Yes, but it was not a love relationship. It was many years ago---But Unfortunately it was the mother of my ex-fiance. We did not get along and I think she prevented me from making a big mistake and marrying her son. lol
I have Pluto in Leo and she had Mars conjunct Sun in Aquarius. Her Taurus son was caught right in the middle, poor guy.
Ok, do you and your romantic partner have a Mars/Pluto opposition? It can create a lot of powerful sexual and emotional energy.
But can also devolve into jealousy and even obsessive kind of behaviours, depending upon how the planets are aspected by other influences.
Pluto being in Sag might be better than if the Pluto is in Scorpio though. lol
But if there are nice trines and sextiles or conjunctions with beneficial planets, things can be positive rather than negative.
If the two of you are doing a joint enterprise, sport or business, it can be a good aspect to have.