Mars going direct, do you feel it?

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2012
I've not been doing astrology for about, oh, 6 months. So I did not know what happened in the sky at that time. But I kept a diary. Right now I am backtracking to see what has happened in my life, and what the astrology was doing at the time.

A major key point was Mars going retrograde. I did not know it was until today. So I was kinda surprised that it is going direct again. Now, yesterday, I felt a change in energy. I went from depressed to highly energetic in a heartbeat. The 10 weeks mars has been going retrograde has left tracks in my diary, and exactly for 10 weeks my life has been absolutely horrible. Not only due to the lack of energy (Mars) but also other planets. I'm a Scorpio, so it's kinda obvious that Mars affects me.

Anyway, I just wanted to see if astrology and the stars influence me, even if I don't know what they do.

I guess I got my answer. :wink:

After all these years, I am still amazed how accurate astrology can be. But that raises a new question: WHY. Why is it the way it is, why should planets influence us? what is the reason behind that? It' s a question that is left unanswered. I got a couple of clues (which involves hermeticism) but it certainly is an interesting idea to think about.
No, I only got Jupiter and Chiron retrograde in natal chart. :smile: Natal Mars in Leo, 8th house.

I just feel things picking up speed right now... Mars in Scorpio, going direct again, I think that's the cause.

interesting observation and fascinating that you didn't know what the
'stars' where doing!
I am Libra, so my second house, house of money, is Scorpio, and I trade
on the stock market for a living. Until Mars went retrograde I had a
really good streak this year, then during his retrograde period
I gave all my profits back :(

My belief system is such that a human can develop above these
influences, but either that is wrong or I haven't done that yet - LOL

However, like with fifteen, it is such an intriguing confirmation that
there is something to astrology. Guess that is why we are hanging out
here on this board!?!

And also fifteen, wrt to your question, maybe these planets do not make
us do things or feel things, but maybe it is to do with 'synchronicity.

cheers, Richard
I did feel mars retrograde on my self as a scorpio ascendant
I had stuff going on in my health as mars rules aries my 6th house
Now it's getting better
I'm a 12th house Scorpio Sun and since Mars has been stationed on 23 degrees Scorpio my depression and anxiety's been triggered. Last Sunday was my breaking point and it started building even before Mars stationed. I researched Mars in the 12th house and the descriptions fit me to a tee. My astrologer warned me about this earlier in the year. Anyway Mars turning direct is a relief but I'm ready for it to move out of my 12th house finally, which it will in early August. Mars has been in my 12th for most of this year. It explains why I've been so isolated despite my best efforts not to be.
I also felt lower on energy (but higher in drive in other areas). I don't follow transits normally but I was wondering why I was feeling so fatigued, sometimes not feeling strong enough to get out of bed in the morning. Then I looked at the positions and noted Mars was in Scorpio and retrograde, in natural opposition to my natal Mars. It is getting better now.
I'm a 12th house Scorpio Sun and since Mars has been stationed on 23 degrees Scorpio my depression and anxiety's been triggered. Last Sunday was my breaking point and it started building even before Mars stationed. I researched Mars in the 12th house and the descriptions fit me to a tee. My astrologer warned me about this earlier in the year. Anyway Mars turning direct is a relief but I'm ready for it to move out of my 12th house finally, which it will in early August. Mars has been in my 12th for most of this year. It explains why I've been so isolated despite my best efforts not to be.

uhh it was in my 12th house as well retrograde......... depression almost killed me
This past Mars retrograde hit me hard. It killed most of my motivation to work on any of my projects and prepare for school in the fall, but I'm getting more energetic again with its direct return! :)
I haven't felt anything, honestly. :tongue:

Yea, this. I rarely if ever feel transits.

Mars itself has been jumping from my 8th to the 7th and is now headed back to my 8th. Don't feel any different though.
Yea, this. I rarely if ever feel transits.

Mars itself has been jumping from my 8th to the 7th and is now headed back to my 8th. Don't feel any different though.

Maybe it's because you're closed off in relationships so you can't tell the difference.
Scorpios and Tauruses are going to feel this the most.

Because of the retrogrades Mars has been in my 12th house, going over my Sun and Merc-Pluto conjunction 2-3 times, now I understand why my energy's been so low all year and I haven't had the strength to be aggressive about going after my goals despite my wishes to be. I have a simple internship and that's enough. I guess the Universe/cosmos knew what I could handle.
Maybe it's because you're closed off in relationships so you can't tell the difference.

An astute observation, Apple. Perhaps my very small pool of acquaintances and even fewer friends leaves me with little 7th house matters to deal with.
An astute observation, Apple. Perhaps my very small pool of acquaintances and even fewer friends leaves me with little 7th house matters to deal with.

What in the world does astute mean :lol:

astute |əˈst(y)o͞ot|
having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage: an astute businessman.

Ohh nice.

But yes perhaps.. you should meet moaar people :3
Strangely I love Mars Retro. I worked out like a crazy person during that period. I was so motivated.
What in the world does astute mean :lol:

astute |əˈst(y)o͞ot|
having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage: an astute businessman.

Ohh nice.

But yes perhaps.. you should meet moaar people :3

Hmm. Give me 10 years to think on that one....
Strangely I love Mars Retro. I worked out like a crazy person during that period. I was so motivated.

Is your natal Mars rx?
Yea, this. I rarely if ever feel transits.

Mars itself has been jumping from my 8th to the 7th and is now headed back to my 8th. Don't feel any different though.

I pay a lot of attention to transits, but in my experience (and traditional astrologers probably won't agree with me) the only transits I ever really feel (and therefore the only transits I ever really pay attention to) are the slow ones: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. I think Jupiter and Saturn have the strongest effect and they tend to correspond with my mood cycles. The faster planets go by too fast to really have any effect. The Moon changes signs (and therefore new aspects, houses) every 2 1/2 days, and my life pretty much stays the same, but the bigger transits tend to correspond with real life events.