You calling me a liar?!?!?
Not that I would care. I've been studying astrology long enough to hear the many views people have of Pisces and I find it all very interesting.
Based on following posts, it seems people say it isn't that Pisces is deceitful but that it can be. So my question is if it's that Pisces energy can tend to deceit, can't any? Or is there something about Pisces energy that makes it more prone and in a hierarchy of deception would Pisces be at the top?
I think all signs have the ability to be deceitful,
But this OP was a specific question about whether a Mars in Pisces individual MIGHT be lying to her. And if Mars in Pisces energy can be like that.
In my experience, Mars in Pisces individuals CAN be evasive and somewhat dishonest in order to get what they desire. I have seen it with a couple of close friends.
One man is the ex husband of my cousin. He used to take off his wedding ring when he went out with his friends. And when caught, he said it was NOT because he wanted to cheat, he just liked pretending he was single.
He claimed he was not LYING to anyone. He just omitted the ring. LOL I don't know if he did cheat on her. But he did 'omit' the facts several times. He spent a lot of money on things for himself and lied to her. He would max out their cards and she owed half of that debt for his personal 'fun' like going to Vegas with his friends.
OBVIOUSLY there was more to it than just his Mars. But the Mars was squaring other mutable planets so Pisces was in the mix.
That is a tough question, about whether Pisces is more prone to deception that others. I don't know how to compile such stats. LOL
I will say however, that the many Pisces that I know closely and fondly and with great love and affection, all seem to have an ability to 'deny' certain things to themselves. To shield themselves, perhaps, from some ugly truths. Eventually many come to terms with the reality of certain circumstances. But there is an innate ability to let certain things slide and be ignored. And I think that is a form of self deception perhaps?
My Pisces Mom always loves to paint others in the best possible light. She sees the best in everyone, especially her kids and grandkids. I don't think that is dishonest at all. But I am not sure how accurate it is.