma)?
Yes, silviam66, it is exactly at 13 Aries!!!!!

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Excellent work elenaj. I've just heard that a coroners inquest has been opened on Chamberlain, and they're saying he died of head injuries [Aries].