Mars is on the ascendant of the chart, but she doesn't have marks or any blemishes

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Aug 9, 2008
-on her face.
How come?
If Mars is in the 1st house it's supposed to give physical attributes to the person. Like if Venus is in the first house, the person should have dimples, or if Moon is in the first the person supposedly has a round face.
This is person doesn't have a "Rugged" complexion as Mars in the First says should.
So what does this person physically look like then?


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Red hair?

I have a friend, he has Mars on the Asc. No scars or marks on the face, but his skin is permanently red (he spends too much time in the sun).
I think there is no unbending formula in astrology. The person with Mars in the 1st house might have a bruise or scar on the head but that is not so sure. If that was %100 sure, astrology would be a branch of science. I definitely believe in astrology but sometimes I find it hard to establish fixed rules. I think we have more unknown comparing to known...
She's 17. Give it time.

I didn't acquire my most prominent facial scar until age 20, and my face reddened even later in life.

In my opinion, most people don't really "grow into" their charts until their Saturn Return - which I call astrological adulthood.
I wonder about people who do have a visible scar in their face but do not have Mars in the 1st house. My partner has a big scar just a bit underneath his chin (a Cricket ball hit him there, as well as a golfstick, so twice same spot. Big scarr there.) His face also has lots of blemishes, but is not red.His mars is in Leo in the 10th and his Asc. in Virgo or Libra (I think Libra. Still not 100% sure) but he has Chiron at 7° in his 1st house and Mars exactly squares that Chiron. Would that also be a reason for a scar?
I have Mars in Capricorn conjunct my Ascendant. It rules my 4th and 11th houses.
I had a horrific bicycle accident in childhood (4th house) on my way to visit a friend (11th house). I still have a scar on my left cheek with gravel and dirt in it - also on my left elbow, for that matter.

My nose is still slightly off because a schoolmate busted me in the nose in high school.
Plus, I've received many other hard knocks to my head over my lifetime.

But I agree with Frank - the Mars influence could happen at anytime. Also, I don't believe that it is a given that one will develop a scar. It's just like Mercury Rx, in my opinion - things are much more likely to go wrong during Mercury Rx, BUT they may not! So, in having Mars on the Ascendant- I believe that one is much more likely to have one or more incidents that would cause scars to the fact, BUT it may not. There may be other positive, mitigating factors that would protect one from Mars influence, as well - decreasing the chance of scarring.

Quoting Starlink:
I wonder about people who do have a visible scar in their face but do not have Mars in the 1st house. My partner has a big scar just a bit underneath his chin (a Cricket ball hit him there, as well as a golfstick, so twice same spot. Big scarr there.) His face also has lots of blemishes, but is not red.His mars is in Leo in the 10th and his Asc. in Virgo or Libra (I think Libra. Still not 100% sure) but he has Chiron at 7° in his 1st house and Mars exactly squares that Chiron. Would that also be a reason for a scar?
I think there are probably several other aspects that can tend to produce a scar on the fact besides Mars on the Ascendant. In my opinion, Mars exactly square Chiron would definitely be one of them.
Thank you for the replies. Interesting.
I'm curious though, what do you think she would physically look like based on all her aspects, degrees, etc...?
hi, i'm pretty new to astrology so if anyone needs to correct me feel free,

ok although i do not have mars in the first i do have scorpio rising which i THINK wiliam lilly says is ruled by mars (pluto now i know) AND i have saturn in the 1st which william lilly also says causes blemishes on the face and although my face is okay i do have a skin disorder that causes blemishes all over my *body*, so maybe she will get a scar on her body and not on her face. i have a LOT of astrological factors that led to my disorder so i'm not saying her one single factor is going to get her a DISEASE like me but with mars in the first i definitely believe she will have some type of skin imperfection and i dont think it necessarily has to be the face although i know thats what people say. but then again my mom does not have mars or pluto in the first and she had melasma for a few yearso n her face that she covered with makeup until it finally subsided so we're all imperfect and can all get a blemish or pimple or scar on our face, i'm sure theres nothing to worry about! :wink:
I wonder about people who do have a visible scar in their face but do not have Mars in the 1st house. My partner has a big scar just a bit underneath his chin (a Cricket ball hit him there, as well as a golfstick, so twice same spot. Big scarr there.) His face also has lots of blemishes, but is not red.His mars is in Leo in the 10th and his Asc. in Virgo or Libra (I think Libra. Still not 100% sure) but he has Chiron at 7° in his 1st house and Mars exactly squares that Chiron. Would that also be a reason for a scar?

I have a scar on my forehead, although it's not particularly noticeable. I also have red blemishes on my face, and fair pink-ish skin in general. I have an Aries moon that squares my ascendant. I think your Mars sq Chiron theory could be correct.
I have an Aries moon that squares my ascendant.

From all of the above, I think we can say that not only a Mars conjunct the Asc. can produce a scarr, but also Mars aspects to the Ascendant or planets in Aries aspecting the Ascendant. Interesting. My daughter has Mars semi-square her Asc. in Leo. She has a scar going from her nose to her upperlip (by now less visible) from our cat when she was about 6 years old.
I have a small scar on my left cheekbone (got it as a small child playing in my sandbox, way back when toy trucks were metal and had sharp edges, yes!).

I have Libra rising but my Mars (in Sag) is sextile it and I also have Moon in Aries opposing my Asc..
I have Aries rising with mars in trine to the ASC from the fifth. Bit by a dog at age 3 right between my eyes. Almost lost an eye. Mars is conjunct venus and uranus.
When I first read the description of Aries rising I was scar is so visible.
hi, i'm pretty new to astrology so if anyone needs to correct me feel free,

ok although i do not have mars in the first i do have scorpio rising which i THINK wiliam lilly says is ruled by mars (pluto now i know) AND i have saturn in the 1st which william lilly also says causes blemishes on the face and although my face is okay i do have a skin disorder that causes blemishes all over my *body*, so maybe she will get a scar on her body and not on her face. i have a LOT of astrological factors that led to my disorder so i'm not saying her one single factor is going to get her a DISEASE like me but with mars in the first i definitely believe she will have some type of skin imperfection and i dont think it necessarily has to be the face although i know thats what people say. but then again my mom does not have mars or pluto in the first and she had melasma for a few yearso n her face that she covered with makeup until it finally subsided so we're all imperfect and can all get a blemish or pimple or scar on our face, i'm sure theres nothing to worry about! :wink:

William Lilly is the old Traditional astrologer. Traditional astrologers, don't use or go past Saturn. So uranus, neptune and pluto mean nothing to them....