Magi Astrology: for Genuine, Sincere Questions & Learning about it ONLY

Astrologers' Community

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This thread is devoted to genuine and sincere questions only, and as a base for learning the materials that the Magi Society have openly published.

For sincere seekers, please submit your questions or any inquiries you may have about Magi Astrology, and I will do my best to answer them in a timely manner... :)


I've re-phrased all topics to question format so that nobody gets confused on whether to categorize my post as critisism or an information request. I guess it's neither, it's more a "sincere seeker attempting to learn," and Magnetic7 should feel free to reject any posts as outside this thread's confines as seen fit by the thread creator.

Hi guys, it's great to see an active thread up regarding Magi Society. It's even greater that it's free from posts bashing the Society's methods in what they lack as opposed to appreciating the methods for what they offer.

1) I've never employed one of the charts: the helio latitude. Is latitude used instead of declination because latitude is measurement of distance as opposed to measurement of surface?

2) Why does the Society not include Jupiter + Pluto <//> Sun + Saturn in their top 77 MQ's, as this would denote super success as a 'person' of control? I understand that the 77 MQ's would be altered with chiron, but that's beside the point.

3) I've discovered Saturn + Chiron frequently -apparently as a powerful enhancer- in the geo charts of Tennis champs. Not even like todays top ATP 50 or something, more like, top 50 players of all time. It frequently pairs with Mercury + Mars, Mercury + Uranus, and Mars + Uranus. These are 3 important athletic pairings, especially for tennis players who need quite an agility. Can't valid range of interpretation say that it is noteworthy control? With Chiron operating on a 'bonds, connection' level and Saturn working on a 'control' level aren't these likely to be quite a powerful, positive pairing (so long as it isn't an activation)?

P.S. Is the Magi Society going to release another book, this time with the same amount of words but more content per page?
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Can some one explain these linkage's using Magi Astrology.

I think Magi uses Helio Charts but not sure. Please correct me if Im wrong.

First a 3 both way aspects
Juno conjunct Venus
moon conjunt mars
earth conjunt mars

My Chiron trine his Neptune,his neptune sextile my uranus
My Chiron opps his Pluto
His Chiron trine my jupiter, my jupiter trine his saturn, his saturn sq my saturn.
Jupiter quinx jupiter
Hi! This is my first post, so I hope I'm doing this right.I don't know how to attach my chart, but my dob is 11-29-58, 9:36am Glendale, CA. I have a grand cross in my chart involving Chiron in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus, Uranus in Leo, and Jupiter in Scorpio, although the mars/uranus square is just outside the 3 degree orb. I am very interested in magi astrology, joined in 07, and purchased software, but lost it when my last computer crashed. Have tons of ?'s, like... Natally, there are no bad aspects, but transits are another matter, those by saturn being worst, right? So how can I have romantic super linkages w/o clashes? Does a grand cross mean I'm being punished for past lives of evil debauchery? :0
Calling myself Chironia, cuz I'm a silly/serious sag.
Hi Inside Out Orange,

I am going to take a look at your charts and then private message you at your page, as I think that this is a little bit more of a confidential matter. ;)

Hi Magnetic7 and thank you for allyour insights. I am new to this and all the information I am getting is overwhelming. Can you, please, see how is my relationship with this man is?ME April 9, 1958 17h10 Rabat Morocco
Him October 30, 1946 Time unknown North Bay Toronto. Sometimes I would swer is a dream but others I am not so sure. I was married for 19 years had a relationship for 3 years with a liar... and I don't want to skew up again
1. Analyses of over 75,000 charts of married couples has been conducted, in order to arrive at their conclusions about what constitutes true love and marriage between people astrologically. The results revealed unequivocally, that Chiron is the planet of relationships and marriage.

Thanks for posting this, Magnetic. It's important and although I found it sad we must all start posting disclaimers on our posts now, it tells a lot about the problems of this site in general lately.

My question relates to your quote above. How (more-or-less) is Chiron used to determine relationships/marriage - and why is it used?
Important Facts You Should Know About Magi Astrology:

1. Analyses of over 75,000 charts of married couples has been conducted, in order to arrive at their conclusions about what constitutes true love and marriage between people astrologically. The results revealed unequivocally, that Chiron is the planet of relationships and marriage.

What were the methods and parameters used to unequivocally reveal this?
Hi Liononess,

For some reason I have not been receiving the notifications that people are posting to the thread, hence my taking awhile to get back to everyone. Hopefully get this remedied soon.

In any case, here are your answers:

Juno-Venus = ultimate sexual linkage (doesn't last more than about a weekend though, once you have sex)
Moon-Mars = a bit of attraction, but also an element of friction
Earth-Mars = brings energy, but also competition

Chiron trine Neptune = Cinderella linkage
Neptune sextile Uranus = does not have much impact unless both aspecting a third or more planets.
Chiron oppo Pluto = after the initial attraction wears off, brings disruption and incessant torment to the Chiron person.
Chiron trine Jupiter = Cinderella linkage
Jupiter trine Saturn = Saturn person captivates Jupiter person
Saturn sq Saturn = war clash
Jupiter quin Jupiter = brings an element of harmony and forgiveness

Magi Astrology, does indeed use the Helio dimension -- both the longitudes and the latitudes.

Can some one explain these linkage's using Magi Astrology.

I think Magi uses Helio Charts but not sure. Please correct me if Im wrong.

First a 3 both way aspects
Juno conjunct Venus
moon conjunt mars
earth conjunt mars

My Chiron trine his Neptune,his neptune sextile my uranus
My Chiron opps his Pluto
His Chiron trine my jupiter, my jupiter trine his saturn, his saturn sq my saturn.
Jupiter quinx jupiter
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Hi Chironia,

Welcome to the thread. Magi Astrology is a fascinating study, I agree ;).

To answer your questions, firstly, you CAN have romantic super linkages with someone else, as long as Chiron and the planet that is linking to Chiron from the other person, are not at a clash angle. In order to create an RSL, one person must contribute a planet that makes a direct ENHANCEMENT linkage with the other person's Chiron, and both of those planets must aspect a third planet, which can be at any kind of angle. Your internal clashes will obviously take part in the overall astrology between the two of you, but it is the planet and it's angle that connects to either your or his Chiron, that will matter in being able to create an RSL.

With symmetrical geometry like a grand cross, the orb can be increased up to 4*. So, the mars/uranus aspect would be acceptable to create the cross. Keep in mind though, that a NATAL grand cross, is considered to be gifts and talents that have been given to you -- as are ALL natal aspects -- and so should not to be looked upon as a bad thing regarding you as a person.

So you are not likely to be being punished for past lives of evil debauchery LOL! :)

Hi! This is my first post, so I hope I'm doing this right.I don't know how to attach my chart, but my dob is 11-29-58, 9:36am Glendale, CA. I have a grand cross in my chart involving Chiron in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus, Uranus in Leo, and Jupiter in Scorpio, although the mars/uranus square is just outside the 3 degree orb. I am very interested in magi astrology, joined in 07, and purchased software, but lost it when my last computer crashed. Have tons of ?'s, like... Natally, there are no bad aspects, but transits are another matter, those by saturn being worst, right? So how can I have romantic super linkages w/o clashes? Does a grand cross mean I'm being punished for past lives of evil debauchery? :0
Calling myself Chironia, cuz I'm a silly/serious sag.
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Hi SagiCap,

I am glad that you are enjoying the thread. Yes, it is sad that it has come to this, but a fact of life around the internet it seems lol. It is an important genre of Astrology, and I thought it deserved the chance to be represented as the authentic methodology that it really is.

To answer your question, it is necessary for us to be aware of the true symbolisms for the planetoid Chiron -- something that the Magi Society has taken on painstaking amounts of research in order to assert.

The basic symbolisms for Chiron, are as follows: Soulmate(s), Marriage, Commitments, Family, Karmic ties, Trust, Life and De*th, Career, and there are other ones of importance, but these are really the most suitable to the needs of this thread currently.

So, regarding relationships and marriage, Chiron is used to determine the potentiality of whether or not true love can develop between two people, and if that love can be lasting and/or forever. It is one of the most important planets we have, as it is one that has rulership over very crucial areas of our lives, as is apparent.

Thanks for posting this, Magnetic. It's important and although I found it sad we must all start posting disclaimers on our posts now, it tells a lot about the problems of this site in general lately.

My question relates to your quote above. How (more-or-less) is Chiron used to determine relationships/marriage - and why is it used?
I believe that Sven answered this question for you before, and I concur, and so will again direct you to contact the Magi Society, who are the ones that possess the information you are requesting.

What were the methods and parameters used to unequivocally reveal this?
I believe that Sven answered this question for you before, and I concur, and so will again direct you to contact the Magi Society, who are the ones that possess the information you are requesting.

I have asked since 2000 and have received no answer. Since you stated:

"1. Analyses of over 75,000 charts of married couples has been conducted, in order to arrive at their conclusions about what constitutes true love and marriage between people astrologically. The results revealed unequivocally, that Chiron is the planet of relationships and marriage."

I assumed you were familiar with the information and could provide an answer.
Well, then you have in fact been given an answer then, haven't you? As it should appear evident by this point, I would imagine, that they do not wish to share that information upon random inquiries. It would also seem that you did not read the requirements for making such requests, since it is quite clear in their documentation, that certain criteria must be fulfilled in order to be considered eligible for this information in the first place.

I, on the other hand, have seen from experience the results of these findings, through my own hard work and extensive personal investigations into the many charts that I work with on a consistent basis. And hence, have felt no need to pursue 're-checking' their method, nor attempting to re-create their statistics, as there is no question in my mind that Chiron completely functions in the ways it is stated to.

If you are really so sincerely interested in confirming the nature of such public proclamations, then why don't you perform your own research in regards to the matter of Chiron, and prove to yourself that it will hold-up under scrutiny... ? Waiting around for 10 years for someone else's findings, seems rather curious to me :S

There are huge databases of birth information online these days that can be easily accessed, so there really is no reason holding you back from checking these things out for yourself... that is, if it really is of such great importance to you ;)

I have asked since 2000 and have received no answer. Since you stated:

"1. Analyses of over 75,000 charts of married couples has been conducted, in order to arrive at their conclusions about what constitutes true love and marriage between people astrologically. The results revealed unequivocally, that Chiron is the planet of relationships and marriage."

I assumed you were familiar with the information and could provide an answer.
Hi Erika,

I am presuming from the quote that you used to reply to me with, that you would prefer your information to be private emailed. So I will take a look at everything when I get the chance and send you the results there in awhile. ;)

Hi Magnetic7 and thank you for allyour insights. I am new to this and all the information I am getting is overwhelming. Can you, please, see how is my relationship with this man is?ME April 9, 1958 17h10 Rabat Morocco
Him October 30, 1946 Time unknown North Bay Toronto. Sometimes I would swer is a dream but others I am not so sure. I was married for 19 years had a relationship for 3 years with a liar... and I don't want to skew up again
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Well, then you have in fact been given an answer then, haven't you? As it should appear evident by this point, I would imagine, that they do not wish to share that information upon random inquiries. It would also seem that you did not read the requirements for making such requests, since it is quite clear in their documentation, that certain criteria must be fulfilled in order to be considered eligible for this information in the first place.

I, on the other hand, have seen from experience the results of these findings, through my own hard work and extensive personal investigations into the many charts that I work with on a consistent basis. And hence, have felt no need to pursue 're-checking' their method, nor attempting to re-create their statistics, as there is no question in my mind that Chiron completely functions in the ways it is stated to.

If you are really so sincerely interested in confirming the nature of such public proclamations, then why don't you perform your own research in regards to the matter of Chiron, and prove to yourself that it will hold-up under scrutiny... ? Waiting around for 10 years for someone else's findings, seems rather curious to me :S

There are huge databases of birth information online these days that can be easily accessed, so there really is no reason holding you back from checking these things out for yourself... that is, if it really is of such great importance to you ;)

I am an astrology researcher and I have attempted to replicate their results and have been unable to do so using other databases. Unless their research methods and data are made available - including the exact parameters they used to test each factor,no one will be able to replicate their results.

I was the room monitor for the Magi Society's ("Peter") lecture at ISAR 2000. When I asked a question about what their success rate was they said 100 percent. When I asked what sort of control group was used, they said they didn't need a control group. When any question on exact procedures, methods and numbers was asked, it was pointedly ignored. A large percentage of the audience was made up of Magi members and they seemed horrified that anyone would dare ask pertinent questions about their research.

If the Magi Society wants their proclaimations to be taken seriously by all astrologers, they need to publish their data and methods so a complete examination of the effect(s) can be made. Otherwise "because we say so" is their only argument.

I've been compiling and working on an extensive database of fatal aircraft incidents. I've already lectured on my preliminary findings. Once the data collection is complete, I will release the data and my methods into to public domain so that others may attempt to replicate or repudiate my findings. That's how research is supposed to work.
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Actually, I thoroughly refute that point, and have extensive schooling in the sciences to know as such -- that there are and have been MANY substantial discoveries, inventions, laboratory experiments, and the like, that the exact techniques and anatomical structures will never be revealed to the public, for various personal, ethical, and legal reasons. They are called private property and/or patents, or in some cases just straight up buy-outs for a reason, and if the owner so chooses not to make it public knowledge - for whatever their reasons for doing so - it is their RIGHT to do so. So that statement just does not hold a drop of water with me.

Which if you stopped for a second to consider, makes perfect sense in regards to the Magi Society, which was founded in secret by monks in the 1600's! Having such ancient, sacred and profound knowledge as theirs, is definitely not something that should be carelessly thrown out to the dogs to be torn apart and played around with; as is the case with anything of real great worth.

Which again brings me to my previous point, that though you may want to repeat the findings of this research, it appears that you have still not been able to secure the requirements of the Society in order to retain this information. Which I would venture at this time to make the educated guess, that it may seem rather evident to them, as it does to me already, that this is not a pursuit of honour for this genre of Astrology for you, but rather more a course of rebellion at this point, in their not fulfilling your demands to be instantly handed over the results of this most relevant discovery made in astrology for literally decades.

If you had sincerely wanted this research of good intention, you would have done whatever you could to meet the standards of the Society in order to obtain it. Just nagging at them that you want their material obviously does not work, so why do you persist in arguing about your lack of having it? Wouldn't it be much less a waste of time for everyone, if you just met their requirements... ??

As I said at the beginning of this thread, I have no use for jealousy or defensiveness over the proclamations, principles, concepts or techniques of this scientific Astrology. It doesn't seem to me like you have spent a second trying to learn these methods, work with them, or gain any kind of substantial experience from their revelatory knowledge. It's even more curious for me to see you complain about replicating their research, when there are no other forms of astrology that even offer any solid and/or reputable applications, that can be consistently replicated under any circumstances, whether empirically guided or privately performed!

So, from my perspective, Frank, this particular conversation appears to be over. Thank you for coming by to check out the thread ;)

I am an astrology researcher and I have attempted to replicate their results and have been unable to do so using other databases. Unless their research methods and data are made available - including the exact parameters they used to test each factor,no one will be able to replicate their results.

I was the room monitor for the Magi Society's ("Peter") lecture at ISAR 2000. When I asked a question about what their success rate was they said 100 percent. When I asked what sort of control group was used, they said they didn't need a control group. When any question on exact procedures, methods and numbers was asked, it was pointedly ignored. A large percentage of the audience was made up of Magi members and they seemed horrified that anyone would dare ask pertinent questions about their research.

If the Magi Society wants their proclaimations to be taken seriously by all astrologers, they need to publish their data and methods so a complete examination of the effect(s) can be made. Otherwise "because we say so" is their only argument.

I've been compiling and working on an extensive database of fatal aircraft incidents. I've already lectured on my preliminary findings. Once the data collection is complete, I will release the data and my methods into to public domain so that others may attempt to replicate or repudiate my findings. That's how research is supposed to work.
Actually, I thoroughly refute that point, and have extensive schooling in the sciences to know as such -- that there are and have been MANY substantial discoveries, inventions, laboratory experiments, and the like, that the exact techniques and anatomical structures will never be revealed to the public, for various personal, ethical, and legal reasons. They are called private property and/or patents, or in some cases just straight up buy-outs for a reason, and if the owner so chooses not to make it public knowledge - for whatever their reasons for doing so - it is their RIGHT to do so. So that statement just does not hold a drop of water with me.

Which if you stopped for a second to consider, makes perfect sense in regards to the Magi Society, which was founded in secret by monks in the 1600's! Having such ancient, sacred and profound knowledge as theirs, is definitely not something that should be carelessly thrown out to the dogs to be torn apart and played around with; as is the case with anything of real great worth.

Which again brings me to my previous point, that though you may want to repeat the findings of this research, it appears that you have still not been able to secure the requirements of the Society in order to retain this information. Which I would venture at this time to make the educated guess, that it may seem rather evident to them, as it does to me already, that this is not a pursuit of honour for this genre of Astrology for you, but rather more a course of rebellion at this point, in their not fulfilling your demands to be instantly handed over the results of this most relevant discovery made in astrology for literally decades.

If you had sincerely wanted this research of good intention, you would have done whatever you could to meet the standards of the Society in order to obtain it. Just nagging at them that you want their material obviously does not work, so why do you persist in arguing about your lack of having it? Wouldn't it be much less a waste of time for everyone, if you just met their requirements... ??

As I said at the beginning of this thread, I have no use for jealousy or defensiveness over the proclamations, principles, concepts or techniques of this scientific Astrology. It doesn't seem to me like you have spent a second trying to learn these methods, work with them, or gain any kind of substantial experience from their revelatory knowledge. It's even more curious for me to see you complain about replicating their research, when there are no other forms of astrology that even offer any solid and/or reputable applications, that can be consistently replicated under any circumstances, whether empirically guided or privately performed!

So, from my perspective, Frank, this particular conversation appears to be over. Thank you for coming by to check out the thread ;)

Just one last point and I'll leave you be:

Please explain to the forum what the "requirements of the Society in order to retain this information" might be.
Hi Erika,

I am presuming from the quote that you used to reply to me with, that you would prefer your information to be private emailed. So I will take a look at everything when I get the chance and send you the results there in awhile. ;)

Hi Magnetic, thank you for getting back to me. you can post it here as I know many readers like me learn how to interpret aspects by reading them here. Erika
Erika, and others...

I read your "overwhelming" comment, and I know what you mean.

For starters, the Magi Society use four times the standard info to the 'normal' astrologer: geo long, geo deks, helio long and lats. They then have a different interp system. And that's assuming you're wierd enough to do astrology in the first place.

Currently, I am doing some astrology that 'scares' even the acest astrologers I know. I gone past being scared myself, although I thought I was losing it for a while.

Astrology, in the greater sense - but more importantly, your relationship to it will always evolve. It is a path of knowledge, and I you never come to the 'path ends' sign.

While I was one of the ealiest supporters of the Magi Society - since 1997 - I am not certified, and I am unlikely to ever be. But I now 'think' Magi Astrolog naturally, while I also think Koch houses, mythology and all else.
If I see a Jupiter-Pluto aspect, a Mercury-Pluto one, the images come naturally.

What is it for?

At the end of the day, the answer for me is knowledge: I only know two people who have saved their lives from listening to an astrologer - and yes, one was me listening to myself. Most people don't.

It's as if people, in general, have to run into these brick walls; they then go see an astrologer, who tells them about the brick wall. Great.
We astrologers tend to do the same. X died because...

It takes courage, and a lot of knowledge - unless you are a moron - to start living it. And the dastardly thing keeps changing anyway, as in the discovery of Sedna and so forth.

It's a helluva path to be on, and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
At the same time, we have to be honest with ourselves. Is astrology a way to 'make ourselves interesting' - assuming we can't get on the 'Next Top Model'.

If you're doing it for the 'image' then I have news for you. Or if you are 'doing astrology because you are a misfit'. Astrologers are becoming so fashionable they are going out of fashion. Knowledge never does go out of fashion though - but its a trip to get there.


Hi Sven and thanks for your post. I am just curious about how Magnetic would interpret my aspects with this man. I like her way of putting things, how she talks about Magi Society, and I can sense... her fairness when she writes. That is all. I am not trying to attack anybody nor any philosophy. I am open to knolwdege. I am an Aquarius Mars after all. Have a great day all of you who are trying to teach us...Erika
Actually I have a few questions on this.
Firstly, how does one become certified and how much does it cost?
Secondly, I did read a bit about magi astrology about 10 years ago. I have a basic understanding of linkages and clashes so what if you have a Venus and Jupiter linkage to Chiron between 2 charts but there are also a few clashes. What takes precedence or how will these play out over time?
Please get back to talking about Magi astrology


This thread is for those who want to discuss how to apply Magi astrology techniques. It is not about questioning Magi methods or systems. And, as always, keep your discussions focused on astrology and not on the person. If you have a personal question not related to the thread for the poster, please PM them your question and do not post your question on the thread.

Getting back,
