The bolded part above is very revealing. It seems that Mars in Pisces is leaking through. It is the squishiness I was referring to earlier...[ " Gee, I can't recall if you are a Scorpio or not, but IF you are then maybe this is all projection...If the shoes fit, and all that ..." totally Pisces...] LOL
That is a perfect illustration of passive/aggressive Piscean energy at work, in my humble Scorpionic opinion..
Well, I'm beginning to see the problem. What I wrote noted, in all fairness, that some signs seem to demand more of other people than the others are prepared to give. If you see someone putting up a privacy barricade or trying to get you to see things from an alternative perspective as "squishy," well, good luck understanding human beings with this opinion.
Once more, put differently:
An emotionally intense Cancer or a praise-loving Leo finds sun-Aquarians aloof. But on planet Aquarius, the water-pourer is the normal one, and it is the Cancer or Leo who are emotionally draining.
A triple Aries gal is criticized for being insufficiently feminine and deferential; but in her planet Aries, she's the normal one-- not the girly Venusians.
Incidentally, are you, in fact, a sun Scorpio? You didn't say so directly when I put it to you, and I wouldn't wish to accuse you of being "squishy" in side-stepping the matter. I thought your "Scorpionic opinion" phrase seemed tongue-in-cheek, not a direct "yes" or "no".
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