Malefics in the first house and facial scars

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
In The Litter Tray
I was listening to something the other day, and this idea was raised, that a Malefic in the first could give marks or scars on the head or face.

The example given was Mars.

I've Uranus (sometimes thought of to be a malefic) in the first and I have a big birth mark on the left temple of my head where no hair grows. My birth was a difficult one by all accounts.

Anyone else have any stories like this?
Yes, have Mars near my ascending degree in first house sign, and have a scar on my face (from childhood)
My best friend has Pluto, Uranus and Venus in her first house -- she does not have any scars on her face. Perhaps it's her Venus on the AC that's keeping the bad stuff away from her?
I don't know if it's ever been the case before but in my chart I've associated Pluto and Saturn conjunct the IC, square Sun/Asc/Moon with the fact that I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and choking me. Obviously not a physical scar, but perhaps not unrelated because of the angles.
I have a Pluto ~ Mars ~ Ascendant conjunction (all within 1 degree), along with Uranus in my first house, and I have no scars or birthmarks on my face or head (despite what my avatar shows :p).
I have a Pluto ~ Mars ~ Ascendant conjunction (all within 1 degree), along with Uranus in my first house, and I have no scars or birthmarks on my face or head (despite what my avatar shows :p).

It's interesting that your avatar has a facial mark :lol:

Maybe they need to be debilitated/afflicted? Could y'all include the conditions of your Malefics in the first?
I don't know if it's ever been the case before but in my chart I've associated Pluto and Saturn conjunct the IC, square Sun/Asc/Moon with the fact that I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and choking me. Obviously not a physical scar, but perhaps not unrelated because of the angles.

Ouch, could be so, that's some Maleficience!
It's interesting that your avatar has a facial mark :lol:

Maybe they need to be debilitated/afflicted? Could y'all include the conditions of your Malefics in the first?

Mars is in it's detriment in Libra and is squared by Jupiter in its fall, on the IC.

Uranus is conjunct my Sun ... but trined by Saturn.
I often read about difficult births being shown by saturn in the 1st, which is true in my case, even though I can move saturn to the 2nd house by choosing to use a different house system, it seems to work in both houses! I'm getting a bit off topic here, I do have a scar on my head from childhood, nothing major though. Aaron, I don't think that the umbilical cord can choke us when being born as we arn't actually breathing yet, we are still getting our oxygen supply through the umbilical cord, unless the cord can cut the blood supply to the brain through constricting an artery maybe? Possibly our time of birth is when the cord is actually cut, seperating us from our mothers!

Yes, I've always considered the actual birth time to be the first independent breathe.

The cord was cutting off blood flow to my head, as my face was deep purple after delivery. I'm not sure if that would constitute as asphyxiation or not. I would imagine so, as blood is the only way for oxygen to get from the umbilical cord to my brain. It's slightly ironic (in a twisted way) that the very thing which was providing oxygen to my body was also tightly wrapped around my neck.
my son has his Aquarius sun conjunct his Aquarius Uranus in the first house(but his rising is capicorn).....

He has a large lightning bolt scar on his face between his nose and lip.
I have ALWAYS associated lightning with aquarius and uranus.
(he also has mars conjunct jupiter in Aquarius, but in the 2nd house).

He also has a small scar on his lip.

My other son has a scar on each eyelid, but they aren't super noticeable. One is more than the other. URanus in Aquarius in the 1st(cappy rising).

My daughter....NO scars on face, but also has uranus in aquarius in the 1st. (cappy rising too)
I can't think of any historical figures with scarred faces.. but if there are some we might check their charts too if they have accurate birth times.