May 15: The correct U.S. horoscope?

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29. The “New World Order” came with an eye-popping profusion of simultaneous transits and progressions. The transiting North Node was conjunct the chart-ruler Pluto at the same time that the progressed SOUTH Node was conjunct Pluto, along with progressed Venus (ruling the 7th House of international relations), while progressed Saturn conjoined the Ascendant within 20 minutes of a degree, with TRANSITING Saturn conjunct both natal and progressed Pluto AND progressed Venus AND the progressed South Node AND the transiting North Node, all within one degree.
And that's not all, the U.S. Grand Trine involving Neptune, Pluto and the Sun/Mercury conjunction perfected with the partile progressed Neptune/Pluto trine, trining the midpoint of that Sun/Mercury conjunction within half a degree.
And that's still not all, with progressed Sun opposite 8th-house Jupiter (foreign financing!) and progressed Chiron opposite 12th-house Saturn (something's really wrong here). Progressed Mercury was quincunx the U.S. Mars within a degree, and progressed Mars was quincunx the U.S. Mercury within a degree!
And for icing on the cake, there was an exact New Moon trine the U.S. Sun within a quarter of a degree on Jan. 16, 1991, as President George H.W. Bush's "New World Order" of unipolar American hegemony commenced with a U.N.-blessed, U.S.-led international coalition (financed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) attacking Iraq in Operation Desert Storm.
30. The conjunction of Neptune to the U.S. nadir was partile on Feb. 9, Aug. 22, and Dec. 11, 2001. Napster (relating to the internet) and the dot-com bubble (once again the internet), as well as the Enron corporation switching electricity back and forth through the national power grid, all correlate with Aquarius. Perhaps it is well to keep in mind that Uranus, the ruler of the Aquarius nadir, is in the 8th house of financial investment (dot-com crash) and shared resources (Napster). Alternately, co-ruler Saturn is in the 12th house of hidden enemies (9/11 and the War on Terror), as well as crime and criminals (Napster, and especially Enron).
The year leading up to the first exact conjunction saw the ongoing court trial of Napster, a service available on the very new internet that allowed people to freely trade copyrighted music. The Recording Industry Association of America filed a lawsuit against Napster on Dec. 7, 1999. The publicity generated by the trial resulted in a huge upsurge of interest in Napster. On Mar. 9, 2001, shortly after the first exact conjunction, the Ninth Circuit Court issued an injunction ordering Napster to prevent the trading of copyrighted music on its network. To comply, Napster shut down its entire network on July 11.
The bursting of the dot-com bubble, “known as the dot-com crash, lasted from March 11, 2000, to October 9, 2002” (per Wikipedia, “Dot-com bubble”), neatly bracketing the period of exact Neptune/nadir conjunctions.
Sept. 11, 2001: The 9/11 attack (See Point 8 above.)
Dec. 2, 2001: The spectacular bankruptcy of electricity giant Enron, ending a months-long ordeal that began in April, when market analysts began questioning Enron’s financial statements.