Marie Antoinette, Queen of France -- Life and Death

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Solar Arc Directions

Before we get to everyone’s favorite forecasting tool, Transits, this may be a good time to take a break from progressions and look at Solar Arc directions, with the companion technique this writer has put forward, Lunar Arc directions.
Since Solar Arc directions are based on the arc of travel of the Secondary/Major progressed Sun, the progressed Sun and subsequent solar arc used are Bija-corrected.

Solar Arc Directions to Radix

-Solar Arc directed Saturn sesquiquadrate radical Mars (15’); Reinhold Ebertin in The Combination of Stellar Influences writes of this, “Harmful or destructive energy,” and “Cases of death.”
-SA dir Saturn conjunct rad Midheaven (31’), applying. Vivian Robson writes of this direction in The Radix System, “Victim of conspiracies, accusations and treachery…death by sentence.” Certainly appropriate in this case.
-SA dir Pluto conjunct rad Saturn (22’), applying. Ebertin, in COSI, “Cruelty…violence,” and “the application of force…loss of one’s fortune or possessions.”
-SA dir Ascendant conjunct rad Neptune (18’), separating. It has been mentioned earlier that aspects involving Neptune may indicate the freeing and expansion of consciousness at the time of transition (death).
-SA dir Ascendant inconjunct rad Uranus (18’), applying, and
-SA dir Uranus opposition rad Moon (53’), applying; Ebertin, in COSI, “States of fear and anxiety.” Both indicate a sudden shock to the projection of the personality, the body.

Solar Arc Directions to Antiscion

-SA dir Neptune inconjunct antiscion Sun (45’); C.E.O. Carter wrote in Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology, “The Sun in affliction with Neptune…at death…occurs about as often as nine times in ten.”
-SA dir Moon semisquare antiscion Eris (25’); the Moon, ruler of the 1st house, the projection of the personality, and the body, in hard aspect to the planet of discord and chaos.
-SA Dir Ascendant semisquare antiscion Ascendant (51’); duplicates the SA directions Asc/Uranus and Moon/Uranus, above.

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Good work on solar arcs, FraterAC.

I don't know why they should work, but I sometimes have better results with them than with transits.

I've not heard of lunar arcs. How do you compute them?

Do you feel like you're closer to an explanation of Marie Antoinette's execution moment?
I've not heard of lunar arcs. How do you compute them?
To my knowledge, no one has ever put the possibility of using Lunar Arcs forward. I think it's original, ie mine. I demonstrate how to compute them, here
Anyone interested might want to read the thread the above referenced post refers to.
My next posts about Marie will be about Lunar Arcs. Then I'll put Solar and Lunar acs together.
Do you feel like you're closer to an explanation of Marie Antoinette's execution moment?
Once in a while someone says, "It would be interesting to see how these different predictive techniques compare, or work together." The problem is, not too many know how to do that.
Well, here it is.
That's what this thread is intended to do.

Marie Antoinette, Queen Consort :)
Birthname: Maria Antonia Anna Josepha Joanna

Data as quoted by the person, kin, friend, or associate.

These data all from someone's memory, family legend, or hearsay:)

Lunar Arc Directions

Although the general concept goes back to what Vivian Robson named the Radix System, first put forth by Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old), no one to my knowledge has articulated the use of Lunar Arc directions as described here. I therefore believe this technique to be original. For the background on this technique, anyone interested might review my thread, here


As Solar Arc directions are based on the Secondary/Major progressed Sun, Lunar Arc directions are based on the arc travelled by the 2ndry/Major progressed Moon. This writer proposes they can be used as a companion technique with Solar Arcs in the same way Tertiary or Minor progressions are used with 2ndry/Major progressions. That is, to reinforce, qualify and time Solar Arc influences. Since Lunar Arc directions move at the speed of the 2ndry/Major progressed Moon, all Lunar Arc aspects are operative only for approximately two months, about one month applying and one separating.
Lunar Arc directions to Radix

-Lunar Arc directed Moon’s North Node inconjunct radical Mars (01’), exact. Vivian Robson writes in The Radix System, “Trouble through enemies.”
-LA dir Ascendant sesquiquadrate rad Mars (32’), separating; the further duration of this influence is two weeks or less. Robson writes of this direction, “Danger of death…many enemies and false accusations.” Reinhold Ebertin writes in The Combination of Stellar Influences, “A surgical operation,” ie, cutting of the body.
-LA dir Mars conjunct rad Pluto (42’), separating. The influence is timed within three weeks. Ebertin, in COSI, “Force, brutality…ruthlessness, brutality, cruelty…violent assaults.”
-LA dir Mars conjunct rad Eris (60’), applying. The red planet joins the planet of strife, discord, chaos.
-LA dir Eris inconjunct rad Pluto (45’), separating; influence three weeks or less. The planet of strife aspects the planet of drastic transformation by powerful inner forces.
-LA dir Ascendant square rad Midheaven (13’), applying.
-LA dir Uranus square rad Sun (30’), separating; duration, two weeks or less. Ebertin in COSI, “accidents or catastrophes.”
-LA dir Neptune sextile rad Sun (06’), applying; and
-LA dir Uranus conjunct Neptune (23’), applying; aspects involving Neptune may indicate the freeing and expansion of consciousness at the time of transition (death), as C.E.O. Carter wrote in Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology.

Lunar Arc directions to Antiscion

-LA dir Jupiter square antiscion Saturn (10’), separating; duration three weeks or less. Reinforces aspects to 8th house Saturn (note SA Pluto/Saturn).
-LA dir Mars semisextile antiscion Pluto (12’), separating; remaining influence two to three weeks. Reinforces Mars/Pluto aspects.
-LA dir Moon sextile antiscion Neptune (37’), applying. Reinforces Neptune aspects.

The following aspects to the Vertex are included, but not delineated, for those interested in tracking the Vertex.
-LA dir Uranus opposition antiscion Vertex (32’), separating;
-LA dir Sun sextile antiscion Vertex (56’), applying;
-LA dir Neptune semisextile antiscion Vertex (03’), applying.

In the following chart, Marie's radix is in the inner wheel, her antiscion positions in the middle wheel, and her Lunar Arc directed positions on the outer wheel.

As with any companion technique, we look for connections between the Lunar Arc directed planets and the Solar Arc positions, as well as to the radix and antiscia (which was done in the prior post, above).

Lunar Arc directions to Solar Arc Directions

-Lunar Arc directed Ascendant square Solar Arc Saturn (17’), separating. This reinforces the influence of the 8th house Saturn, afflicted by conjunction with solar arc Pluto, with the Ascendant, the projection of the soul personality and the body. This influence would be in effect about two weeks or slightly more. Vivian Robson writes in The Radix System of this direction, “Sad and sorrowful period; danger of death.”
-LA dir Midheaven inconjunct SA dir Saturn (27’), applying. This reinforces the SA Saturn directed to the radical Midheaven. Robson writes, “Loss of position…or reputation…danger of death by sentence.”
-LA dir Saturn inconjunct SA dir Pluto (36’), applying; this aspect reinforces the Pluto/Saturn SA direction. Reinhold Ebertinwrites in The Combination of Stellar Influences, “Cruelty…a martyr…violence…application of force…the loss of one’s fortune.”
-LA dir Neptune sesquiquadrate SA dir Mars (15’); reinforces SA Mars/Saturn aspect. Ebertin in COSI writes, “Misfortune to suffer harm.” Robson writes, “Violence committed or suffered.”
-LA dir Sun sesquiquadrate SA dir Mars (38’). Robson in Radix writes, “Wounds…danger of death.”
-LA dir Venus sesquiquadrate SA dir Mars (48’). Robson writes, “Danger of scandal and disgrace.”
-LA dir Venus very close conjunct SA dir Midheaven (02’), separating; reinforces aspects to the Midheaven. Times influences to the Midheaven to within a month. Robson writes, “Scandal.”
-LA dir Moon close square SA dir Venus (03’)
-LA dir Moon opposition SA dir Neptune (30’), separating, and
-LA dir Neptune square SA dir Midheaven (31’), applying; as C.E.O. Carter wrote in Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology, may indicate the freeing and expansion of consciousness at the time of transition (death).
-LA dir Uranus conjunct SA dir Ascendant (40’); reinforces aspects to Ascendant.

In this chart, Marie's radix is on the inner wheel, the Solar Arc directions on the middle wheel, and the Lunar Arc directions on the outer wheel.

To illustrate how the Solar Arc and Lunar Arc directions are derived from the Secondary/Major progressed chart, the following chart shows the 2ndry/Major chart on the inner wheel, the Solar Arc directions on the middle wheel, and the Lunar Arc directions on the outer wheel.
The position of the Sun in the Solar Arc directions is the same as for the progressed Sun, and the position of the Lunar Arc Moon is the same as for the progressed Moon. The progressed arcs of the Sun and Moon are the entire basis for Solar and Lunar Arc directions, hence their positions are the same.
Note that the relative positions of the planets to each other are the same for the Solar and Lunar Arc positions, but not for the progressed positions.
The Solar Return

Marie Antoinette’s last solar return took place while she was being held in the Temple, a fortified medieval enclosure built by the Knights Templar in the 13th Century as their European headquarters. Famously, it was here, on Friday the Thirteenth of October, 1307, that Grand Master Jacques de Molay was arrested by French King Philip IV. Subsequent arrests of the Templars in France and confiscation of their holdings effectively ended the public activities of the order officially known as The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, i.e., the Knights Templar.

In the writer’s opinion, the solar return should be calculated for the location of the native at the time of the return. The chart has been cast for that precise location. The return is based on the tropical position of the native’s Sun at birth, unadjusted for precession. Placidus houses are used.

The Ascendant of Marie’s solar return is in the 12th house, suggesting confinement and limitation. Its ruler Mercury is in the 6th house in a close stellium with SR Sun and Jupiter, and all three SR planets are close square to radical Neptune, reinforcing the 12th house emphasis. SR Saturn, ruler of the natal and return 8th houses, is in the 12th house semisquare the SR Moon in the 1st, and SR Mars is semisquare the Mercury/Sun/Jupiter stellium from the 7th house. One could judge the principle significators of the return are besieged by both public and secret enemies.
Solar Return Saturn in the 12th, Uranus in the 4th, and Mars in the 7th form a grand trine in Fire signs; SR Pluto in the 10th opposes SR Uranus and completes a kite pattern.

It will be noted that many of the configurations and indications present in the Equatorial, Progressed and Solar Arc directions are also echoed in the Solar Return.

Solar Return to Radix

Solar Return Uranus inconjunct radical Saturn (00’ – exact); natal Saturn rules and occupies the 8th house of transition (death). Uranus is associated with radical and revolutionary movements and individuals. Reinhold Ebertin writes in The Combination of Stellar Influences, “Unusual emotional tension or strain…act of violence…amputation…use of force.”

SR Venus conjunct rad Mercury (21’); and

SR Venus square rad Midheaven (38’); activating natal Mercury/Midheaven square. Marie’s reputation was constantly attacked during this period by the popular and Revolutionary press, publishing unrestricted slanders and libels, as well as repeating her various blunders and anti-Republican sentiments.

SR Mars semisquare rad Sun (28’); possible violence to her husband. Eighty one days after this return, on January 21, 1793, Marie’s husband, the former King Louis XVI, was beheaded.

SR Mars semisquare rad Venus (58’), applying; and

SR Mars sesquiquadrate rad Neptune (25’); Sakoian and Acker write, “Secret intrigues…the individual is subject to cruel or abusive treatment while confined.”

SR Neptune semisquare rad Pluto (13’); Sakoian and Acker, “Psychological coercion…Personal affairs can be disrupted during this transit by economic, political, cultural, and ecological changes beyond one’s personal control. The death of someone of consequence to the individual may occur.” Louis was executed 81 days after this return.

SR Jupiter square rad Neptune (53’); Robert DeLuce writes in his Complete Method of Prediction, “Fraud, deceit or misunderstanding with …philosophical leaders or authorities.”

SR Uranus semisquare rad Neptune (53’); Sakoian and Acker, “Disruption of the individual’s life…through large scale political, cultural and economic forces.” Max Heindel in The Message of the Stars, “Liable to fraud, deception and slander.”

SR Mercury square rad Neptune (71’); DeLuce, “Betrayal, fraud or deceit.” All the aspects by or to Neptune suggest the emotional and mental withdrawal characteristic of a period of confinement. A number of schemes either on Marie’s behalf or against her interests took place during this period. On August 1, 1793 she was moved to even more restricted quarters in the Conciergerie.

Solar Return to Antiscion

Solar Return Saturn opposition antiscion Midheaven (01 ~ exact); uniting the ruler of the 8th house and the native’s Midheaven. Sakoian and Acker, “Reversals of fortune and falls from high positions.”

SR Midheaven conjunct antiscion Vertex (64’); if the Vertex signifies fated events, this aspect unites the native’s public life, reputation, place in history and Fate.

SR Moon sesquiquadrate antiscion Midheaven (16’); reinforces hard aspects to the Midheaven

SR Moon’s South Node conjunct antiscion Jupiter (28’); Sakoian and Acker, “The individual tends to be critical of currently popular attitudes and beliefs (sic!) and…may lack popular support.” The native opposed the Republic and its principles, and did everything she could to oppose it. She was also very much vilified in the popular and Revolutionary press.

SR Moon conjunct antiscion Mars (30’); the feminine Moon confined in the 12th house with Mars, no doubt guards of a martial nature.

SR Saturn semisquare antiscion Mars (45’); frustration, conflict, accidents, violence. Antiscion Mars is in the 12th house.

SR Saturn square antiscion Mercury (60’); the ruler of the 8th house squares antiscion Mercury occupying the 8th house.

The Progressed Solar Return

Progressing the solar return is an idea first promulgated by Cyril Fagan and R. C. Firebrace and the Western Siderealist school. The technique was in use at least by the late 1960’s.

The return is progressed according to Secondary (aka Major) progression conventions (as in, “a [Sidereal] day for a year”). The angles are progressed either by Standard Quotidian calculation or by the return’s Midheaven/Sun phase angle; the difference between the two methods rarely differs by more than a degree*. The SR Moon progresses approximately 13 degrees (varying according to its speed on the day of the return), and all the planets progress the equivalent of one day’s motion. Of interest are the aspects the angles make, and any aspects to the radix or other SR significators the progressed SR planets make.

Although this writer was initially skeptical of the technique, it has proven its worth in actual application.

*In this case, the difference is exactly 60’. Calculated by Standard Quotidian, the progressed Midheaven is Cap 23:31; by the solar return Sun/Midheaven phase angle, the Midheaven is Cap 22:31.

Just to take a break from all this heaviness, here's a little tune one might relate to this topic.

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Progressed Solar Return to Radix

-Progressed Solar Return Midheaven conjunct radical Saturn (06’); this is the smoking gun of the progressed Solar Return. The Midheaven moves by progression to conjoin Saturn in the 8th house; since the progressed SR Midheaven moves at the rate of one degree a day, it marks the exact day of Marie’s transition.
Robert DeLuce in his Complete Method of Prediction writes, “Disgrace or failure in public office…victim of conspiracy, acts of violence, private enmity, accusation.” F. Sakoian and L. Acker in Predictive Astrology write “Falls from high position.” Alan Leo writes in The Progressed Horoscope, “Dishonor and disgrace, legal troubles…to suffer at the hands of those of inferior birth or position (sic!)...failure, scandal, trouble…loss of honor and credit.”

-Prog SR Uranus inconjunct rad Saturn (01’ ~ exact) Ebertin in COSI, “Act of violence…amputation…use of force.” Sakoian and Acker write, “Reversals of fortune…legal difficulties.” Surely this is an understatement in this case!

-Prog SR Sun square rad Neptune (05’); in the interval between the solar return and this date, the Sun by progression has advanced 58’ minutes; the Sun and Neptune were square in the SR by an orb of 53’; at this date the orb is 05’ past perfection. This is an example of the perfection of a Solar Return aspect by progression of the return. An orb of 05’ would time the influence to approximately one month.
Neptune has been associated with the freeing and expansion of consciousness experienced at transition.

-Prog SR Mars semisquare rad Venus (15’); SR Mars was semisquare natal Venus to an orb of 58’ at the time of the return; Mars has progressed within 15’ and is still applying at this date.
-Prog SR Moon semisquare rad Sun (17’), applying; times other hard aspects to the Sun to about a six week period.

Progressed Solar Return to Antiscion

-Progressed Solar Return Saturn opposition antiscion Midheaven (04’); another smoking gun, uniting the ruler of the 8th house and the native’s Midheaven.
-Prog SR Ascendant conjunction antiscion Neptune (08’); since the progressed SR angles progress about one degree a day, this times the Neptune/Pluto SR aspect to within one day.
-Prog SR Ascendant square antiscion Venus (25’), times hard aspects to Venus to a day.
-Prog SR Ascendant square antiscion Sun (60’), applying
-Prog SR Ascendant inconjunct antiscion Uranus (28’), separating
-Prog SR Saturn semisquare antiscion Mars (55’), separating; possible violence.
-Prog SR Midheaven semisquare antiscion Moon (50’), applying; the Moon rules the native’s Ascendant, the projection of the personality, and the body.
-Prog SR Mars opposition antiscion Ascendant (50’), applying; possible violence. The antiscion Ascendant is in the 12th house.
-Prog SR Eris semisquare antiscion Saturn (33’); the planet of discord in the 8th house in hard aspect to Saturn, the ruler of the 8th in the 6th house.
-Prog SR Saturn square antiscion Mercury (55’), applying; antiscion Mercury is in the 8th house.

The chart below show Marie's natal chart on the inner wheel, the antiscion chart on the middle wheel, and the progressed tropical Solar Return chart on the outer wheel.
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Although these posts are looking a bit outdated, here are some posts I put up on Marie's last Lunar return
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Transits are by far the most popular of all timing or predictive techniques, and are used in every school or variant of astrology of which this writer has knowledge. Whether or not they are completely adequate in themselves to forecast major events in an individual’s experience seems to make little difference.

Celeste Teal writes in Predicting Events with Astrology,
“The transits are very predictive of events when used in combination with the progressed chart. It is not enough to assume that because a transiting planet forms an aspect to a natal planet that any major event will take place based on the nature of the two. That is why relying only on descriptions of the transits is often inaccurate or overstated. Unless there is a theme presented in the progressions for the transits to stimulate, a simple transit may go by with hardly any notice (page 5).”

Other writers, such as Alan Leo, Max Heindel, Elbert Benjamine, C.E.O. Carter, Robert Blaschke, Noel Tyl, Reinhold Ebertin and others have expressed a similar experience.
Transits to Radix

-Transiting Sun square radical Saturn (12’); the day-timer in hard aspect to the ruler of the 8th house, which is in the 8th house. This is THE smoking gun, timing the aspects to or by Saturn and from all the layers of progressions and directions to Capricorn 23 up to this point; also

-Transiting Eris conjunct rad Saturn (28’); the planet of discord, the bloodthirsty goddess, perfectly describes the scene at the Place de la Revolution.

-Transiting Saturn inconjunct rad Pluto (58’); F. Sakoian and L. Acker write in Predictive Astrology, “The end of old experiences…political and corporate intrigues and power struggles…life and death issues…the death of someone of consequence.”
-Transiting Mars semisquare rad Moon (04’); Max Heindel writes in The Message of the Stars, “A very evil period…bodily injuries or accidents…slander and social discredit…loss or injury.”
-Transiting Moon square rad Pluto (21’), Sakoian and Acker write, “Death of a family member…unpleasant psychic experiences.”
-Transiting Pluto sesquiquadrate rad Jupiter (00’ – exact); Sakoian and Acker, “The individual may either perpetrate or be subject to religious, moral, or educational power plays [to which can be added political, since Jupiter rules politics].”

-Transiting Pluto at Aquarius 22:45 is exactly square the fixed Star Algol which I calculate to be at Taurus 22:45:45 (D:m:s) at Marie’s nativity. Her natal Jupiter is at Libra 07:45, exactly sesquiquadrate Algol in longitude. Vivian Robson writes of Algol in his classic Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, “Misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence…the most evil star in the heavens.”

-Transiting Jupiter square rad Midheaven (04’); Sakoian and Acker, “Religious, cultural, educational [political!] or moral controversies.” In addition to the obvious political and cultural controversies, Marie’s moral character was also impugned, being accused of incest with her young son.
-Transiting Jupiter conjunct rad Mercury (55’): Jupiter transiting her Mercury stimulates the natal Mercury/Midheaven square
-Transiting Jupiter inconjunct rad Ascendant (41’); Jupiter in indeterminate aspect to the projection of the personality, the body

Transits to Antiscion

-Transiting Saturn semisextile Mars (12’), applying; Reinhold Ebertin writes in The Combination of Stellar Influences, “Harmful or destructive energy…cases of death.”
-Transiting Uranus inconjunct Mercury (36’); antiscion Mercury in the native’s 8th house is a major significator of events. This transit reinforces all aspects to or by Mercury and all aspects to Capricorn 27; in an upcoming post I will detail aspects to this position.
-Transiting Moon square Mars (49’), separating; Moon in the 10th squares Mars in the 12th. This times events within a couple of hours.
-Transiting Mars square Saturn (60’), applying; see Saturn/Mars, above.

Transit Mutual Aspects (Transit to Transit)

-Transiting Midheaven conjunct transiting Neptune (07’); the planetary portal to the inner realm culminates.
-Transiting Ascendant sesquiquadrate transiting Saturn (40’); the ruler of the 8th house aspects the projection of the personality, the body
-Transiting Sun square transiting Eris (40’); the giver of life in hard aspect to the planet of discord.

In the chartwheel below, the native's birthchart is on the inner wheel, the antiscion is on the middle wheel, and the transits for 12:15 pm local time October 16, 1793 at the Place de la Revolution in Paris is on the outer wheel.

Aspects to Specific Capricorn Degrees

To be included under the category of “tantalizing coincidences” (or not) are the several progressed, directed or transiting aspects to two significant degrees in Marie Antoinette’s 8th house.

All the progressed, directed or transiting aspects below are within a 60’ (minutes of angle, i.e. one degree) orb of
natal Saturn at Capricorn 23:24,
which planet both rules and occupies the 8th house:

-Solar Arc directed Pluto conjunct radical Saturn (22’); this is an extremely significant direction;
-Lunar Arc directed Saturn inconjunct SA directed Pluto (36’); reinforces SA Pluto/Saturn, and times manifestation within a month;
-Minor progressed Moon’s South Node conjunct radical Saturn (54’), reinforcing;
-Solar Return Uranus inconjunct radical Saturn (00’ – exact);
-Progressed Solar Return Midheaven conjunct radical Saturn (06’); a smoking gun, times aspects to this degree to the day;
-Progressed Solar Return Uranus inconjunct radical Saturn (01’ ~ exact);
-Transiting Sun square radical Saturn (12’); again, times aspects to this degree to the day;
-Transiting Eris conjunct radical Saturn (28’);
-Transiting Sun square transiting Eris (40’), times Eris/Saturn to the day.

Similarly, all the progressed, directed or transiting aspects below are in orb of
antiscion Mercury at Capricorn 26:50
in the 8th house:

-Major progressed Saturn conjunct antiscion Mercury (20’);
-Major progressed Uranus semisquare antiscion Mercury (18’);
-Major progressed Saturn very close semisquare Major progressed Uranus (02’); all these weighty Major aspects could be expected to have a powerful influence on the native’s experience;
-Tertiary Midheaven opposition antiscion Mercury (52’); this reinforces and times the manifestation within two hours, as the Tertiary Quotidian angles advance at the speed of the transiting Moon;
-Tertiary progressed Midheaven opposition Major progressed Saturn (32’); again, reinforces and defines a two hour window;
-Minor progressed Mars square Tertiary progressed Midheaven (37’); Minor Mars reinforces Tertiary Midheaven/antiscion Mercury, above;
-Tertiary Venus semisquare Major progressed Saturn (23’); reinforces Major Saturn/antiscion Mercury, above;
-Minor progressed Sun sesquiquadrate Major progressed Saturn (28’); also reinforces Major Saturn/antiscion Mercury, above, timing the Major aspect within approximately one month;
-Minor progressed Jupiter semisquare Major progressed Saturn (23’); also reinforcing Saturn/Mercury;
-Solar Return Saturn square antiscion Mercury (60’); reinforces Major Saturn/antiscion Mercury, above;
-Progressed Solar Return Saturn square antiscion Mercury (55’); again reinforces Major Saturn/antiscion Mercury;
-Transiting Uranus inconjunct antiscion Mercury (36’)

It is encouraged anyone interested in tracking these aspects to go back to the posts detailing them, with the appropriate multiwheel charts, above in this thread.

This writer finds this avalanche of aspects to these two 8th house points in the chart nothing short of amazing. Across all these various techniques, all aspects are within one degree, many much closer.
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Saturn / Midheaven Aspects

The two powerful Saturn/Midheaven aspects IMO must be seen as essential influences behind the native’s transition.

-Saturn, in mundo culmination to Midheaven (47’), in Right Ascension; in a once in a lifetime event, the ruler of the 8th house culminates; this indicates a very significant event;
-Solar Arc directed Saturn conjunct radical Midheaven (31’); directed by Solar Arc, Saturn again comes in conjunction with the Midheaven, this time in celestial longitude;
These aspects are key.

-Eris, planet of discord, semisquare radical Midheaven (00’), in Right Ascension; reinforcing the Equatorial Saturn/Midheaven direction;
-Major progressed Midheaven (by Solar Arc in Right Ascension*) trine radical Pluto (15’); the Midheaven again in relationship with the planet of transitions;
-Major progressed Midheaven (by SA in RA*) square antiscion Pluto (16’); reinforcing hard Midheaven/Pluto aspect;
-Major progressed Midheaven (by SA in RA*) square Major progressed Mars (45’); indication of potential violence;
-Major progressed Midheaven (by SA in RA*) opposition, and Major progressed Imum Coeli conjunct, Major progressed Jupiter (38’); as stated above, radical Jupiter is sesquiquadrate the fixed Star Algol;
-Major progressed Midheaven inconjunct Major progressed Moon’s North Node (25’);
-Tertiary Midheaven sesquiquadrate radical Uranus (33’); reinforces Major progressed Saturn/Major progressed Uranus;
-Tertiary progressed Midheaven opposition Major progressed Saturn (32’); reinforces Midheaven/Saturn aspects by right ascension and celestial longitude detailed above, timing them within a two hour window;
-Tertiary Midheaven sesquiquadrate Major progressed Uranus (34’); reinforces aspects to or by Uranus, above, to a two hour window;
-Minor progressed Saturn semisquare Major progressed Midheaven (13’); reinforces heavier Saturn/Midheaven aspects;
-Minor progressed Mars square Tertiary progressed Midheaven (37’);
-Minor progressed Midheaven (by Solar Arc in RA) sextile Tertiary progressed Mars (21’);
-Minor progressed Jupiter sesquiquadrate Tertiary progressed Midheaven (09’);
-Lunar Arc directed Ascendant square Solar Arc Saturn (17’); this reinforces the SA Saturn/natal Midheaven direction, timing it to within a month;
-Lunar Arc directed Ascendant square radical Midheaven (13’)
-Lunar Arc directed Midheaven inconjunct SA directed Saturn (27’); again, reinforcing and timing the SA Saturn/natal Midheaven direction, timing it to within a month;
-Lunar Arc directed Venus very close conjunct SA directed Midheaven (02’); reinforcing SA Saturn/natal Midheaven;
-Lunar Arc directed Neptune square SA directed Midheaven (31’);
Direction by Lunar Arc is used to reinforce and time Solar Arc directions, in the same way Tertiary and Minor progressions reinforce and time Secondary (aka Major) progressions.
-Solar Return Venus square radical Midheaven (38’);
-Solar Return Saturn opposition antiscion Midheaven (01 ~ exact); reinforcing and timing the heavier Saturn/Midheaven directions and progressions, above;
-Solar Return Moon sesquiquadrate antiscion Midheaven (16’);
-Progressed Solar Return Midheaven conjunct radical Saturn (06’); a smoking gun, timing the manifestation to the day;
-Progressed Solar Return Saturn opposition antiscion Midheaven (04’); further Saturn/Midheaven reinforcement;
-Progressed Solar Return Midheaven semisquare antiscion Moon (50’);
-Transiting Jupiter square radical Midheaven (04’), reinforcing;
-Transiting Midheaven conjunct transiting Neptune (07’).

*The progression of the Midheaven in this case was done “by solar arc in Right Ascension.” This means the arc the Secondary/Major progressed Sun has traveled, measured in right ascension along the Equator, is added to the natal Midheaven, and the corresponding Zodiacal longitude for that value is the Midheaven for the progressed chart.
The corresponding Ascendant for that Midheaven at the birth latitude is the progressed Ascendant.
This method is discussed in the thread Your progressed Midheaven is not your progressed Midheaven!, here
The Midheaven calculated by Solar Arc in Zodiacal longitude is used in the Solar Arc direction analysis in this thread. The Church of Light, David Cochrane, and several other astrologers prefer this method. Edward Johndro and Charles Jayne recommended using the solar arcs both in right ascension and longitude.
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I don't know if you have a background in statistics, but if not and given your research skills and interests, it might not hurt to take a class in statistics (should be available on line,) or find someone with a background in social science multivariate statistics. It might help screen out some of your findings that are not so significant in an objective way. If you have some spare cash, you might be able to find and pay a graduate student in sociology at your nearest university with enough statistics background to crunch a lot of numbers for you.

My lone statistics class was long ago and far away, but it did open up a world of how to deal with complex data sets in an objective way.