Masturbation Addiction

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Hello bparavi,

your answer is enlightening. I will try to give you soon my interpretation of the significant transits of Venus, Mars and Pluto in order to help you...

Ecliptique. :)
View attachment 107388bpravi, I have the same problem as you, as I'm a person who is struggling with masturbation addiction and I need to know some indications of that in my natal chart.
I think it's my Sun conj. Venus and H1 ruler conj. Pluto. H1 ruler is Mercury, so my archetype is the Pan/Hermes archetype, making my sexuality (Pluto/Hades) more of a self-pleasure seeking habit rather than being consensual...

You're a child. Aren't there trusted avenues where you can discuss these issues, like with a school counselor or similarly appropriate professional? A public forum ain't the best place to address your issues.

You're a child. Aren't there trusted avenues where you can discuss these issues, like with a school counselor or similarly appropriate professional? A public forum ain't the best place to address your issues.
It's a very different situation in Vietnam actually. Schools with school counselors are exceptions here, because majority of schools aren't equipped with counselors to help students overcome their difficulties...
That is not an astrological comment, but maybe still useful.
bpravi - who says that masturbating twice or three times daily for example (not saying you do that!) is bad or evil or unhealthy or should be looked down upon?
If it gives you relief (from stress e.g.), pleasure, reduces stress or whatever, it is a good thing! Lots of people smoke. Is that any better? It certainly is worse for their lungs/health.

Try to see positive aspects of all your issues. They help you or prompt you to search, to develop and more.

All the best, gis